0 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. page foto Monday, Ansaat SO. 1MÍ WORKING ON FARMS CURES SHELL-SHOCK Ashland News in Paragraphs WINNIPEG, Man., Aug. 29.—-Fig- ; urea from a survey gathered here indicated th a t country life was the ä ----------------- — Side Lights 1 ■ ■ I su rest cure for shell-shock. I The percentage of shell-shocked Montague Visitors — soldiers settled on the land, who M&aves to Ranch— Mr. and Mrs. Pearl R h u s/rn , of have completely recovered, was far T. D. Le Masters, who recently Montague, passed through Ashland sold his home at 108 F ifth street, greater than among those who staid Saturday on their way to G rants Pass is now residing on the Black ranch, in cities. The Canadian government Where they will visit Mrs. R huston’s n o rth of Ashland. has put 25,000 soldiere on th e land parents. Mr. and Mrs. R huston are and assisted them to equip their former Ashland residents and are Blind Rehearsal— By HENRY WOOD farm s with stocks, buildings and (United Press S ta f f ‘Correspondent) j well known here. farm machinery. According to the aunouncemenj GENEVA, Aug. 29. — W ithout Though many of these soldiers of - Director Leedom, the Ashland A ntelope V alley V isitor— doubt, the bitterest light to come be were suffering from wounds and bund will meet this evening at 7:30 Andrew Gressom, of Antelope Val­ o’clock lor rehearsal at the city hall. fore the second general assembly of other effects of the war, th e average J ley, was in the city Friday on busi­ F lans are being made for a concert the League of Nations, which con­ soldier farm er today is ip ruddy ness. : itt Lithia park W ednesday evening. venes here on September 5, will be! health as well as sound finance, th a t made in Bolivia’s request th a t' .. V isitors from Y reka— R etu rn s from A laska— the league revise her 1904 treaty , LLIOX1S VETERAN IS Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Morgan, of Miss Alma Fritchofr. domestic j w ith Chili, which m arked the close! ' NEARING 104TH BIRTHDAY Yreka. Calif., are visiting Mr. Mor­ science teacher at O. A. C., is visit- of the great Pacific war. gan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M Mor­ W HITE TOWN, 111., Aug. 29.— ing Mrs. C. Guy Crosby. Miss: The fight which Chili has already gan, on Mountain avenue. Stephen W’hite, Mexican w ar veter­ F ritch o tf. who has just returned made known she will put up will from Alaska, will spend a week in. have two . phases. F irst of all . Chill an, and reputed to be the oldest n a ­ John H. F uller R eturns— , John H. Fuller, secretary of th e | Ashland before leaving Tor Corvallis. I has challenged the right of the league tive born citizen of Montgomery even to put the question on the pro­ county. 111., soon will celebrate his Chamber of Commerce, returned t A shland P eop le R eturn— 104th birthday. W hite was born in gram for discussion. Saturday from Crescent City. Calif., Frank Porter and wife h are re­ 1818, the same year Illinois was ad­ Secondly, should the assembly de­ .shore he has been spending the pasti- turned to Ashland from Dunsmuir, cide th at the president and the sec­ m itted to the Union. several days. 1 Calif., svhere they have been living re ta ria t were right in placing the He is one of the few surviving i for some time. Mexican w ar veterans in fHe s ^ te . item on the agenda, Chili will then A rdent F isherm en— attack the competency of the league He participated in the battles of Bill Paul and Ben Bowers are ar-1 Im p iw em eilt o7 ^ ch__ j to revise such a treaty as th a t of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo, sustain­ dent fisherm en these days. Both Frank Salsbury has installed a ! 1904. ing severe wounds in the la tte r bat­ anglers returned Saturday from be­ new windmill on his ranch across At the time Bolivia first appealed tle. W hite has been on th e m atri­ low Table Rock on the Rogue river Bear creek. to the league last November, her ac­ monial seas twice. His second wife, with a line mess of steelhead. tion was combined with th a t of Pe­ six children, forty g ran d ch ild ren , G rasshoppers Are P est— ru, which dem anded equally a revi­ and six great-grandchildren are liv-1 Rend Visitors— The grasshopper crop is said to be ! sion of her 1883 treaty w ith Chili, ing. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Richards and; quite prolific this year on the o th e r “ daughter. Imogene, and son, Horace side of Bear creek. They seemed to I loth treaties marked > the close of the same w ar with Chili, but the NOVEL PR A Y E R MEETING Jr., were visitors a t the C. B. Lam-i have tired of dry grass, according to HELD AT BAPTIST CHURCH ; treaty with Bolivia was only finally kin home on East Main street last! reports, and are stripping the oak; concluded twenty-one years a fte r th e. week. The party left here for C ra­ trees of th eir leaves as well as trim - end of hostilities and the signing* Members of th e B aptist church ter Lake Saturday. Mrs. Richards, nnng up some of th e orchards in who failed to attend prayer meeting of the treaty with Peru. who is a member of the Bend school that vicinity. For the tim e a t least. Peru has Thursday night, missed a rare tre a t board, is a neice of Mrs. Lamkin. w ithdraw n her request th a t the as the m eeting was conducted by Miss Mrs. Richards visited the Ashland V isitors from P rin eville— schools, stating that she was w ell) Mrs. Ruth Fitzgerald and her two league take up the famous Tacna- Claribel Morehouse in a most able pleased with the school system here, sons, Ralmond and Clifford, came Arica affair, which would be in­ and novel m anner. For th e benefit of thohe not pres­ and th a t she had gained many new through Ashland last week from volved in a revision of th e treaty. ent, the subject was “ A New Alpha­ ideas for the Bend schools. Prineville. They stopped over for a As a consequence th e request of Bol­ bet,” consisting of nam es in alpha­ short visit with th eir relatives, the ivia, which was only put on the betical order, which w ere applied to D. H. Barnebui-g III— J. V. W right family of Mountain agenda of the coming assembly over our Heavenly F ath er, according to the formal protest of Chili, stands D. H. Barneburg is confined by avenue. references from varfons parts of th e for the m om ent alone. illness to his home at 159 North In Bolivia’s original request th a t New* and Old Testam ents, which will Main street. R oseburg V isitor— be gladly fu rn ish ed by Miss More- William Creasou, F ourth street tlie leairue revise the treaty , th e fol- house. Move to N utley S t r e e t - went to Roseburg recently on a busJ lowing justifications were given. Clint Dunlap, employe at the) F irst: T hat th e treaty was im ­ inA s trip of a few days duration NOTICE posed by force. cream ery, will soon move liis fam- i The Pioners and Native Sons and ily to Nutley stre et surroundings, ak Second T hat through Chili’s D aughters are requested to meet at location much more convenient tof> NOTHER BIG COAL fault, certain fundam ental articles VEIN IN ILLINOIS C hautauqua hall Thursday, Septem­ of the treaty were never fulfilled. his work. . ST. LOUIS. Mo., Aug. 29.— Illinois ber 1, a t 2. 30 p. in., to arrange for T hird: T hat the existing state of one of the largest coal producing the Southern Oregon Pioneer society Pear Shipment. N early Over— aifairs involves a perm anent men­ states in th e United States, is to m eeting this fall. 304-2 The Ashland F ru it and Produce ace of war. have another mine. association will load the last car of F o u rth : T hat as a result of the A five and one-half foot vein of B artlett pears for th e t cannery on treaty, Bolivia is shut off from all coal was discovered at a depth of Wednesday, August«30, and those in- . .. access to the sea. J . . , . „ , *150 feet at Carpenter, III., and the terested are reminded to take notice. , 1 To each of these four allegations, | Mt. Olive and Staunton Coal com-] Chili has filed with the league flat pany of St. Louis, plans to open an-! Afternoon Party— denials. Mrs. John H. Dill entertained other big mine in that neighborhood.! In response to the first, she points yesterday afternoon in honor of the The company it was said, has taken out th a t the treaty was concluded Bert R. Greer family who will leave options on a tract of 5090 acres. only twenty-one years a fte r th e close September 1 for Southern California. Ten or twelve other holes will be of hostilities and th a t no pressure Mr. Greer, editor of the Tidings, will sunk soon. whatsoever was brought to bear up- return to Ashland after spending a , on Bolivia. week in H untington Beach and Bur­ IRRIGATION PROJECT ! To the second charge, she has re- W I I J j BE COMPLETED bank. Calif. Guests at the party : plied th a t Chili has carried out all BY MA Y 31, 19222 given by Mrs. Dill were: the W il-' ■ obligations under th e treaty. (C o n tin u e d from P ag e 1) liam Barber family, F. W hittle favn- _________________________________ To the third charge Chill replies I ily, Thomas Hudson. Miss Amy Ram- vauey auj the other around the o p -'th a t since 1883 she has never sey, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley, and : p0Sj^e gide . From these canals there j dream ed of going to war with Bol- Mr. and Mrs. E arl Fraley. > are the •-* usual • • laterals. - lvia. R. W. Rea is the d istrict engineer. Finally, to the fourth charge, Chi­ EAT CANTALOUPES, BUT His principal duties are to see th a t ll has replied th a t Bolivia spontan­ Be sure to eat the kind you like the system is put in according to eously surrendered th e territo ry be­ REGULAR best. Folks who eat them say those tween the original northern bound­ contract. RETAIL VALUE “ H earts of Gold” grown at Pleasant ___ ________ ary of Chili and the province of Tara- $17.00 View Farm . T alent, are the best ev- ^ A R T SEARCH FOR paca; that Chili has repeatedly of­ er Get them at your grocers. 30 3 tf I ¡ ,” DUD” WOLGAMOTT fered Bolivia access to the sea; that SPECIAL AND BOOZE CARGO for the purpose she has already con­ ADVERTISING BARTLETT PE A R S *j (C ontinutd From r a g e o n e ) structed at her own expense th e Will load out last car B a r tle tt!__ _______ 30-DAY ÖFTER (or cannery, W ednesday., this vicinity and new lips are com -¡railw ay between Arica and La Paz, | pears Would like same in Monday and ing to them daily about the location | and th at, as a m atter of fact, Bolivia j Tuesday. Keep No. 1 and No. 2 sep­ of stills. It has been lear ned t h a t h a s sea-access both at Arica and | the officers are trying to ferret out! Antofagasta. arate. R eturn all pear lugs, as they Jn addition to this refutation of must go in car. Ashland F ru it & two stills between Central Point and! ¡th e Bolivian charges, Chili has! Gold Hill. 30-DAY FREE TRIAL Produce Assn. 303-3 strongly attacked the competency o fj| We positively guarantee to re­ the league to undertake the revisioni fund your money if after 30 of the. treaty. days free trial thiB set does not prove satisfactory. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Local and Personal L. OF N.’S MEET "Speaking of Women I » RVIN GOBI? points out that feminine shopping does not necessarily imply buying It means hard work for every one concerned—hut seldom results in a transaction involving money. As a country minister once declaimed: ’’ King Solomon said, and 1 partially agree with him. . .” We only partially agree with- Mr. Cobb on this subject. It is true there are still some aimless shoppers lett Bui they are in the minority Today most women—as well a- most men—are well informed buyers, with a sound basis fm comparing stores and values By buying goods of recognized merit they save themselves the throes of old-time “ shopping trip s” and at the same time get a better and bigger money’s worth. \ 'r. a#' > Most women read the advertisements that appear every day in their newspapers. They make a practice of keeping strictly up-to-snuff on new developments, ¡novations and ini provements. They know just where to go tor this and who in town keeps “ th a t." When they shop they generally know just what they want, where to find it, and how much to pay Their knowledge saves them endless trotting, wearisome questions and haggling The advertisements have taken the " h o p " out ot shopping Isn’t that worth while? H O U S E W IV E S This Beautiful Set of “Lifetime” Aluminum CooKing Utensils GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS Only $2 C ents a Day OUR EASY TERMS $1.50 Down and 50 cents weekly Think o( the convenience of buying a good quality heavy­ weight pure alumnium complete set of kitchen ware without feeling the cost. Imm ediate delivery for your use upon first payment of $1.50 i ~ ~ w M J* X fam M D mi m * C 5 M far / 4 -in-1 Com.blrua.tion S /2 .9 Ö / Y O l’B CREDIT IS GOOD HERE JL \ J PAY AS YOU COOK fa tti. vfcfc STARTS TUESDAY T rt£ THEATER BtAb TIFIA GO AND GET IT” LEAVING TONIGHT Katherine MacDonald in ’’Curtain” WANTED— A fresh cow. Poyer, phone 257-L. ’ E. P. 305-2( FOR SALE— Gas range, wicker ba- bv buggy and canaries. 155 Ohio! St. 306-2*1 IF YOU WANT A REAL HOME at i, your own price, see Boyd, 63 Alida| 305tf St. FOUND— On H arrison St., auto crank. Owner may have same by| paying for this ad at Tiding of­ fice. 305-2! RUG WANTED— Have you a first j class second hand Brussels rug] for sale. Notify 767 E Main. 305-3*) MUST BE SOLD THIS W EEK— I am here to sell by home at 63 Alidffr St. Will sacrifice $500 if sold this weeks H. J. Boyd. 305tf| i --------------- — ------------------------------- MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE— Rugs.i dressers, beds, chairs, stands, gas stoves, kitchen cupboards, etc. Call Alpha hotel above Isaac’s store. 305-1] WANTED— About five acres with] improvements, small house pre­ ferred, close to town. State am ount. F ran k Anderson, 1065 Divlsadero St., San Francisco,] Calif. 305-lm o* THE SET One 4-Ui-l convex-covered ket­ tle combination set which can be used in five different ways; P u d d iu g ’ Pan, extra deep Steam er or Meat Cooker, deep Roaster or Dutch Oven, S train­ er or Colander; 8-cup French Drip Coffee Percolator; 1% - qu art Colonial Double Boiler; 3-quart Double Lipped Sauce Pan; 6-quart Tea K ettle— a complete kitchen equipment. 8-Cup Percolator T r ! Our hobby is SERVICE. We like to make things easy for our patrons when there is an opportunity of doing it. We believe th a t this is the way in which we can best serve you at this particular season of the year when every housewife is^ renewing her house furnish­ ings. This is a wonderful ’op- portunity for the thrifty house­ wife to replace her old worn- out enamel ware or granite ware with bright, clean, sani­ tary pure alum nium “ L IF E ­ TIME” cooking utensils at a big reduction in cost. M ade on the Coast for the Coast Trade Through special arrangements will, the manufacturers of “ L IFE T IM E ” aluminum cooking utensils we are able to offer this' set of pure aluminum kitchen ware for 30 .lays at a greatly reduced price Hewever, to participate m t Ins special factory offer we had to agree that only 50 sets would he placed on sale at this reduced price. Iherefore O M .I »0 SETS are to he sold .Mi offer like this does not come every day If you want to he one ot the lortunate oO who will get in on this wonderful bargain with the convenient payment terms we advise that you come early THIS SET IS NOW ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE S w e n s o n (EX M cR a e C o .