A M W ID M M SutvrdAy. Alignât 97. 109t TIDING«. 'S LOCAL AND PERSONAL Knew RZ-2 V ictim — O H , WUCKIBY < The grim tragedy th a t overtook the American dirigible R2-2 in Eng­ land Wednesday, with a loss of 44 lives, finds an echo in this city. A t­ torney Frank P. F arrell knew Lieu­ ten an t Charles G. Little, of New­ buryport, Mass., one of th e victims. They served in the aviation branch of the navy together in th e late war. — Medford Mail Tribune. The Boy Knows His Arithmetic By Charles Sughroe r W o r n Newspaper U b im i MICK1E, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL five G twos •'Pi R U H OVER T O TUE. POST O FFICE M ID G E T kAB F i\)E AVK) C E N T STAXAFS F /v e c***- TUET NOO SURE TOOK LOklS EUOOQH '. GIVE 'EKA HERE Q U IC K i D1DUT UA\)E .FIVE TVJOS, SO \ TOOK ~(VdO FIVE CE KIT STAUFS -n w o s " ' \ 8 F\M£ TWO Orres cleans and remodels clothes. I 303« i S u its M ade to O rder— Cleaning and repairing on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland Bldg SOltf ly instigated by the m ilitary chief a tv th e main line a considerable distance Ichang, Mr. Dollar has no doubt. His and then two machine gun nests were version, after a careful investigation, unmasked and opened fire oil the is th a t the soldiers— really organized cars containing the soldiers. The ma­ : bandits in uniform — had received no chine gunners did their work th o r­ j insurance— Yeo, of Automobile pay for some time, and were grow- oughly, and the entire contingent Trousers at $3.50. A few left at Leave for S a c ra m e n to - 299-tf ; Orres Tailor Shop. course. and ! ing restless. Hence the leader inti- was wiped out. Mrs. W illiam Schaum aeffel 303« daughter, Elizabeth, left this m om - 1 m ated th a t Ichang offered a fertile Petitions have already been pre- Illinois Visitors — Dennis Family R eturn Monday— ¡ug tor th e ir home a fte r a visit w ith field for loot and let the men go to pared by the Chinese m erchants at Miss Vera Peterson and Miss L au­ Ichang asking for an international Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis, who Mrs. E. J. Van Zant. it. ra W itthulin. of Elgin, III., are vis­ have been m aking an extensive a u to ’ The result was th a t many of the settlem ent there and will be for­ itors at the homes of Mrs. B. O. Wall- tour of the northw est and e a s te rn . R eturns from Albany__ i Chinese residents of the city found warded to the proper authorities in stein on Second street. states, expect to arrive in Ashland! h . E. Stearns, proprietor of the j themselves homeless and minus th eir the legations a t Peking as well as to! this coming Mohday, according to a . p i aza M arket, and family have r e - ! savings and stock in trade and many th e Chinese authorities. These ask j A rri veti—Shipment of F o n i Size letter received yesterday by th eir turned from a two weeks m otoring * foreign firm s were tem porarily put for the organization of a settlem ent! Mason Tires a t Leedom’s Tire Hos­ daughter, Mrs. J. L. Oskar. trip to th eir old home a t Albany, i out ° r business by mobs of lo o t-! sim ilar to th a t of Shanghai, pital. 300-51 where they visited Mrs. S te a m ’s p ar- hungry uniform ed robbers. Admiral Strauss, commander of Save money by buying your Fall ents. An international settlem ent at i the American Asiatic fleet, is up- R eturn from M arshfield— ! Suit a t Paulserud’s. 299-tf ______ ! Ichang is the only proper solution of river at the present tim e personally A fter having a “sizeable good To <■ ra te r Lake— i the commercial problem on th e up- directing the operations of the river tim e” at Marshfield, Bob W arner R etu rn from LaJtO o ’ Wood»— The redoubtable “ Billy” Briggs, per Yangtsze, according ,to Mr. D o l-! boats. and H ubert Bentley have returned p Johnson, with Miss city attorney, has gone to C rater lar. Unless the foreign governm ents There are now three American, from th a t place, none the worse af-j M argaret and Miss Caroline Tilton, Lake for a few days vacation. step in business th ere will be badly two British and two Japanese gun- te r participation in the state round returned from the Lake O’ Woods disrupted perm anently. He asserts boats stationed at Ichang. up’ of Elks. yesterday. They expect to go back th a t this is the view of the Chinese i i about Tuesday. They 'rep o rt the ! m erchants, who suffer m ore heavily | Watch Yeo's window. 299-tf scouts and everybody happy a t th a t|| ! from the bogus soldiery than do the SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 27. popular sum m er camp. ¡foreigners. . !—-Following are today’s m arket quoa- Fall woolens and fashions are now i j Mr. D ollar gave a vivid d escrip -! tations on poutry products: in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to specialize on fancy brick ice, tlon of the slaughter of the men who : Hens, 25(6)27. $15 by ordering your suit now. 30 3 « : creani Roge Brog 264« ! looted Ichang. From th e accounts j Broilers, 32(g) 33. Liberty Street H om e Sold— gathered by th e «teamablp m an tt M T R To R eturns from 'Frisco— J. E. Wild, a now arrival from appears th a t a fte r th e com m ander of _______________________________ * Miss J. C. Brady, 486 Allison Fruita, Colo., has purchased the M. street, has returned from San F ran-, th e troops a t Ichang had allowed ! FOR RENT— Nicely furnished bed- M. Murray home at 279 Liberty cisco and Sacramento, Calif., where them to loot the city he placed them room. Phone 274-J. 304-3 street. The deal was made through she has been spending a two weeks aboard a ship for tran sp o rt to Wu­ By CHARLES EDWARD HOGUE chang. Upon th e ir arrival a t W u-l FOR SALE— F u rn itu re of four roqpn the E. E. Phipps realty agency. The visit with friends and relatives. cottage, all or part; also cottage (United Press Staff C orrespondent) chang the soldiers were disarm ed Wild family will take immediate i to r rent. 155 Ohio street, ¿04-3 SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 26. — and promised safe conduct to th eir possession. Oakland V isitors— Mrs. Nellie Conner, widow of the! Brigandage under the guise of mili- homes up-country. They agreed t o ' v/ANTED— Horse and harness, must Move to K lam ath F a lls — late John Conner, one tim e pjopric- j ^a r>’ governm ent in the various prov- this when im m unity fo r prosecution i be cheap. Frank Foster. Manx 304-3* Mr. and Mrs. Mok C lark have to r of the Hotel Oregon, now the inces. m ust be checked by interna for m utiny and looting were made. hotel. moved to K lam ath Falls, where Mr. Hotel Ashland, arrived yesterday tional action, if th e country is to be The train went on a siding about Clark will rem ain with the Osker from Oakland. Calif. Mrs. Conner saved from a hopeless condition, ac­ sixty miles out of Wuchow and the FOR RENT— Vista apartm ent, 357 Vista street, adults only. Inquire Huber company. will make a short visit with her son. cording to Mr. J. H arold Dollar, vice cars were shunted onto the track Mrs. F. L. Putnam , 166 Harga- dine street. Phone 264-Y. D. R. Conner, before continuing on president and general m anager of there. The locomotive was sent up Something new In Teo's window. the Robert Dollar Steamship com­ a trip to Salem, w here she will visit 299-tf friends. She will then go to Seattle, pany. Mr. Dollar has just returned from W ash., where she will join her m oth­ If you want the best there is, eat a trip up the Yanktsze river and has er who will retu rn with Mrs. Conner at G arnett’s. 298tf first hand inform ation as to condi­ to Oakland. Mrs. Conner is also vis­ iting the Charles A. Pierce family. tions th a t led to the slau g h ter of W ill R eturn from Crater L a k e - 1500 so-called m utinous soldiers, Miss G ertrude T routfether, of 303« who were really m artyrs to a treach­ For pleating see Orres. Ashlund, and the Misses W’alters, erous leader, and th e looting of the Merle Clacy and Edna Burns, of P urchase S eventh S treet H om e— cities of Ichang and W auchang. Medford, will retu rn tomorrow from C. R. Stew art and family arrived “Foreign authorities should not C rater Lake, where they have been yesterday from San Diego, Calif., and take into consideration the niceties spending the pjist week. Referring took im m ediate possession of a home of international law' when they are to a hiking party up Mount Garfield, purchased by Mr. Stew art through dealing with the so-called soldiery Miss T routfether w rites to friends the E. T. Staples realty agency, at here,” declared Dollar. “ They are here, “ not again for $500.” Friends 132 Seventh street. The property dealing with uniform ed bandits who F Starring concede th at $500 isn, t of quite the: ag form erly owned by Mrs. Mary do not deserve any considaratlon same value as it was in the “ good Roylston. f JAMES KIRKWOOD, MARJORIE DAW, other than th a t of outlaws.- old days,” but, nevertheless, it is That th e reported mutiny was real- £ WESLEY BARRY alleged th a t the sum will buy sev­ NOTICE eral postage stamps. The Pioners and Native Sons and . / and Toonerville Comedy D aughters are requested to meet at We use up-to-date methods of C hautauqua hall Thursday, Septem­ “ SKIPPER MEETS ALL TRAINS’’ cleaning and pressing. Satisfaction ber 1, a t 2-30 p. m., to arrange for 299-tf the Southern Oregon Pioneer society guaranteed. Paulserud’s. meeting this fall. 304-2 SUNDAY — MONDAY Ret in n from Diamond latke— R eturns from San F r a n c is c o - M. McCurry, R. C. Stoner and B. Rev. W alter A. Evans and family Mrs. Anna Zeigler, N orth Main returned yesterday from a three days street, returned yesterday evening M. Coffey have retu rn ed from a week’s deer hunt at Diamond lake. motoring trip to Crescent City. from San Francisco. B ack fi-oiu M otoring T r i p - B o b H am pton O f P lacer At Lake O’ W oods— Sam Jordan left yesterday for Lake EAT CANTALOUPES, RUT O’Woods where he will join Mrs. Be sure to eat the kind you like Jordan, who has been at the lake best. Folks who eat them say those for the past three weeks. They are "H earts of Gold” grown at Pleasant expected back the first of next week. View Farm , Talent, are the best ev­ er. Get them a t your grocers. 303tf All wool suits at $25. You can’t beat them. See them at Orres Tail­ BARTLETT PEARS or Shop. 303« Will load out last car B artlett pears for cannery, Wednesday. Cliff Payne makes apple presse« Would like same In Monday and 299-tf Tuesday. Keep No. 1 and No. 2 sep­ arate. R eturn all pear lugs, as they Ix*ave for (Vator Lake-— m ust go In car. Ashland F ru it & Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beck and Produce Assn. 303-3 David W hittle left yesterday m orn­ ing for a few days vacation a t Cra­ te r Lake. Don’t forget the special Sunday Dollar Dinuer a t the Hotel Ashland Grill, 12 to 2 p. m., and 5:30 to 8 p. m. 304-1 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES — The; finest cooking and eating apples on the m arket. W in d fa ll, good size. Co lb. box, 75c delivered. Sweet cider 40c gallon. Phone 10-F-3 or 9-P -ll, ■ I ______ L__ - _ 1 L X. ■ 1 ■ ! - - NELDA CAFE A b solutely sanitary and up-to- date. Buys on ly th e best food# and carries a ll fru its and v e g e ­ tables In season. • The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow w ill do your plow ing right now In your hard, stick y so il. Bargain iu used sew in g m achine; a lso a new carload o f W hite sew ­ ing m achines ju st in, at Peil's Corner * Makes a Specialty of Coffee and Home Made Pastries Everyone is invited to try- our service either day or night. Open Until Midnight R. A. AVERY, Prop. 2 0 7 E ast .Main A shland Why Laundering Is Making its Great­ est A dvances in America Because most or us here in A m erica! are accustomed from childhood to every conceivable convenience, we oftimes accept as quite commonplace much which others think most m ar­ velous. Can you call to mind, for example,! anything seemingly more m atter of fact than the bundle of clean clothes we bring weekly to your door? Yet in less than a dozen of the w orld’s eighty-odd countries is this service to be had at all. And if opportunities for com par­ ison were available, you would find dhe contents of your bundle w hiter, sweeter, and more sanitary, and the service more satisfactory than is ob­ tainable by any other means. We are able to give you this ser­ vice because we, with other modern laundryow ners in this country, have the help of the L. N. .A. L. N. A. means Laundryow ners National Association. From this organization in the last quarter-cen­ tury have largely come those methods which enable us to save clothes for you while we wash them. Practically every modern laundry- owner in the country is a mem ber of the L. N. A. From its headquarters at LaSalle, 111., and from its d ep art­ m ent of research at the Mellon In ­ stitu te of Industrial Research, Uni­ versity of Pittsburg, come methods and suggestions which every, day help us to save clothes, save tim e and save money for you. Why worry with laundresses and the hard work of home washing wheu you can have this competent, economical wash day service? Telephone today and have us call for your family bundle. Ashland Laundry C q . Phohe 165 Katherine Macdonald in " C u r ta in ” Y es—Yes—Go On! T h a t’s it! She did go on—she showed her husband that she was master of her own destiny. F isk Red Top 7500 Mile Guarantee Oversize Better Than Cords 30x3 Non Skid ....................$17.00 30x3*4 Non Skid ....................$22.00 Vulcanizing and Retreading All Work Guaranteed Hotel (Formerly Ashland Grill Hotel Austin) SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER—ONE DOLLAR August 28—12 to 2 p. m.—5:30 to 8:00 p. m MENU F ruit Cocktail RELISHES Celery Hearts SOUPS Chicken a la Napolitaine Tomato Bouillion en tasse FISH Boiled Salmon Ravengate Butter Ponrmes Anglaise CHOICE OF ENTREES Medaillon Filet of Beef Stuffed Tomato Grilled Pork Tenderloin Candied Sweet Potato Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken Peanut Gravy Prime Ribs of Beef Yorkshire Pudding VEGETABLES Mashed or Bilked Potatoes Com on Cob or Asparagus Drawn Butter SALAD Head Lettuce Thousand Island Dressing DESSERTS Green Apple and Pineapple Cream Pie Sliced Peaches and Cream Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake BEVERAGES 'Pea, Coffee, Cocoa We Invite the Ashland People to Dine With Us. U C A P T A IN STUDEBAKER SAYS Column Left The Old Squad 91 OAK STREET Column Right The New Squad Six Little Sixes All in a row Just raring For some place to go. DODGE TOURING, 1920 All dressed up In black and red, Lots of Extras With leather cushions Like a feather bed MAXWELL ROADSTER Thru plateglass you can look Back in your little bus 1920, $200 worth extras At the ones behind That you’ve give the dust With cord tires FORD TOURING And Timkins all round, New motor and starter Built lil;e a thorobred hound And under the hood Six little cylinders CHEVROLET TOURING So slick and clean. I ’ll tell you, kid, 1920, fine shape She’s a dream. And run— CHEVROLET ROADSTER You don’t know What that word means 1919, cord tires Until you sit behind the Wheel and step on the gas You will feel CHEVROLET BUG Just like a bird. I ’ll tell you Overhauled Tt ’s the last word In auto six construction And as sure as you’re alive ALLEN TOURING There is nothing like it New paint At Fifteen Seventy-Five. On all six She’s hitting the trail for FORD TRUCK, 1920 Pneumatic tires KRUGGEL BROS. VULCANIZING Co. Queen Olives HITTSON’S Medford Oregon The Studebaker is fast being nicknamed the CAMEL CAR, because it only takes water every seven days, and it makes all the other cars hump to pass it. G. E. M