Local and P e rs o n a l Order your Fall Suit now from Paulserud’s. 299-tfj Visit Parents Here — Misses Maude and Madge Putnam, of San Francisco, Calif., arrived in Ashland Thursday for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Putnam. ’ TBE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, August 97, 1021 the river in the Woodruff Meadow« district Snyder pleaded ruilty and was fined $25 and coats of $2.50. GREEK SOVEREIGN LAUDS WORK OF NEAR EAST RELIEI pomestic^cience pepar! men! CITIZENS BAN K Conducted by Mrs..ÔeJleDe Gr&f .Do/nestir Science Direcior OFASHLAND S p o rry Flour Co. i THE placing a small piece of dill between them. For each quart jar add one tablespoon of salt. Pour cold water over the pickles, place a piece of dill i on top and seal tightly as for can-j ned fruit. Place In a warm place or in the sun until the liquid be­ comes cloudy. Then it will become clear again, and by that time the pickles are ready for use. Mustard Pickles One quart small cucumbers; 1 quart small onions; 1 green tomato; € large green peppers; 1 lftad Cauli­ flower; 3 stalks celery. Cut in suitable pieces and soak 1 iu weak salt water twenty-four hours, j Then cook in same water until ten-; der and drain. f l o g thru B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the J- .- word ■■ ■ . -yf--- --------- ......... t—1 each - i L b time. ^ L u - - ■--- il ------------— PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. OR. ERNEST A. WOODS-—Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS—-Attorneys-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTO—-Attorney-at-Law. Room« 6 and 6, Citizens* Bank land, Ore. 73-tf Bldg. DR. J. J. EM.MLENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurlst for Suite 8. Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices. M. £. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Bldg., Medford. Ore. Phone 567. Residence Phone 401. 1 DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTHATGHIl M— D i. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub- trical Treatments, Mineral aud lie Library. 272-ti Vit-o-Net Baths. First National ----------------------------------------------- Bank Building, Phone 48, DBS. SAWYER & CRANDALL TAXL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TAXI— Ackliu’s — Rose Bros. Phone Phon« 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. 136-tt Pickles and relishes are not class­ ed as strictly hygienic food, but YOU HAVE HEARD ' there have been so many requests to Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the! Cable« Thanks for Christiai I publish recipes of this class, and as of men who could hardly quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf Lives Saved in “Beautiful write their own name— 1 the home-made product is undoubt- Work” of Mercy hut w ho SA V ED i edly pure, there really seems no rea­ G rants Pass V isitors— MONEY! sons why these foods should not be Mrs. C. M. Cline and her two sons, Athens, Greece.— The wonderfu used in moderation. of Grants Pass, are visiting friends work done by the Near East Relie Are you, wno can read, To make pickles quite harmless write and earn money organization in saving the lives o in Ashland. willing to be outdone by tens of thousands of Christian» i as well as palatable, care must be throughout Asia Minor and Trans ! men less intelligent than Coo, off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream caucasia has received signal recogni taken to have the vinegar absolutely yourself? Either malt or white wine parlor where quality ice creams and tlon in praise bestowed by Queer pure. Brine in sherbets are served. 264tf Sophie of Greece in a cablegram dis vinegar may be used. Think it over, and start patch by the Greek sovereign to Dr which articles for pickles are stored James L. Barton, Chairman, and Seattle Visit oi TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. INTKKUKBAN AUTOCAR CO. Charles V. Vickrey, Secretary, of the should be strong enough to hold up Effective March ÜU, 1Ö20. an egg. A pint, or two cups of salt Mrs. Larson, of Seattle, is the r. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ to one gallon of water will usually guest of O. E. Hurst and family on FER — Good team and motor- i LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND be found the right proportions. Beach street. Mrs. Larson used to trucks. Good service at a reason­ 7:15 a. in. 7:16 a. m. able price. Phone 83. 8:00 a. m. own property on the Boulevard four­ 8:00 a. m. As vegetables for pickling only' Chili Sauce 8:45 a. m. 8:46 a. in teen years ago, and has not been remain over night in a brine, one FOR PROMPT and careful service 9:30 a. in. Twelve ripe tomatoes; 3 onions; ! 9:30 a. m. back since that time. She sees a with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drayä. 10:15 a. in. cup of salt to one gallon of water 3 green peppers, 3 tablespoons of su­ 10:15 a. in. call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone 11:00 a. m. great improvement in the city. is sufficient. 1 1 :00 a. in gar, 2 tablespoons salt. % teaspoon 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near 12:00 Js’oou 12:00 Noon Articles to be pickled lose some pepper; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 2 cups Hotel Austin. 12:45 p. ui. 12:46 p.ui H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells of their crispness if scalded, but they vlnega?. 1:30 p ni. 1:30 p. nr plumbing fixtures and supplies. 11EMSTITCHING ATTACHMENT will absorb the vinegar more easily. 2:15 p. in. 2:16 p. m. Peel tomatoes and onions and Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. i Pickles Keep Best in 3:00 p. in chop all vegetables separately, very HEMSTITCHING and picoting at­ 3:00 p. in. 28.7-tf 3:45 p. m. 3:45 p. in. Stoneware Jars tachment— Works on all sewing fine. Combine ingredients and cook 4:30 p. in. machines. Price $2.00. Personal 4:30 p. m. Pickles stored in stoneware jars slowly about an hour and a half. I 5:15 p. m. 6:16 p. m. Moves to Main Street— checks 10c extra. Light’s Mail will keep for months It the vinegar 6:00 p in. 6:00 p. m Two quarts of canned tomatoes may R. F. Brown and family, formerly Order House, box 127, Birming­ 7:00 p. m 7:00 p. m. and spices are of good quality. Or ham. Ala. 298-7* 8:45 p. m. replace the raw ones. If liked high­ living on Gresham street, aro now Sat. eniy 3:45 p. In. they may be packed in fruit jars. ly seasoned, little red chili peppers located in the Henry Whitt- resi­ 9:30 p. in. 9:30 p. m. FOR HALE— REAL ESTATE. Spices and horseradish are aids in may be added. 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:16 Mldgt dence on East Main street. Photograph by In te rn a tio n a l. SUNDAY ONLY KING AND QUEEN OP GREECE keeping pickles in good condition. Tomato Catsup FOR SALE— Seven room modern LV. M ED H IR I) LV. ASHLAND Green or red peppers will give a house, with or without furniture, 9:00 a. m. What is a vacation without mu­ Near East Relief organization, 1 9 :00 a. in One quart of canned or freshly fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick­ 10:00 a. m. 10 :00 a. nr sic? Buy a small Victrola and take Madison Ave„ New York City. Her better flavor than peppercorns. When cooked strained tomatoes ;’ T table-1 en yard. Bargain for quick sale. 11:00 a at. removing pickles from the Jar use a 11:00 a. in. it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf message reads: 121 North Main, phone 290-Y. spoon salt; 1 grated onion; table­ 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon wooden, porcelain or agate spoon or “Deeply touched your great kind­ 3 9 9 -lm o 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. spoons sugar; % teaspoon pepper; ness tow ards Greek war suiferen» in ladle, as the vinegar attacks metal, V acation ers R eturn— 2:00 p. m. 2*00 p. m. teaspoon cinnamon; % teaspoon j Straits Area and A sia M inor. Thank causing dangerous compounds. FOR SALE— House and Vs acre 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m E. W. Flackus and family have yon all m ost sincerely. ground in fruit trees; close in. 4:00 p. m. 4 .00 p. iu. A spiced vinegar is excellent for cloves; % teaspoon nutmeg; 2-3 cup returned from a two weeks vacation SO PH IE .” i Inquire 600 Allison. 294-1 mo* 6:00 p. m. vinegar. 5:00 p. m spent at Pacific Beach and other At the same time, the Greek queen any kind of pickles. It may be pre­ 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. 31. Comblnel and cook slowly until BUILDING MA . ERIAL — Medford 9:30 p. m. places of interest in the northern sent her check to Dr. Barton, Chair­ pared by boiling one quart of vine­ 9:30 p. in. man of the Near East Relief Commit­ thick. Put through a sieve, reheat j Cement Brick and Block Works, Ashland Waiting— East Side Phar­ part of the state. They had an en­ tee, for 1,000 francs as a contribu­ gar with one ounce each of cloves, and bottle. If liked, a clove of gar­ specialize in ab kinds of building macy. joyable trip. tion to what she termed the “beauti­ allspice, ginger, mace, bay leaves products. Corner Fir and 10th .1ACKSQNVILLK-MKDFOR D ful work" of feeding, clothing and and chopped red pepper. Cool before lic may he added to the catsup. street. 225tl DAILY BXCEPT SUNDAY housing the more than 110,000 little Good food, cooked right, served using. Vinegar should always be just Picalilli LV . J w r v ’LK LV. MEDFG1«D children who have come under the IC R SALE. at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland care of the Near East Relief during boiled up. either with or without 7:30 a. m. 7:40 a. m. One quart of green tomatoes; 1 8:20 a. m. 9:00 a. nr Grill. * 297tf the past year. spices, then allowed to cool before pint of red tomatoes; small cab­ FOR SALE— About 700 grown An­ 10:30 ». m. 10:00 a. m. Besides Queen Sophie, Admit ai P. using. Raw vinegar never gives the bage; 2 onions; one green pepper; gora goats and 2 35 kids. Best of 12:00 Noon 11:30 a. in. Goundouriotte, of the Royal Hellenic Game Law Violators Fined— stock. Will also sell farm equip­ 1:30 p. m. same mellow flavor as that obtained 1 small red pepper; 3 cucumbers; 1 :00 p. m. Navy, who was regent of Greece fol­ ment. horses, etc. Will also sell 3:00 p. m. Game Warden P. C. Dailey, who lowing the death of the late King when the vinegar is scalded. Sugar 2-3 cup salt; 4 cups vinegar; 4 cups 2:00 p. m. or lease to responsible party 500 4:3j0 p. m. 3:45 p. nr has been nosing around in the up­ 1 Alexander, on October 25. last, has lias a tendency to harden fruits and brown sugar; 1 teaspoon mustard; acre ranch which can be used as 5:30 p. m. 5:00 p. in. per Rogue liver region looking up ! also cabled to express the gratitude vegetables, and too heavy a syrup 1 teaspoon pepper; 1 teaspoon cel­ We carry several kind». Made goat ranch if party buys goats 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m ; of the Greek people for the aid fur- fish and game violators, and one of . nished the Christian populations of may toughen and spoil fruit made ery seed; 1 teaspoon mustard seed. with Rubber, Composition oi and equipment. See E. E. Phipps 7:30 p m. 8 :00 p. m. Sat. only next to Tidings office. 303-2 | 10 :3 0 j>. m. the results of this trip was the ar­ I Turkey by the Near East Relief. into sweet pickles. Some varieties 9:50 p. in. Sat. only Chop the vegetables, cover with le a th e r stiles. W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. rest of C. A. Snyder of Fort Klam­ , More than $120,000.00 was raised of peaches and all melons should be salt and allow to stand over night. FOR SALE— Auto bed. Inquire of i among the Greeks of the United MEDFORD-ROSEBURG ath for fishiug without a license in : States, in two weeks, and sent to the cooked until tender in water before Drain and press iu a cloth to remove Rose Brothers. 303tt Dallv and Sunday i Near East by the Near East Relief. the pickling syrup is added to them. all liquid; add vinegar, sugar and LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG ' to be used in helping the widows and FOR SALE— Fryers» 25 cents each. 11:00 a. m. I 00 p. nr Pears Basis of Good Sweet Pickle spices, and let simmer until clear. 1 orphans rendered destitute by the Also a few more 75 cent pullets. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS ! vontinnatlon of disturbed conditions Cut six or eight medium-sized This will take about one hour. Store 298 Hargadine St. Phone 264-L Daily and Sunday I in the former Ottoman Empire. The pears in halves, remove core and in hot sterilized jars. Canned red 303-2* LV. MEDFORD LV. G T ’S PASS j funds of the Near East Relief are 10:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. tomatoes may be used, two cups be­ press one or two cloves into each gathered by private subscription not FOR SALE— Five rooms quartered 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. ing equal to one pint. half pear. Put one-half cup of vine­ I only among Americans, bat among oak furniture; also house for rent. ! 1:00 p.m . 4:00 p. m. : the Armenians and Greeks in the gar, three-inch piece of cinnamon S85 B street. 3 02-3* 4:30 p. m. 6:15 p. m. United States, whose countrymeu in Grants Pass Waiting Room-—The Turkey and Transcaucasia have been bark broken in small pieces and two ¡¡FOR SALE— Oue Ford touring car Bonbonniera. Phone ISO. cups of brown sugar in a saucepan | through indescribable suffering. body, also trailer. I. C. Redifer, Office and Waiting Room: No. 5 In an official report to Charles V. over the fire. When boiling point is [| garage between 4th and 5th on B a. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building. Vickrey, General Secretary of the St. 302-3 Near East Relief, Miss Glee Hastings, reached, add several pieces of the of Spencer, Iowa, describes the piti­ pears and cook until tender, but not FOR SALE— Team, wagon and har­ able condition of teus of thousands broken. Place in a sterilized jar C. B. L A M K I N of homeless, starving, half-naked and when all are cooked. Oil jar ness, cheap. Must sell at once. refugees, driven from their homes in Inquire 1068 East Main St. 302tf the war area, and huddled in stables to overflowing with the syrup, ad- FOR SALE— Tuscan Cling Peaches. BARGAINS IN and out-houses, or on the hare ; just rubber and covers and set aside B agley R an ch , T a le n t. O re. 301-6* ground, for lack of shelter AN Real Estate in a cool place. The amount given “Most of the refugees are country EXTRA OPPORTUNITY FOR TRADE. people with almost nothing except above is for a quart jar. This recipe the clothes on their backs, stupefied also applies to peaches, except that FOP. SALE TRADE OR RENT— , and dazed by their misfortunes. for this fruit the peel should be re­ Get your books for fall C i t y a n d R a u c h P r o p o r t io » 52-acre dairy and hog ranch in Bread is given only to women and moved. H ou«c« to B un, reading now Willamette valley near Albany. children at the rate of one-half loaf This year's crop of hay and grain for a person, each day. The milk is Pickled String Beans in the barn. See Sweusen McRae Buy books in assortments i reserved for the babies and sick. The Now is the time to start taking advantage of our Remove ends and strings front CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING Furniture store. ( refugees sit around, huddled up of two. three and four _______________ _______________ 290-Thurs., Sat., tf against the walls— women with dull, beans, but keep them full length. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT sad faces, little children that are blue ' Cover with boiling water and cook copies at FOR RENT. and pinched with the cold, and too about fiften minutes; drain rinse in on all cash purchases. This continues uutil miserably lifeless to cry. Oue family ’ 86 1D FEW BARGAINS FOR SALE FOR RENT— Two room furnished A BY of five sleeps at night on a bare stone 1 1 r an“ urain again. Pour REAVER REALTY CO. apartment, water and light includ­ floor, under one thin, ragged half- ' over them scalding hot vinegar, eu- SEPT. 15th Block of ten lots nicely located; ed. S. L. Allen. 63 North Main i cotton blanket. In one room several ! ough to cover. These beans w i l l h o DISCOUNT two-room plastered house; lots of women are wasting away with tuber- , rpitdv . _ .. , nR W1U be St 302tf when the White House will change over to the Groeerteria culosis; in another are some severe . . _ to s e n e 111 twenty-four hours. fruit and berries; good gardeu FOR RENT— Furnished apartment land; would make fine chickeu eye cases, including two young blind Pickled Watermelon plan buying' and selling for cash only at prices that will SEE OUR WINDOW girls, who have no one in the world over Citizens Bank. Will be ready ranch— $1,500.00. Terras. I eel the fruit and cut into strips mean a real saving to you. to care for them. The overflow from Good 5-room cottage; about about August 25. Henry ProvoBt, these buildings live in a wooden shed Cover with cold water, adding one phone 474-R. 299-6 half-acre lot, small barn, fruit and with the walls and floors gaping with t a i , , spoon oi salt to each two quarts garden— $2,000.00. Terms. OUR FREE DELIVERY WILL CONTINUE holes where the wood has rotted of water and boil gently until very SITUATIONS WANTED. Special Bargain.— 6-room bouse, away and in tents improvised from good plumbing; close in; cash tender, then drain well and pack in j WANTED— Situation by reliable man ! price $1,200. rags and pieces of carpet.” Your Patronage Is Invited — experienced salesman or clerk, i A nation-wide appeal is being I sterilized jars. Boil vinegar enough some five-acre tracts in • -» made to carry on this work, checks to cover the fruit, adding two table­ A1 references. 167 Mountain Ave. city Also limits. J. C. KAEGI, Prop. 301-4 to be sent to Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer, 1 Madisou Avenue, New spoons of sugar for each quart of T.OST. York City. vinegar and two tablespoons of whole mixed spices tied in a muslin bag. LOST-—30-30 Winchester carbine, 27 Let the spices and vinegar boil for miles eaHt of Ashland. Dead In­ U. S. ARMY HEAD dian road. August 22. Reward ten minutes, then pour over the frui ASKS ARMENIAN AID in the jars until overflowing. Sea for return. O. Winter, Ashland. “ HELEN OF THE OLD 302-3 tightly and store in a cool place. HOUSE” Washington. — Major Hv11*™ ! James G. Harbord, recently ap ^our Cucumber Pickles A stirring romance of Am­ pointed General Pershing’s assistant Select small cucumbers, wash, ! Chief of Staff, has gone on record iu sprinkle with salt and cover with erican life today. I support of the work of the Near East I CAN REDUCE YOUR. W EIG HT ä ' P Ö U N O A i Relief in Armenia. He says, in «■ cold water. Use one cup of salt tor d a y WITH! MV S A F E , S U R E . I N E X P E N ­ The chief character “ Hel­ , letter to the Near East Relief: each gallon of water. Allow to stand S I V E t f f t Ö G L C S S M E T H O C. R ES U LTS G UARANTEED O lV M O N K V iR E FU N O E O “Of all the heart-breaking distres over night or about twelve to four- en of the Old House” repre­ that exists in other countries, I be- W R lf e TODAY FO h F A IE iS T O R M A T IO N , E lIZ A B tT H M A R S Ö f U f . «*»«»••* Spvctatirt hours, then rinse and pack in sents the finest type of Am j lieve that the Near East situation 1 SAVING AND ADVANCEMENT Suite S O r-b B r o d d ^ ^ B W E .’. O re. most appeal to our charitable fruit jars or crocks. Add green or erican womanhood The should Instinctively every employer re­ people There are many thousands ! red peppers, also whole spices. Cov- spects more the employe who spends characters have life and col­ I of helpless orphans—-children of er with scalding vinegar. If using his money wisely and has a growing Christian parents in a Moslem land. or and you will want to read who must be helped by our people truit jars, sterilize and seal care- bank account, than the young fel­ if they are to survive. The Ar­ fully. If stored in au earthenware low who "blows in” all he makes. this love story portrayed menians have preserved their race, Saving steadies a chap, makes him with all the virility and force their religion and their language un­ crock, place a plate with a weight on more responsible, and engenders der conditions of distress for over a top to keep the pickles in the vine­ self-confidence. Yonr future ad­ of Harold Bell Wright. thousand years. They are worthy gar. then cover the jar. These pic­ vancement may indirectly or di­ Sizes One Gallon to Twenty of a better fate than to perish, and kles should keep almost indefinitely. rectly, hinge on your saving ability. I believe that will be their fate with­ Why not then open that account at On sale Aug. 27th Eggs Are Cheap Now. out substantial financial and moral Sweet Cucumber Pickles the First National and make a busi­ support from the good people of our Prepare as for sour pickles, ex­ ness of saving. Waterglass Your Winter country. cept add sugar to taste to the hot “J. G. HARBORD. Supply. Ginger root, horseradish “Major General, U. S. Army.” vinegar. General Harbord is one of the and mustard seeds may be added to ■ trustees of the Near East Relief or­ the hot vinegar. C A R T E tt. POIS Real Estate and Reni Insurance ganization, now making a general ap­ Drags, Books, Stationery 1 VA U P f L VICE PRE Estab. 1383 Dill Pickles peal for funds to continue its work J /V COY. CAfcNICR FhftUC » I t Rant Main imone the destitute of Bible laada. Fill a jar with small cucumbers. SAVINGS' DEPOSIT^ '2 Canvas Shoes Suitable for Hunting and Fishing Book Sale W h ile H ouse GROCERTERIA 2 5 % -4 0 % NEW Harold Bell Wright BOOK El hart’s WHY BE FAT? Do yoo want T o leave£J A SH L A N D ?“ Jars with Lids Want to trade You? property For a farm In Washington? Billings Agency Provost Bros.