PAGE POUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J Recovers From Illness —• Dale Leslie, sou of Mr.' aad Mrs. I D. Leslie, 591 Fairview street. Who has beeu ill for the past several days, has recovered from his sickness. MKKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL By Charles Friday, August 26, 1921 Sughroe víbll . ’ ímb w e CAMT R H O Ifc&AUG- JAE THE \MIUU DO 'WHERE ARE THEN j — Orres cleaus and remodels clothes. 303« Leave for Scuttle—- Mr. aud Mrs. M. E. Boslough, for-' iner residents ou Allison street, have left for Seattle. Wash., where they will visit their daughter and after­ wards continue on a trip to Denver,: Colo., where they will visit their son. < He Has a Good ' Forgettery ” * W « « u n N n n p u ia r Union V \MHERE Vt \S AX \ O*> NOG CAXÏT F W ^ANNYYMMÇr AKW KKOHC? N oo P£A 0 Si LEMBE FOR X\UO w ei a o s s \ s e e n CAP AWNiMWERES« .! CAM T k kmmotes - Fwo Vt . £ 7 [£ V Ili — Jj I Hear Drevltson with the Majestic, H Ü j Orchestra at Jacksonville Friday night and Eagle Point Saturday night 302-2* Phone Service “Unsafe”— at that place state that before leav now accepted is that Rev. Anderson years on the ocean. He liked the The present telephone equipment I There will be a social in I. O. O ing for Portland Rev. Anderson had has gone to sea. He was in early* life of a sailor and often told of his Christian Workers Band Meets— and service in the city is unsafe ac­ F. hall next next Tuesday evening. The Christian Workers Band held! in State of Washington Has spoken of losses suffered of late, and life a sailor and spent a number of experiences. cording to a statement made before August 30. All Odd Fellows. Rebek­ Woman in conversation had expressed him- as=s Found That scripture Study a business meeting in Lithia Park J the city council recently by an in­ ahs and their families invited. May Be Purchased. self as rather discouraged. He had yesterday evening and outlined plans spector of the state telephone com­ 303-f-m — Committee. been suffering for some days prior for several weeks ahead. Among5 pany. He stated that the company j There is complaint that people no to his departure for Portland with other things they decided to hold NOTICE longer read their Bibles. Mrs. Gaches very severe headaches. would share half of the expenses in­ a "song fest” at the Methodist church The Buick Four demonstrator will of La Conner has found a way to pop­ cidental to making imjrovemtns His naturally buoyant character* Sunday at 2:30 o’clock. which would conform with the state be in Ashland Saturday afternoon at ularize Bible reading. A few weeks i was in striking contrast to s^vfeVat’ regulations if the city would take the Ashland Auto company. All’those ago she offered to pay a penny a conversations he had with friends* Suits Made to Order— 303-1 ! verse to every child or adult who com­ the matter up. The matter was re-* interested call at that time. mitted to memory verses from certain before leaving Marshfield. He told . ( ’leaning and repairing on short t’erred to a committe with power to I chapters in the Bible. And now she of certain things which were worry-' notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland act. is receiving the heaviest mall in La ing him. among them finances and WORLD HAS CHANGED LITTLE Bldg. 302tf Conner—reports from the children his continued headaches. One theory All wool suits at $25. You can’t: Marked Similarity in Certain News­ and brethren who have earned their Eugene V isitors— pennies and want them at once, Glen T O O late to classify . paper Advertising Today and That Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neil, of Eugene | beat them. See them at Orres Tail-1 M. Foley writes In the Seattle Post- of Many Years Ago. 303tf are visiting at the R. P. Neil home or Shop. Intelligencer. It would require one FOR SALE—Auto bed. Inquire of Rose Brothers. 303tf person’s time to answer all the letters on Factory street. The two brothers: Newspaper advertising of 160 years and mail pennies. Requests have Return from Salt Lake — ago differed greatly in form from that are now on a hunting trij. FOR SALE—Fryers, 25 cents each. Mrs. M. Gale has returned from , of today, but the differnce in sub­ come from all parts of the United Also a few more 75 cent pullets. Automobile insurance -Yeo, of an extended visit to Salt Lake City I stance and intent was rather small. States and there have even been ap­ 298 Hargadine St. Phone 264-L plications from foreign countries. course. 303-2* 299-tf a,,d expects to make her home here. In the columns of the New York Mer­ Hence, general Bible reading, we cury of that period one finds the fol­ For the present she is stopping a t ' lowing articles offered for sale nnd note, is only a matter of going out ATTENTION POULTRYMEN— Kerr Portland Visitors— tho Columbia hotel. Gifford’s poultry and feed man extolled for their particular qualities: and buying it. Mr. Rockefeller and Henry Bickner, his sister. Miss will be at the Ashland Feed Store others of his fatness might make Bible August 30 and, 31 or longer. Come Lilly Bickner, and Miss Agnes Wes-, Cliff Payne makes apple presses , “Godfrey’s General Cordial,” which reading the avocation of the w’hole was tlie opiuted soothing syrup used and see him demonstrate and ex­ ley, whi^have been visiting Mr. and 299-tf ¡ in that day for peevish, teething country’ bv detaching a few million plain the different poultry foods. Mrs. Yarbrough. 533 Scenic Drive,! batdes; the “Princely Beautifying Lo­ dollars and turning them into pennies. He will be at your service for cull­ left yesterday for their home inj Move to 11 Street — tion," by use of which the ladies But will that variety of Bible reading ing or in any way possible. Come, do any good? Will it stimulate the Portland. it will be worth while. 303-1 “ruude up” for the street; “Turling-* Frank Brown and wife are movin'; readers who are after pennies to fol­ ton’s Original Balsam of Life,” which their furniture rrom the Beach place! low the Christian life? Or is It sim­ FOR SALE— About 700 grown An­ Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf on Gresham street to one of the Bla- must have been disappointing sibce all ply estimated that nobody can read gora goats and 235 kids. Best of the users are now dead; “Dr. Ryan’s stock. Will also sell farm equip­ lock houses on B street. They will) Incomparable Worm Destroying S>u- much in the Bible without some of Venison Dinner Party— ment. horses, etc. Will also sell (« >? it sticking to him? or lease to responsible party 500 Mrs. O. Winter entertained this return to Klamath Falls for a cou­ ?.ar Plumbs,” “White Drops for the Scurvy,” “Red Pills,” “Sweating Pow­ acre ranch which can be used as week with a ‘venison party” by way ple of months, after which they will, der," "Dr. Radcliffe’s Only True Speci­ i Adoniram Judson was the first goat ranch if party buys goats make their home here. of celebrating the hunting achieve­ fic Tincture for the Toothache," “Es­ American missionary in Burma and equipment. See E. E. Phipps ments of her son, Francis Winter, next to Tidings office. 303-2 sence of Balm of Gilead," “Potter’s Trousers at $3.50. A few left at Water, for the Safe, Easy and Specific MISSING MINISTER who brought in his first deer for the 303tf Cure for tlie Stone and Gravel.” "Key­ season. The guests were Mrs. Gid­ Orres Tailor Shop. iuayay^UERjrTiJsn. ONE TIME TALENT ser’s Pills.” “Golden Tincture for Hys­ dings and daughter, Mrs. Donnelly, BAPTIST PREACHER terical Diseases,” “Genuine Harlaem Mrs. Van Sant and daughter, Mrs. R eturn from Coast Tour— C»yl” by the bottle, “Levine’s Well W. J. Wallace and wife returned Schaumlöffel and Misses Elizabet’.: (Continutd From rage une) Known Eyewater,” “Bloom or Circas­ Wednesday night from a month’s trip and Nellie Russell. sia" for off-color complexions, “Lady along the coast. They left here with Molyneux’s Italian Paste," “Best Corn ing a drab-colored business suit with: ORAVENSTEIN APPLES — The some friends who had been visiting Plasters and Lip Salve,” “Venetian a black slouch hat. Had Expressed Discouragement finest cooking aud eating apples on) them, and the whole party toured as Paste for Enameling the Hands, Neck Prior to his disappearance thej and Face.” the market. Windfalls, good size, far as British Columbia. missing minister was pastor of the. 50 lb. box, 75c delivered. Sweet The bottle of Stoughton Bitters by Baptist church at Marshfield. Friends! cider 40c gallon. Phone 10-F-3 or Fall woolens und fashions are now which old topers used to give an addi­ 9-F-ll. in at Orres tailor shop. Save $5 to tional tang to their nips of whisky $15 by ordering your suit now. 303tf stood behind every public bar up to about 50 years ago. Long after its c R L A M K I N use had been abandoned it persisted B usiness Trip to ’Pisco— until “standing like a Stoughton bot­ H. C. Cbilreth who recently sold tle” became the common expression bargains in his home at Union and Fairview for immobility. Real Estate streets, is on a business trip to San Francisco and various points south. It TW Business is Growing There's a Reason! Knapps Groceteria On the Plaza ä « i»y and Ranch Properties H ouses to Ment. I'ITIZKNS’ RANH BUILDING THE CITIZENS HAVE Ben Bowers said: “Wouldn’t it be funny if John Kohagen said to Dr. Parsons, ‘Ever hear the story of the dirty window?’ and Dr. Parsons said, ‘No,’ and Kohagen said, ‘No use to tell it, you couldn’t see through it.’ ” Never send magazine money to out-of-towu mail-order concerns, or order of fly-by-night subscrip­ tion agents. For pleating see Orres. BANK OFASHLAND YOU overh eard at the E lk s’ Club— Spend Your M agazine Money at Home HEARD of men who could hardly write their own name— h u t w ho SA VED MONEY! Are you, who can read, write and earn money willing to be outdone by men less intelligent than /ourself? Think it over, and start a Savings Account In this strong bank today. ¿ V O N p SAVINGS ffr/QVIv t--------- DEPOSITS 303tf EAT CANTALOUPES, BUT Be sure to eat the kind you like best. Folks who eat them say those “Hearts of Gold” grown at Pleasant View Farm, Talent, are the best ev­ er. Get them at your grocers. 303tf Rex Ingraham, who directed “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” for Metro will make “Turn to the Right” for the same company. No, Louella, it is not a preachment aimed at the erring ball-players! Alma Rubens will be featured in “Find tlie Woman,” which Tom Ter­ ris is making for Cosmopolitan Pro­ duct it,n>. Mr. Terris ought to em­ ploy King Solomon as his assistant director; that old bind sure knew ’:;>wl BARTLETT PEARS "Tie frs t pict’tre that the exquisite Will load out last car Bartlett ircn-2 C" tie has made in quite some * pears for cannery, Wednesday. time will soon be released by Hodkin- Would like same in Monday and boa. There’s a little discussion as to the title will be, but on one Tuesday. Keep No. 1 and No. 2 sep­ what point everybody’s agreed: It’s a arate. Return all pear lugs, as they bully picture! must go In car. Ashland Fruit & There j» absolutely no truth in the Produce Assn. 303-3 i umor that a screen version of “Tea | for Three” is to be presented with Bull Montana, Ben Turpin and Flora Finch in the leading roles! LADIES Have your suit or coat tailor- made. Come in and see the latest woolens and the new models. Our prices are lower than ready-mades. Medford, Grants Pass and Roseburg la­ dies are wearing our suits and coats—why not you? ORRES TAILORS THE BROWNING AMUSEMENT CO. will have the Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON 2 o ’clock—7 o ’clock “The Face of the World,” Johan Bojer’s famous novel, has been pic­ tured by Irvin V. Willat and will soon reach the screen 'via Hodkinson. And, believe me, it’s something to look forward to! Fedro de Cordoba is playing tha "heavy ’ in “The Young Diana,” star­ ring Marion Davies. He weighs about 140 pounds—which makes him tlie lighest heavy on the screen! Herbert Brenon will direct Nonna 1 Talmadge in “The Voice From the Minaret.” Elvira, you surprise me! What makes you think a minaret is a new-fangled talking machine? X ------ Rip Van Winkle” has awakened from his slumbers and will soon step onto the screen for the delectation of motion picture patrons every­ where. Hodkinson woke him up. The facile pen of Katherine MUU- ker will write the titles fer “Theo- aora,’’ the famous Italian screen spectacle which Goldwya is seen te release. * The area of Australia is 2,974.581 square miles. We give prompt service, right prices and guarantee you delivery of your magazine or money back. We will give you reliable mag­ azine service. Elharfs ' Perrine’s Big Sale is on N ew B a rg a in s for You E very Day Thousads of Packages of Shoes, Stock­ ing’s, Notions, etc., to be given away free SE E OUR W IN D O W S I Drugs, Books, Stationery □nJ M a rsh a ll ________ _ __ 1/ th e theater beautiful Friday-Saturday presents Randall Parrish's Bob H a m p to n O f P la cer Human— vt tiff— th r illin g — spMJ - binding ! M arshall duction. N eilan’s g rea test I pro­ E nacted am id th e scen ic gran* (leur o f G lacier N ational Park. Ixtok at th is C ast—- Janies K irkw ood W esley Barry M arjorie Daw Pas O’Malley Noah Beery Tom Gallery Dwight Crittenden Frank Leigh D o u b le B ill A tw o -fis te d fro n tie r g a m b le r - a n d a fre c k le -fa c e d k id -- T h at’s Bob Hampton of Placer, the man who was “ always searchin’ fer someone,” and Buddy, the hoy scout, who roamed the West with him. Inseparable pals. But the pah became a trio when Bob snatched a timid white girl from the Indians, and came mighty close to the “ someone he was a I ways searchin’ fer.” But Buddy sure did hate that dame! —— Also----- Big Two-Reel Comedy MEETING ALL TRAINS” Coming Sunday-Katherine Macdonald in Curtain