PA G E TW O T H E A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Tidings Ashland Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday Except ! T H E A S H L A N D P R IN T IN G CO. ________ U t __________ - -■ — -•— » O F F IC IA L CITY A N D COUNT! PAPER Government to Distribute Explosive; Stump Clearing F rid a y , A u g u st 2 6 , 1091 sec. 3, twp. 37, S R., 2 W est, $1, Grace Wold, et vlr. to A. G. F ul­ ler, et ux, W.D. to lot 11, block 1, Roanoke Add. to Medford, $10. Bessie Miller et vir to C. C. Grid- VL u ì ì m ^ o Ldoenses ley, W.D. to SW of sec. 20, twp. 39 William R oekard and Eleanor Hy- 3„ R., 1 West, $1.00. nek. Jacksoq County to United States . Harvey K. W att and Edith J. H er­ Q. C.D. to lands in Jackson county, rin. $1465. Susan M artin, e vir, to Oliver G. C ircuit C ou rt Howard, et ux, W.D. to lot in Ash­ Ola D. Sutton to Lydia A. Hans- land, $10. com, et al; summons, affidavit, order Ralph L. Heberling, Mattie L. for publication. Miller and George M. Miller to Geo. Mary Francis Kidd vs. Napoleon B. W. Neilson and G. W. H. Albert, W. Evans, et al; suit to a u it title. D. lots 4, 5, 6. sec. 6. twp. 35 9., Edith Jones vs. Edw ard J. Joues; j R. 2 E„ $10. summons. I Oliver G. Howard and Lulu How­ In the m atter of the application of ard to J. G. Ambrose and H attie K. W. E Hammell, et al., for a judicial Ambrose, W.D. lot 42 and W.% lot exam ination and judgm ent as to bond 43, Highland Park. Add. to Ashland, of Eagle Point Irrigation district. $10. TELEPHONE 39 —— —----- --- ---- — — J PORTLAND. Or., Aug. 26.— A | the United States departm ent of ag­ io b s c n p tio n P r ic e D e liv e r e d In C ity }ne month .................................. $ .65 great Impetus will be given the clear- riculture, aud the explosive will be Tbree months .............................. 1 .9 5 1 ing of logged-off and burned-off shipped to the state from the n ear­ Six m onths .................................. lands of the state through the usei est cartridging plant. Individual o r­ ° Qe Z l R u r a l ' R o u t « .' | <>< * large am ount of picric acid! ders will be lim ited to 1000 pounds, One mouth .................................. 6 .66 which the government has made! and the total cost of the explosive, Three m o n t h s ......... ............... 1.95 available for the land-owner, accord- including the cost of cartridging, Six months .................................. 3.5o ¡ng to a statem ent issued by Char- handling, distributing and freight, One year ................................ ; ie8 hall of Klamath Falls, president will be in the neighborhood of 13 A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S : of the Oregon State Chamber of Com-i cent:, pe? pound. D isp la y A d v e r tisin g j merce, following the recent liotlfica-l "The state cham ber has been fol­ Single insertion, each m e h ........... 3 0 c; n- „ r .T j v CXIVTUACTS tiou troin W ashington th a t Oregon lowing developments closely in re­ D isp la y A d v e r tisin g has been allotted 192,000 pounds of gard to the distribution of picric One tim e a w eek.................... 2 7 this explosive. acid,” said Mr. Hall. “ We believe Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c According to government bulletins, th at the cheapness and efficiency Every other d a y ......... . ............. 20c j picric acid is of g reater strength than of this explosive will give a great L o ca l R e a d e rs. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c j dynamite and is safer to handle. It impetus to laud-clearing operations P ro b a te C ou rt To run every other day for on« ¡s an explosive which was used ini in Oregon. The total cost of picric F. M. Farrell, estate; inv. and app. m onth, each line, ’ each time . . . 7 c i.. ... :> great sur-j the great war, and , with acid to the consum er is much lower Wm. L. Childers, estate; inv. and To run every Issue for on« month 5c | plus on hand at the conclusion ofi th an commercial explosives at the app. o r more, each line, each tim e. . . . Classified Column. the war, the government decided toj present m arket price, and a great Jam es G. Edgerton, estate; peti­ One cent the word each time. turn it over to the different states i demand for the governm ent explos­ tion, order to pay claims. To run every issue for one m onth or i on a basis of the am ount of logged- ive should come from some of our K atie McMurtney, estate; oath; more, %c the word each time. off land in each state. districts where the bulk of the u n ­ bond. L egal R a te : F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c Land owners of the state m ust developed lands are logged-off and Mary Simonds, guardianship; peti­ Each subsequent time, per 8 point place th eir orders for the picric acid burned-off. tion and order. lin e . . . . . ’. .................................... Cc with the Oregon A gricultural col­ ’ ‘‘Taken in conjunction with the Rufus Edwards, estate; second re­ Card of Thanks, $1.00. lege, according to advices from W ash­ logged-off land bill which was passed port; answer O bituaries, 2% cents th e line. F r a te r n a l O rders a n d S o cietie s. ington. When the num ber of orders by the last legislature, I believe th at Clyde A. ftin ear, guardianship; A dvertising for fratern al orders ,g # , d the A gricultural the use of picric acid will mean much agreem ent; order discharging. or societies charging a regular miti- ,, , ,, to the development of the state.” ation fee and dues, no discount. R e-! c° ^ eKe "”ill forward this order to Ligious and benevolent orders will be i ---- - ■—-- ■' ■ — - ■ ■ . ........... ' R eal E s ta te T ra n sfer s charged the regular rate for all ad but had always stayed in the repub-) Todd J. Card, et ux, to Win. J. vertising when ao admission or other lican columns in presidential years.) Jam es, et ux; W.D. to lot 3, block charge is made. During the trip to Ashland, M r. j 2, in Sunnyside-Add. to M edford,$10. W hat C o n stitu te s A d v er tisin g ! M ather conferred with Seely V. Hall, j W. E. Body, et ux, to Don V. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ in charge of transportation to C rater j Piatt, W.D. to lot in Medford in D. ing among some as to w hat consti­ Lake, and joined the party w h en ' L. C. No. 44, twp. 37, S.R. 2 West tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule whicn they passed through at 7 o’clock. $10. Is used by newspapers to dlfferin- E. O. McCormick, rfee president F ran k Hatfield, et ux to W. E. atlate between them : “ ALL future) of the Southern Pacific, whose guest K ehler, W.D. to lot on Pine street, events, where an admission charge : the distinguished visitors were, d u r­ Central Point, $2500. is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies toi , ing their trip through the northw est, W illiam E. Garvin, et ux to Geo. organizations and societies of every was enthusiastic about the visits and R. Myers, et ux, W. D. to land d n kind as well as to individuals. Albert B. Fall, secretary of the in- inspections. All reports, of such activities after terior aQ(j Stephen T. M ather, di- îheÿ have occurred is news. i D ia m o n d L a k e V isited All coming social or organization rector ot national parks, were in | “ We rode into the Diamond lake meetings of societies where no money, Ashland Wednesday evening enroute! contribution is solicited, initiation 1t0 Portland, from a tour of inspection | country, and w hat a wonderful trip th a t is,” said Mr. McCormick. “ It charged. or collection taken is NBWB. pf C rater Lake and Klam ath is an ideal side trip from C rater mation projects. They were accom­ We make all quotations on Lake, a marvelous ride through the panied by Vice President McCormick ,IOH WORK woods, and a povelty to an easterner. Oregon’s Higher Institution of ; of the Southern Pacific railroad. from i • I know Europe, and I know America, THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. , “ C rater Lake is unique, something and if any other spot on earth has Same prices— Reasonable Price— different, and m ust be seen to be as many attractio n s to th e square to aU. appreciated,” said Secretary Fall. mile as this section, I want them to Eight Schools; Seventy Departments “ But the thing to do is to link it up show It to me. H ere in Southern E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 Postoffice as Second Class Mali with Diamond lake and other won­ Oregon is a clim ate that is A fferent For inforaatiM writ« to the Reeiurar der spots, so as to hold the to u ris t1 M atter.- from all the rest.” Oregon Agricultural College more than a day. An a rtist might CORVALLIS Vice President McCormick favors HAZ KIK REGULAR FEATURB study the colors in the water, and the development of all the scenic a t­ the skies for weeks, but the average Haz Kik is a new discovery. W e' man wants a change. C rater Lake tractions in Southern Oregon, Lithia didn’t know he was in town. We OUght to be the feeder to all the! Park at Ashland, the N atural Caves have arranged with him to w rite us points of interest w ithin twenty-five! of Josephino county, and the lakes a regular signed feature every day miles, and that is what will have to! and wonders trib u tary to C rater Lake. dealing with local and interesting, be done sooner or later. The people! In connection with the rem arks of topics. His droll philosophy on the are beginning more aud more to ap- Secretary Fall and Vice President local things th a t are will prove in- p re d a te the national parks. Every« terestiug. He will have no criticism body can’t go to Europe. Anyone McCormick, relative to the develop­ on anybody or anything, but will who can drive an auto can visit ment of C rater Lake side a ttra c ­ tions, it will be recalled th a t a week likely make some suggestions on these spots. ago the forest service began an in­ many things. He says he would Government to Aid spection of the recreational possi­ rather say how he would do it, or bilities of Diamond lake, Lake O’ “ As you know,” said Secretary how he wouldn’t do it, ra th e r than criticize others. He says he wants Fall, ju st before he entered Vice Woods, Dead Indian Springs ant? Un­ to be constructive, not destructive, President McCormick’s private car, ion Creek. It is highly probable th a t th a t he wants to live and die with "we are pretty hard up for money Diamond Lake will be included good feeling toward everyone, th e r e - ^ ust now» but we will go the lim it in in the C rater Lake national park at fore he will refrain from saying 1111 t,le development o f t tatei Luke w h en , an early date In furtherance of this plan. of anyone. He says he ju st w ants' we get ou OU1 ieet again’ Secretary Fall will retu rn to W ash­ Secretary Fall and party were to tell folks how he would do it If he had the chance. W atch for HAZ driven through Lithia park and then ington, D. C., in ten days. A fter if short stay in the northw est he will KIK; he will appear on the front to the depot. visit irrigation projects in Utah, and ‘‘There is as pretty a park as 1 i page of the Tidings every day, unless personally go over the devastated he gets inoculated with the grouch. ever set my eyes on,” commented districts of Pueblo, Colo. In that case we will quickly kill the secretary’ after the trip. "I have enjoyed every m inute of him. There should be no law against my visit to C rater Lake, and hope to putting a grouch out of th e way. come again some day.” said the sec kr $ $ 4 $ j . .¡> 6 y $ G renada, (k ilif., V isito rs— Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Snyder and son, Ira, are visiting a t the home of W. S. Eastm an. Mrs. E ast­ man will retu rn with Mrs. Snyder for a visit at Grenada. TECHNOLOGY ♦ «$> » ---------- From “Aesop’s Film Fa — By Aesop, fr . * ---------- ❖ THE FOX AND THE $> Flattery is like fly p *#> once you get stuck on have a tough time tearln 4» from It. a ♦ * * ■$> Those who sing w “ m outhful” risk Iosin toothsome eats. a » * * Assault and battery 4r « no more harm than an - of flattery. ♦ * » ♦ Sixteen ounces of equal a full pound of t * * » Too much flattery tinguish a bright c ar 'S’ * * * ♦ A little flattery now and then Is liked by women, and also by -S’ men.— “ Aesop’s Film Fables.” ♦ ♦ We recommend KING aud ROYAL Coal because of their heat values. You should let us have your older soon in order to be properly taken care of. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. of on all cash purchases. 'Phis continues until SEPT. 15th when the White House will change over I«» the Groeerteria plan buying and selling for cash only at prices that will mean a real saving to you. OUR FREE DELIVERY WILL CONTINUE Your Patronage Is Invited J. C. KAEGI, Prop. They Are A rriving Mirroring the Latest Fall Modes, as they will appear on Fashions Avenues New and altogether different in stylings are the togs arriving daily from the fashion centers so charmingly ami authentically correct and individualized by their exclusive treatments. These cleverly styled garments are right up to the minute as you will note on inspection. We invite von to come in. and allow us to show them to • von. - Our line of stouts should he of especial interest. Clearance prices are still ou all over the store. have room for our new stock. We must WOOL TRICOTINES AND SERGES A LINE SECOND TO NONE Market Our New Fall Style Quarterlies Are Here—Pictorial Review and Ladies Home Journal our Canning Peaches, home-grown nd Cantaloupes, Casa ba and nev Dew Melons. Now so much in demand. comprising the newest weaves, the softness of which lendfe itself to any style of drapery. and wool embroidered p price for 1,500 boxes of paeked on net :ind here they are trimmings for all kinds of w ear- peaches. PLAZA MARKET afternoon or evening A‘ big line of fringes have also come H. A. STEARNS 61 North Main Street SILKS Fashion says laces bandings Ashland our 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT Prices are about 25 to 30 per cent lower than last season. We are glad to share this good news with our customers and friends. Peil’s Corner « • « 'Tis a foxy fellow v ♦ THIS FALL Canvas W h ite House Shoes GROCERTERIA Suitable The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow SU G A R -C O A TE D P IL L S WISDOM A Big Demand For Coal “ In the Heart of Town’’ SECRETARY FALL ANO PARTY MAKE 0 Ä c WE BELIEVE THEKE WILL BE GOODS Cuuton Crepe Crepe Satin ......... Fairy Spun . . . . (luu-in o u .s e ............ Skinner’s Satin Taffeta .............. . . . >9.75 . . 93.05 . . . 93.25 and . . .92.75