PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. btiiM W ednesday, A ugust 34, 1021 P rof. Cosby Lectures— CITY DADS GOOD LISTEN ER S TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Lake Creek V isito rs— Petilum a, Calif., V is ito r - Professor Cosby, of the O. A. C. Mrs. L. J. Grisom and children, of AT FIASCO “L IE ” HEARING G rant Helman and daughter, Miss WANTED— A baby crib or carriage. extension departm ent, gave an in­ Lake Creek, are visiting a t the home Sidney, of Petalum a, Calif., are vla- Would like to give in trade Shet­ teresting lecture and culling demon­ Local and Personal land pony outfit, strong cart, h a r-!° t Mrs. Grisom’s parents, Mr. and iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Continutd From Page One) I • stration a t the poultry farm of C. A. ness, saddle. E. B. Mills, Box Mrs. D. M. Davis, 872 Boulevard. O O Helman 564. 301*; j g j a v _______ ■;_______ ----------- ---------------------------- --------------------- ------------------ ----------------- — Side Lights- ■rife. Gottsche, of Belleview. This was; : statem ents A ttorney Briggs sought to the first of a series of four lectures: show by the combined statem ents of B FOR SALE— One rocker, coal heater, A uto T ourists— R eturns from Deer H unt— to be given at this place. The sec- i dining table, three-quarter springs, th ree witnesses. Sylvan Provost, Dom- Mr. and Airs. E. W. Schmeer, Mr. G. W. Hake returned from the ond will be held in about three j clothes basket, garden hose, two | Ino Provost and Clark Buyers, th at and Mrs. M. H .Schmeer, of P o rt­ m ountains Monday night, having ob­ months, the topic to be “ Feeds an d ' axes, one cross cut saw, also Craw- i he, Briggs, had not attem pted to in- ford peaches. Inquire 143 Nutley land, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gates, and tained his lim it of deer. Feeding,’’ the date of which will be i fluence W inburn in letting of the phone 249-R. 301-1 Mr., and Mrs. J. R. E aster complete ---------- j published later. The meeting was : I sewage work. Their statem ents were well attended and proved to be very a camping • party at the auto camp Oregon State F air— ' arrayed against those of W inburn LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— One Salem, September 26 to October 1. interesting and instructive. Three grounds. large gobbler and ten half grown; and W hitehead. > In conclusion, At­ A wealth of agricultural, live stock other poutrv dem onstration farm s' turkeys. Finder phone 6F2. 301-2* Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf and industrial displays, an excellent' have been chosen for these lectures,! torney Briggs still m aintained th at W inburn had lied on the occasion of WANTED— Situation by reliable man racing program, high class am use-¡one at Central Point, one at Rogue t he“c"o’uncU m eeU nZof J u l? 12 ‘ — experienced salesman or clerk. Clltf Payne makes appio presses I meuts and attractions, and ideal j River and one at Beagle. A1 references. 167 Mountain Ave. Newbury Gets a Laugh 299-ttl camping grounds. A. H. Lea, Man- 301-4 ---------- Following A ttorney Briggs’ pre­ 300-5 W atch Yeo's window 299-tf , ager, Salem, Oregon. We Have a Good Stock and Variety of Wood sentation of his case, A ttorney New­ FOR SALE— Tuscan Cling Peaches. R eturns from ’Frisco— Bagley Ranch, Talent, Ore. ______ 301-6* bury cross examined the defendant. ___________ Mrs. Mark Smith has retu rn ed , Help Boy Stouts— on Hand M eFartand F u n e r a l - from San Francisco, where she has Two Ashland men have sent in funeral of Harvey M cFarland, and sought to show th a t Briggs had j FOR SALE— Soft Peaches, Craw­ fords 2 ’Ac per pound. Early H ar­ been spending the past several days generous checks to the State bank to son M cFarland of this city, put words In the m ouths of his w it­ 16 inch Dry Body Pine ....................................$3.50 vest eating apples for $1.00 and with her husband who has been ser­ help defray the expenses of the c a m p lwho was killed Monday afternoon by nesses. A ttorney Newbury made an ■ $1.50 per box. Come and get 'th e Shasta Limited of the Southern '“impassioned plea— w hether to the; iously ill In the Southern Pacific hos- . but there is still a deficit. them. 527 Terrace St., phone 16 inch Dry Body F ir ..................................... $3.75 408-J. 301-2* ____ Pacific lines a t Delta, Calif., where council or tbe audience is not quit« pital. Mrs. Smith reports th a t her husband is improving rapidly. Automobile insurance— Yeo, o f ‘i h® bad been employed in the main- c,ear and referred feelingly to the FOR SALE— At 115 Church St., one 299-tf ^ enaace way departm ent of thei> silvered lo c k s’ of Mr. W inburn as 12 inch Dry Pine Body Wood ........................$3.00 gas range and coal burner with course. _____. ¡company, was held this afte rn o o n , denoting an a ?ed man had been in- coil; small cook stove, coal stove, Good food, cooked right, served table and hanging lamp. 301-tf from the Dodge undertaking p a rlo rs! su’ted by a y °UQS man, to w it one at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland I R eturn front Newitort— Good F ir Slabs, per load ...................................$6.00 Jam es B arrett with his d a u g h te r,111^ o’clock. The body was bur- W illiam Briggs, city attorney of Ash­ FOR SALE— Ford sedan, 1920, Grill. 297tfi bought last September, new rear — Mrs. E. L. Kincaid of Neil creek, have ied in tbe Ashland cemetery in the land. Thereupon th e audience gave and spare tires, original front Hour co-workers of close scrutiny to Mr. W inburn’s not­ Save money by buying your Fall | returned from a two weeks o u tin g ! family plot. tires, lots of extras. Make me an edly bald head and brow and ques­ Suit at P aulserud’s. 299-tf] at Newport where they were joined >OU1^ M cFarland accompanied the offer. Medford phone 946-W. by Mrs. L. It. McLain, another dauglb; bo(ly to this city. No details of the tioned by much chuckling and laugh­ 301-2* Visiting «X M arshfield— te r from Seattle. tragedy can , be obtained as no eye; ing the sincerity of Newbury’s re­ WANTED— A business partner, ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Sylvestor Patterson * 7 / i the H eart of Town" ______ i witnesses can be found. The body mark. perience unnecessary. A little and daughter, Rose, are spending a Ju st received the new B ru n e r! "ras d iscovered by a passenger on ’ Mr. W inburn made a plea on, his money required. Pep and person­ week's vacation at Marshfield. Woolen Company’s line of fall a n d ¡ th e observation car of the train t h a t ! ° wn behalf stating words to the ef- ality desired. Medford phone 946- W. 301-2* winter samples. Call in and see ; had Passed over the body. Young] fect th at he bad been "g rafted ” in Ladies unaccompanied by gentle­ them. Cleaning and repairing done! M cFa,land was on bis way to t h e 'various real estate and other trans-j men and extra ladies, 10c at the on short notice. K. Nelson, 'H otel ! po8t offlce at the tim e of the acci- ¡ actions bere- He stated th at he had; Buugqlow dance W ednesday might.! made many plans for A shland’s bet­ Austin Bldg. 273-tf dent- The war tax m ust be paid. 2t term ent and th a t he would still place th e city on “ the m ap.” He denied SH IP EXPLO DES, SPLIT IN Returns to Arizona— Hilt V isitors — Miss Anna Biehler, of Bisbee, Ed Vail, with his mother, and Miss CENTER, FALLS TO JRIVER speaking disparagingly of the city council. Ariz., who has been visiting her sis- Leah Gilbert and Tom Hardy were Decision, If Any, by Audience (Continued from Page 1) ter, Mrs. C. F. Young, returned home visitors from Hilt last Saturday. , , „ A fter enjoying the fun till after Saturday. Miss Biehler is a teacher ---------- p lan e, and email coastal airship«, audlenca in the public schools in th at place. If you want the best there is, eat were to have flown o a t to escort the I stand a9 th e on|v oneB des| ---------- i at G arnett’s. 298tf unfortunate sh.p as soon as her wire- responsibility of judicial action, ap- We specialize on fancy brick ice ______ less told the anxious operators th at peared agrea P cream. Rose Bros. 264tf R eturn to G rants Pass— , she w a, w ithin easy flying distance. polnl th a t th e whole m atta/ wa8 ono Don W hitney and family, with his Probably the most spectacular th a t should have been settled by the A rrived— Shipm ent o f Ford Size m other and sister, Ruth, of G rants phase of the ZB 2’s arriv al was to Mason Tires at Leedom 's T ire H os­ Pass, spent the week end on a trip plaintiff behind th e barn instead of have been her landing a t L akehurst, before the council, and th a t the city pital. 300-3t to C rater Lake. Mrs. W hitney and | N. J., where the long gray ship was dads stood, weak-kneed, bedrabbllng Miss Ruth did not stop in Ashland. ( eventually to have made n er home. the erm ine and dragging th e dignity Seoul m aster Has Good Time-— but returned to G rants Pass. ______ The largest airship hangar in the of th e city in th e dust. “ Bending The scoutm aster In charge of the Boy Scouts a t Lake of the Woods, t , a. . i aw aited her there, complete the pregnant hinges of the (city) Ladies, bring a beau with you to world Ia. w rites th at he is having a b etter time the Bungalow dance W ednesday ev­ with the very latest mooring devices knee, th a t th rift may follow faw n­ than he ever dream ed he could have. ening. His ticket covers the war and repair shops. ing,’’ as it were. Shortly a fte r her A tlantic crossing The boys are so obedient to the tax for both himself and lady, if Scout laws th a t discipline is perfect. you come alone you m ust pay 10c the ZB 2 was to have made a tour The appetites are growing daily. war tax. 2t of the big coastal cities of the United V isit nt E tna M ills— 3 States. Her first voyage over her Aquatic feats were the program last Mr. and Mrs. John Fay and family Saturday. new home country was to have been of 399 Mountain avenue, are visiting O verheard a t tho Elks' Club— Seven days out of every week you’ll get real smoke to San Francisco, it is said. with home folks a t E tna Mills, Calif. A lady said W ill P rach t is all joy and real smoke contentment—if you’ll get close-up Big dance at the Bungalow Wed­ rig h t in his way, but his hair is too nesday night. Dancing, the couple. curly and he don't weigh enough. to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself! 77c, war tax 8c, total 85c. Extra Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a ladies and ladies unaccompanied by Order your Fall Suit now from pipe’s the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe­ gentlemen, 10c. P aulserud’s. 299-tf P r i n t » A l b o r t to Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Wood ! Wood ! Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. A p ip e ’s a p a l p a c k e d w ith P . A .! 4 t BROWNING AMUSEMENT CO. OF SALEM, OREGON E. R. IS A A C & CO. successor TH E ro c. h Q U A L IT Y . vaupel with an $8,000 . S TO R E Merry-Go-Round "Opportunity Day”—Thursday A Day of Great Saving. Opportunities H 1ERE! i and a $6,000 Giant Electric F erris W h e e l Arrived in Ashland August 22d Children’s Union Suits at 2 for $1.00 Sold regularly at 59c each, children’s fine knit union suits heavy enough for eftrly fall wear. Children’s Creepers 85c Childrens creepers made of good check gingham in pink and blue, trim m ed with scal­ loped braid. Kimonas $3.75 each Japanese Kimonas made of heavy quality crepe with hand embroidery, severel good colors to select from. - - -------------------------- ----------- i_ Satin Bedspreads $3.98 Sold regularly at $4.75, good heavy quality, several patterns to select from Bath Towels 48c ea. Large size bath towels, heavy weight, sold regularly at 69c ea. Corsets $1.50 Royal W orcester corsets, made of good quality, brocaded coutil in pink, regular sizes. Table Cloths $2.25 Size 58x70 made of mercerized Damask, hem stitched, ready for use. Bloomers $1.39 each W omen’s Piisse Crepe bloomers in pink only, well made with elastic at waist and knee. Crib Blankets $1.19 Size 30x40, come in pink and blue with white assorted p at­ terns, bummy chickers, teddy bear and bow knot. MERRY GO-ROUND WILL BE RUNNING THIS EVENING tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe—and you will—once you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) Why—every puff of P. A. makes you want two more; every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! You can’t resist such delight! And, you’ll get the smokesurprise of your life when you roll up a cigarette with Prince A lbert! Such entic­ ing flavor you never did know! And, P. A. stays put be­ cause it’s crimp cut—and it’s a cinch to roll! You try it! F ringe A lbert the national jo y sm oke GROUND ON PARK STREET NEAR THE PLAZA Cretonnes 35c yd. 36 in. Colonial cretonnes in new Dresden patterns, pink, blue and yellow. Napkins $2.25 doz Mercerized napkins, size 18x18. hemmed, rea3y for use. Mer-* cerized cloth, size 58x58 at $1.69. Wool Serge $1.19 yd Taffeta Silk $1.98 yd. 36 in. all wool serge in Navy blue only, fine quality for child­ ren middy sk irts or dresses. 36 in. wide sold regularly at $2.50 yd in several good shades and black. Have your Picoting and Hemstitching Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated ond h a lf p o u n d tin h u m id o r* a n d i n t h * pound c r y t t a l g l u t h u m id o r w it h . p o n g * m o itto n a r to p . F ringe albert j ') CRIMP CUT LONG BURRING RIPE ARC CIGARETTE TOBACCO C o p yrig h t 1921 by R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Co. W lo slo n-S alcm . H .C . Dance LAST TIME TONIGHT Crochet Bedspread $2.75 Outing Flannel yd 18c to p p y Bis Made of pood quality unbleach­ ed muslin, trim m ed with Red Bias tape and crepe and em­ broidery. 27 in. Outing flannel in fancy patterns, checks and stripes, good quality for gowns and pa­ jam as. in (M