PAGE TWO THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS interested in his office than in his home is following the wrong scent. Established 1876 W hen a m an's tim e becomes worth Published Every Evening Except so much per m inute th a t he loses Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. five or ten dollars every time he .afc------- ------ -—— OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNT! stops to kiss the baby, he is in dan­ ger of losing his life. So is the PAPER TELEPHONE 39 baby. The tw enty-ninth annual encamp­ One of the best things we ever id about the city of Portland is ment of the Southern Oregon Sol- Jne month . . . ........................... $ .66 fh re« m onths . ........................... 1.95 Six m onths . . . ........................... 8,76 town.— Portland Telegram. tiou will be held at Ashland, com One y e a r ......... Mail «mi R ural Routes. mencing Monday, Septem ber 5, 1921, YOUR TOWN One mouth . . . ........................... 1 .«5 i and continuing five days. Tents, Three mouths . ....................... .. 1.95 wood, straw and cofee will be furn Six months . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.50 One year ......... ........................... 6.50 If yon w ant to iive in the kind of a ished free to veterans and th eir fam town 1 ilies. The camp will be located iu ADVERTISING RATES: Like the kind of a town D isplay A dvertising --------- you - - lik e ,[th e park in the old camping grounds' Single insertion, each in ch ............30c You needn’t slip your clothes in a a • Ex-confederates are cordially invited Y* ^ K ?A CONTRACTS , grip < to meet with us and partake of our ne a week .*.*** SU>«. ____ .. To i ran issue on« month more touch elbows w . lt> or more, each line, each t i m e .. . . 5c It isn’t your town— it’s you. f those \ h o stood in the b attle front C lassified Colum n. j grows stronger, and wo should avail One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one mouth or Real towns are not made by ourselves ° f th,S °PP°rtu n ityi which more, %c the word each time. to some of us will be the last rally.” afraid Legal R ate: E. K. HALL, Lest somebody else gets ahead; F irst Time, per 3 point line . . . . 10c Col. Commanding. Each subsequent time, per 8 point W here everyone works and nobody line ........................ ..............Cc BERTHA E. ADAMS, shirks. Card of Thanks, $1.00. A djutant. You can raise a town from the Obituaries, 2% cents the line. d ead ; F ratern al O rders and Societies A dvertising for fraternal orders And, if while you make v o u r n e r or societies charging a reg u lar inlti- sonal q " ° u r per"> ation fee and dues, no discount. Re- v 8 ttgious and benevolent orders will be , ' our neighbor can make one, too, charged the regular rate for all ad- ■ Your town will be what you want vertising when an admission or other to see— charge is made. It isn’t your town— it’s you. What Constitutes Advertising! The above is - printed in the Tid-' In order to allay a m isunderstand- -------- — lag among some as to w hat consti- lags for the fourteenth tim e We By MAY BENEDICT lutes news and w hat advertising, want it to soak into Ashland people At the W. C. T. U. m eeting at the we print this very simple rule whicn peupie. Presbyterian church Tuesday a fte r­ Is used by new spapers to dlfferin- — — — attuta between them : "ALL future noon, everyone enjoyed a good time. events, where an admission c h a rg e ' <$> I he scripture lesson and prayer ♦ is made or a collection is taken 4, were given by Mrs. Koehler and also SUGAR-COATED PILLS OF < •» IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to WISDOM some very fitting and appropriate re­ organizations and societies of every « $ kind as well as to individuals. ’5> marks. Mrs. Alta W elnburger sang All reports of such activities after »$> From ‘‘Aesop’s Film Fables’ nicely, “ He Will Keep You very they have occurred is news. — By Aesop, J r.— •v> Sweet.” All coming social or organization Mrs. Josephine Champie then spoke meetings of societies where no money <*> A contribution is solicited, initiation « THE COUNTRY MOUSE AND on different phases of the tem per­ charged, or collection taken in NEWS. <9 THE CITY MOUSE <$> ance question, and told of the faith- We make ail quotations on Be it ever so crumbled there’s •> '*•' no bread like your own. JO lt WORK <•» ♦ * ♦ from THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. ■»' Home is happiness Same prices— Reasonable Price— quarters according ♦ Country Mouse and to all. 4» Mouse” film fable. E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon, <9 * * • Postoffice as Second Class Mail ♦ Mice and men— and women tei they have seen, or tasted, '♦ ♦ <$> th e im itation. . <9 Uneasy lies the head th a t -•> wears a crown.— Pope. -9 Heed not the "kidding” of <♦• strangers lest there be hidden <■? <9 <9 <9 <9 motive in their headquarters. «>> !* ’ ’ * ♦ Cooks are known by the rood Why not let women do the ta lk ­ they serve. ~ ing in the disarm am ent conference ® ar.d men do the listening? Women, “ Home Sweet Home” is the in such circum stances, would talk < ? > moral song in F a th e r Aesop’s -9 with wisdom and discretion. All the 'i> tale of “The Country Mouse <9 wise talk does not proceed from and th e City Mouse.” a men. ♦ * * • Europe's ability ouce more to sit An ounce of eats is worth a up and smilingly relieve the Ameri­ * pound of menus. * * * J can to u rist’s pocketbook is helping W e carry several kinds. M The richer the food, the 4? on the rehabilitation of th at over­ * seas continent. g reater the indigestion. a w ith Rubber, Com position * * * * <9 leath er soles. It’s an ill wind th a t blows the I t’s a long meal th a t has no <9 * farm er no good. His crop shortage & dessert. is to be more than compensated by * * * • <9 the generous prices he will receive