Tuesday, August 28, 1021 LUM** ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. w»* -<• ......... .. 50.00 DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS—Attorneys-a t- Water Master iLoren H. Gregory, gfavel limited to eye, ear,, nose and i Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. Dlst. No, 13 ___ 200.10 J. F. Place and Leavitt Hobbs left Fred N. Cummings, water (Continued From Yesterday.) throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and Total $153.26 master’s salary ................ $125.00: this morning for Wagner creek on 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. Total $397.12 Library Fund Fred N. Cummings, water Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. 73-tf Ju ven ile Court a deer hunt. H. W. Wilson Co., library District No. 14 master’s e x p e n se ................ 54.21 j W. F. Blackert, Juvenile wit­ books .................................... $ 4.00 ------------- i H. L Gregory, payroll Dist. DR. J. J. EMMEN8— Physician and ness fees ..............................$ 5.40 Clara Van Sant, current li­ Cool off in Rose Bros' Ice cream CHIROPRACTORS. Total $179.21! No. 14 ..................................$376.60 Surgeon. Practice limited to John Knootz, Juvenile witness brary expense .................. 15.00 parlor where quality ice creams and County Attorney , ®- Hamilton,- payroll Dist. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. fees . . .................................. 5.40 Clara Van Sant, librarian’s A. Codding, deputy dist- ' E ^Peil^payroH Dist ’ No ¿4 96^1 ? supplied. Oculist and aurist tor sherbets are served. 264tf Mrs. J. D. Starns, juvenile salary . . . . . . .......................... 62.50 Suite 8. Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices. M. A and H. rlct attorney salary -------$100.00 SavV P e « e witness fees ....................... Sierra Educational News, li­ 5.40, 25, the Plaz3. Office Phone 103 payment on Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. August Schuerman. juvenile Rawles Moore, district at- brary b o o k s ......................... .50 Residence Phone 401. Return from N e w p o r t - contract Dist. No. 14 . 200.00 Pioneer Library Bindery, bind­ witness fees 5.40' torney office expense . . . . 50.00 ¡j. B Walker, lumber Dist. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beagle, soni M.M ontgom ery/ ¿¿venlie ex- ing b o o k s .............................. 15.75 DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HKALTHATORItM— llr. No. 14 .................................. 77.28 Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ran- pense ................................. 68.26 a“d Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. ‘ e . B. Angell. Chiropractic. Elec- Willie Howard, assistant li­ Total $150.00 Office 4^5 E. Main St., opp. Pub- trical Treatments, Mineral and dies and little daughter have re- **• Chisholm, examination brarian’s salary ................ 25.00 Stock Inspection Total $1861.01 Eads Transfer & Storage, lie Library. 272-tt Vlt-o-Net Baths. First National turned from a trip to Newport. They, insano patient 5.00 Geo. , W. Jacobs, claim for , General Roads drayage for library 2.81 Bank Building. Phone 48. expect to return to that part of the Total $ 94 86 slaughtered cattle ........... $ 50.00 E. C. Hamilton., payroll gen- DRS. SAWYER & CRANDALL | I. A. Merriman, claim for TAXI. $216.14 country in a few days to take a con- Advertising and County Printing Total $125.56 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS slaughtered cattle ............ 17.50 J. T. Gagnon, lumber Sardine Rount y tract for road building, and pxpect1 Irwin Hodson Co., printing Pioneer Building. ------- ' Creek bridge, general" .’ 507.88 L. E. Bean ............................. .$ 4.00 Phons 260-R. Rea. 274-J or 367-J TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone to he gone several months. _ road bonds ......................... $187.50 218. 136-tf Total $ 6 7 .5 0 'J. D. Adams & Co., general A. B. Clamo .................. . 4.00 Jacksonville Post, county Fire Protection road expeuse .............. 40.00 William H. Cushman . . . 4.00 printing .............. . TR A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. Silk and fibre mixed knit ties, 8.83 ' State of Oregon, fire protec­ J. W. Burbldge. work, general Frank Messino .................... 3.00 __________________ ________________ HEMSTITCHING ATTACHMENT Medford Printing Co., counity tion allowance .................. $343.79 formerly $1.00 to $2.00 value; now 119.60 Harold Spencer .................. 3.00 r* ^ i ^ W^ ,^ 7 GtENERALt TRAî ,S' HEMSTITCHING and picoting at- printing . . ........................... 85 County Fair Fund ! Big Pines Lumber Co., gen­ only 50c until all gone, at Orres Ashland Tidings, printing G. W. H. Albert .................. 3.00 r ER — Good team and motor- tachment— Works on all sewing Medford National Bank, fair eral road expense 136.95 Ralph Pevton .................... 4.00 trucks. Good service at a reason­ Tailor Shop. 294tf court proceedings ........... 54.05 machines. Price $2.00. Personal grounds expense ................$360.00 J Busy Corner Motor Co., truck H. H. F o x ......... * . . . / ____ 4.00 able price. Phone 83. checks 10c extra. Light’s Mail Big Pines Lumber Co., lum- supplies, g e n e r a l................ 18.47 3.00 Archie Rock ...................... At L ake o f th e W o o d s - Total $251.23 Order House, box 127, Birmiug- ber .county fair expense . 5.95 F. E. Bybee, general road 6*. 00 FOR PROMPT and careful service Mark W inninghatn.............. ham, Ala. 298-7* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan and Mias p p «qh Expense with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 91.00 . .. . _ _ .! * * • Ash, election expense. . $ 10.00 call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone Total $365.95 Blanche Coffeen, services. Total $ 38.00 Marjorie Payne left Sunday for Lake J. W. Antle. rent of polling NOTICE OF SALE County Auditor 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near 32.00 CHAUNCEY FLOREY. of the Woods. Mr. Jordan will have place .................................... 6.65 E. M. Wilson, auditing coun­ Hotel Austin. Wesley Coffeen, work ou County Clerk. In the County Court of the State to return on account of business af­ Ashland School Dist. No. 5, ty records ......... ................ 30.00 1 ly.bo rent of polling place . . . . ’ of Oregon, for Jackson County. FOR MALE— REAL ESTATE. 5.00 fairs, but the girls* will camp for a Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights ROAD FUND Ashland Library, rent of In the matter of the sale by Jack- week or more. for P. & E. crossing . . . . 1.00 j District No. 1 polling p la c e ....................... 5 00 FOlt SALE— Eight room residence, son County, Oregon, of real property Doyou know Chanselor & Lyon, general W. L. Van Houten, payroll Geo. Brown & Sons, rent of not modern, four level lots, $1700, ac(iuired for taxes by said county, road expense ................ 46.94 market road No. 1 ............$1059.03 H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells polling p la c e ....................... 7 59 w e an roll near school, 16 acres choice so it an^ ^or w^ cb said oounty has re- Henry Dooms, work on gen­ Ender’s Cash Dept. Store, plumbing fixtures and supplies Crater Lake Hdwe., election no ledges, outside city limits, level ceived deeds. ¡O expense Dist. No. 1 ............ 1.27 ‘ eral roads ........................... 119.60 fine location. R. D. Sanford, 399 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Phone 166-J. shop at 24 8 Fifth Si. J expense ................................ Electric Shop, general road H. L. Moore, supplies Dist. Del Rio Orcjiard, rent of poll­ Beach St., Ashland. 299-2* J 0 Pursuance of an order of the 287-tf supplies .............................. No. 1 .................................. 9.00 45.92 ing p la c e .............................. 3 O0 7— ---- —------------------ —---------------- - j County Court of Jackson County. Fred J. Fick, genieral road ex­ Standard Oil Co., oil market IF. C. Elliott, rent of poll­ l OR SALE— Seven room modern Oregon, made and entered on th«- pense ................................’. . road No, 1 ............,............ R eturn from Crater Lake- 9.95 ing place house, with or without furniture,! 4th day of August, A- D. 1921, the 5.S0 Thos. H. Simpson, supplies 59.48 Gaddis & Dixon, general George Brookmiller and family I Enterprise Grange, rent of t fruit and shade trees, lawn, chick-j undersigned, sheriff of said county, road expense .................... road district No. 1 ............ 4.00 2.10 polling place ......... ........... 7 50 en yard. Bargain for quick sale, will, on the 10th day of September. have returned front a trip to Crater C. E. Gates Auto Co., general Ashland Iron Works, supplies Fouts Grocery Co., rent of 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. A. D. 1921, at the front door of the Lake. road expense ..................... road district No. 1 5.8S 2.50 polling place ..................... 299-lm o i court house of said county, in the 8.00 Harrison Bros., expenses dist­ ¡Hubbard Bros., general road Mrs. Fred Furry, rent of poil- ¡town of Jacksonville therein, at the HEARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES 85.68 FOR SALE— Good 4-room cottage. hOnr of 10 o’clock a. m. and between ing place . .....7:77” 5 0 0 1 mJ lct T No 1 ......................... 22.80,’ expense ................................ Jenkins Sign Co., general ass & Prudhomme. régis- * Thos- H- Simp80’1’ supplies Best ever grown, for sate at your aige lot some berries and fruit, the hours of 10 o’clock a. in. and 4 3.00 tration cards . . . . . . to *tt district No. 1 ..................... .30 ! road expense ....................... Pa r l i c u l® rs see M. V. at o’clock p. m. on said date, sell to grocers, or at Pleasant View Farm. Kelly-Springfield Truck Sales .— - B. Gay, - ................ • I A. C. Nininger, agent, lease, Tidings. 298-3 the highest and best bidder, for cash, Chas. election ex Talent. 299-tf Co., general road supplies. 303.85 market road No. 1 ........... 100.00 pense ........................... 20.54! FOR SALE— House and V. acre in accordance with said order, all Elmer Morse, work in raa- G. M'. Grainger, election ex­ ground in fruit trees; close in., the real property, , .. . and . every . . . piece Thirty-two Year Old Peach Treo Total $1293.40 chia® sh°P ......................... 130.00 pense .................................... 10.00 Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 lno- ' ^ d parcel thereof, to which said District No. 2 Medford Service Station, gen- J. R. Gibson brought in a basket N. B. Hildreth, election ex­ ________ ______________________ county of Jackson has acquired title Wm. Bruin. payroll Dist. eral road e x p e n s e .............. 51.59 pense .................................. ’ of early Crawford peaches for the WANTED TO SELL— 95 feet front-< virtue of sales for taxes, and to 5.47 No. 2 .....................................$105.05 i Medford Furn. & Hdwe. Co., Sarah Hall, rent of polling age on North Pioneer avenue. >! which sald «>unty has acquired a Tidings staff this morning. The District No. 3 general road supplies . . . 30.42 place .................................... beautiful building site; east front ,|eed or deeds prior to the date of tlfe 5'®®'E. C. Hamilton, payroll Dist. peaches, exceptionally large and E. A. Hildreth Jr., rent of ! Medford Lumber Co., general lying between Main and B streets , n»akin* of « » d order. Provided, that , road expense .................... 106.34 lucious, were picked from a thirty- 5 n ft, No 3 ..................................... $651.34 polling place ....................... The price on this is very reason-1each and ever>’ Piece aud Parcel of 5 00 |W m . r Perry, payroll Dist. , Medford Harness Co., general two year old fruit tree at Mr. Gib­ Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co., election able, considering location. F o r '8®^ r* al property will be sold for a road supplies ..................... 13.25 No. 3 ........... ...................... 562.50 supplies ................................ 10.00 son’s home, 145 Scenic Drive. further particulars call on E. E. price not less than the mini mum TO BAC C O A. T. Norris, driving trucks. 1 ()lm Knox, election expense . price fixed in said order. 8.00 P h ip p s , next d o o r to T id in g s . general .................. 24.00 Total $1213.84 Geo. J. Kunzman. rent of Dated this 6th day of August, A. I 296tt Have a fit at Orres, tailors for Verne Owens, general road District, No. 4 polling p la c e ....................... ». 1921 7.501 W. M Tetherow, work .................................. 64.40- payroll men and women. 294tf Kruggel Bros. Vulcanizing FOR RALE. C. E. TERRILL. Dist. No. 4 .........................$ 76.90 ¡Oregon State Highway Com­ Works, rent of polling place 10.00 ! Sheriff, Jackson County, Oregon. mission, general road sup­ District No. 5 »¡FOR SALE— On August 23 a t 2 Jas. Kershaw, delivering bal­ By L. S. Forncrook. Deputy. Leaves for San Jose, C alif.— plies • • • • ■ ■ • ■ • ■ • • • • • .. , 235.55 F. J. Watson, payroll dist. o’clock p. in., at 115 Church St.; lot boxes .............................. 4 80 288-5tues Mrs. P. J. Schrans, who has been No. 5 .................................. $ 17 6.90 ; Rert Peck, general road work 131.60 One gas range and cone burner ¡a Murphy Electric Shop, elec visiting at the home of her parents. with coil; small cook stove; coal' tion expense . . 7.77. 777. 2 2o i Associated Oil Co., expense , J. B. Pardee, rodman, general 56.32 ' roads ................................, . 15.17 : dlst. No. 5 ......... .. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Smith, left Sat­ Martin McDonough, election i stove; anti a table. Mrs J. D. ATTRACTIVE ] R. J. Rinabarger, work, gen­ g 00 : Medford Concrete Const. Co. Crocker. 299-tf expense ................................ urday night for her home at Sgn eral roads ........................... 131.60 supplies Dist. No. 5 ............ 20.25 J. D. McKinney, rent of poll­ Jose. Calif. FOR SALE— One bedstead (iron).i Thos. Roseberry, supervisor Frank P. Dutton, labor Dist. ing place ................•............ 5.00 springs and mattress; two wash- general roads ..................... 182.00 No. 5 .................................. 19.60 Samuel Mathis, rent of poll­ FALL STYIÆS What is a vacation without mu­ stands, one dresser, one couch,' Don Runyard, ctaainman, gen- ing place .............................. 5.00 and small table and kitchen table, and! Total ..............................$ 272.97 oral roads ........................ . 14.00 sic? Buy a small Victrola and take Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, rent chairs. 384 Helman St. 299-2* i Dist. No.