PAGE TWO ASHLA9B DAILY TIDINGS. Ashland Klamath Drainage Directors Debate Government Offer Tidings ¡ JfflEHICAN F80B SHIP SAVES 18,8811 BASES FROM S I M M E s ta b lis h e d 1876 P u b lis h e d E v e ry E v e n in g S u n d ay Except THE ^gH LAXD PRINTING CO. CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 OFFICIAL E n te re d P o s to n ic o M a tte r. the Ashland, Oregon. Second C lass ____ i> <$> ...■ $><$><$ <$> ank. th e Chirrup C lo a k ' MEMBER ' federal reserve SY STEI LUCK ON YOUR SID E L ady Luck alw ay s is ou th e side of th e m an who sp en d s w isely, saves sy ste m a tic a lly , a n d in v ests sanely. She m ay seem to d e s e rt o ccasionally, b u t in th e end he com es o u t a h ead of th e reck less sp e n d e r. ' If you feel you a re n o t m an a g in g y o u r fin a n c es to th e best a d v a n ta g e , com e in. a n d ta lk m a tte rs o v e r w ith th e o ffic ia ls of th e F ir s t N atio n al. Z r First NationalBank ASHLAND. OREGON AA\\\w' ' M r C ** w A R r r T b E R .. PRES 0 1 V A U PC I VICE PRC V V. C ashier co FORD AND FORDSON DEALERS ASHLAND, ORE. Pennsylvania Vacuum S ii « - s i. , Cup Tires With Free -Tube- L: niModoa I Smuri lilHSf S'; ! - - . E a r l i e r Days Busy Corner Motor Co. Corner Highway and Main Streets Provost Bros« M E D F O R D , OREGON W all P aper at R E D U C E D P rices We have a new stock just in at greatly reduced prices for you to make a selec tion from. Now is the time to paper, before fall house-cleaning and while the folks are on vacation. New prices on Paint are effective today, which makes first-grade paint in the reach of evervone. Dickerson P A IN T S , P A P E R S , O ILS, G L A SS, ETC. Son ■ ¡ i r -TH E- Sizes One Gallon to Twenty t T h a t g iv e s a m an m ore gen u in e ch ew in g satis­ faction than h e e v e r go t o u t of th e ord in ary k in d . Sm aller ch ew , lasts longer -—so it co sts less to ch ew this class of tob acco. Oregon's Higher Institution of Mr. a n d Mrsr. W. E. W oodcock, of GOLD MEDAL rh e w orld’s standard remedy for kidney iver, bladder and o ne a d d trouble«, th. >nemies o f lils and looks. In nee siaof 596. A ll druggists, three sizes, wek fur tfce m m Gold Modal oa ovary hot “H ere’s Real T ob acco” dit In firm er times, when the town butcher or f armer himself dressed and cured the meat for the community, he could not always tell how it would turn out. His methods were crude; partly traditional, partly guesswork. His tests were few and inconclusive. Meat packing of today, as carried on by Swift & Company, has changed all that. It is scientific. Nothing is left to chance; nothing taken for granted. The most painstaking care and attention are given to every step. Processes are worked out on a large scale with minute exactness. Methods are continually revised and improved. Cleanliness is insisted upon. Drastic, incessant inspections are the order of the day. Swift products are uniform, graded accord­ ing to quality. Take bacon, for instance. Swift & Company set out years ago to make a delicious, savory bacon which should be uniformly excellent. The result is CJhe ^ran3 Swift’s Premium Bacon, always the same, always fa- m o u s ly g o o d . Today this bacon, w rapped, sealed and branded, has circled the world. Swift & Company’s system of distribution car­ ries it to places which the “town butcher” or the farmer could not reach. SWIFT’S PREMIUM Swift & Company, U. S. A. Zxsh!and Local Branch, Cor. First and A Sts. F. Crouch, Manager -»