PAGE FOUR Rich H obo Apprehended- R eturn from Newport— R ogu e E lk P icn ic— ters are p art of the time, and th at sters. Music; M. Van Scoyoc, N urse; Patrolm an Priest, special police- Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Holmes have m t . and Mrs. George Robison, Mrs. some of the city and county “ vamps” Junior High School ( man at the Southern Pacific corn- returned from Newport a fte r an c . W. McKibbon, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff will be called as witnesses. I. C. Wilson, principal and physi­ charge of the Boy Scout camp fori pany yards, apprehended a “side- extended visit at the seashore. Payne, A^r. and Mrs. L. J. Heer and The authorities announce th a t the cal training; Ethel Ried, science; M edford V isitor» —- th e coming week. Mr. K oehler will I door pullm an passenger” on a slow i son Jimmie, and Dr. Maud Hawley “clean up” has ju st started, and will Florence Allen, language; Carihel Frank Patterson and m other, from hie him to th e tall tim ber for a deer freight tra in yesterday, only to find Old Tim er V isits— composed a picnic party th a t mot- be operation for another two Morehouse, history; Nellie Beaver, Medford. were in Ashland Thursday. | or so. th a t the w andering member of the! G. N. Frazier, who put the first ored to Rogue Elk Sunday. weeks before every phase has been English; W inifred Spencer, a rith m et­ “W eary Willie frate rn ity ” had $100,- iron works in Ashland in 1875, is iu concluded. ic and history; Elizabeth Blume, Ladies’ high-grade tailoring, lat-i “ H e a rts of G o ld ” a re w in n ers. 000 in Russian money on his person the city visiting his old stam ping R eturn from C rater Lake__ The two squads of special opera geography and civics; Dorothea Ab­ eat fashions and woolens are now in besides a considerable! sum of Amer­ grounds. He now lives In Eugenei n T , ,, . tives and deputy sheriffs who left raham s, household economics; Leon- . . . . „ i The c - L- Hanson and E. Daugherty a t Orres Tailor Shop. 2 94-tf Visit at M edford— ican currency. Upon request the and is making a to u r of ouuiueiu Southern | laiiinies # . ■> yesterday , . . . returneu from Medford Friday morning, had not illa Smith, sixth grade; C. Edna Ken- families returned ---------- Mrs. Ella W hite, Mr. and Mrs man bought a ticket to San F ran ­ Oregon, including C rater Lake. T h isjC rater Lake a£ter a week>8 campln returned up to noon Saturday. They , nedy, fifth grade; Vetris McCredie, Rugeui! Visitors— | Charles C hristian and Miss Hubb vis- cisco. W ith th e purchase of a ticket first 3top in Ashland since l8 7 i* trip. The Hanson family were ac- tnnV took along food aud blankets, so it ' fourth grade; Hazel Bruner, third Mr. and Mrs. Olive Taylor and son j t e d Medford Friday and were tbe allowing him pullm an car privileges, and he was much impressed with the is plain they journeyed far back i t grade; Kathy rn Miller, second grade; and Mr. Taylor’s sister, spent Thurs- guests of Mrs. S. M. Andrus for the the form er rider of brake beams tra ­ advancem ent of the city. He says companied by a guest, Adlebert El­ the hills, a fte r suspects and stills. Isabella W attenharger, first grade. liott, of G rants Pass. day night with their uncle and aunt, day. veled in style. Ashland looks good to him. ~ Hawthorn« School Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, of --------- . Brush F ASHLAND TO OPEN ! Ila MYera’ principal and sixth Liberty street. They are returning K etu.n from California— Watch Yeo’s window. 2 9 9 -tf | R eturn from C rescent City— A fire which broke out yesterday! SCHOOLS SEPT. 12 T™*?61 Hedrick- f,fth Srade; to their home near Eugene after an Mrg L. M Ring returned Saturday | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings and -------- - '* ildred Million, fourth grade; Sarah auto trip to San Francisco. ! from McCloud, Calif., where she has M otor to R ogue E lk— son John have returned from Cres­ i» the vicinity of the F. H. W alker Williamson, third grade; Vera Man- (C ontinutd From Page One) Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shell and cent City, Calif., where they have home, south of Ashland street and j been for the last few weeks. ------- —------------- ne*, grade; Eugenia-C arson, grandson, Terrence, motored to been for the past week. They were east of M ountain avenue, burnt a Typewriting; Mrs. Louise Hammond.| first second "H earts of Gold” can’t elope. grade; Jane Atkinson, first Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf Rogue Elk resort yesterday, re tu rn ­ accompanied by Donald Vestall. strip of land about a mile long to Household Economics; Leona M ar-¡grade; Emma Keltin«. mixed grade. Medford Visitor— ing th e sam e day. the Belleview district, according to George Barnum, of M edford, w as. Form er A shland W oman Dies— i citizens in th a t neighborhood. It is Sunday ScRool P ic n ic — au Ashland visitor Friday evening. W ord has come from Rev. D. J We use up-to-date methods of The picnic in L ithia P ark T h u rs­ not known how the fire started, al­ — *----- • Gillanders, form er pastor of the Con cleaning and pressing. Satisfaction day by the C hristian Sunday school though ifr was a t first thought to be Ju st received the new Bruner gregational church here, th a t Mrs. guaranteed. P aulserud’s. 299-tf was quite an enjoyable affair. More of incendiary origin. County Fire Woolen Company’s line of fall and Gillanders passed away on Wednes- than 100 were present for dinner. W arden Beagle was called to the fire w inter samples. Call in and see Jay last. Many friends here who Leave for Crater Lake__ The tables were loaded with picnic and with the assistance of twenty- them. Cleaning and repairing done learned to love her for her beautiful The H. H. Leavitt family from 440 lunches and were served in cafe­ five men managed to get the fire un­ on short notice. K. Nelson, Hotel I Christian spirit, will sympathize with Chestnut street, left Friday for Cra­ teria style to the hungry picnickers. der control at an early hour this Austin Bldg. 273-tf the afflicted family. ter Lake. They may visit Klam ath Some stunts and races by the ladies morning. Falls before retu rn in g home. were the am usem ents for the a fte r­ Automobile insurance— Yeo, o R eturns from Cam ping Trip— Miss E d ith H errin M a r r ie d - noon. course. 299-tf Sherman Graff, linotype operator S avage R apids Dam Work __ Miss Edith H errin, daughter of Mr. for the Tidings, returned Saturday Construction work on the Savage T rains A re D elayeil— and Mrs. Fred W. H érrin, 3 43 North evening from C rater Lake and as­ To R eturn to A shland— Passenger train s were held up at Main street, and Harvey K. W att Rapids dam has been going ahe^d H. J. Boyd, a form er resident of sorted localities along the Diamond rapidly during the past few weeks. G rants Pass Saturday m orning on were m arried at 4 o'clock yesterday Ashland, who has been residing in Lake road, where he has been spend­ The south end of the -dam as far as account of a wreck at Hugo early afternoon at the H errin Home by1 ing the last ten days campiug out and Los Angeles for some time, left for the by-pass was completed Friday. th a t morning. A freight car was de­ Rev. p. K. Hammond, vicar of the chumming with mountain lions, bears this city August 20, according to a The work between the by-pass and railed anti train No. 13 from the Trinity Episcopal church. Only rel­ t and other representatives of, the ani­ letter received by the Tidings from pier six, which is the present end of north was held up several hours. atives were present. Mr. W att is the Mr. Boyd today. mal kingdom th a t infest the dark construction, will be ended about Train No. 14, n o rth bound, was held son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. W att and nights surrounding a lonely camp here for an hour w aiting for the is a Jackson county man. F urther Fluff Payne m ak es appio presses. Tuesday. It is expected to have the fire. south bound train to get through. inform ation could not be obtained 299-tf north and south ends finished en tire­ ly by September 10, a t which time The w recker was brought down from this morning, as telephone calls to A nnual M eeting o f C hautauqua As Camp in Dead Indian Country— the w ater will be tu rn ed from the Ashland, but th e passenger had m an­ the H errin home failed to bring a • social ion— E. E. Phipps, local real estate deal­ jy-pass through the power house aged to get through before It reached response. It is presirtned th a t the The portion of the dam the scene of th e trouble. Nobody en tire party accompanied Fred H er­ The annual meeting of the South er, and family left Saturday for the gates. The rin, who left for Portland this morn­ through th e by-pass will then be done, was h u rt in lh e accident. era Oregon C hautauqua association; Goad Indian country where they will wrecked car was on freight extra ing. will be held on Tuesday evening, ' remain until W ednesday of this week completing ¿he work.— G rants Pass 2808, west bound.— G rants Courier. Sept. 6, at 7: 30 o’clock, in the Pass Courier.. Save money by buying your Fall C hautauqua Pioneer hall. Election 3 MOONSHINERS MUST PAY “ H earts of Gold.’ 299-tf of officers for the ensuing year and Suit at Paulserud’s. NOTICE to P R E SB Y T E R IA N S FIN E ; M ETE JAIL TERMS other m atters of im portance will be Weather for the Week— Topeka., K an., V isitor — A congregational meeting will be considered. John H. Fuller, pres. The w eather for this week will be bold at the Presbyterian church this Mrs. J. H. Ruble and daughter, F. J. Shi un, Secy. • 298-3t (Continued from Page 1) generally fair with a norm al tem ­ evening, Aug. 22, to enjoy a water­ Flora, of Topeka, Kan., and forme' residents of Ashland, are visiting perature, ’ according to predictions melon party and to decide on the bootleggers and still operators it is To Cruise A laskan Shores— made by the w eather bureau at W ash­ addition to the church building All! said th a t w arrants will be issued next Ralph Hadfield, assistant m anager I Mrs. L. E. Reamer. Third street. members o f the congregation come* W6ek f° r the arrest of leasors of resi ington. D. C. of the Ashland Iron works, a member and bring a watermelon». Board of (lences where more or less gay booze of the naval reserve, left this m orn­ H EARTS OF GOLD CANTALOUPES Trip to Lake o f th e W oods__ parties were held, and th a t evidence Trustees. Best ever grown, for sale at your ing for Portland, where he will join It lias been collected showing violations J. K. McWilliams and Roderick fellow reservists for a fifteen days’ grocers, or at Pleasant View Farm. Just saying “corn flakes” may not get you 1 ,0 0 LA TE TO classify . of the law relative to moral conduct. Boyer made a trip to Lake of the 299-tf cruise of Alaskan w aters on board a Talent. Post Toasties. Take no chances. Say Post Toasties. It has also been brought tq light Woods yesterday, retu rn in g the same United States destroyer. th at several local m others do not l ’aso Robles, Calif., \ isitors — day with Mrs. McWilliams who has Ä ? - Add" “ know where th eir w andering daugh been spending a few days a t the Mr. and Mrs. Beiuiett, of Paso Automobile Insurance a specialty lake. Robles, Calif., arrived at the auto Yeo, of course. 290V F °not ^ n d E~~E/ eh t r ° ° m resi<*ence, camp last night, a fte r a trip north as J. \ . W right and family were not m odern, four level lots. $1700 far as the Big Marsh in Klam ath R eturn from Lake o f tb e Woorlu— near school, 16 acres choice »oi!: Central Point visitors on Saturday. Misses Ruth Osraun, Ernestine county, and C rater Lake. They left no ledges outside city lim its, level Hicks, Blanche MacLean and Eunice this morning on th eir retu rn to their Saturday V isitors— ¿oca«on. R. d . Sanford, 399 Beach St., Ashland. 299-2* Grubb returned yesterday from a home at Paso Robles. Mrs. W. A. Thompson, Central two weeks camping trip at Lake of Order your F all Suit now troni Point; Mrs. Fletcher Fish, Phoenix; FOR SALE— On A ugust 23 a t 2 the Woods. During their sojourn at o clock p. m., a t 115 Church St.; 299-tf and Mrs. Denny, Scott’s Valley, were One gas range and cone burner the lake the fair hikers climbed Paulserud’s. business visitors in the city S atu r­ with coil; sm all cook stove; coal Mount Pitt. They report the swim­ day. Leaves for Low Angeles— stove; and a table. Mrs. J. D. ming fine. Crocker,_________ _ 2 9 9-tf Miss Agnes Danford left this m orn­ K lam ath F a lls V is it o r __ ing for Los Angeles, where she ex­ "H earts of Gold.” FOR SALE— High class household pects to remain during the coining Oliver Dews, a form er Ashland goods, w ashing m achine, bedroom winter. set, dining room set, le ath er rock­ man, now employed by the California- Deer H unter Leaves— er, oak rocker, rugs and stove, and Oregon Power company a t K lam ath G. W. Hake left Saturday for the num erous o th er things. At very Something new in Yeo’s window. Falls, made a trip to this city F ri­ mountains to hunt deer. Miss Rose reasonable prices. Call and see Hake and Ruby Derrick went along 299-tf day of last week over th e Green them. 125 Scenic Drive. 299-3* for a camping trip. Springs road, which he ironically re­ FOR RENT— Furnished ap artm en t Leaves for F lorida— ports as being “ smooth as glass.” over Citizens Bank. Will be ready Good food, cooked right, served Mrs. Sarah Tourtellot , who has Mr. Dews intended to retu rn to K lam ­ about A ugust 25. Henry Provost, at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland been visiting a t the home of Mrs. ath Falla today. phone 474-R. 299-6 LADY who hud a family of three children didn’t want GH1I. 297tf Marcia Danford, left this m orning for FOR SALE— One bedstead (iro n ), any more because she had heard that every fourth, Los Angeles, on her way home to Big Huckleberry Crop— springs and m attress; two wash- Sunday Visitors at Auto C a m p - child horn in the world was a t ’hinaman. To Will Dodge and H arry Hosier Florida. stands, one dresser, one couch, Mr. and Mrs. M. Foster, of Nvssa, goes the honor of m aking the first small table and kitchen table, and Ida., Prof, and Mrs. Morgan of Al­ chairs. 384 Helman St. 299-2* ‘H earts of Gold” next week. big haul of huskleberries this year. As ludicrous, perhaps, as an old misconception some skepti­ bany college, and Prof, and Mrs. Will and H arry made a merry jau n t WANTED— Situation by reliable man cal folks used to have about advertising. Franklin, of Salem, were among the Makes Search for Rank Rook— to the Dead Indian country last week — experienced clerk or alm ost anv ____ Earl U tter, messenger for the and returned with, friends allege, 365 auto campers over Sunday. These kind of work. 167 M ountain ave­ nue. 299-tf There was a time, when some advertisements had to he taken people make it a rule to stop over W estern Union Telegraph company, gallons of huckleberries. Local res­ Sunday Wherever they are and at-i tore «P the iron grating in the side- idents ace now m aking heavy in­ FOR SALE— Seven room modern with'a grain of salt. A lew misguided advertisers thought they tend church. j walk in front of the Postal Tele- roads on the huskleberry crop in the house, with or w ithout fu rn itu re, could sell their goods better by misrepresenting them. Those fru it and shade trees, lawn, chick­ graph company, while making a vicinity frequented by the two plo- advertisers have long since gone out of business or mended en yard. Bargain for quick sale. if you want the best there is, e a t' "strong m an” effort to recover a lost meer berry pickers. 131 North Main, phone 290-Y. their ways. Hard exjierience taught that untruthful adver at G arnett’s. 298tf' bank book. Earl got the book. 299-lm o tising didn’t pay. Ten Day Crater L ake Camp er» Engineer Bateman, wife and “T H E EL H A R T W AY” daughter, and Mrs. Jam es B. Saun­ Other advertisers proved that the only way to advertise suc­ ders, 570 Boulevard, left last, week We will go to the ends of the cessfully, make regular customers, and build up good will was earth for the thing you want. for C rater Lake for a ten days camp­ to TELL THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH about their goods in their THE THEATER BtAliTVU ing trip. They went by way of F o rt advertisements. K lam ath and will be joined later by Mr. and Mrs. Chester W alters of Talent, and Mr. Saunders, who left You can depend on the merchant or manufacturer who ad­ today. vertises. The concern that tells you frankly what it is doing One of the latest, by the loved •in— a u th o r of Freckles, th e H arvester, is a good concern with which to do business. The store that R eturus from Cinnibur S p r i n g s - Laddies, Michael O’H alloran, etc. advertises is a progressive store that has something really Local and Personal AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Expert Auto Repairing Phone 44 KAY & MORRISON 100 Main St. Ashland, Ore. Don’t confuse the new methods with the old methods of making Corn F la k es. Ask your g rocer for - Post Toasties best corn flakes One Born Every Fourth Minute A CONNIE T TALMADGE Starts Tuesday "Dangerous Business” Claude Saunders, w ell know n ton- sorial a rtist in the Elks club, has returned from Clnoibar Springs, where he has been camping for the past two weeks. From ’F risco H ospital— LEAVING TONIGHT Bert Lytcll IN “ A Message From Mars” And Two Reels of Giggles et Books ioonerville’s Fire Brigade 99 C. O. P orter, local employe of the Southern Pacific company, has re­ turned from San Francisco where he was confined in the company hospital for several days following a serious operation. L eave for E u gen e — Miss Crystal Jacobs and her m oth­ er, Mrs. Jacobs, who have been vis­ iting friends here, left Saturday for Eugene, where they will spend the re­ m ainder of the school vacation. Miss Jacobs will retu rn to Roseburg In tim e for th e opening of the coming school "year. “H E R F A T H E R ’S DA U G H TER ” by Gene Stratton-Porter $1.73 •THE FLAMING FO REST” by Jam es Oliver Curwood worth while to say to you. And companies that advertise their products or their service have confidence in them. You can safely 'share their confidence. Inferior merchandise cannot masquerade in the quality clothes of advertising. A STORY WORTH READING » 2 .00 FOR SALE AT Read the Advertisements!