PAGI TUBBS ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Monday. August 22. 1991 2.65 ices, county farm expense. supt’s. traveling expense. 50.00 American Red Cross, indigent expense ................................ 27.60 W. N. Wells, superintendent’s Susanne W. Homes, stamps, 8.00 traveling expense etc., for office .................. 2.55 W. C. Boliou, work on county 25.00 • Welborn Beeson, county farm J cemetery ......................... Medford Printing Co., school supplies ......... ; ............... .. . 36.00 supt’s. office supplies . . 15.001 Cowley’s Emporium, indigent L o ca l a o 4 P er so n a l supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Horace Pelton, member 8.30 Miss P. M. Wells, labor at 4.00; J. J. Emmons, indigent ex­ of educational board. . . . county fa r m ......................... 40.00 ---------------------- — Side Lights ........ ............ Miss Mildred Pratt, work for pense ...................................... 10.00 3.00 E. C. Faber, indigent supplies 11.19 Total $632.59 school superintendent . . . Prepare now for rainy days. Have'Leave for Portland— Mrs. D. Perozzi, member of Court House Expenses Ideal Grocery, indigent sup­ 3.40 educational board ........... plies ....................................... your umbrellas covered at the Fix- Fred Herrin and family and John 8.65 |B. L. Moses, janitor’s salary $ 66.25 H. Von der Hellen, member J. J. Hawks, indigent sup­ It Shop. 294-6* ; Fineran left this morning for Port- • City Drug Store, court house 7.20 plies .................................... of educational board. . . . 15.00 e x p e n se .................................. 22.35 ---------- land by auto, to spend a few days. Susanne W. Homes, cash ad­ Hutchinson & Lumsden, indi­ Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights R out P u icu p in vanced stamps ................ •. 25.00 gent supplies .................... 31.03 for court h o u s e .................. 14.70 Rumor has it that with the inva-j Have a fit at Orres, tailors for Mrs. M. E. MIddlebusher, in­ City Recorder, water rent for Total $566.07 Bion of a porcupine yesterday even-1 men and women. 294tf digent su p p lie s.................... 8-.00 court h o u s e ......................... 15.00 Leonard Oorthups, indigent- F ru it Inspector’s O ffice 1E. A. Flemming, wood for ing at the John H. Dill ranch home ---------- expense ................................ E. R. Oatman, fruit inspect­ 12.00 court h o u s e ......................... 12.50 on North Main street excitement i ®uests at Wheeler Home— or’s salary and expense. . $182.00 I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., phone ; W. C. Ka8shafer, wood for Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Persons, with reigned while the prickly danger was H. T. Pankey. fruit inspect- rent for county farm 2.85 court house ........................ 9.35 bein« frightened away from the Dill their son and wife of Fresno, Calif., or’s salary and expense. . 143.50 Sacred Heart Hospital, indi­ West Disinfectant Co., court gent expense ..................... 68.58; house expense ..................... chicken coops. Report has it that are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler. 16.25 Mrs. Person is a sister of Mrs. Whee«- .Total $3 25.50 B. P. Theiss & Co., indigent 1 Big Pines Lumber Co., court the enemy was routed and the chick­ expense .................................. 30.00 house expense ..................... 5.40 A ssessor’s Office ens lived to roost another evening. er. Terwllliger Funeral Home, in- ! Lowden Bros., wood for court J. B. Coleman, assessor’s sal- irv « ic c c c i digent expense ----- 35.00 house .................................... 6.00 Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the Yeo iQ8ure8 anything anywhere, Linnie Hanscanu deputv as Talenl Mercantile Co.. indi- j W. A. Bishop, freight for quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf PboDe 274-J. 290tf P - sent supplies ..................... 10.00 court h o u s e ....................... . sessor’s salary .................. 110.00 Alice Ulrich, rent for indi- » _ Ray Coleman, deputy asses­ gent ....................................... 6.00 W ill H elp H arvest— ' | t l u l s ‘k‘n W orkers Build M eets— Total $163.07 sor’s salary ....................... 90.0ft Will H. Wilson. indigent Jail Jesse Smith left yesterday for! The Christian Workers band will Elva Coleman, deputy assess. e x p e n se .................................. 1.7 3 B. L. Moses, jailor’s salary .$ 56.25 sor’s salary ........... • ......... Klamath Falls to spend a month or hold a business meeting in the low'er C. W. Banta, field deputy 75.00 White House Grocery, indi­ Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights supplies .................... 20.00 so helping Jim Bowers harvest his park, promptly at 7 o'clock next for j a i l .................................. 7.32 assessor’s salary . . . . . . . 100.00 C. gent S. Butterfield, indigent ex­ Medford Sheet Metal Works. ranch. He will be missed at the Thursday evening. C. H. Gillette, field deputy pense .................................... 8.25 jail su p p lie s......................... 102.20 Zssessor’s salary .............. 20.CT0 Elks’ club. Fouts Grocery Co., indigent Optimo Cafe, meals for pris­ W’hat is a vacation without mu­ J. T. Little, field deputy as­ supplies ................................ 21.94 oners .................................... 1.80 sessor’s salary .................. * 96.00 See our Fall Suitings of pure Vir­ sic? Buy a small Vlctrola and take James Pough, regular indi­ Effie M. Terrill, meals for Floyd Pearce, field deputy 247-tf gent ....................................... 6.00 gin Wool. Paulserud’s. 279-tf It along. Rose Bros. p ris o n e rs ................................. 178.50 assessor’s salary .............. 55.00 Goldie Gates, regular indi­ J. C. Pendleton, field deputy gent ................................ 15.00 T o ta l $ 3 4 6 .0 7 W aterm elon F e e d - assessor’s salary’ .............. 30.00 M otor to W agner Creek— Mrs. Harrison, regular indi­ Jay Terrill, field deputy as­ All members and friends who are Howard Rose and wife motored (Continued Tomorrow) gent ......... . . . . . . . . + . . . . 15.00 sessor’s ^salary ’. . . . . . . . . . 40.00 over to Wagner creek yesterday for interested in the Presbyterian church Asliland Tidings, assessor’s Total ...............................$666.12: are invited to a watermelon feed to­ thflfday. expense ................ 45.00 night at the church. The final ar­ J. B. Coleman, assessor’s W TIIF. D IA M O X » Q U A N D . A Care o f Poor at Poor Farm Cool off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream rangements for the new annex will traveling expense ............ 21.25 Dr. W. W. P. Ho|t, county parlor where quality ice creams and be made and It Is important that ev­ J. B. Coleman, stamps for physician’s salary ........... 75.00* assessor’s office ................ 50.00 Dr»rc1«U A s k f o r C I lf ö lä & T E R 8 sherbets are served. 264tf ery one be present. The hour is 7:30. W. N. Wells, superintend­ Medford Book Store, asses­ DIA M O N D » « A N D P IL L S , fn, 2 5 - y e in k n w n l! Best,Safes; Always ReUaHe ent’s Co. farm salary . . . 125.00 sor’s office supplies . . . . . 5.50 O verheard at th e E lk s’ Club—— H. E. Bettinger, barber at For pleating see Orres. 294tf Home Tel. & T el. Co., a sse s­ SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE county ' farm ..................... 8.00 A timid young man approached I. sor’s telephone b i l l ........... 3.05 Cal. Ore. Power Co., lights Jacksonville Post, printing De Hasse at the club yesterday in re­ R eturns from Oakland— for county hospital ......... 13.64 for office ........................... 6.00 E. D. Briggs, of the attorney firm gards to his daughter, and said, Ed Binns, county farm sup­ Medford Book Store, asses­ “With all her faults I love her still.” of Briggs and Briggs, has returned plies ....................................... 8 .6 5 1 sor’s office supplies . . . . 4.60 Albert Crane, nursing at coun­ “Gosh A’mighty, Calvin,” ejaculated from a week’s vacation spent at Oak­ ty farm ................................ 10.00 Mr. De Hasse. “I didn’t know she land, Calif. Total $918.06 R. E. Casad. hay for county Tax Rebate had one.” farm .................................... .. 81.97, 14 Boys, get ready for school, which Frank Ritchson, tax refund . $ Hubbard Bros., county farm Widows’ Pensions Oregon’s Higher Institution of Silk and fibre mixed knit ties, starts Sept. 12. See the fine all- e x p e n se .............................................95 j Ernestine Austin, widow’s formerly $1.00 to $2.00 value; now wool suitings at Orres Tailor Shop. Hutchison & Lumsden, county pension farm su p p lie s............113.96 only 50c until all gone, at Orres Made to measure at $25.00 to Effie Marie Baer. widow’s Jackson Co. Creamery, county Den sion ......................... • • Tailor Shop. 294tf $30.00. 294tf farm supplies ..................... 45.00 ; Mrs. J. H. Byerly, widow’s Eight Schools; Seventy Departments Medford Furn. & Hdwe. Co., pension . To Occupy Old Reeser Home—— FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Visiting Parents— county farm su p p lie s......... 8.55 I Mrs. Susie Coy. widow’s pen- For informition write Io the Registrir C. A. Hazen and family are mov­ Medford Fish Co., county James Morgan and wife, of Edge- sion .................... farm s u p p lie s.................. .... 1.3 Oregon Agricultural College ing from Main street into the old wood, Calif., are at present visiting Rebecca A. Clary. widow's C O R V A L L IS Dickerson & Son, county pension . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Reeser house on Gresham street, be­ Mr. Morgan’s parents, the J. M. Mor­ farm s u p p lie s ..................... 53.8 Lucy May Davis, widow’s longing to “Aunt Lib” Smith. The gan family of Mountain avenue. Pacific TeL & Tel. Co,, serv- pension house has been vacant for some time Nettie Green, widow's pen­ and was rapidly going to destruction. M » I I I » Extra special— Meq’s medium- sion . . . .............................. 25.00 ! < ♦ ♦ » » < OOOOOO»' The neighborhood will be glad to wel­ weight cassimere pants, all sizes. '-Mary Roberts Higgins, wid- come a new tenant. medium gray pattern; »bile they „ , e '' w ,5 M last at »3.50. at Orres Tailor Shop., peastoa . . . . . 25.00 ! H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells 294tf Nida Oatman, widow’s pen- plumbing fixtures and supplies. --------- - sion ..................................... 10.00 Phone 16C-J. shop at 248 Fifth St. Leaves for West Virginia— i Anna Prescott, widow’s pen- 287-tf Miss Anne Lloyd left last week fo r k . B,On 'J ' ........... ..' 17,50 v:r„ir- u> . , I Mary Priscilla Price, wld- West \irginia. Miss Lloyd and h er; ow>s pension .................... 10.00 M otor from Siskiyou— niece have been visiting for several:Rosa A. Peffly, widow’s pen- “Dick” Ragland and family mot­ weeks with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Mc-j 8^on ....................................... 25.00 ored down from Siskiyou Saturday Aliister, of Central Point. Retha M. Richardson, wid­ ow’s pension ....................... 32.50 morning to do some shopping and at­ Lydia Sanders, widow’s pen­ tend the Vining theatre. Mrs. Rag­ Cam ping Trip—- S E E O U R W IN D O W sion .................................... 17.50 land spent the evening with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webber left Laura E. Stewart, widow’s Bomar on Allison street. Friday for the mountains for a few pension ..............7 ............. 22.50 Rose R. Singler, widow’s days camping trip. _____ _ pension ........................... . 32.50 We specialize on Tancv brick ice -v-e- ♦ - Central P oint V isitors— Mrs. Elizabeth Sevey, wi<6- cream. Rose Bros. 264tf n O M Aiw x °W s pension ..................... 17.60 c. G. McAllister and family from]Sarah A. Summers, widow’s E u gen e V isitor— Central Point were Ashland visitors pension .......................... 22.50 Miss Ruth Hoer from Eugene has Thursday. Addle Webb Shanks, widow’s ______________ _ pension .............................. 10.00 been the guest of Miss Fern Murphy rniTV’r v n m ™ » i Am>’ R- Thorn, widow’s pen- for the last week. COUNTV COURT PROCEEDINGS.: aiOn ............................................. 25.00 --------- - j Sarah Wakeman, widow’s «Continued from Saturday’s IssueU pension .................................. 22.50 SHOO FLY — Alice P. Howell, widow’s Spray your animals with Shoo Chauncey Florey, stamps for »pension .............................. 25.00 Fly and keep the flies away. office ................................t 2250 W. A. Bishop, freight for Total $462.50 i ICELESS COOLERS clerk’s office .................... 83 Care of Ptoor not at Poor Farm J. R. Anderson, regular in- Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay Total $1197.95 digent .................................. $ 6.0 0 i for itself in a year in ice bills. We now have a carload of the finest 16-inch yellow pine we T reasurer’s O ffice Nancy Arrasmith, regular in- A. C. Walker, county treas- digent .................................. 10.00 have ever seen, large blocks and thoroughly dry. We can deliver this New White Sewiug Machines, al­ urer'g salary .................... $150.00 A- D Beardsley, regular in- ways on hand. Used machines for wood from car at $3.75 per tier, in four or more tier lots, any­ digent Dorothy Bedwell, deputy rent. where below' the Boulevard or Main street. 10 cents per tier 90.00 Mrs. G. R. Brobeck. regular treasurer’s salary ........... extra for long or hard deliveries indigent .................. ........... 8.00 Ashland Tidings, treasurer’s PEIL’S CORNER expense .............................. 12.00 Mrs. Kate Copple, regular indigent .............................. 8.00 Medford Book Store, treas­ We also have some 300 7-foot Cedar Posts, the best posts .75 M. & Rebecca Childers, urer’s office supplies . . . we have seen in this valley; 30 cents each delivered. A. C. Walker, treasurer’s regular indigent ................ 10.00 .53 ¡Dave Daniels, regular indi- office expense .................. Home Tel. & Tel. Co., treas­ i gent .............................. 8.00 urer’s telephone .............. 4.10jA- M. Ford, regular indi­ gent .................... ............... 6.00 Medford Printing Co., treas­ urer’s office supplies . . . 15.00 ¡Mrs. Hatch, regular indigent 10.00 TRANSFER, STORAGE AND WOOD 1 Mrs. Hudson, regular indi- Medford Book Store, treas­ urer’s office supplies . . . . 1.10 gent ....................................... 8.00 3 4 0 T h ird S tre et Phone 4ttO J. W. Ingram, regular indi­ gent ........... ......... ............ 8.00 Total $273.48 Coromer’s O ffice Albert Johnson, regular indi­ W. C. Bolious, coroner’s in­ gent ....................................... 8.00 quest expense .................. $ 7.50 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, reg­ John A. Pearl, coroner’s ex­ ular Indigent .................... 20.00 pense .................................. 34.02 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, Harold B. Myers, coroner’s & a n k . w/Z^ regular indigent ................ 8.00 inquest expense ................ 35.00 Mrs. Lena Lee, regular indi­ tb s C h un^ C ioeh.‘ R. W. Poellnitz, coroner’s in­ gent ....................................... 8.00 quest expense .................. 10.00 Carrie E. Miller, regular indi­ gent ...................................... 10.00 Total $ 86.52 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu­ School S u p erinten dent’s O ffice lar in d ig e n t......................... 8.00 : Susanne W. Homes, school Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular superintendent’s salary ..$ 1 6 6 .6 6 Indigent ................................ 8.00 ! Almedo J. Fuller, school Margaret Noble, regular indi­ LUCK ON YOUR SIDE ■ supervisor’s salary ......... 120.00 gent ....................................... 10.00 Lorraine Lawton, school Mary Price, regular indigent 8.00 Lady Luck always is on the side pf superintendent’s assistant 75.00 Doc Parsons, ’regular indi­ the man who spends wisely, saves Almeda J. Fuller, school 8.00 gent ........................... .......... systematically, and invests sanely. supervisor’s expense . . . . 53.90 Mrs. L. Schiefflin, regular in­ j Medford Book Store, school She may seem to desert occasionally, digent .................................. «.on superintendent’s o f f i c e W. H. Smith, regular indi­ but in the end he comes out ahead supplies .............................. 70 gent .................................. .. . 10.00 We carry several kinds. Made of the reckless spender. Ashland Tidings. school Jean Ross Smith, regular In­ 1 1 with Rubber, Composition or superintendent’s o f f i c e digent .................................. 8.00 If you feel you are not managing supplies ............................. Nancy Sisemore, regular indi­ leather soles. your finances to the best advantage, ¡Geo. Beers, attendance at gent .................................. 10.00 come in and talk matters over with school convention ........... T. D. Stafford regular indi­ Miles Cantrall, member of the officials of the First National. gent ..................................... . 7.00 educational board ........... Alex Wilson, regular indigent 8.00 G. W. Godward, 8th grade Z. Wolgamott, regular indi­ examination b o a r d ........... gent ....................................... 16.00 ] Home Tele. & Tel. Co., Ernest Weldon, regular indi­ iiCARTEfc.Pees A SM LAN O. Oft EGON, school superintendent’s gent ........................... .. 8.00 hVAUPCL VICEPRt telephone .............. ............. Annie Walking,, regular indi­ J IV M« COY. CASniCR ¡Susanne W. Homee, school gent .................................... 8.00 Ashland News in Paragraphs CHICHESTER S PILLS OAC TECHNOLOGY $1.00 Genuine Gillette Safety Razor SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Special on Wood and Posts ADAMS & ADAMS Canvas Shoes Suitable for Hunting and Fishing ^Hrstnam y B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRICK» A BRlGGS— Attorneys-at- limited to eye, ear. nose and; Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. 73-tf Bldg. DR. J. J. EMMBNS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses | DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor supplied. Oculist and aurist for Suite 8. Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Bldg., Medford, Ore., Phone 567. Residence Phone 401. DR. FRANK M. MONON— Physician ASHLAND HKALTHATORltM— Dr. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ trical Treatments, Mineral and lic Library. 272-tî Vit-o-Net Baths.. First National ’] Bank Building. Phone 48. DBS. SAWYER & CRANDALL TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phohe 213. »> 136-tf Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J T R A N SFER AND E X PR E SS. INTER URBAN AUTOCAR CO. E ffective March 58», 1920. Daily (E xcept Sunday) T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FER — Good team and motor-, LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND trucks. Good service at a reason­ 7:15 a.m . 7:16 a. in. able price. Phone 83. 8:60 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 8:46 a. m. FOR PROMPT and careful service 9:30 a. m. 9:30 a. m. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 10:15 a. in. 10:16 a. m. call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone 11:00 a. in. 11:00 a. m. 117. Office 8 9 Oak street. Near 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Hotel Austin. 12:45 p. in. 12:46 p.m. 1 :30 p. in. 1:30 p m. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. 2:15 p. m. 2:16 p. m. 3:00 p. in. p. m. FOR SALE— Good 4-room cottage, 3:00 3:46 p. a . 3:45 p. m. large lot some berries and fruit. 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. in. For particulars see M. V. at 5:15 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Tidings. 298-3 6:00 p m. 6:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. FOR SALE— House and % acre 8:46 p. m. 8:45 p. m. Sat . «miy ground in fruit trees; close in .1 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Inquire 606 Allison. 294-t mo* . Sat. only 12:15 Mldgt ---------------------- •-------------------- -------- • 10:30 p.m . SUNDAY ONLY WANTED TO SELL— 95 feet front­ LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHI.AND age on North Pioneer avenue, a 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. beautiful building site; east front, 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. lying between Main and B streets. 11:00 a; m. J 1:00 a. m. The price on this is very reason­ 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon able, considering location. For 1 1:00 p.m . 1:00 p. m. 2 00 p. in. 2:00 p. m. P h ip p s, n ex t d o o r to T idings. 3:00 p. in. ! 3:00 p. in. 296ti ] 4:00 p. u . 4:00 p. in. 5:00 p. in. 6:00 p. m. FO R BALE. 6:30 p. in. 6:30 p. an. 9:30 p. m. t 9:30 p. m. FOR SALE— Winchester repeating Ashland Waiting—■East Side Phur- shot gun and shells. 475 Beach 1 macy. 298-6* St. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, wind- ! LV. M EDFORD LV. J’B’NV’LE fails. Can’t beat ’em for pies, 7:40 a. m. 7:20 a. m. sauce or jelly. 75c 50-pound box 9:00 a. m. 6:20 a. ui. delivered. Fresh cider, 40c gal­ 10:30 a. m. 10:00 a. in. lon. Young’s Ranch, Belleview. >12:00 Noou 11:30 a. m. Phones 10-F-3 or 9 -F -ll. 1:00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m: FOR SALE- Oak wood. Phone 1-F 3:45 p. m. 4:3.0 p. in. 295-6 5:30 p. m. 12. ? 6:00 p. in. 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. in FOR SALE— Hudson super-six road­ 7:30 pm . Sat. only 8 .00 p.m . ster in first-class condition; fine 10:30 p.m . 9»t. only 9:60 p.m . appearance. Inquire Austin ho­ W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. tel. 295-6* MKDFORD-ROSEBUR< i Dally and Sunday FORD COUPE, 1921, excellent con­ LV. ROSEBURG dition. Inquire Irwin's Cigar LV. MEDFORD 1 00 p. ui. ¡ 11:00 a. in. Store. Phone 140. 290tf MEDFORD-ttRANTH FAtW Dally and Sunday BUILDING MATERIAL — Medford LV. G T ’H PAH» Cement Brick and Block Works, LV. MEDFORD 10:00 a. m 1 8:00 a. in. 1:00 p. in. products. Corner Fir and I Oth ¡11:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 225tf , 1:00 p. m. s tre e t. 6:15 p. m. ' 4:30 p. m. FOR SALE— Blackface bucks, ] Grants Pass Waiting Room— The a head. Six miles south on Pa­ Bonbonniere. Phone t60. cific highway. Mike Tucker. Office and Waiting Room: No. 6 292-6* , S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building. FOR RENT. FOR RENT— Cottage partly furnish-1 ed, hot water and bath. Man and] wife 01 two ladies preferred, 855 lis t. 298tf. ATTRACTIVE Fall Woolens FALL STYLES and FALL PR IC E» have arrived at FOR RENT— Furnished apartment. Will he ready about August 25 Henry Provost, phone 474-R. 294-6 FOR RENT— 2-room, modern, fur­ nished apartment; close in; adults only. Inquire 166 Hargadine or phone 26 4-Y. 294tt Tailors for Men and Wunn-ii You are invited for a look W ANTED. WANTED— To rent for about 2 mos. an unfurnished room and use of •kitchen, or would furnish own kitchen. References exchanged. Write Mrs. Walter J. Barham, Siskiyou, Jregon. 297-8t* FOR TRADE. TO TRADE for alfalfa acreage, 5-! room modern home in Klamath • Falls, on paved street Inquire; 143 8th street. 294-6* j HEMSTITCHING ATTACHMENT HEMSTITCHING and plcoting at-J tachment— Works on all sewing' machines. Price $2 00. Personal checks 10c extra. Light’« Mail Order House, box 127, Birming­ ham, Ala. 298-7* C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN R ea l E sta te City and Ranch Properties House« to Rent. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING Don’t Expose Your Property to Loss If you were carrying $5,000 or more of cash in your car you'd want to hare it insured. But are you not driving your car. with abont all of your prop­ erty exposed? If you injure a man, and he obtains a damage verdict against you, you’re got to pay it. If you haven't the cash, your property can be sold to get it. Don’t risk your house, your bank account, your business. Let a first class automobile policy stand between your worldly goods and the result of that possible accident. DO IT NOW. A few dollars today may save you a few thousand tonight. Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance Estab. 1883 Phone 211 41 Blast M ain Stock and Alfalfa Ranch One of the best in Jackson County. Adjacent to finest of out­ side range. 400 acres- 115 in alfalfa. 30 more iu cultivation, 195 acres under the ditch with an unlimited supply of water; good house with bath, toilet, hot and cold water: two large barns (I full of hay from first cutting), large garage and machine shop, black­ smith shop w’ith tools, farm scales; fruit and all kinds of berries; close to school; fine hunting and fishing. Will sell for $25,000, Including furniture, farm implements and one barn full of hay. $6.000 will handle deal. B E N N E T T IN V E S T M E N T CO. 113 West Main Street M edford. Oregon. E xclusive Aamu«.