i PAGE TWO Ashland 5— H Tidings ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. M onday, A u g u st 2 2 , 1021 built products at greater values than al. Affidavit of mailing, summons. a t any tim e in the past th re years. Bullock Merc. Agency vs. E. G. Established 1876 “ Make a resolution now to stop High et ux. Cost bill. Published Eteky Evening Except. Sunday j these lies by not allowing them to H attie Carroll vs. Fred Leo Car- THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. ( be passed w ithout proof, and we will roll. Divorce. OFFICIAL CITY. AND COUNTY The question has been raised as t o , suppressed: poisonous propaganda is soon find the public will not be car­ Second N orthw estern Finance PAPER w hether or not th e coming W ashing- i still .being spread broadcast; legiti­ ried away by false statem ents th a t Corp. vs. J. H. W heeler et ux. De­ TELEPHONE 39 ton conference on disarm anetneuts m ate sources of governm ent Inform a­ injure every reliable business house. m urrer. Subscription P rice D elivered in City “ Remember— ‘Stop the Gossiper.’’ tion a re still being contam inated and )ne m onth .................................. f .65 shall be open or closed. Why the behind lies secret trading is still be- Would th a t there were more Hog­ Real E state Transfers Three months . .......................... 1.95 question? Have not the world poli­ ans in the country. A good sized j ing carried on in a m anner th a t is Six months .................................. 3.75 R. L. Lovett et ux to Frank One y e a r ....................................... 7.60 ticians yet learned th eir lesson from m aking proper understanding and squad of them would clear the busi­ H. Dressier et ux, land In the wreck th a t followed on the peace justice h ard er and harder to attain. ness atm osphere in jig time. Mail «nd Rural Route*. D. L. C. 42, tp. 37 S., R. 1 Commenciug on ami after September 15th. One mouth .................................. | .66 th a t was w ritten in secret? The world The peoples of th e world still look W est ....................................... 10 Three months .............................. 1.95 war was the logical, n atural and in­ Old Mother Goose— “Georgle, I to America for help and guidance to Six months .................................. 3.60 the W hite House Grocery will be converted hear th a t you kissed the girls and J. W. Grover et ux to H. E. evitable result of the practices of sec­ a new estate of independence, estab­ One year ....................................... 6.50 Campbell, lot 2, blk. 14, ret diplomacy. Men laid down their lished friendship and good will. But made them cry.” into the Grocerteria Plan, and will buy and Central Add. to Eagle Point 10 ADVERTISING RATES: Georgie Porgy— *A‘w, shucks! arm s under the urge of the promise th a t help and guidance cannot be giv­ D isplay A dvertising Minnie H erron et vir to Grant sell for cash only. Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c and agreem ent th a t the old order en» unless understanding is estab ­ They were just crying for m ore.” — M. Powell. E H of SE. sec. YEARLY CONTRACTS had passed, th a t in th e new we were lished on a foundation of whole tru th M ontreal Star. 5, tp. 36 S„ R. 3 W est___ 2000 Display A dvertising to have "open covenants, openly ad- and the whole tru th has never been Commencing ou the «late of this notice, 1 will Sheriff to Mary E. Adams, pt. One tim e a w e e k . . . ..............2 7 H e rived a t,” and a new order in the vouchsafed to the people from be­ Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c sec. 36. tp. 36 S.. R. 3 W . 2527.86 conduct of world affairs. hind the closed doors of diplomacy. Every other d a y ......................... 20c allow a 5 per cent, discount for all goods G uardianship Francis J. W ater­ Local Readers. Some politicians still cling to the W hether or not th ere shall be •« man. Report of sale. E ach line, each tim e .................... 10c old and outworn tradition- th a t a few great press gathering in W ashington bought and paid for in cash until September To run every other day for on* G uardianship Raymond S. Bow­ . Marriage Licenses ’ » V moDth, each line, each tim e . . 7c shall rule and millions m ust he led and w hether or not the proposed dis 15th, when we will operate under our uew plan. W alter Chester Ricks and Alice ers. Adm itted to probate. To run every issue for on^ month to serve through the prom ulgation of ¡arm am ent conference shall be open Est. F. M. Radovan. Admitted to or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c deceit and half tru th s, but it is in­ o r closed rests entirely with the edi­ M. Barker. probate. Classified Column. John Codeno and Alice Sheldon. conceivable th a t the American press tors of the newspapers of the world, J. C. KAEGI, Prop. One cent the word each time. Est. Wm. E. Kohler. Admitted as the spokesman of American pub­ hut more especially American editors. To run every issue for one month or to probate. Vi-ohatfl Court lic opinion shall for one m inute con­ Here is opportunity for the greatest more. H e the word each time. Mary A. Beale to Mark Ray Order Est. Charles T. Freem an Legal Rate: cede the right of this governm ent to force in our national life, th a t recog­ Koontz. W H of SW, sec. F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c promote a sec re t’ meeting wherein nizes no m aster but public service appointing appraisers. Each subsequent time, per 8 point 16, tp. 35 S., R. 3 E a s t..$ •E st. J. H. Thorndike. Final ac­ l i n e ...............................................Cc diplomats will proceed to the consld- and public good, to render service to Luke Ryan et ux to Robert count, verified claims, order for Card of Thanks, >1.90. eration of a cut and dried agenda the suffering of th e whole earth by Fletcher et ux, SH of lots O bituaries. 2 H cents the line. paper form ulated in secret by our dem anding th a t the first world con­ final hearing. F raternal Orders and Societies. 1 and 2, blk. 17, Jacksonville 226 G uardianship Chester Diess et al. Advertising for fratern al orders diplomatic representatives abroad, es- ference to be held on American soil Order, proof of publication, order. Ida M. Tucker et vir to Johu an expression of th e soul yearn- or societies charging a regular initi­ pecially on a m atter so vital to the H. Doran, part sec. 33, tp. Est. W. H. A. Smith. Bond. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ well being of all the peoples as arm ­ ing of the potent moral force of the 3» S., R. 2 East ................ ligious and benevolent orders will be am ents. Est. Maggie E. Gray. Motion, 70 world. charged the regular rate for all ad­ Ida W ertz et vir to W. Alex order. The American press is iu an e n -: vertising when an admission or other Smith, pt. sec. 16, tp. 36 S., Est. Alice M artin, Final order, viable position to demand reasons for “ I JUST HEARD IS A charge is made. R. 3 W est ............................. 2000 final account. decisions, and not final conclusions • DANGEROUS PROPAGANDA What Constitutes Advertising! G uardianship Geraldine Theiss. In order to allay a m isunderstand­ arrived a t in secret, but American Proof of publication, order to show Don Hogan is a car dealer in ing among some as to w hat consti­ editors must be alert arid make them -j cause. tutes news and w hat advertising, selves heard and felt o r we will have' Denve?. we print this very simple rule whicn history repeating itself. S. A. McCune estate. Petition and 1 Among the people th a t Don has Is used by newspapers to differin- order. Discharge and decree. Indeed the reply of th e Japanese no tim e for is the “ gossiper.” You atiate between them : “ ALL future W. L. McClure estate. Order. events, where an admission charge governm ent in the m orning papers take your life in your hands when Articles of incorporation of P res­ Is made or a collection is taken for Thursday, given to the press by j yon »«SRest to him th a t you “ h eard ’ IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to the state departm ent, would rath er > the firni of So-and-So is not likely ton Ranch company. organizations and societies of every Est. Dennis F. Wilson. Receipts. indicate th at it is the official d ip -!to survive th e present readjustm ent kind as well as to individuals. Final order. All reports of such activities after lomatic view th at a cut and dried * Period. they have occurred is news. Est. M argaret Caldwell. Order. agreed program should he formul it- Don sees red when any one main- All coming sooial or organization ed before the m eeting of the c o n fe r-jtain s th a t “ business is ro tte n .” No meetings of societies where no money We have some of the finest 16-inch body fir that Circuit Court Delicious! contribution is solicited, initiation ence. . The plan is pregnant of real 'k n o ck ers need apply to him. Frank C. Bramwell, supt. of , The other day he made up his mind charged, or collection taken is NEWS. danger. Why? we have ever had, which we will sell in 4ruckload banks, vs. W. O. Garrett. Summons. This is certainly not the view of th a t a good way to express his opin- We make all quotations on Anglo-California T ru st Co. vs. Ore­ Because lots, delivered, for $3.75 per tier. the American people or of the peo- ion concerning th e prevailing iash- JOB WORK gon Gas & Electric Co. Report of ples of the world with respect to the , »on of hunting for trouble was to it’s toasted to from receiver’s sale. We would not care to sell more than 100 tiers at m atter- a ir him self in th e paper. So he rent- the franklin price list . H attie C arroll vs. Fred Leo Car- seal in the Surely the historical position of the ed a q u a rte r page and spread him- Same prices— Reasonable Price— this price. Sample at the yard. roll. Summons. Amerlcan press and the experience of self. flavor. to aU. W. S. Barnum vs. So. Ore. Trac­ the last few years demand that allj So good was H ogan’s message to tion Co. Satisfaction of judgm ent It’s toasted. Entered at the Ashland. Oregon, of the sessions be held out in the I the crepe hangers of Denver that Sisters of C harity vs. C. O. Dunna- Postoffice as Second Class Mail open in the white light of publicity.I Goodyear Tire & Rubber Companyl Matter. Hates are engendered and w ars! reproduced his aid in its regular way. To recover money. “In the H eart of T o u /n " In the m atter of the adjudication have always been fo u g h t'o v e r con-¡w eekly house organ, “The T riangle” , of the w ater right of M. F. Hanley. elusions of diplom atic gatherings and : which circulates am ong the entire ♦ ♦ because of lack of knowledge of the J Goodyear sales organization, era M. A. B arron vs. E. J. Farlow et ■ ■■ i .¡.À . I 4» Trifles light as air <$> Are to the jealous confirma- <8? reasons that led to these decisions., Here is w hat he told them in part An open conference and enlightening; ‘“ I JUST HEARD— is a danger-i tions strong <3> Pu cltv would be tru e to the best ous propaganda, and is being used in As proof of holy writ. ♦ raditions of this republic and in this connection with every worth while — Shakespeare «> t e people, through th eir press, wlili house, originating in the mind off *9 « ave an opportunity to make America ' some ‘business w reck’ and then hand-1 -t> «9» # first in leadership to more complete, ed out through the regular gossip! understanding and a new order in channels. The good old days are returning * fairs. “ This should not be tolerated. The) wherein the buyer can say it with The peoples of the world were led readjustm ent is not injuring busi-il five cents and be heard by the blindly into the last war. Sources of ness in this city, but on th e other seller. honest Inform ation were closed; hand is putting it on a b etter and agencies of propaganda operating un­ healthier basis, and we all feel safer Two things that make home life der the direction of secret diplomacy «Tighter and sweeter: A baby grand were turnon in„„ the e aonorm abnorm ai al con con- . J j than we did under uuuer m flooded with W h n nd ¡.h 0 .WOrld was ditions we have ju st passed through and a grand baby. » X ks Yel ow ^ o n k n B,HCk *WC are bUildinK 3 bett- and Green o 'g a n ^ t i o n Why scorn the pennies? Uncle Books’ th ♦ T*C. Books th a t ignoerd im portant facts. — ------------ and offering better Sam and the big corporations do not. defended those directly concerned for their vicious acts, traded on m en’s New and altogether different in stylings are the togs AUSTRALIA’S DREAM EXPLODED passions and tau g h t hate. arriving daily from the fashion centers so charmingly ami From all points of the compass— After a six months business trip London, Paris, Buenos Ayres. Osaka. authentically correct and individualized hv their exclusive to A ustralia. Roy C. W ard, presi­ Tokio and W ashington— from visiting! dent of the Insurance B rokers’ Ex­ treatments. These cleverly styled garments are right up to and retu rn in g journalists, as well a s' change, in San Francisco upon his from American newspaper men and the minute as you will note on inspection. CHOCOLATE return says: the representatives in America of t h e ! VANILLA “ Paternalism has paralyzed busi­ leading newspapers of .the w o r l d - We invite you to come in, ami allow us to show them to STRAWBERRY ness there and is killing private ini­ MAPLE NUT you. conies the impluse, the thought, the! tiative and enterprise. ‘The states and general govern­ suggestion, th at the press men of th e ' world should have a real get-togeth-« Prices are about 25 to 30 per cent lower than last season ment are engaged in various lines of er m eeting in W ashington prelim i­ business, including not only the op- glad to share this good news with our customers and eration of all public utilities, such nary to the disarm am ent conference. friends. here is a fond hope very gener­ as telegraph and telephone lines, ally e x p re sse d -y e s, niore than that street railways, railroads, gas and Our line of stouts should he of especial interest. a deep-seated conviction th a t such electric light service, but m eat and fish m arkets, shipbuilding and op­ a m eeting of the representatives of the great newspapers of the world Clearance prices are still on all over the store. We must eration, traw ling, sale of tim ber, who would be in W ashington at th ai railroad eating houses and many have room for our new stock. time, would exercise a most whole­ other activities. “The result is there is no incen­ some and helpful influence upon the WOOL TRICOTINES AND SERGES disarm am ent conference as a whole tive for private capital to engage in out of which great public good would A LINE SECOND TO NONE business in competition with state- surely follow. subsidized 'enterprises. Unhampered by diplomatic ties or Our New Fall Style Quarterlies Are Here—Pictorial Review “ A ustralian insurance offices, as international political influence it well as other lines of business, have and Ladies Home Journal would be possible for these press men YOU HAVE HEARD labor troubles, as insurance clerks whose m aterial well-being ¡s in ter­ are organized. The labor situation locked with public opinion, to dis­ of men who could hardly is acute and com plicated.” w rite th e ir own name— cuss conditions, hopes and ideals of hut w ho SA V ED whh m°P,eS ° f thG Varl° US natI°™ AUTO TIR E EXPLOSION MONEY! with the purpose of establishing bet­ SILKS Fashion savs ♦ laces MAY COST MAN SIGHT ter understanding w ithout regard to Now so much in demand. Are you, wno can read, and wool embroidered w rite and earn money LANCASTER, Wis.— H obart Doll, affaire* advantages in international comprising the newest willing to he outdone by farm er, residing in Beetown, near weaves, the softness of handings on net and The free flow of news w ithout in- men less intelligent than here, was seriously hurt and prob­ which lendk itself to any /o u rself? ably will he perm anently blind as er erence of any government, as well style of drapery.* here they are trimmings the result of an explosion of an au­ as inter-nation communications bv Think it over, and start mail, cable and radio—m atters that < anton Crepe >4.85 for all kinds of w ear- tomobile tire. Doll is said to have a Savings Account in need im m ediate atten tio n if we are Crepe Katin . . . >54.75 scratched a blister on the tire and this strong bank today. afternoon o r evening lhe explosion followed, shooting d irt ° have understanding— while all Fairy Spun . . . . . . >51.05 and 3and directly Into his eyes a t 76 w ^ r 3rP 1,1 a receptiTe mood— < h a r m o u s o ............. . ..> 8 .2 5 A big line of fringes would very properly be discussed at pounds pressure. Skinner's S atis and I .h a gathering of the press have also come Taffeta In considering the open discussion He— “ W hat would you do if I • Jfla irs of the Peoples of the should kiss you on the forehead?” wort world, we m ust not forget th a t under She— ‘‘I ’d call you down.”« secret diplomacy news Is still being Tar Baby. The Coming' Conference Announcement Notice COURT NEWS Lay in Your Winter’s Wood Now! Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. T hey Are A rriv in g Mirroring the Latest Fall Modes, as they will appear on Fashions Avenues We sell Brick Ice Cream À Ashland Creamery TH E CITIZENS BANK OFÀSHLAND 4%ON ¡IT1