é PAOS TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Saturday, A ugust 20, 1021. coolness develops between form er Ashland, to California line, 65 miles with a sunrise prayer meeting a t! and extends a hearty invitation to all son is learfer. Evening worship at friends and the form er peaceful re­ — Paved. ..6 :3 0 a. m. Everyone cordially in -[ our congregation and friends to at- 8 o’clock. Sermon subject, “Jesus, E stab lish ed 1876 lations th a t oae time existed is - T H E V1AMOXI» U R A X D . A 1 Cratev Lake H ighw ay vited. R egular m eeting 7 p. m. i tend these services. W alter L. Careful of His Identity.” Come to P u b lish ed E very E ven in g Except l-a a \ < h d l lr« ^ k t ^ AeL l . r . y I o / i u » r n D . o r u o u / h U r t . f n o d / / / A \ blighted by a gossipy tongue of the Sunday Two routes are being used, one “Lessons from R u th ” (R u th U 14- Evans, pastor. 1*111« ia R ed and Wald metalHcXV? evening church service. “Get the TH E .4gHUL.Nl» PR IN TIN G OO.^ breeder of discord and i l l - f e e l i n g via C entral Point, Bybee Bridge. 22) Ellen Galey, leader. Evening g a ; a ? w “ ; y --------- - habit.” It will do you good. Watch Trail and McLeod to Prospect; the, service, 8, subject, “ The Evasiveness OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY M ethodist E piscopal Church for announcem ent of our next illus­ yean known la B e it . Safe«. Alwaj- R«;at.« PAPER other via Eagle Point, Reese Creek of C hristian Belief.” If not wor- Cor. N. Main and Laurel Streets I trated lecture. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ♦ PUBLIC FORUM TELEPHONE 39 school house, Derby road to McLeod shipping elsewhere, come and wor- 9:46, Sunday school, Dr. G. W. ■s* and Prospect. Advised to use the ship .with us; a cordial invitation is Gregg, Supt. iubscriptionr P rice D elivered In City 11 a. m., m orning; route via Trail. Jn© m onth .................................. S .65 extended to the public. W. Judsou service. 6:45, Epworth League, I To the Editor of The Tidings: A T h ree m o n t h s ................................. 1.95 Very truly yours, Oldfield; minister. C. Wilson, president. 8 p. m., serv-j Six m onths ................................... y 3.76 man by the name of R. D. Sanford K. E. Hedgman, ice. A cordial invitation is extended One y e a r ........................................ 7.50 recently “ wrote a piece” for your C atholic Church w Div. Engineer. Mail «ml R ural R outes. to the public. Charles A. E d w ard s,' I Maas Sunday m orning a t 7:30 gnd minister. One month .................................. I .65 paper complaining of the lack of Three m onths ................................. 1.95 good eating places in Ashland. He NEW SCHEDULE FOR 9 o’clock. Six m onths ................... 3.50 heard somebody say it and sat right SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAINS Trinity E piscopal Church One year ........................................... 6.50 down and started the report going F irst Church o f C hrist, S cien tist Vina_ r. v n a „ , • - vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond, by putting it in the paper. A D V E R T ISIN G RATES: Announcement of changes in the Pioneer Avenue, south „ L ._ H o ly commun,otl „ 8 a m D isplay A dvertising Here is another case th a t shows running time of Southern Pacific Sunday services a t 1.1 o d o c lc Sub- g unqay 8cho(>, M £ 46 Mor„ m g ( Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c hefw some people accept the idle talk passengers, effective tomorrow, h a v e ije c t o f'lesso n sermon, „ „ t Mind.;’ I servict. and serni0I, on "H um an' YEARLY CONTRACTS they hear as the tru th with no a t­ been made by J. A. Ormaudy, as­ Sunday school a t 10 o’clock, ,| Pr0Bress.. a( , , s tr a „ ger, and »1,- D isplay A d vertising One time a w eek.................. <.27 H e tem pt whatever to get at the facts. sistant general passenger agent, no! W ednesday evening meeting at 8 1 ¡tor,? cordially welcomed C o m m en cin g on an d a f te r S e p te m b e r 15th. Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c They take the silly gossip of the official notice of any change in the ( o ’clock. ! Every other d a y .........................20c backyard or the engine house or the tim e of arrival or departure have < Reading room open trom 2 to th e W h ite H ouse G ro c e ry will he co n v erted Local R eaders. F i r s t C h r is t ia n C h u r c h depot and set it moving around with been received locally. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c p. ra. daily, except Sundays and holi­ ' Corner of B and Second streets. no thought at all of what injury th e ' in to th e G ro e e rte ria P la n , a n d will buy and To run every other day for on» The most m arked change is on the days. Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastor. month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c report may cause the city or its res- ! Shasta lim ited, th e running tim e be­ To run every issue for oc^ mohth Bible school at 10 o’clock. This sell fo r cash only. idents. ing reduced 50 m inutes southbound, or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c I*resbyterlau Church is the day of the “ One Sunday con- Before Mr. Sanford had rushed and 30 m inutes northbound, be­ C lassified Colum n. Corner Helman and N. Main 1 te st.” Come yourself and bring a One cent the word each time. into print with a report which dis­ tw een Portland and San Francisco. C o m m en cin g on th e d a te o f th is n o tic e, 1 will Sunday school, 9 45. W orship,. friend. Come on time, with your To run every issue for one month or credited Ashland— and a report of Twenty m inutes is clipped off the 11. Ju n io r C. E., 5. Senior C. E., 7. (bible, a studied lesson and an offer- more, H r the word each time. < allo w a 5 p e r cen t, d isco u n t fo r all goods somebody whose name is not given running time of No. 53. L egal R ate: The C hristian W orkers’ Band will ing, and you will make 10 points for F irst Time, par 8 point line . . . . 10c — he could easily have let go of an j conduct the m orning service, to) your class. Some class will win. b o ught a u d p a id fo r in cash u n til S e p te m b e r Each subsequent time, per 8 point even dollar and eaten a meal at the. THOUSANDS OP TROUT ; which th e public is invited. There Will it be your class? Morning l i n e ............................................... Cc Hotel Ashland. In th at way only lo th , w hen we w ill o p e ra te u n d e r o u r new plau. PUT ON WRONG DIET will be uo evening service tom orrow ., worship at 11 o’clock. Sermon topic Card of Thanks, $1.00. could he get at the facts. But Mr. Obituaries, 2 H cents the line. Sanford did nothing of the so il He YKL1*OWSTONE PARK. Wyo.— ---------- . “The M aster’s Endurance.” Chris- F raternal Orders an d Societies. ♦«„v ♦ _______ _ . a naaatir Thousands of tro u t are ip the wrong Uii-M, B ap tist Church tian Endeavor at 7:15. Elsie Crow- J. C KAEGI, Prop A dvertising for fraternal orders took the idle comment of passer ‘boarding house,’’ declared Profes*' Sunday school with O. P. Carson ---------------------- — —---------- —— s r societies charging a regu lar initi­ by and let it go at that. ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ A Ask anybody who knows the ho­ sor R. A. Muttowski of the Univer- sa superintendent, 9:46 a. m. ligious and benevolent orders will be sity of Idaho, who is here trying to | f,‘H attendance in all departm ents charged th e regular ra te for all ad­ tels of the F ar W est what sort of vertising when an admission or other meals you can get at the Hotel Ash­ figure out a carefully selected, diet t a,ld classes is greatly desired for for each specie«. ■ th e contest. charge Is made. Morning preaching land, and you wilt be told a differ­ o’clock. Subject of j Certain types of tro u t should b e l servic« at l l W hat C on stitutes A d vertising! ent story from that circulated by In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Mr. Sanford. Considering the high planted in stream s where the b u g s! serm on: “ On the Mountain w ith ; insects are to th eir lining, he ( The young people’s meet- ing among some as to w hat consti­ cost of food and help aud rentals! and Oregon's Higher Institution of tutes news and what advertising, and overhead, w hat you can get it v u 7 ^ ingH will be held at 5 and 6:30. nd because they a re not we print this very simple rule whicn I ",lal,ted lh ' r<’ 18 » of thou- The Ju n io r B. V. P. U. at 5 and the is used by newspapers to differin- this hotel for a dollar eq u al, ’“" f Senior at 6:30 p. m. Our evening atiate between them : "ALL future you can se t anywhere In Oregon Eight Schools; Seventy Departments «vents, where an admission charge a like amount. The old “sauare G o u t are p articu lar regarding preaching service will be moved upj is made or a collection is taken FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. » , 1921 e a t’” h® 8ays’ “K we can 30 m inutes, from 8 to 7:30. Sub­ IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to m eal” for 25 cents has disappeared For information write Io Ihe Registrar ject of evening message will be: with the horse. select the right place for the right organizations and societies of every Oregon Agricultural College We also take exception to Mr San there WiH b® a raarked d e c e a se “ The Test of Ci^h^atianity.” The kind as well as to individuals. C O R V A L L IS All reports of such activities after ford’s statem ent “ th a t none « ¿ ¡ h e pastor is back from his vacation and num ber of tro u t th a t die- My they have occurred is news. eating houses or cafes in Ashland W° rk iS l ° determ ine JU8t where ▼«- atten d an ce on th e state convention AU coming social or organization serve fresh fru its o r vegetables Last ' ,OU3 varieties of tro u t should be meetings of societies where no money night th e dinner menu a t the Ash thlS U ba3ed ° ° Wbat buRa aBd contribution is solicited, initiation charged, or collection taken is NEWS. land Grill contained peaches, straw - f° nd ° f ” IF ZF= = 9 berries, blackberries, watermelon, ' We make ail quotations on JOB WORK cantaloupe, green corn, string beans. UNDER ASK YOU It from tomatoes and cucumbers, all grown NEW > right here in Ashland and vicinity, j TH E FRANK LIN PR IC E LIST. GROUEK MANAGEMENT Sam e price«— R easonable P rice— The w riter is open to suggestions to all. and will not resent criticism ----------- when Church of the Ni it is justified, but I do think it j8 Corner of 4th aud C streets E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon, decidedly unfair for any one to P o sto ffice as Second Class Mall J. E. McShane, pastor. knock” an enterprise beforeMte has Matter. Services for Sunday, Aug. 21: f.:s t made an investigation. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Tornton T. J. COFFMAN, S. Wiley, Supt. Preaching service, > Proprietor Hotel Ashland. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. P ray er meet­ •> The drying up a single tear has ing Wednesday, 8 p. m. You are more cordially invited to worship with us Of honest fame, than shedding -3> -THE- •e seas of gore.— Byron. <$■ F irst C ongregational Church R. H. LOCKWOOD, Prop. ♦ ♦ Boulevard and Main Street « <«• 'V ■3* <* 'S' <8> <9* Phone 239-R . Surtday school, 9 45, with Mr. H. OUR BRAN BREAD That word “ normalcy” sbould be C. Galey, superintendent, presiding. given the rest cure. About the worst Classes for all grades and ages. MILK BREAD TH E KEY Corner Highway and Main Streets thing th at can be said of President To the E ditor: As to the condi­ Morning service, 11 a. m., subject, SA T ISFIE S Til HEALTH H arding is th a t he started thi9 ugly tion of the Pacific highway between Come and fill your place. Morning hybrid term on Its career MEDFORD, OREGON Roseburg and the California line as service, 11, subject, "A City of Righteousness.” C hristian Endeav- of August 21, beg to report as fol­ Schools soon will be open again lows: orers will open the day’s worship and m other will not have to worry Roseburg-M yrtle Creek, 20 miles bo much about what to do with her — Paving in progress immediately mischevious little Johnnie. Teacher south of Roseburg; detours used m ust take up the worrying where when available. Traffic is allowed mother leaves off. to pass a t all hours. Myrtle Creek-Canyonville, 10 Niggardly and mean indeed is the miles— Take detour via Riddle, person who habitually holds back which is rough and slow. good words and kindly deeds from Canyonville-Galesville. 11 miles— those who languish for a bit of en­ Good macadam. couragement. Galesville-Wolf Creek, 14 miles— i Paving under way at both endfe; ! The United States covets the dis­ tinction among the nations of being traffic passed at all hours. 1 Wolf Creek-Grave Creek, 5 miles “first in peace.” — Paved. Grave Creek-Pleasant Valley, 8 Too many persons let untoward circum stances put the “ rift” in their miles— Over Smith hill; macadam now completed. th rift plans. Pleasant Valley-Grants Pass, 1 0 1 Opportunity does uot come to miles— Macadam now completed. flood-tide often, and usually it re G rants Pass, through Medford,! cedes quickly. ____ • Ashland Tidings CHICHESTER S PILLS Announcement Notice OAC TECHNOLOGY Pennsylvania Vacuum Cnp Tires With Fr ee At the Churches Lifhia Bakery Wholesale and Retail Week/y Report on Condition of the Pacific Highway Busy Corner Motor Co. J New * * . THEM ’S OUR SENTIM ENTS The town gossip! Gee, what a pest! Every little slimy slice of scandal or near scandal rolls from the tongue of the town gossip em­ bellished to suit the sordid taste of the n arrato r, aud in most cases tru th is left, standing at the post. The town gossip is not acquainted with Truth, they not having been prop­ erly introduced,