i i PAGE FOUR ? ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Local and Personal MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL OUR. REPORTER. SAXS VdWKf G ETS UDA ALL Wiscotuln Visitors—- Fred Scritsm eir and family of Bloomei, Wis., were recant visitors with the Fred L. Putnam family. Mr. and Mrs. Scritsmeir are one-time schoolmates of Mrs. Putnam . G arnett's home cooked meals sat­ isfy. 293tf Ten-Year-Old Traveler— Wilson Torrance, 10-year-old tra v ­ eler from Hot Springs, S. D.. arrived here this week with, as he expressed it, "m e and myself,” to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shell. S t e a m e d up is to re h u m b u g items ' AM D M E E T SOM EBODY V4HO A ß T S Ä S TH O U G H HE T H O U G H T T H ' R EPO R TER \MUX A S R lU ' Q U E S T I O N S O UT O P By Charlea Sughrac • W«m> Nnne^U-m. AMD TH' FORBMAU SANS HB‘D TW DR1HT1HG GAME PRETTY FAIR IP IT VJUXhtfY PER T H IMeOUStMSRATG &\RD NHOSe BdERN JOS PRaWTVHG ORDER \S ___________ Our Pet Peeves ( W H IL E TH ’ BOSS HOLLERS THAT \P AS PER M E , 1 COULD STAGGER THROUGH ' LIFE H A \)E LOT I OS J E S T HOSVE \F POLKS VJOULD a H EAR T AHD W DUM P A HULL OF A O S AM' COPT 1H HERE OH V J E S T BEFORE \A>E DASH TD PRESS \ CURAOSVTN OWE AD '.WO mt LfcST FoutV E R ji I A W MORE THAM ‘ Q ue anenl vvicv PUX FOLKS'D JE S T R E A U X E AS HOMd HE'S GOTTA PR» M T A U T T L E OF EM'RNTHlMG ( m TH l rarer to S atisfy all t a s te s T H IS Li’L ole e a r t h smoold e e HEAVEU ÊMOUGH FER HINA'. ,, YOÜI o &\ t u x « x poems » n -xH£ 6T ù MÊ WÆ PONx WWdT Don’t ru in your auto wheels, If they squeak they need setting, I set them the commonsense way in a few m inutes and a t one-halt th e price of the old m ath >d For free dem onstration sea Ira Reeder. 292-6 To Motor From P o r tla n d - Champion B illiard Player— <$• *$* <§> <5^ «.♦'/ Q <•' /• '•> «Ó <.«!> ing in different sections of the undue influx of non-resident stu ­ DEPUTY SHERIFF HOT ON Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vining will Charles Mitchell, champion pocket TRAIL OP BOOTLEGGERS country. dents. and the proceeds will be help­ arrive in Ashland the latter part of billiard player of the Pacific coast, BAND CONCERT TONIGHT— ful in constructing new buildings , Tw enty Lower Than Oregon this week from Portland by motor. will give a free exhibition at Dobbin- (Continued from Page One) The Ashland Rand will give a con- Twenty of thes<; reporte(, and )h lid defraying other necessary ex­ They will visit for a few days with Irw in's pool hall tonight and tom or­ een in Lhhia Park this evening. j a r e rage tuition charged by them is, penses. Already the heavy increase a p artak er of the concoction instant Mrs. 0. W inter before leaving for row evening. ♦ ' $54.20— ju st $5.80 less than Oregon in enrollm ent at the two institutions death. • Lake o’ Woods, where they will visit Magazine Writer Visits— * * * ’’ ¡charges. Iowa State college charges has caused a serious shortage of New Teacher— State Prosecutes Case ____ _____________ Howard McKenna, special feature! Pro*. Irving Vining. $51 a year. Ohio $50, Michigan Ag-j room. Miss Helting, who is living with All of th e charges filed to date STATE TO WORK WLAMATH w riter for the Saturday Evening ricultural college $90 and state u n i­ The new iioin-resident tutition her parents in th eir new home on have been on state charges and U. ‘ FALLS AND ASHLAND ROAD Post, was a recent visitor at the! Checker C ontest— versity and agricultural college ol' plan becomes effective for all new ______ The sophisticated checker players Scenic Drive, purchased within the S. Commissioner Roy Davis has no , local Ford agency where he told of Kansas $15. entrants to the state institutions at past month, is a new arrival from know ledge of any federal charges (Continued from Page 1) an expedition through W ashington who make the local fire station their The fee is expected to prevent an the fall opening next month. Wisconsin and will be a teacher this being filed. Up to last night Dis­ with 42 Fordson tractors. Mr. Mc­ rendezvous between fires have de­ land for the entertainm ent of busi­ coming year in the Ashland schools. trict A ttorney Rawles Moore had Kenna was gathering m aterial for cided to draw themselves ap art from ness m en of th e neighboring city. not been officially advised on the the m undane crowd and engage the „ A an article in the Post. P ursuant to th at meeting John H. I IwCt I l l ' l l s P*rom Merrill— raids and the arrests, but 8. B. Sand­ "your move” players of Medford in Fuller, secretary of the Cham ber of Mrs. L. J. H eer and daughter Ladies' high-grade tailoring, la t- . a fight to the finish lor honors of 1 Thelma returned yesterday from a ifer, special agen,t, with a commis­ Commerce, has made plans for a sion from th e governor, informed est fashions and woolens are now In, Southern Oregon at 7:30 o’clock trip to K lam ath Falls and Merrill. , I “ g e t-to g e th e r picnic” halfway be- J ustice at Orres Tailor Shop. 294-tf this evening at the Ashland fire sta ­ ....................! tween the two cities on the Green cutor would be assigned to handle tion. The champion checker j h m p - ~ 7 7 ,,.,. Springs m ountain road, the purpose , ... ... . . ■ < hildren s Aquatic Exhibition— the case. The claim th a t the a r­ ers of both cities will be pitted* . . ,, Suffers Epileptic Stroke— of which will be to witness the road Members of Mrs. Loesta Home- Mr. Van Buren, a new arrival from against each other over the varn­ wood’s class playground children rests were due to federal activity is work now being done in th a t sec­ Jefferson, visiting relatives at 400 j ished, much used and greatly check­ swimming classes will give an exhi­ now discredited, and reliable in­ tion. form ation indicates th a t the a n ti­ Motley street, had an epileptic fit! ed board th at has taken its place as bition party the last week in this saloon league is furnishing the one of the historical properties own­ in Lithia park yesterday afternoon j OUTSIDE STUDENTS MUST The date has not been d e -¡sleuths for the clean-up. Messrs. month. .. , He recovei^d sufficiently to leave ed by the fire-fighters. PAY TUITION FEE AT O. A. C. Royce. Willis, Bill F air and F r « - / ', H" " ,ew00« th a t Many Suspects Flee the park without assistance. Mr.! ; her class has made rem arkable pro- A num ber of men have departed S E E O U R W IN D O W Van Burem is. taking treatm ents of! burg will defend A shland’s honor (C ontinutd From Page One) gress. for parts unknow n since the arrests during th e checker tournam ent. Dr. George G. Jarvis. started and w arran ts have been is­ thought hardly feasible for Oregon NeW York Decorator— sued for th e ir arrest. This list in­ to make such charges while all the Leave for Los A n geles— Returns From Klamath Fall»— Mrs. Oeder, a rtist and interior cludes some m ore o r less well-known e th er western states were adm itting Mr. and Mrs. Caseheer and daugh­ Mrs. Levi Stevens and daughter resident and non-resident students decorator, and her daughter, Linds, Mildred returned yesterday from a ter, M arjorie, have left for Los An­ are new arrival* from New York citizens. Rum ors |n, circulation set­ on the same basis. Now th a t W ash­ ting fo rth th a t w arran ts had been geles. Calif., where they will visit visit at Klam ath Falls. City. Mrs. Oeder, who has purchas­ issued for officials, past and pres­ ington and California and other with Dr. and Mrs. Chauncey Case- ed the B utterfield home on G ranite ent, a re not founded on fact but w estern state colleges and univer­ BARTLETT PEARS for CANNERY beer. Lloyd Caseheer, who is em­ street, has offered her services for simply th e usual gossip th a t arises sities have changed to the tuition ployed by a Portland music firm is We expect to ship our first car driving the family car to California. the Civic Improvement Club rest whenever factional lines become basis for non-resident students, the room. regents' committee found it practi­ of B artlett Pears to the Cannery drawn. cable to make the change at the Ore­ about August 22nd. Dry pine and oak wood. Holmes The probing squad left this m orn­ Returns From 'F r is c o - gon institutions. Pick nothing for this car except Grocery- ing fo r E agle P o in t and Gold Hill 297-2 Mrs. Mabel Jacobs returned from districts on a still hunt for stills and The am ount of tuition was fixed No. 1 stock, 2^4 inches and larger, San Francisco 'W ednesday evening th eir owners. after a careful investigation of the must be perfect halves, ail fruit to Return From Fishing Trip— sum charged by other leading state be free from scab, scale and worm Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howell, Mr. on No. 16. Mrs. Mark Smith, who Joy Ride to Lake accompanied her, rem ained w ith her We have the Lug Boxes on hand and Mrs. Claude M illett and family It has been definitely established institutions of the country Inquiries husband who is in th e hospital there now. and Mr. M illett’s fath er have re­ th a t five operatives, in charge of were made or some of the represent- Advise us at once how many turned from a camping and fishing and is now convalescent. Special Agent Sandifer, arrived ative state schools of higher learn- boxes you will have so. we can trip a t W egner Gap. The party fish­ about two weeks ago. One of the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY’. Visit the Pellet Family— plan accordingly. ed in the L ittle Applegate and along sleuths im m ediately made his roll WANTED— Girl to help in kitchen. Mr. Pope arrived in the city hurt ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE the entire length of the Talent Irri­ of bills conspicuous and arranged 69 No. Main.. night for a visit with th e Pellet fam- 297-1 ASSN. , 294.4 gation system. for a joyride to Prospect and C rater j ily. Mrs. Pope has been here for Lake. Fem inine company was fu r­ WANTED— To rent for about 2 mos. ; some time. They will leave in about an unfurnished room and use of nished. The operative rode w ith the kitchen, or would furnish own two weeks for Stockton where they young lady on a back seat and on kitchen. References exchanged. now reside. * ;> the trip th a t took nearly two days W rite Mrs. W alter J. Barham, Siskiyou, Oregon. 297-3t* received inside inform ation on t h e , _____ _____________ Leave for Diamond L a k e - Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Long and local bootlegging situation. He w as, FOR SALE— Household goods wash- S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL grandson, Bruce Wilson, left yester­ such a liberal spender th a t Illicit 11-! ing machine, bedroom set, dining room set, leather rocker, • oak day f i r an outing trip, going as far quor agents literally fell over each rocker, rugs and stove, numerous other in th e ir effo rts to secure his as Diamond Lake. other things. Call and see them. trade. To the surplus bootleggers 125 Scenic Drive. 297-2* he gave “ tips” to where they could Uhicage V isiter— FOR SALE— 20-acre ranch, %-mile Miss E. A. C iajgm ite of Chicago find a “ live one,” who were his east of A shland; modern house brother officers. is making a visit to .her sister, Mrs. large barn; 12 acres in alfalfa The arrests caused a flurry of \ a l Snider, 696 Boulevard, and to ­ balance in grain and pasture: wa SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY te r for irrigation; fine for dairy gether with the Sniders ¡«jiade a trip excitem ent among th e home brewers, ing and poultry. R. F D. Box bu t th eir fears are ungrounded as 176. . 297-2* to C rater Lake. the raiders are only a fte r th e whole­ Good food, cook Besides right, served salers, not the retailers. at reasonable^ pricésí Hotel Ashland they are protected by th e search and Grill. 297tf seizure clause of th e Volstead act, -J which prohibits the invasion of the Poke advantage of this chance to save. Especially HOUSK-PASSES TOWNSEND GOOD home for liquor without a search opj>ortune forjho^.e sewing week are these remarkable ROADS BILL w arrant. yard goods olferings. Fabrics of many weights, includ­ WASHINGTON, D. C„ Aug. 19 — ing excellent wool dress goods, silks, as well as light I W ithout a dissenting vote the sen­ ninr - year - old girl summer-materials, are reduced for this occasion. These ate today passed the Townsend fed­ HIT BY AUT ODIBS eral aid good roads bill as a substi­ listings are but a portion of the many items on sale. (Continutd From rage on e) tute to r the Dowell bill, which has AT T H E SIL K S D R E S S GOODS passed th e house and gone to a con­ the tragedy oeeurred. The little girl, It is said by a neighbor, jum ped out ference. Silk Poplin, Y ard 98c of the car ahead of her parents, W ool Serge, Yd. $1.98 36 inches wide, regular dashing ahead of them In h er hurry 54-inch all-wool Serge in $1.25 value. All the new and to reach th e W atkin navy blue. Extra fine quality •‘‘THE ELHART WAY” wanted shades, including for skirts, suit« and dresses U e will go to the ends of the black. A real bargain. SEE THIS SPECIAL. «•arth for the thing you want, HIRED ASSASSIN TELLS THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL — ______ — — — Pongee Silk, Y ard $1.00 OR PLA N S TO M URDER 33-inch imported Pongee Wool P laids, Y ard $2.25 MRS. FIPI STILLMAN T H E NORTH AS CURWOOD KNOW S IT, W R IT E S 54-inch Plaids in new color Silk, sold regularly at $1.25. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19.— Samuel Extra fine silk, good heavy combinations. W ill make beau­ IT AND SCREEN S IT —W IT H N E W T H R IL L , N EW H arris, 20, declared in a signed tiful skirts or dresses. All weight, for dresses, waist» and these now on display. ROMANCE, N EW M YSTERY statem ent today in th e K ansas City undergarm ents. One of the latest, by the loved Post, a newspaper published here, au th o r of Freckles, th e H arvester, W ool Flannel, Y ard $1.98 D utchess Satin, th a t he had been hired, together with 54 inches wide in th e new- Laddies, Michael O’H alloran, etc. 36-inch Black Also three others, to assassinate Mrs. Fifi sport shades for m aking sleeve­ Satin, sold regularly aV ?2.50 "HER FATHER’S DAUGHTER” P o tter Stillman. H arris says th a t less jackets, sport coats and yard. E xtra -fine qua! TW O R E E L S by middy blouses for early fall he does not know w hat was behind will not last a t thl wear. OF GIGGLES Gen« Stratton-Porter gain price, -¿gp the m u rder plot. The accomplices • l.W