/ PAGE TWO ___ ____ ■■■LUC Ashland ASHLAND DAILY TIDING». Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday kle with chopped nuts. « Qomes tc yien ce ^ment Friday, Alignât 10, 1081 beating; add chocolate and vanilla; mix well; carefully fold in the stiffly beaten white of eggs. Grease a shallow baking pan and cover bot­ tom only with well-greased paper. Pour in m ixture and bake in a mod­ erate oven until firm, about 15 m in­ utes. T urn on a _^owel, brush paper over with a cold w ater cloth and r e - ' move. Roll as for jelly and cool, j Whip cream, add sugar and vanilla; ! unroll the cake, cover with whipped cream and re-roll. Serve with choc­ olate sauce. M olded F r u it C ream Peel four bananas, mash and rub through a sieve; add the juice of one Con d u c te d b y T H E ^ H L A V P P R IN T IN G CO. orange and a little of the grated M r s . ß e J l e l f e G r a f rind, one tablespoon lemon juice and CITY AND COUNTY O F F IC lA I Domestic Science D irector enough powdered sugar to sweeten. PAPER S p e r r y F lo u r Co. TELEPHONE 39 Soak one tablespoon of granulated gelatin in half a cup of cold water iobscription Price Delivered in City about 15 m inutes; then dissolve over )ne month .................................. I .66 Three months .............................. t.95 hot w ater. Add to the fru it mixture, m onths ........... stirrin g rapidly. Set bowl contain­ year ing m ixture in a pan of cold w ater M ail au il R u ra l R o u te s. Commencing on and after September 15th. or cracked ice and stir until m ixture One month ................................ . 8 .65 I Three mouths .............................. 1.95 begins to thicken. Whip two cups of or if it seems w asteful to rem ote the White House Grocery will be converted Six months .................................. 3.60! cream and fold into the m ixture; GRASSHOPPERS DESTROY the center of the cake, split the little One year ....................................... 6.50 i During the sum m er m onths cold pour into individual molds and set into the Groeerteria Plan, and will buy and CROPS IN SAMARA J cakes half through and place a ADVKRTIS1NG RATES: desserts make a strong appeal to the aside to become firm. j spoonful of whipped cream in the D isp lay A d v e r tisin g busy housewife. Cream in combina- »ell for cash only. R ica D ain ty 9iugle insertion, each in ch ........... 30c i opening. PARIS, Aug. 18.— Billions of YEARLY CONTRACTS tion with berries and other fresh One and one-half cups ’ cooked grasshoppers are darkening the sky Mousses are made of whipped D isp la y A d v e r tisin g fruits, now so plentiful, offer a won- rice; 1 cup grated pineapple; U and destroying the last vestige of Commencing on the date of this notice, 1 will cream, flavored and sweetened, then One time a w eek.................... 27 %c derfui variety. cup powdered sugar: 1 cup whipping crops needed for starving Russia in Every1' J t h e / d a y ^ i ’ ‘ ’ ’ *'*20c » Desserts made of whipped cream poured into a closely covered mold allow a 5 per cent, discount for all goods and packed in finely cracked ice and cream. Sam ara, the Saratoff districts, ac-j Local Readers. I and fru it are wholesome and very Carefully drain all juice from cording to statem ent by Red Cross i coarse rock salt, and let stand three bought and paid for in cash until September Each line, each tim e .....................1 0 c! easily prepared. Cream Is no more grated pineapple; add rice and sugar. officials here. Five billion tons of! To run every other day for on- sive than other de88ert mate- hours or more. F ru it drained of all m onth, each line, each tim e . . 7c 1 • juice may be added to the cream Whip cream and fold into mixtiyte. food was destroyed in the districts loth, when we will operate under our new plan To run every issue for or.^ month rials aud when one considers how« before freezing. Serve very cold in sherbet or cock­ where the grasshoppers are infest­ or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c ¡quickly these dishes can be made, Tbese make very attractive des­ tail glasses. Garnish with m aras­ ing. Whole villages have been aban­ Classified Column most of them requiring no cooking, J. C KAEGI, Prop doned and people are dead by the serts and can be prepared early in chino cherries. One cent the word each time. and can be made as plain or elabor­ To run every issue for one mouth or roadside. the day and packed in ice and al­ M ock B isc u it T o rto n i ate as one feels inclined, cream w’lll more, V*c the word each time. One cup thin custard; 1 cup mac­ lowed to stand. The pail or utensil Legal Rate: not seem to he an extravagance. should be drained of w ater several aroon crum bs; 1 teaspoon vanilla; F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c Whipped cream desserts should he %cup cold times and the melted ice replaced 1 tablespoon gelatin; Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e ............................................... 6c light and frothy and with sufficient with fresh cracked ice. w ater; 1 cup whipping cream. body to hold in shape for at least Card of Thanks, $1.00. Roll macaroons to obtain crumbs. A C harlotte differs from a Ba­ O bituaries. 2 ^ cents the line. several hours. In order to whip Soak gelatin in cold w ater 15 min­ varian cream in th a t it is made en­ Fraternal Orders and Societies. j ¡, cream shouW be 36 hours old A dvertising for fratern al orders , , ,, tirely of whipped cream with no fruit utes, add to hot custard; set dish in er societies charging a regular in itl- iand thoroughly cold. Gelatin will or liquid. Cover one tablespoon of a pan of cold w ater or cracked ice, atlon fee and dues, no discount. Re-; keep whipped cream firm ,, and a and stir until cool and somewhat Ugtous and benevolent orders will be small quantity is usually added for granulated gelatin with half a cup of thickened. Add macaroon crumbs, cold milk ami soak about fifteen charged the regular rate for all ad­ this purpose, although if th e cream' vertising when an admission or other m inutes; whip two cups of cream, vanilla, whip cream and fold into is properly whipped and chilled this charge is made. add th ree-q u arters cup oj powdet mixture. Pour into a wet mold and 1 should not be necessary. sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla; set set aside until firm. What Constitutes Advertising! The average housekeeper does not In order to allay a m isunderstand the gelatin over hot w ater to dis­ Chocolate Roll log among some as to w hat constt always realize the possibilities of a solve. then add quickly to the whip­ Five eggs, beaten separately; 5 tutes newB and what advertising, small quantity of whipped cream, tablespoons granulated sugar; 2 we print this very simple rule which otherw ise she would use it frequent- ped cream , stirrin g rapidly in order is used by newspapers to differin- . to have dissolved gelatin well mix­ tablespoons ground chocolate; 1 h atiate between them : “ ALL fu tu re - • ed before it cools. This is most teaspoon vanilla; 1 cup whipping events, where an admission charge j A plain and simple dessert may cream , 2 tablespoons powdered Is made or a collection is taken be transform ed and made quite fes- im portant, otherw ise th e gelatin will sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla. IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to tive with a garnish or sauce of be in thick lumps and the m ixture Beat yolks of eggs until creamy; organizations and societies of every whipped cream, besides being more will not thicken. S tir the cream in kind as well as to individuals. add sugar gradually, constantly The va­ a pan of cracked ice, or in a cool All reports of such activities afterj palatable and wholesome rious charlottes and the Bavarian place until it begins to thicken. Line they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization creams, where whipped cream fo rm : a mold with waxed paper, place a meetings of societies where no money th e foundation, are usually enjoyed, row of split lady fingers around the We have some of the finest. IB-inch body fir that contribution is solicited, initiation side of the mold uncovered; then charged, or collection taken is NEWS. and these desserts do not tax the we have ever had, which we will sell in d u c k lo a d digestion a fte r a hearty meal, as will pour in enough of th e cream m ixture We make ail quotations on lots, delivered, for $3.75 per tier. pastry or baked or steam ed puddinc. to cover the lady fingers; add another We carry several kinds. Made JO R W O RK row of lady fingers and then the W hipping Cream from Oregon's Higher Institution of w ith R ubber, C o m p o sitio n or cream, repeating until th e mold is We would not care to sell more than 100 tiers at Is Exact Art THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. filled. By this m ethod the lady fin­ leath er soles. To whip cream successfully it Same prices— Reasonable Price— gers may easily be kept in place. this price. Sample at the yard. m ust be thoroughly cold and may be te aH. Set aside to thoroughly chill. When easily beaten with a rotary egg- Eight Schools; Seventy Deportments ready to serve tu rn into a serving Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, beater. Heavy or double cream is FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Poatofflce as Second Class Mall very quickly beaten and care should plate and remove th e paper. If you For «(ormoiioa write lo the Recatrar are tlie possessor of a pastry bag Matter. he taken not to beat it a moment Oregon Agricultural College the C harlotte may be made very a t­ ‘7 n the H eart of Town" too long, or the cream will tu rn to CORVALLIS tractive by garnishing with whipped b O butter. Also bear in mind th at if cream forced through th e bag, using Who will not give * the cream has not been sufficiently * Some portion of his ease, his * chilled it may tu rn quickly to bu t­ a star tube. Mocha C harlotte russe is made by adding one tablespoon * blood, his wealth, • ter, which explains the oily, heavy of coffee extract to the whipped * For others' good, iB a poor, * whipped cream frequently seen. cream and using coffee instead of frozen churl.— Joanna Ball lie. ♦ Thin cream may be whipped in the milk to dissolve th e gelatin. sam e m anner, only it will take more Chocolate C harlotte russe is made ♦ » •9 i beating and the bowl containing the in th e same way, using two squares cream should be set in a pan of very General Dawes, director of the cold w ater; or, b etter still, cracked of unsweetened chocolate, melted over hot water, then added to the uational budget, is to discuss with ice. Cream will double in bulk whipped cream. F ru it C harlottes congress leaders the paring down of when properly whipped, and this are made by molding th e plain C har­ governm ental expeditures. General should he taken into consideration Dawes is just the one to put “cuss” when buying; also provide a bowl lotte in a border mold. When ready to serve tu rn out and fill the center in discuss. large enough to allow for this in­ with fruit. crease, otherw ise the cream cannot F ru it B a v a ria n s The world will not be going right he easily beaten. < until all nations prepare and appro­ I’ut sufficient canned or fresh R esults will be more satisfactory priate for the useful arts of peace j when sugar and flavorings are added fruit through a colander to make as elaborately and as lavishly as they a ite r cream been whipped> tbese two cupfuls. Soak two tablespoons tó f e v n now prepare and make outlays for ingredients being carefully folded of granulated gelatin in one-half cup war. of cold w ater for 15 m inutes, then into the cream w ith a spoon. New and altogether different in stylings are the togs An almost endless variety or des­ set dish over hot w ater to slowly arriving daily from the fashion centers so charmingly and Is C hristian civilization what it sert;: may be easily and quickly dissolve the gelatin. Add powdered should be when it spends more on made using whipped cream as the sugar to fru it to taste, the am ount authentically correct and individualized by their exclusive w arfare than anything else? will vary with different fru it; add foundation, or as a garnish or treatments. These cleverly styled garments are right up to sauce. C harlotte russe and Bavarian dissolved gelatin to fru it and stir WAR TRADE IN DIAMONDS the minute as you will note on inspection. cream s are not difficult to make until well mixed and sugar is dis­ EXPERIENCES HEAVY SLUMP and are eloborate enough to use for solved; then set bowl containing We invite you lo come in, and allow us to show them to Mousses and par- m ixture in a pan of cold w ater and BERLIN, Aug. 18.— Trade in any occasion. you. stir until it begins to thicken. Whip precious stone has experienced such faits require freezing, but as they two cups of cream, carefully fold it a slump in the past 12 m onths th at are not turned during the process Prices are about 25 to 30 per cent lower than last season. into the fru it mixture, and tu rn into of freezing and do not resuire an many of tho jewel dealers are fac­ mold which has been dipped into We are glad to share this good news with our customers and ing a serious financial crisis, accord­ ice cream freezer, they are not cold water. Set aside in a cool place troublesom e desserts to prepare. i t ing to Berlin experts who have been friends. to become firm. To serve tu rn out investigating the causes of an unus­ S w e e tin g and N u ts S u ffic ie n t Plain whipped cream, well fla­ ot mold and garnish with a sauce ual situation. Our line ot stouts should he of especial interest. made of sweetened Hashed fruit. The diamoud m arkets are espec­ vored, sweetened, sprinkled with ially threatened, for the men and i chopped nuts and served in tall Cream Whips Clearance prices are still on all over the store. We must women who made much money d u r­ glasses or sherbet cups makes a r Whip cream, sweeten and flavor with vanilla; put a generaus table- have room for our new stock. ing the war and invested heavily in delicious dessert. Small sponge cake may be b a k e d . spoon of any preserve, or crushed diamonds, recently have been sell­ ing brilliants extensively, while the in gem pans and when cool scoop sweetened fresh fru it In sherbdrt > — • WOOL TRICOTINES AND SERGES cups o r ^ a ll glasses; pile the whip­ out the centers and fill with whip­ eld families of established wealth, A LINE SECOND TO NONE cream flavored and sweetened; ped cream lightly on top and sprin- upon which the trade once depended J ped ■■■■■ ' i __ have ceased to buy. It Is said 50 . z Our New Pall Style Quarterlies Are Here—Pictorial Review to 60 per cent of those who bought jewels with war profits in Germany and Ladies Home Journal and England have either sold th eir purchases or offered them for sale within the last few months. SIX Except :::::::::: ^ W h ip p ed Cream and Fruits Offer Ideal, Easy-to-Make Desserts Canvas Shoes □ AC Suitable (or Hunting and Fishing Announcement Notice L a y in . Y o u r Winter’s Wood Now! TECHNOLOGY Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. They Are A rriving M irroring the Latest Fall M odes, as they w ill appear on Fashions Avenues y U. S. TO ASK REPARATION FOR LUSITANIA SINKING' BERLIN, Aug. 18.— According to reports current here, the United States is making demands for the reparation of American lives lost in the war in drafticig the peace tr e a ty 1 with Germany. Despite the resent- j inent on the part of the German! leaders over this demand and others, a disposition is shown to sign the treaty, thus acceding to all of them. It is hinted also that the United States is seeking reparation for the sinking of the Lusitania, although confirm ation of this report has not beer, received. MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE We use CALOL FLUSHING OIL ZERO LENE SILKS Fashion says laces Now so much in demand. comprising the newest weaves, the softness of which lendk itself to any style of drapery. and wool embroidered bandings on net and here they are trimmings The Sign oj a Service for all kinds of w ear- A t First-class Garages A big line of fringes and other Dealers have also come ♦ afternoon or evening 2»v »»OOPS Canton Crepe . . . Crepe Satin ......... 98.78 Fairy Spun . . . . . . 93.08 Ciuirmouso . . Skinner's Satin and Taffeta