PAGE FO UR k S B L A X n DAILY TIDINGS. Local and Personal MICKIE, TH E PRIN TER’S DEVIL Thursday, A ugust 18, HWI, By Charles Sughrae Extry! Extry! Mickie Has a New Job Masonic Meetings This W eek A Siskiyou Chapter, Thursday eve­ ning, Aug. 18. Stated convocation, also work in Mark Master, routine business m atters, petitions, etc. Leave io? Albany— Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stearns and family left yesterday evening for Albany where they will make a few days visit with iriends. O arnett’s home cooked meals sat-1 isfy. 293«! Poitliind Visitor— Mrs. S. Rupert of Portland is vis­ Talen; V isitoi— Returns From ’F risco— iting her daughter. Mrs. R. E. Christian E ndcavorers Meet— Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cole and son Monk, of this city. The Christian Endeavor society ox , Mrs. Ray Burns of Talent was in Miss Anina Hargrove returned to- Kepneth of Roseville, Calif., who 1 tho Congregational church had a the city Tuesday visiting at the home day from several weeks spent in San have been visiting at Talent, a rriv e d ! Don't ruin your auto w heels. If delightful social at the church last of her uncle. J. V. W right, on M oun-’ Francisco, to which place she went-1 In Ashland for a few days visit at th ey squeak th ey need settin g. I night. The evening’s entertainm ent tain avenue. to s e l e c t o r stock of fall and w in-1 the home of J. F. Cole, 536 Ash­ s e t them th e com m onsense w ay In a was planned by the social com m it-, ---------- ter millinery. land street. The Coles are former few m inutes and a t on e-h alf th e tee and during the evening delicious R eturn From Tillamook— ______ _ Ashland people. price of the old m ath >d. For free refreshm ents were served. The so- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hosley have q’o L eave for Colorado dem onstration s m Ira Reeder. cial was closed by devotional serv- j returned from Tillamook after a Mr and Mrs M E Boatough For sale— Two show cases. P h o n e. 292-6 iC®8- ______ short vacation a t th a t place. who have been m aking th elr bom<; 269-R. 296-3*' W h itn e y B o y s C h o ru s TONIGHT ONLY Vocal and Instrumental Solos, Duets, Sextette and in Ashland for the past several The Hotel Ashland Crill special-i-Will Ijeavo for Berkeley' years, will leave soon for Colorado, J The home occupied by Dr. W. E. Mrs. Thornton Wiley, 631 W a l- ;wbere they wlll mafce tb eir home Woods and family on Mimer street j izes in a 50c luncheon and a 75c dinner. n nut street, will leave for Berkeley. •' for tbe present. Is receiving a new coat of paint from i Calif., this week to visit relatives ______ the stock of W. O. Dickinson and Sanitary Milk Stilt ton— for a few days. j W ashington V isitors— Son. The home of Mrs. Van Fossen J. R. Maxedan of 977 B street has Mr. and Mrs. Voruz of Baker, is also being repainted. CHAUTAUQUA AUDITORIUM one of the most modern and sani­ Ret uim From Eugene Or., arrived for a visit with their --------- --------- ^ « 1 . McCoy I ,laughte, Mrs Ow>r^ tarily equipped milk ......................... stations in the .. „ Mr8. J. E. Clapp and daughter No Admission Special Offering city A new concrete building ot have return6d from Eugene w here| M uipany w lth M, anfl „ „ Velma returned Monday from an ex­ *” vwv v/ g | , w ui|/ouj tvtVit 1XX X « A XI LX llllil, TVlIlti I th e v h a v e b een v i s i t l n c t h e ir irranrl- _ . ' _ two rooms, one for an engine room. they have been visitlng th eir \ made a trip to Crater Lake. Pelican; tended trip through California, stop­ Extra special— Men’s medium- mother. The Misses McCoy ! Ray and Lake o’ Woods. the other where milk is prepared ping at San Francisco during t h e , ^ weight cassimere pants, all sizes, make their home with Mrs. Riley ______ by all the latest devices of sanita­ Knights of Columbia convention at medium gray pattern; while they on High street while attending Im proving H o m e - tion for distribution among his that place, after which they motored last at $3.50, at Orres Tailor Shop. many customers. Mr. Maxedan is sch° o1 here this -v ear- H. L. Sayles. who purchased the on the coast highway as far south 294tf ——— East Side grocery on Iowa street as San Diego. Miss Velma, who. is to be complimented on his very Pioneer Hall on the C arpet— . and the Boulevard, is m aking some an accomplished classic dancer, has modern plant. V a c a tio iie i s at N e w p o rt— The future use of the Pioneer Hall i im provem ents in the way of mod- signed up witlj, the Fox Film com­ C O N T A IN S : Pearl W ilshire and Aileen W alker, will be up for consideration this ern living rooms in connection with pany at Hollywood a fte r she com­ Spend Three .Months' V acation__ The College of Literature. employes of the Citizens and First T h e Graduate School. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nelson and \ evening at a meeting of a Cham ber i the store. Science and the A rta . pletes her studies in the gram m ar National banks, respectively, have The School o f Journalism. of Commerce com m itttee a t the hall; ---------- The School o f Architecture school. gone to the seashore, in the vicinity daughter arrived yesterday and are T he School o f Law. and A llied A rts . The School of Medicine. of Newport, for the sum m er vaca­ visiting with Mrs. Nelson’s brother ReI)re9entatives from all clubs or E n tertained a t D inner— The School o f Business T LA TE TO CLASSIFY. Otto Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. O. ()1'^ n iz a tio n s having a possible use ...... ....... was „ „ entertained ----------------- The School o f M usic. Mrs. . Frank Moore tion. - s -------------------------------------------------------- Adm inistration. • T h e School of Physical D. Lowe. The Nelsons are return/ lor building are invited to be yesterday as the guest of honor at WANTED TO SELL— 95 feet front­ T h e School o f Education. Education. age on North Pioneer avenue, a G en eral; a dinner party given by Mrs. John We specialize on fancy brick ice ing from a three m onths’ traveling !>reaent 9* the meeting. T h e Extension Division. The School of Sociology. beautiful building site; east front, most of the tim e being opin,on Prevails th a t the stru ctu re ! ,S. Parson, 138 N orth Main street, cream. Rose Bros. 2 6 4 tf vacation, lying between Main and B streets. pent in the the east' east' visiting visiting relatives, ™inHvu.. is a “ white elephamt” and is not be- Those spent [’hose present besides the hostess The price on this is very reason­ M ove to H argadine C ottage— and a fte r a few days spent in Ash-! ing put to any considerable use. The were Mesdames Atkinson, Anna Mc­ able. considering location? For A high standard of cultural and profeasionaPacholarahip has become ° ne °L'kUOUt,t?k d,n* m“ rk* i St“”’ Dniveraity. For a catalog™ fu rth er particulars call on E. E. Mrs. Sarah Mosier and niece. Ruth land will continue on to th eir home i question has devei°Ped into an issue Carthy and H erbert McCarthy. Mrs. loldera on the vanoua achoola. or lor any information write Phipps, next door to Tidings. Os mu ti, will occupy the Hargadine iu Oakland, Calif. ! following the decision of the Civic Moor© le ft today for San Antonio, THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Ore. 296« ______ _ Improvement club to build a rest Texas, where she will join ber hue- cottage on N orth Pioneer avenue. We can tell you how good our room on Mill street to used as a WANTED— Capable young lady with high school education desires po­ Yeo insures anything anywhere meals are but you won’t believe it clubhouse. The Civic Improvement Mr. and Mrtl. C. H. H argadine will Phone 274-J. 290U until you try them. Colne and be club members have been using the leave Ashland soon for Santa Mon- ' sition as clerk in store or cashier in restaurant. Call or write. 1132 convinced. Hotel Ashland Grill, i t Pioneer Hall for th eir meetings in ica. C alif.’ Oak st. 296-2* Military Man Visits— the past. Those on the committee are M esdam es' O. W inter, Sam B. Members of old F irst company, R eturns From D unsm uir__ Mrs. J. B. H arrell returned yes­ McNair and E. J. Van Sant and coast artillery, welcomed Lieutenant Claude Cruson here recently, who terday from a three weeks visit to Messrs. V. O. N. Smith and F. H, was touring southern Oregon. At her three sons at Dunsmiur. Calif. Shinn. _____ L. Fort Stevens, previous to the actual W ill R etu rn F rA n Newport__ conflict over in Europe, the lieuten­ Mrs. Mary Dunn and W illiam; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Billings, who i Schaumloeffel left today for Port- ant for a while commanded the lo­ have been spending the p a s t. few land where Mrs. Dunn will visit her J cal m ilitary contingent. weeks a t Newport, left th a t place daughter. Mrs. Ella Rice, of that) yesterday for Ashland and are ex­ city. «. Ladies* high-grade tailoring, lat­ pected to arrive here some tim e to­ est fashions and woolens are now in John H. Fuller, secretary of the at Orres Tailor Shop. 294-tf morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Billimgs re­ ceived the Tidings every day at Chamber of Commerce, is in receipt Newport. of a telegram from the Northwest 4 0 Cabins at Lake o ’ W oods— ---------- i Tourist bureau a t Seattle, Wash., Visitors to C rater Lake report 75 G. Hill Man Deputy S heriff— asking for data concerning the tent houses either under construc­ Joe Beeman, formerly of Gold am ount of tourist travel through tion or finished. About 40 cabins Hill and a democratic w arhorse of Ashland. The bureau requests fig­ now house the Ashland colony at eight years ago, whose work in the ures on the num ber of cars passing Lake o’ Woods, the places being in­ dividually owned and more are go­ political harness netted him a job through the city during the past two in the internal revenue service, is weeks, classifying the cars by states. ing up every week. now a deputy sheriff for Multnomah As no accurate check has been made county and is doing yeoman serv­ of the tourist travel for the past Sweet, fascinating ‘Hearts of ice catching burglars and bootleg­ two weeks the inform ation cannot G old.’’ 291-lmo gers. Joe is also one of the most be given. Members of th e Cham Three W eeks' Cam ping Trip—— persistent boosters for the Rogue her of Commerce have been consid-j W ednesday morning a caravan of river valley in the state. ering several methods for getting an four cars started out on a camping accurate check on the to u rist travel! trip, tho excursionists being W. F. T o V is it a t P o r tla n d — for some time although nothing def-j HEN you were a youngster, you never went to school Loomis, B. F. Montgomery, Robert G. Everson, who came from Cali­ inite has been evolved. Difficulty Hale and W. B. Dennis, Including fornia with Lynn Mowat and has is found in gaining complete regis- tlie long way ’round! Yon took a short cut. their respective families. Destina­ been sojourning at C rater Lake, will j tratio n at the auto camp ground ow tion will be Diamond and Odell visit Portland before returning! ing to A pk of interest on the p a rt « lakes; return lim it any old time h0™*- of the travelers. Every advertisement in the T ID IN G S is a short cut within two or three weeks. London E d ito r V is it Wonderful Chorus H. Wickham Stead, editor of the London Times, was a recent Ash­ land visitor while en route to Eng­ land via San Francisco. Mr. Stead parted with Lord Northcliffe at Vancouver, B. C., ledving the la t­ te r to return to the British I^les by way of China. Japan and India. 50-Boys~50 U n iv e r s ity o f O r e g o n Fall Term Opens September 26 A Classified Ad is a Business Getter Tahe the Short Cut Orres cleans clothes clean. C hristian E ndcavorers Meet— The senior Christian Endeavor so­ ciety of the Presbyterian church will have a business meeting, swim and wiener frazzel at Helman’s this eve­ ning at 5:30 o’clock. T»< Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bateman daughter Jaunita and Mrs. J. B Saunder: left today for a two weeks camping trip, hunting and fishing. They expect to spend the time at Lake o’ Woods. Pelican Bay and Crater Lake. BARTLETT PEARS for CANNERY We expect to ship our first car of B artlett Pears to the Cannery about August 22nd. Pick nothing for this car except No. 1 «tock, 2 Vi inches and larger, m ust be perteci halves, #11 fruR to b* free from scab, scale and worms. We have the Lug Boxes on hand now. Advise us at once how many boxes you will have so we can plan accordingly. ASSN. FR UIT & TONIGHT O N L Y ! all you want to know about the service or articles you need House-Peters At a glance you can sift out the things that interest you u ._ the THEATER B E A U T n C most and in a moment you know just when and where to go for what you want. THE MAN OF A W e e k s ’ C a m p in g T r ip — ASHLAND Advertisements make it possible to tell you in a few minutes 294tf PRODUCE 294-4 THOUSAND EMOTIONS IN Figure how many steps, how much needless walking and talking the advertisements thus save you and your neighbors Silk Husbands and CaUco Wives A play containing every ele­ ment of entertainment the mind can conceive, suggest or inspire. DO NOT MISS IT Paths Review Then you realize the great, economy and necessity of adver­ tising in your daily life. R0Un Comedy Friday—Special—Saturday JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD’S “ The Golden Snare” One of the Big Northern Snow Pictures > ‘. r