s»-- ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. T hursday, A ugust 18, 1021. I*AGV THRU* j. Mary E. H am lin, et vir, to Ber­ Louis Gibson et ux to Charles J. Humphrey et al, W. D. tha McGrath, W. D. to land W oolen Company's lin e of fall and Mickey, deed to lot 1, block in free. 7, twp. 38 S., R. 1 W . $ 10 E. ^ of NE, NW of NE, and w inter sam ples. Call in and s e t 48, Medford .......................... . 500 Bertha A. McGrath, et vir, to NE of NW ., sec. 12, twp. them . C leaning and repairing done Caroline D, Mickey et ux to Mary E. H am lin, et al, W. 36 S„ R. 1, W est ................. 700 Local and Personal City of M edford, W. D. to K. N elson. H otel ¡'On short notice. W illiam J. Forbes et ux to D. to land in sec. 7, twp. 3 8 Clark E. Corey et ux, W. D. S., R. 1 W e s t ........................... 10 lot 1, block 4 8 , ' M edford. . Í A ustin Bldg. 27 3 -lf ------------------- — Side Lights------ - ,■ Thos. D. LeM asters, et ux, to to lot in Galey Add. to Ash­ P. R. Barnhouse et ux to 230Ú land .................................. Nora R eam es. W. D. to lots Visit P arents at CreeweLl— W. J. Jobson et ux, W. D. Watch for I Missouri Visitors— 21 and 22, blk. “J ” , Ashland 10 L. E. Stennett et al to F. M. “H earts of G old.” H arvey Van Prooyne, who has to lots 25 and 26; H ighland Poole et ux, lot in Ashland WT. H. Canon, et ux, to City of 10 2 9 1 -lm o M iss Mary Halb of St. Louis, Mo., them . been in A shland for som e tim e, went Zoe E. Lindas et vir to Ed M. M edford, Q. C. D. to lots 2. Park tract to A s h l a n d .... 2000 with other friends are gu ests this W hite. lot 3. blk. 2. S isk i­ 3, 4, block 4, F ruitdale Add. week at the Edward W hite hom e la sl week to C resweli to vislt his Roy H iggins et ux to L. Davis, Move to K lam ath F alls— you H eights Add. to Med­ to Medford .............................. 75 parents. He will also visit Port- ian j in secs. 15 and 22, tp. Mrs. Frank Brown cam e over on M ountain avenue. 1« B elle Cochran to City of Med­ ford ............................................ land and other points before return-i 3g s ., R. 4 W est .......... .. 10 M argaret J. W olgam ott to W. ford, Q. C. D. to lots 9, 10, from K lam ath F alls Monday to F. W olgam ott, lot on Clark foZ- Martin McDonough to Robert block 6, R iverside sub-divi­ move her furniture from the Beach Boys, get ready for school, which street, Medford sion to Medford .................... 20 B. W olfe, lot 14, blk. 1, house on Gresham street, which she starts Sept. 12. See the fin e a ll- Oregon Securities Co. to Sher­ W hy not try a m ilk loaf or Bran H ighland Park add. to Med­ has occupied for the last two years, wool su itin gs at Orres T ailor Shop. Brea W. A. Cooper aud fam ily from terday on a business trip that re­ lftnil F entzling et ux to John ¡City of Medford to Paul W es- Pure pasteurized m ilk, 10c the east of town expect to go to W ash­ sulted in th e purchase of a pum ping singer, et al, deed to lot 4. O’Conner. W% of "NW sec. A m a n is a s old a s h is o r g a n s ; h quart at R ose Bros. 243-tf ington for a visit with th eir son, plant for his ranch near Phoenix. .blk. 2, W hitney Addition to 12, tp. 3 5 S., R. 1 W e s t .. 10 :an b e a s v ig o r o u s a n d h e a lth y a Medford ..................................... 103 Oscar Cooper, in the near future. C la r e n c e . C. Pierce t o W. C. 70 a s a t 3 5 i f h e a id s h is o r g a n s fa Ovcrheirr! at - th e Elk«» -Club-— Carl It. Beebe, et ux. to H. C. A shland hom e or. Lockw ood's jerform in g th e ir fu n c tio n s. K ee Reuter, land in sec. 11, tp. Head, e i al. W. D. to land in N othing like eating carrots to be W hat is a vacation w ithout m u­ Milk Loaf. Ask your grocer. Lithia secs. 7 and 17. twp. 33 S., • tou r v ita l o r g a n s h e a lth y w itl 36 S., R. 1 W est .................. 10 beautiful. Mrs. Brown said, “ 1 W e carry sev e ra l k in d s. M ade 292 eod if sic? Buy a sm all V ictrola and take Bakery. R. 2 E ast ........................... ?. ? 10 K atherine J. K ellogg et ux to have three of the prettiest girls in w ith R ubber, CoiiiposIthMi or iJanies E. Ram say et ux to E. it along. R ose Bros. 247-tf E lm er E. Dungey et {be. lots } Two Homes Sold— Ashland, and they eat all the car­ J N. Butler et ux, W. D. to lot le a th e r sole«. 5 and 6. blk. 6, Gold H ill. . 225 3, block 10, A shland . . . . 10 rots they can g e t.” Mr Sm ith spoke Vish< Mothep Hew>_ * C . B. Lam kin, local real estate up and s a id ,'“I'd been just as hand-] Mnj R p frQm neftr Qrf?_ dealer, reports th at with the sale j Jam es Owens et al to John S. of two properties on the sam e dav Owens, land in secs. 1 and som e but we ran out of carrots.” gon City is visiting her m other, the realty m arket is show ing in- IP* S., R. 1 W est. . 300 W T H E OIAUOM » BKAXD. A ' Th« world's standard remedy for kidney Mrs. Jeff Howard, on M ountain ave-J X M leat A»L j« u r D ru«rU U °f iver. bladder end urie acid trouble: L. Davis et u£ to Roy H iggins, See our F all S u itings o f pure Vir­ nue this week. <'bl^Se«-(ar • Diam oaa Brand, creased activity. The sales report­ I*I1U in K r d »ad U a ld mcUUi? Ince 1696; corrects disorders; stimulate: bonei, scaled with Blue Ribbon. land in D. L. C. 57 in tp. gin W ool. P aulseru d’s. 2 7 9 -tf ed by Mr. Lam kin are: the Henry htel organs. All druggists, three sizes 38 S., R? 1 W e s t ................... 10 j j C hildieth hom e. Union» and Fair- x>ok fo r th a a a m a G o ld M e d a l on a v a ry ba: ‘H earts o f Gold* pftming soon, D IA M O N D K U A N D P I L L S , for KA > ears known >9 Best. Safest, Always Reliable sad a c c e p t b o im ita tio n Bearli R esidence Purcliased— 2 9 1 -lm o | vIew streets, to John T. Ingram , of E. N. Butler e t ux to Jam es SO L D B Y D R U G G IST S E V E R Y W H E R E E. Ram say et ux, land in O. G. Howard has purchased the . ; R oseburg; and th e Thom as Anderson I secs. 27 and 28, tp. 38 S., I place is a one and a third acre old Beach residence on Gresham V isits at Myrtle Creek— R. 1 E ast ................................. Mrs. Andrew R edifer and children tract. The ow ners of th e properties 10 street from Mrs. Beach Martin, and in turn has sold his place on Fair- of Oak street left W ednesday m orn­ w ill m ove to A shland with their C. R. Moore e t ux to George R. Lindley, land in sec. 20, view street to W. Am brose from ing for M yrtle Creek w here she w ill fam ilies during the next week. One cent th e word each tim e. — - ------ tp. 37 S„ R. 3 E a s t ............. 1500 M issoula, Mont. The Am broses are visit the E. W. R edifer fam ily, A utom obile insurance a specialty j Thom as Edy to V ictor Patton. form erly of this city. ATTORNEYS. PHYSICIANS. parents of Mrs. C. W. Chattin. Yeo. o f course. 290$U lots 1 and 2, block 7, R oss DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— Attorneys-at* If you were carrying $5,000 or For p leatin g see Orres. Add. to M edford .................. Have a fit at Orres, tailors for 10 294tf lim ited to eye, ear, nose add Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. m ore of cash in your car yo u ’d Morris K aegi has returned from G eorge Currier et ux to L. throat. O ffice hours, 10 to 12 and -------— ~ ----------- — ----- men and wom en. 294tf w an t to have it insured. E ugent w here he had been on a 2 to 5. Sw edenbnrg Bldg., Ash- ROBERTO— A ttorney-at-Law . P ic n ic -a t Grant» P a s s - Davis, land in D. L. C. 57, But are you not driving your land. Ore. 7 3-tf R oom s 6 and 6, Citizens* Bank Several- fairalies o f th e N asarene business trip. Oakland. Calli.; V isitors— tp. 38 S., R. 1 W e s t.............14.000 Bldg. car, with about all of your prop­ Mrs. W. J. R oberts and childrenL churoh- w ent to Grants P ass o n i- F irst N ational Bank of A sh­ erty exposed? DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and H. R. A dam s, th e Plum ber, se lls CHIROPRACTORS. of Oakland. Calif., w ere d ln n erfT oeed ay for--a picnic, Surgeon. Practice limited to land to L. D avis et a l, land If you inju re a m an, and he plum bing fixtu res and supplies. eye, ear, nose and. throat. G lasses DR> QBO. j . R iN Z _ chiropractor, gu ests of Mrs. C. A. Cotter y ester­ in sec. 22, tp. 36 S., R. 4 ob tain s a dam age verdict against supplied. O culist and aurist for Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. I do -all odd jobs. Leave orders Phone 166-J. shop at 248 F ifth St. you, y ou ’ve got to pay it. day. They are m aking an in d efin ­ W est ........................................... io S. P. R. R. O ffices, M. F . and H. 28 7 -tf 25, the Plaza. O ffice Phone 103 • a t Sw enson and McRae store. V. ite stay with the G. W. Godwin fam ­ If ydu haven’t th e cash, your Bldg., M edford, Ore. P hon e 567. R esidence Phone 401. Child«. 295-3* property can he sold to get it. ily on Iowa street. R. M. DeM ille, a local sign painter, HR. FRANK M. MONON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. A FEW BARGAINS FOR SALE Don’t risk your house, your has purchased the yacant property and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. E. B. A ngell. Chiropractic, E lec­ BY BRAVER REALTY CO. bank account, your business. Lui Silk and fibre mixed k nit «ties, Eugene . V isitor— at 1718 Second street, form erly O ffice 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub-1 trical T reatm ents, Mineral amt a first class autom ob ile policy M iss Lucy Schw erlng o f Eugene Block of ten lo ts n icely located: form erly $1.00 to $2.00 value: now owned by Ç. H. H argadine. The V lt-o-N et Baths. F irst National lie Library. 272-tf stand betw een your worldly tw o-room plastered house; lots of onlv 50c until all gone, at Orres recently visited her aunt, Mrs: Emma deal was closed yesterday. Bank Building. Phone 48 It is goods and th e resu lt of that fru it and berries; good garden 2 9 4 tf Hager,» 4 7 6 -Scenic Drive. T ailor Shop. DRS. SAW YER & CRANDALL possib le accident. DO IT NOW. A the intention of Mr. D eM ille to build lan d ; w ould m ake fin e chicken TAXI. tew dollars today may saVe yon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ranch— $ 1 ,5 0 0 .0 0 . T erm s. Payse m akes hammock a hom e on the Property which w ill T C liff a few thousand tonigh t. Leave for Chico, C alif.— Good 5-room cottage; about P ioneer B uilding. TAXI— A cklin’a — Rose Bros. Phou«- 1 295 tf bfi occuPied by h im self and fam ily. racks. half-acre lot, small barn, fruit and Leslie Prico's parents have left 8 1 » . ............... j 3g~K Phone 2C0-K. Res. 274-J or 3 6 7-J_ garden— $ 2 ,0 0 0 .0 0 . Term s. Ashlanxl for their hom e in Chico, I will be at Lake o f th e W oods S p ecial B argain.— 6-room bouse, Motor From C reswell— WAN 1 ED. T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. C alif., after a w eek ’s' visit with their W ill Uorinn „ ,, building cottages for th e next ten good plum bing; clo se in; cash R eal E sta te aud R eal Insurance son’s fam ily here. price $1,200. T. L. POW ELL— GENERAL TR AN S-' W ANTED— To hear from owner of to m otor to Ashland soon visit p ? c?' * 7 “ ’ Estab. 1883 A lso som e five-acre tracts in good ranch for sale, State cash PE H — Good team and m otor­ his fam ily, w h o . have been livlnn t w „ , , n T Phone 211 41 East Main price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. city , lim its. trucks. Good service at a reason­ P repare.now for rainy »lays. Have her., (or som e tim e. °f WwMta- J' “ • Bee,OT' 2 ” -‘ f 260-2T M inneapolis, Minn. able price. Phone 8 3 . ________________________ your um brellas covered at the Fix- F O R ’PROMPT and careful service W ANTED— Room in a refined priv It Shop. 294-6* ‘H earts of G old.” - • ttte hom e by a you n g business 2 9 1 -lm o with A uto-Trucks or — H orse — Drays, man, sojournutig here for his call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone On M ountain Trip— Flow ers Stolen— health. State everything in de­ 117. O ffice 89 Oak street. Near Mrs. Alva Row ley Jias gone to the tail. A nsw er B. K .-9, care T idings. Mrs. Harvey on B street had t h e 1 Hotel Austin. m ountains for a few- days rest. 295-3 m isfortune to lose som e valued flow ­ FOR SALK. Circuit Court WANTED— To rent dairy or stock ers recently by theft. ranch. R. -J. D ykstra, 563 North E tta C. T horndike vs. John L. Phone 1-F- FOR SALE— Ga IF wood. Main, A shland, Ore. 293-6* 295-6 Thorndike. Divorce. 12. ? Cool o ff in R ose B ros’ ice cream A. W. W alker et al vs. Firem en's W ANTED— To buy a second-hand parlor w here quality ice cream s and (FOR SALE— Hudson super-six road­ sm all cook stove or will trade To recover sherbets are served. 264tf Fund Insurance Co. ster in first-class condition; fin« Michigan Rotary washing m achine _______ . m oney. Inquire Austin ho- ! appearance for sam e. 154 Oak st. 293tf To Visit at R oseburg— , Bullock Merc. Agency vs. T. B. 2 9 5 -6 * ¡ tel. Mrs. Vernon R edifer of E ig h th : McClelland. Cost bill. j ----- ------------------------------------------— W ANTED— Squeaky auto w heels .¡FORD COUPE, 1921. excellent con- th a t need repairing. See Ira street w ill leave th is week for R ose- Jackson Co. bank vs. C. E. Ter- dittos: Inquire Irwin's Cigar; Reeder. 291-6 burg to visit her folk s. rill (sh e r iff). Sum m ons. 2 9 0 tf Store. P h o n e 1 40. INTEKVRBAN AUTOCAR CO. City of xMedford vs. Joseph W. ‘H earts o f G old.’ E ffective March 20, 1020. Y ou’ll lik e Lawton. A ffidavit, order, affidavit BUILDING MATERIAL — Medford t D aily (E xcept Bunday) Cem ent Brick and Block Works, em. ' 2 9 1 -lm o of m ailing. LV. ASHLAND specialize in a:- kinds of building LV. MEDFORD YOU HAVE HEARD E rnest S. W olgam ott vs. J. J Mc- 7 :1 6 a. m. 7:15 a. m. products. Core, r Fir and 10th R eturns Fron. B erkeley— MahOn et al. Amended com plaint 1 :0 0 a. m. 8 :0 0 a. m. street. 225« 1 P o u n d .....................................................35c 8 :4 5 a. m. 8 :4 6 a. m. Mrs. Percy Stratton arrived hom e Medford N ational bank vs A of men who could hardly 9: W) a. m. 9 :3 0 a. m. FOR SALE— Blackface bucks, $10 i w rite their own name— , , last week from B erkeley, C alif., ■ Corno Fiero et ux. Sum m ons. 1 0 :1 6 a. m. 1 0 :1 5 n. m. 3 Pounds .................................$1.00 a head. Six Julies south on P a­ hut who SAVED where she has been visiting- for m . A. Barron vs. E. J. Farlow et 1 1 :0 0 a. m. 1 1 :0 0 a. m. cific highw ay. Mike Tucker. MONEY! 1 2 :0 0 Noon i som e tim e with her sister. Mrs. a |. A ffidavit, order for publication. 1 2 :0 0 Noon T h is is a h ig li-g ra d e ( ’offec, steel c u t. p a c k e d in 1 2:45 p.m. 1 2 :4 9 p. m. Donna Warren. W. S. Barnum rs. So. Ore. Trac­ Are you, w no can read, 1 :30 p. m. 1 :30 p. m. FOR SALE— New Ford sedan, tion Co. Notice. a ir tig h t c a r d b o a r d c o n ta in e rs. w rite and earn money 2:15 p. m. 2 :1 5 p. m. cheap if taken at once. 76 Alida w illin g to be outdone by 3:00 p. m. Second N orthw estern F inance 3 :0 0 p. m. street. 291-6* men less in tellig en t than 3 :46 p. m. 3 :4 5 p m. Corporation vs. J. H. W heeler et ux. WHY PA Y FOR TIN CANS? 4 :3 0 p. m. yourself? 4 :3 0 p. m. FOR RENT. To recover personal property. , 5 :15 p. m. 6 :1 5 p. m. E A D Y for instant u se I 6 :0 0 p. m. 6 :0 0 p m. Think it over, and start FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. 7:0© p. m. 7 :0 0 p. m. in oil cookatoveo, oil ■Marriage Ldcen-ses a Savings Account in W ill be read y a b o u t A ugust 25. 8:45 p. m. 8 :45 p. m. Sat. &niy heaters or lam ps. Harry G. W ortm an, Jr., and Clara this strong bank today. Henry P ro v o st, ph o n e 47 4-R. 9 :30 p. m. 9 :3 0 p. ni. On the P laza” (' Hathaway. 10:30 p .m . Sat. only 1 2:16 Midgt j Aak jo«r d e » l» r SUNDAY ONLY O in G eorge M axfield and Lenna (for P.ar/ O i l - con- 6 :3 0 p .m . 6 :3 0 p. in: Add. to Medford ..................$1000 9 :3 0 p. in. 9 :3 0 p. m. I City of Medford to Jess E. Ashland W aiting— East Sido Ffear- 'Ç h e Q an k, •with 293-4 macy. Brow nlee, deed to part lot fice. the C h/m + CJoaU" JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD 12, block 1, C ottage Home LOST— Black leather tool bag, with DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY Add. to Medford .................. i tools and truck repairs from LV. M EDFORD LV. JWWV’I.K School Dist. No. 49 to City of blacksm ith shop on B st. to city 7r40 a. m. 7 :2 0 a. in. C o m m e n cin g on a n d a f te r S e p te m b e r 15th. lim its north on Main st. Finder 9 :0 0 a. m. M edford, deed to lot on 8 :2 0 a. m. 1 0 :0 0 a. m. 1 0:30 a. m. W est Second street, Med­ th e W h ite H ouse G ro c e ry w ill he c o n v e rte d cerv of Ashland, 1 1 :3 0 a. m. 1 2 :0 0 Noon ford ............................................. j 295-3 1 :3 0 p .m . 1 :0 0 p. rn. fered. City o f Medford to School Dist. THE HABIT OP SAVING 2 :0 0 |a m. in to th e G ro v c rle ria P la a , a n d will buy and 3:00 p. m. FOR SALE— RE.VL ESTATE. 3:45 p. m . No. 4 9, deed to lot in sec. 4 :30 p. m. Good habits are as easily form ed as 5 :0 0 p. in. 5 :3 0 p. m. 25, tp. 37 S„ R. 2 ly e s t . . 500 bad ones, and persist longer. That FOR SALE— H ouse and W acre i sell f o r c ash only. 7 :0 0 p. m 9 :3 0 p. m. , is why parents should teach their ground in fruit trees; close in.' 8 :00 p. m. Sat. only children the d elight of financial In­ Inquire 606 A llison. 294-1 mo* . 7 :3 0 p m. 9 :5 0 p. m. 1 0 :3 0 p. m. Sat. only C o m m en cin g on th e d a te o f th is n o tic e, I will dependence, th e ability to get big W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. ATTRACTIVE thin gs by foregoing trifles— in gen­ FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT— MEDFORD-RO8EBUR« i a llo w a 5 p e r c^nt. d is c o u n t fo r all go o d s eral— the sane use o f m oney. 52-acre dairy and hog ranch in Daily and Sunday The F irst N ational Bank w elcom es LEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG W illam ette valley near Albany. the savin gs accounts of boys and b o u g h t a n d p a id f o r in c ash u n til S e p te m b e r 1 00 p. m. 1 1 :0 0 a. m. This year’s crop of hay and grain FALL STYLES girls. W e know that th e ones who MF.DFORD.GKANTS PASS acquire the th rift habit now will in the barn. See Swenson Mc­ and 15th, w hen w e w ill operate u n d e r o u r new plan. Dally and Sunday later on be the su bstantial citizens Rae F urniture Store. LV. O T 8 PASS FALL PR IC ES LV. MEDFORD of th is com m unity. 1 0:00 a. m 8 :0 0 a. m. 290-Thurs.; Sat., tf have arrived, at t J. C. KAEGI, Prop. 1:00 p. ni. 1 1 :00 a. m. 4 :0 0 p. ni. 1 :0 0 p. m. IT)R TRADE. 6 :1 5 p m. 4 :3 0 p. in. TO TRADE for alfalfa acreage, 5- T ailors for Men and W om en W aiting R oom — The t G rants Pass CART Efe. PftCS A S H L A N D , OREGON. room m odern hom e in K lam ath ‘ Boabonniare Phone ASO. C h VAUPCL VlC£P»t You are invited for a look F a lls, on paved street. Inquire O ffice and W aiting Room: No. 5 J «M C C O Y. CASMitU ------------- - . 143 8tb street. 294-S*t 3. Front St.. Naah H otel Building, Ju st received the new Bruner City of Medford to Caroline D. Ashland News in Paragraphs Canvas Shoes MAN’S BEST AGE Suitable tor Hunting and Fishing GOLD M ED A L CHICHESTER S PILLS B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Don’t Expose Your Property to Loss Billings Ageney COURT NEWS F riday and Saturday THE C IT IZ E N S BANK Diam ond W O FA S H LA N D ' K napp’s Groceteria R g A < y n N SAVINGS^ ft7o