PAGE TWO A s h la n d T i d i n g s dralned of exces* w ater and be a I the evening m eeting; but by some? vessels, th e greatest increase has Established 187C ® great source or revenue in the fu-j strange perversity of the tongue the taken place in those of between 6,-j Published Every Evening Except tBre‘ congregation were astounded with 000 and 10,000 tons, th eir num ber ____ Sunday 1 Lands Rich in Chemicals the announcem ent th at there would having increased from 1,004 in 1914 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Concerning these lands th e fo l-ib e a service by “ the Prayingham to 1,784 this year. In 1914 the «JFFIClAI. CITY AND COUNTYi lo v ln £ communication has been is- belly-band.” num ber of vessels fitted with in-! PA PER j sued by th e college: I _________________;_____ tern al combustion engines was 290. TELEPHONE 39 , “ These lands are rich in cberni-1 against the present total of 1,447. PORTLAND,* Aug. 18.— Accom­ Subscription Price Delivered In City cals th a t are necessary to good land. A great development has also taken 3ne month .................................. $ .«5 • A great abundance of nitrogen and place lu th e use of liquid fuel on modations are so much improved at Three months .............................. 1.95! hutnus are in this land. The land C (v iv e v e * board steam ers, for the num ber of C iater Lake national park th at the Six months .................................. 3,75 One y e a r ...................................... 7.60 if well drained, would be easily cul­ vessels now burning oil is 2,536 Southern Pacific Railway company tivated and cropped. Mai] and Rural Routes. against 364 in 1914, only 72 per will no longer hesitate to encourage One month .................................. | .65 Many plans have been adopted to cent~of the tonnage of the m erchant Three months .............................. 1.95. rid the land of excess water. Some to u iist travel through southern m arine now requiring coal, against Six months .................................. 3.60 : One year ...................................... 6 g 0 1 communities have tried to build Oregon’s most scenic territory, said The W hitney Boys' chorus of ¡a previous percentage of 89. ADVERTISING RATES: dykes iliutnepd by the whole conirj p o rtian(j wi|j sing tonight at « s ' Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic Display Advertising ' ! inunity, and these have been found ! o’c|ocjj at the C hautauqua auditor- V. S. RAPIDLY LOSING m anager of the Southern Pacific Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c tu ac successful, but this system ¡ura. system today. SOUTH AMERICAN TRADE ÏK A BIA COSTKiCTH I ttk « . too much tim e to work up. ! The hoy, ore on th eir way home Fee has ju st completed a tour of llisplay Atlvertlsln« , A fter the dyking work, the tile a fte r a to u r of California and at the park and expressed satisfaction ? : e„ “ S i l every place they have appeared they BUENOS AIRES, Aug 18— ‘ Most with the results obtained by the Every other d a y .........................20c system to drain off the water. have captivated th eir audiences. A rgentine firms have only a small new m anagement. Data obtained has Local Readers. Survey Is Necessary 1 hey sang one week at the Grauman stock of American goods left, and been sent t4c the word each time, needed Is determ ined, the question They come with the highest refer - American fo reig n Bunk it believed accommodations unsatis­ ljegal Rate: ing Corporation here 01 what sizes of tile to use comes j ences. factory. F irst Tim e,tper 8 point line . . . . 10c with J “e iSiZe ° f the 0,68 varieP Therb several soloists, both ’ "In general,” said Ackley, “it is Each subsequent time, per 8 point In addition to the circulars Feel th the slope 01 the land and the vocal and in stru m en tal, and they the old story of* th e laxity of some l i n o .................. ............................ Cc says th a t arrangem ents will be made rainfall. The greatest precaution is give a high-class program . Card of Thanks, >1.00. erica» concerns who have not yet Some Am ,-------7 to honor main line tickets between Obituaries, 2% cents the line. th a t the great essential Fraternal the^and ^rn ° \ ° l° -3» <•> .$> /g. •§> '$> .$> ,gi 0» M aterial. Kingdom owns 19,288,000, and the can husinees men who have come ---------- I them to procure hunting before United States 12,314,000. Though to the A rgentine up to the present We w illingly give prices Mother earth may be millions of tbeir huB-v season opens in Septem- the United Kingdom still possessed time, few have com« with the idea . . be?, and figure am ounts years old, but every spring she she! the largest total, the Increase since of rem aining perm anently, but The forest service cautions all 1914 has only been 411,000 tons, needed. comes out in a new dress of g re e n ' ra th e r intending to rem ain a sh o rt hunters to be careful of fire and to looking like "sweet sixteen.” against an increase of 10,477,000 time, m ake a certain am ount of observe the rules regarding the ex­ tons, or 570 per cent by the United money, then leave. The English and tinction of camp fires before de­ States. Germans come hero with th eir fam ­ Some men are so antagonistic bv parture. Britisli dominions have registered ilies or m arry into A rgentine fam­ THE PAINT MAN . nature that whenever they hear a The bag lim it for each hunter is pronoun they feel like going out two bucks with horns for the sea­ an increase of 543,000 tons, with a ilies. They rem ain perm anently, or total of 1,950,000 tons, against 1,- and starting an anti-noun. son. In eastern Oregon the season 407,000 in 1914. The other coun th e ir children grow np here as Ar­ gentines. British and Germans, as does not open until September 1. ' vies in which the largest increases»! wel1 as French .anil Italians, abound It is no im propriety of language The following are the chief regu­ are recorded are Japan (1,421,000 iR th ,s eountry, whose grandfathers or attitu d e to hope that “ the pow­ lations for hunters tons),- France (1.128.000 to n s ) ,lcarne here when young men. ers that be” at W ashington may do :It is unlawful to hunt w ithout a Italy (95 0,000 to n s), and Holland som ething to knock “ H” out of H. license, between th e hours of sunset “The interests of these four nation-, (736,000 tons). C. of I.. alities are interwoven with the n a­ and sunrise, or with a dog. To As in th e case of the United King­ tives for generations. B ritish capital j h ’*nt on a game refuge, or to dis­ dom, the figures for France and guise the sex of a slain deer To Italy include a considerable am ount built the railroads in A rgentina fifty ' years ago. The French, Germans, hide around a salt lick for the pur­ of ex-enemy tonnage aJlocated to and Italian s also own most of the) pose of killing a deer. To sell the! these countries Germany which, in public service corporations through-' m eat or hide of a deer. To shoot 1914, ranked next t0 the United ¡out South America. from a public highway or railroad Kingdom, with over 5,000.000 tons ■ «« a « 1 right-of-way. To wantonly waste -------- , ... ioic now possesses onlv 654 non ♦ ’ Americans connbt hope to ‘cap-' ] game or to ignore the trespass no-i 1914 the United Kinedon ° ” 1tu re ’ South American trade over- Espee to Help Tourist Travel to Crater Lake Whitney Boys Chorus Tonight, Chautauqua Bldg. Deer Season to Open Saturday; Hunting Laws Paints Wall Paper Spray your anim als with Fly and keep the flies away. Shoo BARGAINS IN ICELESS COOLERS Real Estate Use Iceleag Cooler and make it pay for itself in/ a year in ice bills. New W hite Sewing Machines, al- ways on hand. LTsed machines for rent. PEIL’S CORNER C ity a n d K a a r t i P r o p e r tie s H o u s e s to 4Rent. CITIZENS' BANK BUILDING Plaza Market Is the place to got vour ('aiming Poaches, home-grown Watermelons and ( ’tmtaloupos, Casaba and Honey Dew Melons. Wo w ill pay the top price for 1,50(1 boxes of packed peaches. PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 North Main Street . Ashland Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires With Free Tube Sanitas —THE Busy Corner Motor Co. Corner Highway and Main Streets Dickerson & Son MEDFORD, OREGON Gates’ Bargain Saturday AREA AVAILABLE FOR DRAINAGE. SURVEY Large quantities of m arsh land now lying idle in the state and which could be made into some of th e ricn- est farm land of the west is shown by a survey made by the Oregon A gricultural college. This survey shows that there are 150,000 acres of this land which could be drained and made available at small ex­ pense The two most common kinds ot' marsh land io the state are declared to be th e. tidal overflow and the beaverdam or peaty soil. The tidal overflow is found along the Pacific coast and the beaverdam is most common in the W illam ette valley. Both types, it is declared, can be b X „°" 1‘ “ « « '* ” • UNDER ASK YOUR NEW GROCER MA nagement ----/ Bakery Wholesale and R e ta il * ' ° " 8 io b Whh* m “ 8t r= OUR • MII.K BREAD FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 >'e «11 tier taken, not as an adventure, or looked upon as a quick road to A SLIP OF THE TONGIT«: ’ wealth, ««“ »• but » « « w ith the idea of building '» » • ‘ « « ‘" ' F lo w periods of years.”- The tongue will sometimes m ake' formerly sixth, is now third, closely the most aw kard slips. A clergy-! followed by France. Greece is the man in a small town near Boston had only* country which registered a d e -) been asked to read from the pulpit) crease, ap art from Germany and an announcem ent th at ‘ the Belling-1 Austria. ham praying-band” would conduct In regard to the size and type of of Oregon Agricultural College «<» sea-going steam tonnage, while the present percentage is ju st over 35 (A Norway, w h ic ~ Place. Is now i x t b i while J . p i o OAC Oregon’s Higher Institution 18 —1^———■» ' BRAN BREAD THE KEY ’ TO HEALTH =¿1 1 / / Price—$2.00 M cNair "l’h o «OS. C. E. Gales Auto Company Stori MEDFORD, OREGON