h PAGE FOTO ASHLAND DAILY TTDINGB. Im pressed w ith P acific Coast— WAVS AND MEANS COMMITTEE 1 WINSTON WANTS REDRESS; Mrs. L. Hilty has received a let DECIDES TO REPEAL EXPRESS ALLEGE INJUSTICE DONE ter from Mr. and Mrs. E arle Max TAX ON 20 PER CENT VALVES well, who are relatives, having Local and Personal (C ontinutd From rage one) reached th eir home in K ansas City, ! WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 16. ■...... Side Lights ■■■ ■ a fte r an extended visit here. They — The repeal of th e express tax on refused to tak e action on the com­ were wonderfully impressed with the every 20 per cent value has been m unication of Mr. W inburn’s, read Pacific coast and were loud in decided upon by the ways and at th at time, stating th a t it was a Masonic Meetings This Week ( R eturn From O u te r Lake— th eir praises in comparing Ashland means committee. The committee personal controversy between Mr. ! Mr. and Mrs. H. 0 . Henderson with Los Angeles, C atalina islands, also voted to levy a flat tax of $10 .W lnburn and A ttorney Briggs. ; and family have returned tram \ osemlte and other places they vis­ on retailers of soft drinks and a Mayor Lamkln and members of ) C rater Lake and Klam ath Falls after ited on their way home. Malta Commandery, Wednesday a few dayg outiug t r .p They fixed m an u factu rer’s tax on cereal the council explained to Mr. W ln­ beverages a t 12 cents per gallon, in­ burn last night that Mr. Briggs was evening. Aug 17. Stated conclave turQed o m thfl Aahlan(J and K lam . Sweet, fascinating “Hearts of stead of the 16 per cent on sale not a member of the city council and routine business. ath Falls road which, Mr. H ender­ Q° M ” 291-lm o prices. Siskiyou Chapter. Thursday eve­ son reports, is in very bad condi­ but was merely a legal advisor and ning. Aug. 18. Stated convocation, tion. Late Friday the committee voted th a t consequently the council was Automobile insurance a specialty also work iu Mark Master, routine to increase the income tax exemp- not responsible for any statem ent Yeo, of course. 290t-' business m atters, petitions, etc. tion for m arried men from $2,000 th a t he might make. When the sec- “ H earts of Gold" coming soon. on incomes below $5,000, retroac­ ond commuihieation was presented 291-lmo V isits at Dunsm uir—- I tive to Jan u ary 1, this year. last night the council at first refused V isits B r o t h e r - Mrs. W alter Maxey left last eve­ Cam pers a t W agner C r e e k - , to have it read, stating th a t a de- Henry Hach of Lake county, Calif., ning for a few days’ visit with her CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. D. Perrine and family left ( cision had been made at last week’s is visiting his brother, R.^JV. Hach, cousin, Mrs. H attie Johnson, at We wish to thank our many friends council meeting that would not -ad­ z 93 G ranite street. His arrival here this morning for W agner creek Dunsmuir. and neighbors, especially the Amer­ mit of going into the m atter. Mr. makes possible a partial family re­ where they will spend a week “ roughing it.” ican Legion and * Moose lodge, for W inburn then addressed the eouih- I will be a t Lake of the Woods union, as his sisters. Misses Esther th eir kindness and the many floral cil, explaining his. action and stat­ building cottages for th e next ten and Minnie Hach, of Minneapolis. For pleating see Orres. 294tf days. Anyone Interested, phone Mr. offerings during our bereavem ent ing th a t he had been insulted a t a Minn., are also visiting here. Peck, fire and game warden at Lake in the death of our son and brother. m eeting of the council which he had Im proving Home— MRS. I. C. MOORE, of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf G arnett’s home cooked meals sat­ been asked to attend and had done j Mr. and Mrs. G. W. M illner are MRS. BERT DENNIS, isfy. 293tf so against his own wishes. His talk making several improvements to Spend O uting a t Crater Lake__ MRS. GEORGE GRAHAM (caused a discussion among the coun- : their home, inside and out, P oultry D em onstration— ----- opposite Mr. and Mrs. George Brookm iller MISS MYRTLE DRAKE. I ¿il members with the result th a t the Professor Cosby, O. A. C. instruc- normal school grounds, and family are having a week’s out­ MRS. FRED MILLER, l communication was read. Follow- ing in, the vicinity of C rater Lake. tor, will give a poultry culling dem­ JOHN W. DRAKE. 1 ing a reading of the communication I do all odd jobs. Leave orders onstration and lecture August 23 at a t Swenson and McRae store. C. V. H. R. Adams, th e Plum ber, seila 10 o’clock. The meeting will be 295-3* plumbing fixtures and supplies. held at the Carl Gottsche ranch in Childs. Ashland News in Paragraphs Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 F ifth St. the Belleview district and will be R eturn From B u tte F alls— the first of four such meetings. All 287-tf , . I Mr- 3nd Mrs. William Swink have partle. Interested In poultry raising | returned (rum a week’, camping Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf are Invited. | trlp a t B atte Pa„ s Mr Swlak re Don't ruin your auto wheels. If they squeak they need setting. I set them the commonsense way In a few minutes and at one-half the price of the old math wi. For free demonstration » « Ira Reeder. 292 6, County Nurse Visits— Miss Marie Falldine, county nurse. who was iu the city Monday, states th at a baby clinic will be held at the library about September 1, ac­ cording to plans now being made. Miss Falldine will retu rn to Ashland within the next few days. Parties desiring to communicate with the county nurse should leave word with either Mrs. F. S. Engle or Mrs Sam McNair. ports “ good bear.” Cliff racks. fishing and lots of LOCAL WOMAN TELLS OF TRAVEL IN OLD W ORLD Payse makes hammock , 295tf (Continutd From Page One) _____ wiecM sIn Man B ay. H o m e - stay there a couple of months and R, W. Kelting, who came here then go to Italy for several months three weeks ago with his family so you see I’ll need all the rent you from Wisconsin and has been camp­ t a n get as I m ight get stranded over ing in the auto park, has bought here and never get home. “ Norway is very ’ the Yonker place 345 «---«»-TM at UVCU IU Scenic “ picturesque ---------*--- Drive and has moved into it. Like! -M ountains everywhere and well kept all new comers his first act after i ^ t l e farms, separated by low stone­ locating was to subscribe to the daily i w al,s- Most of th e houses are white Tidings. Mr. K elting made his first I “ nd newly painted. I asked if they visit to Ashland three years ago and palnted every spring and was told was much impressed with the place, j that the reason so many of the Then he determ ined to move west. houses are freshly painted is th a t After m aking a trip through Cali­ during the w ar they couldn’t get oil fornia he decided Ashland has the so the past two years practically every house has been painted. The Ladies, bring a beau with you to best clim ate on the Pacific coast women are im m aculate housekeep­ the Bungalow dance Wednesday and decide^ to m ake this his home. ers, so everything is spotlessly clean. night. His ticket covers th e w ar Special 75c dinner tonight, Hotel W henever we go calling, even if we tax for both himself and lady. L Ashland Grill, ti to 8 p. m. You’re stay Just a few minutes, they serve you come alone you m ust pay 10c 2 9 5 -lt wine and delicious little cakes th a t w ar tax. 2t invited. ju st melt in our mouths. Then, if we stay longer, we get coffee, bu t­ R eturn From Newport— Extra special— Men'4 medium- tered bread with cheese or some­ W. C. Morehouse and family re­ weight cassim ere pants, all sizes, medium gray pattern; while they turned last night from Newport thing spread on it and ju st single last a t $3.50, a t Orres Tailor Shop. where they had been spending a slices, not sandwiches like at home. “ W hile in Kongsberg we went to 294tt summer vacation several picnics, and Helga, th e girl The BAZAAR is selling all the I came to Norway with, asked me B ellview Businesri V isitor— Mrs. Frank Snyder was an Ash­ yard goods Mr. Perrine obtained a t to m ake some sandwichtes and I land visitor Monday Mrs. Snyder the recent California fire sale. Re­ made American ones. The rest of m arkable bargains in dress silk, the picnic party called them “su r­ made a shopping tour of the city. packages,” because they voile, white goods, gingham, towel­ prise We specialize on rancv brick iee ing, linen, curtain goods, scrim, couldn't see what was between the cream. Rose Bros. 264tf cretonne, satin, table oil cloth, etc., slices of bread.” will be found there within the next Cam pers R eturn— few days. Such "bargains cannot The Grouch: ” My wife’s kisses are F. H. W alker and family returned ‘ last long The BAZAAR, on the ju st .like an old m aid’s kisses.” Old Sunday eventing from C rater Lake Plaza, It Fogey: “ H owzzat?” . The Grouch and Lake o’ Woods. No kick to ’em .’’Vaudeville News. L eaves for P o r t l a n d - Big dance a t the Bungalow Wed­ Mrs. Elsie Churchman left yester­ nesday night. Dancing, the couple, day for Portland where she will visit Co— ‘-Well, why don’t you kiss 77c, war tax 8c; to tal 85c. Extra relatives. m e?” Ed— "I was in doubt— ” Co ladies and ladies unaccompanied by — “Why not give me the benefit of gentlemen. 10c. 2t “ H earts of Gold.’ 291-lm o it? ”— Kansas Law rentian. T<>O IxATE TO CLASSIFY. Cool off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beagle, son parlor where quality Ice creams and h OR RENT— Furnished, large first Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ran­ sherbets are served. floor front room with gas for 264tf • cooking. Also two-room Apart­ dle and baby left Saturday evening ment, second floor. Phone 411-R, for Newport for a short outing. Oakland V isitors— 153 G ranite st. 295-1 Mrs. C. C. Cole and son, Clinton, Yeo insures anything anywhere. Jr., of Oakland, Calif., are visiting LOST— Black leather tool bag, with Phone 274-J. 290tf a t th e home of Mrs. Cole’s parents, • tool«? and truck repairs from blacksm ith shop on B st. to city Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Doran, 6 9 8 1 limits north on Main st. Finder On O uting Trij>— Ashland street. please notify W hite House Gro­ William Flackus and family left cery of Ashland. A rew ard of­ fered. 295-3 Sunday on an outing trip, which will Announcement: Dr. W. E. Blake include C rater Lake, K lam ath Falls wishes to announce that he has re­ FOR SALE— Oak wood. Phone 1-F- and other points in K lam ath county. turned from his vacation and bin 12- ? 295-6 dental office will be open Monday, FOR SALE——Hudson super-six road Ladies’ high-grade tailoring, lat­ Aug. 15. 2 9 2-41 ster in first-class condition; fine est fashions and woolens are now in appearance. Inquire Austin ho­ at Orres Tailor Shop. 294-tf R eturns Colum bia C i t y - tel. 295-6* W aiter L. Evans, pastor of the WANTED— Room in a refined prlv Leave for Crater » "Re- Baptist church, has returned from ate home by a young business Altce Howell and family left Mon­ Columbia City where be has been man, sojournndg here for his day for a vacation trip to C rater attending th e B aptist state convene health. State everything in de­ tail. Answer B. K.-9, care Tidings. Lake and vicinity. tion. August 8 to 10, after spend­ 295-3 ing a few days in Portland and a A man writes to the Tidings com­ week in Eugene. While in Eugene, HAVE $350 equity in house on paved street, balance to pay $770. plaining of the eating facilities in Rev. .Evans preached two sermons Easy payments. Will trad e my Ashland. This party has never a t the B aptist church of th at city equity for piano, ‘ o r w hat have eaten a t the Ashland Grill. 2 9 6 -lt for two consecutive Sundays. While •you to trade. W. H. R., Siskiyou 295-1’ in the la tte r city Rev. Evans was BARTLETT PEARS for CANNERY entertained by an old Texan friegh, We expect to ship our first car Deacon F. J. Grayum. Rev. Evans of B artlett Pears to the Cannery was heralded in Eugene newspapers about August 22nd. as one of the “ leading orators on the Pick nothing for this car except Pacific coast.” " D E A D Y for instant use No. 1 stock, 2 ty inches and larger, in oil cookstoves, oil must be perfect halves, all fru it to heaters or lamps. Ju st received the new Brqner he free from scab, scale and worms. Woolen Company’s line of fall and We have the Lug Boxes on han-d w inter samples. Call in and see A sk / e a r d e tlr r now. fo r P o a rl O i l - them. Cleaning and repairing done o/oaa • b u rn in g Advise us at once how many I on short notice. JU Nelson. Hotel •n d •oonomie»!. boxes you will have so we can ¡A ustin Bldg. ’ 273-tf plan accordingly. ASHLAND FRUIT PRODUCE “Hearts of Gold.' You'll like ASSN. 294-4 'em. 291-lmo LAST TIME TONIGHT TH E THEATER 8EAUTIFU. The Traveling Salesman -Starring- Fatty-Arbuckle A Suitcase Full of Fun it was agreed th a t both Mr. W inburn I out the various discussions that and A ttorney Briggs should have an have resulted over his alleged opportunity to present their sides of charge againet Mr. { ¿p b u rn , A ttor- the case at a meeting of the co u n -; ney Briggs has refused to withdraw cil next Tuesday evening. Through- his statem ent. E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R T O C . H . VAUPEL. THE August-Gre«s»i«-Here T h u r s d a y — O p p o r tu n ity D ay O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-I-ES COTTON BATTS 98c SHEETS, 98c EACH 27-inch fine Zephyr Gingham, regular 25c value, in plaid pat­ terns only. 72x90 Sheets, sold regularly at $1.29 each. Made of linen- finish sheeting. APRON DRESSES. $2.25 OUTING FLANNEL, 15c YARD Sold regularly at $3.00. Made of plaid gingham and pink and blue chambray. trim ­ med with ric rae and buttons. 27-inch fancy colored Outing Flannels. 25c values, to close out Thursday only. WOOL SERGE, $1.98 YD PONGEE SILK, $1.00 YARD 36-inch all-silk Tricolette. navy blue only. Men’s wear quality. A real bargain! TRICOLETTE, $2.25 YD 36-inch all-islk Tricolette. Regular $3.00 quality, in black, navy and brown. LUNCH CLOTHS $1.35 SPECIAL------ THURSDAY------ SPECIAL House-Peters BATH TOWELS, 3 FOR $1.00 Silk Husbands and Calico Wives A new role for this big popular star. 36-inch Percales, sojd regu­ larly at 25c yard, in light pat­ terns only; fancy stripes. On sale Thursday only. GINGHAM, 19c YARD 48x48 Jap Lunch Cloths in blue prints. All new’ patterns and two tones. III— PERCALES, 19c YARD 7 2x90 full com forter size, sold regularly at $1.25. A limited num ber for Thursday only. JAP F atty at His Best Q U A L IT Y S T O R E 33-inch imported Pongee Silk, extra fine quality for dresses, waists and men’s shirts. SILK POPLIN, 98c YD. 36-inch Silk Poplin, sold re g ­ ularly a t $1.25 yard. Iu all the new colors for fall wear. PILLOW CASES. 30c EACH 42 and 45-inch linen finish Pillow Cases, well made. Torn and sized before hemming. TABLE DAMASK, 89c Good size for family use. Made of double-threaded terry, heavy weight. 72-inch Table Damask, sold regularly at $1.25 yard. Kxtra fine quality. Mercerized; new patterns. Have your Picoting a nd. Hemstitching Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated T h e y flue A rriv in g Mirroring the Latest Fall Modes, as they ivill appear on Fashions Avenues rSB 5 L eave for N e w p o r t - ft New and altogether ditterent in stylings are the togs a im in g daily from the lasiiion ('enters so charmingly’ ami ! authentically correct and individualized by their exclusive treatments. These cleverly styled garments are right up to the minute as you will note on inspection. A\ c invite von to come in, and allow ns to show them to you. 1 1 ices are about 25 to 30 per cent lower than last season. We are glad to share this good news with our customers and friends. Our line of stouts should he of (‘special interest. Clearance prices are still on all over the store. have room for our new stock. We must s WOOL TRICOTINES AND SERGES A LINE SECOND TO NONE Our New Fall Style Quarterlies Are Here— Pictorial Review and Ladies Home Journal Fashion says laces SILKS here they are trimmings Now’ so much in demand. comprising the newest weaves, the softness of which letidfe itself to anv style of drapery. for all kinds of w ear- • an to 11 < afternoon or evening Orepe Satin ......... Fairy Spun . . . ( h a i-m o u s it............ Skinner's Katin Taffeta and wool embroidered handings on net and A big line of fringes have also come moods $4.33 . . .$3.73 . . $3.SA . . . $3.23 and