PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J Masonic Meeting*) This Week Nebraska Visitors— R eturns From Cinnlbar Springs— P. K. Cropsey and Mr. Southwell of Lincoln, Neb., stopped yesterday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. K irkpatrick on th eir auto way to Los Angeles. Mr. Cropsey is a cousin of Mrs. K irkpatrick. E. T. Staples, local real estate dealer, who has been absent for the past several days, has returned from Cinnlbar Springs where he has been spending a week’s vacation. Siskiyou Chapter. Tuesday eye- ! F o r C rater Lake or other trips, ning, Aug. 16. Past M aster degree. see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lni Malta Commandery, Wednesday i evening. Aug. 17. Stated conclavej E astern Crops Short— and routine business. G. W. K ennard, who left Ash­ Siskiyou Chapter, Thursday eve­ land several years ago. is now at ning, Aug. 18. Stated convocation.! Columbus, Ohio, where he will re­ with petitions and reports. main during the sum m er months be­ fore going south for the winter. Mr. Return to P ortlan d — Kennard states that all crops in the Mrs. J. F. Lochner and daughter east have been cut short with oats of Portland are in Ashland for a and potatoes, the crops being almost lew days visiting friends. They are a total failure. on their way home after spending; a few weeks with Mrs. Lochner’s I “ H earts of Gold.” W atch for m other in K lam ath Falls. them. 2 91-1 mo Trip to K lam ath Fall**— M illard Grubb; m other, Mrs. J. L. Grubb, and sister, Mrs. Beecher Danford, and children and Miss Alice W alker made a trip to the Green Springs road camp Saturday evpning, and Sunday continued on Ladies, bring a beau with you to to K lam ath Falls, spending the day the Bungalow dance Wednesday there and returning home this m orn­ night. His ticket covers the war ing. tax for both himself and lady. If Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf you come alone you m ust pay 10c war tax. 2t L im estone Plant to Re Id le— Leave for K lam ath F a lls— C. J. Murphy and F. R. Murphy left yesterday for K lam ath Falls in the interests of Emil Pell. J. J. O'Connell, also connected with the sales staff of Emil Pell, left this morning for G rants Pass The news comes from Gold Hill th at with small capacity storage bunkers filled and no orders for lim estone coming in, th e state lime­ stone plant is again preparing for a season of idleness. The farm ers throughout the western jj$irt of the state have expressed th eir willing­ ness to buy lim estone to replenish th eir sour and otherw ise refractory soils, but raising w heat a t pre-w ar prices while the limestone is pro­ duced a t war-price costs are a bar to plaeing orders at the present time. Tuesday, August ie , 1921 arrived at Pelican Bay Lodge at 6 I o’clock th a t evening and there we enjoyed great hospitality from the keeper and his» nieces, who even in­ vited us to sleep in a bed th at night, which chance, believe me. we did not pass up. Upon leaving, the keeper presented us with a beauti­ ful hunting knife to slice our bacon with and for use as a weapon. Saturday night we spent at Lake o Woods and waded in the warm w ater of the lake. There we met some more "homfe folks” who di-1 vided food with us, our supplies! having dwindled immensely. Sunday morning we struck the : trail bright and early and walked! steadily for 12 miles, when we ate! the last of our food supplies. F in d -! ing no one at home at several ranch ■ houses we surely thought we would! starve in the woods, but we chanced I upon some cattlem en who gladly di-1 vided their lunch with us and for diversion played horseshoes with j them for about an hour, at which! tim e we resumed our hike with lig h ter hearts expecting to spend at! least one more day on the road, but soon a friendly Ford stopped and! asked us, “ W ant a lift? ’’ W e' scrambled in and reached dear old Ashland a t 7 o’clock p. ni., and, take it from me, three weary girls were glad to see m other’s face and to have a chance to sleep on a bed th a t didn’t have rocks for feathers. Extra special— Meq’a medium- weight cassim ere pants, all sizes, G arnett’s home cooked meals sa t­ O uting at Crater Lake— medium gray pattern ; while they isfy. * 293«! Mrs. Cozart and daughter. A let ha, last at $3.50, at Orres Tailor Shop. Miss W eybright and neice, Violet 294« <’ani|»ers L eave in M orning— Mr. and Mrs. Will Loomis, Robert Wilton, left this morning for an ou t­ Im proves at H ospital— Hale and family, B. F. Montgomery ing at C rater Lake. M. L. Smith, now confined to a W ill L ocate Here— and ramily and Bert Dennis and j Have It vaulcanized at L eelem ’s San Francisco hospital, is improv­ family leave In the morning by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Clay are new 'lite Hospital. 290-291 2t ing, according to a telegram re ­ autos on a camping trip to Diamond arrivals in th e city with the inten­ ceived here yesterday by friends. tions of m aking th eir home here. Lake and Odell Lake in the. central Visiting at ’F r i s c o - Hopes are entertained fo r his recov­ They are visiting at the home of part of the state. The party expects Mrs. L. Hilty of Graham street to be gone two or three weeks, re­ is visiting friends in San Francisco. ery. Mrs. L. E. Inman, a niece of Mr. Clay. turning by way of C rater Lake. Silk and fibre mixed knit ties, Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the form erly $1.00 to $2.00 value; now Leave for D u nsm u ir— Prepare now for rainy days. Have q u art at Rose Bros. 243-tf only 50c until all gone, at Orres Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter. your umbrellas covered at the Fix- TOt, LATE TO CLASSIFY Tailor Shop. 294tf Mrs. F rank Hanna, left this m orn­ R eturn From Lake o’ W o o d s - It Shop. 294-6* ing on train 13 for D unsm uir and LOST— Three-post 3-slat sideboard 1 Louis Dodge and Mrs. J. P. Dodge C entral P o in t V isitors— painted green, for Ford truck.’ I I ¿eaves for H a r r is b u r g - Shasta Springs. They expect to be have returned from Lake o’ Woods. F inder phone A. L. Lamb, 370-R ! Mrs. Minnie Sargent and sou Mel­ Mrs. Mary Swlgart and daughter. Mrs. Louis Dodge and children re­ gone about 10 days- Reward. 294-1" ‘ vin of C entral Point visited Mrs. Mrs. A. L. Strickland, left yes­ main at the lake. ------------------------------------------ S argent’s sister, Mrs. Maggie Cul­ N azarene Chui'ch W orker V isits__ WANTED— Housekeeper to care for terday for H arrisburg where Mrs. bertson, on Mountain avenue Sat­ childern and do light housework. Rev. Charles A. Kinder, special Swigar will be under the care of Ladies unaccompanied by gentle- urday. ,Mrs. Price. Inquire at Enders 1 representative of the Nazarene Pub­ her daughter. Dr. Leslie Kent, un­ m ent and extra ladies 10c at the Confectionery Store. 294-2 i lishing house, Kansas City, Mo., was til fully recovered from injuries Bungalow dance Wednesday night. Big dance at the Bungalow W ed­ a visitor in Ashland over W ednes­ TO TRADE for alfalfa acreage, 5- ! sustained in a recent autom obile ac­ The war tax m ust he paid. 2t nesday night. Dancing, th e couple, day. W hile here he was in consul­ room modern home in Klamath cident. 77c, war tax 8c; total 85c. Extra tation with Rev. J. E. McShane, pas­ Falls, on paved street. Inquire V isits Son H ere— 143 8th street. 294-6* ladies and ladies unaccompanied by There is a reason for the popu­ to r of the local church of th e Naza­ T. J. Jones of Sacramento, Calif., gentlem en, 10c. < > t larity of the Hotel Ashland Grill. is visiting at the home of his so». rene, relative to th e distribution of FOR SALE— House and *4 acre Come In and discover the reason. C. R. D. Jones. Mr. Jones is ac­ ground in fruit trees; close in. the products of the church publish­ Church C ircle Social at ’th e G uisen Inquire 606 Allison. 294-1 mo* 294-1 I companied by L. O. Crosby, also of ing house. Reverend K inder is m ak­ ger H om e— ing a tour» of th e N orthw est and FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. Sacramento. Every one enjoyed a splendid 1 ¿eaves for B erkeley, C alif.— Will be ready about August 25 expresses him self enthusiastically good tim e a t the social circle m eet­ Earl Fraley lef yesterday for Henry Provost, phone 474-R. See our Fall Suitings or pure Vir­ regarding the opportunities found ing of th e C hristian church a t the Berkeley. Calif., where he has a po­ gin Wool. Paulserud's. 294-C 279-tl in Oregon— commercial and oth er­ Guisenger home on W ednesday' a ft­ sition in the high school. wise. He left for San Francisco, FOR RENT— 2-room, modern, fu r­ ernoon. A short business session nished apartm ent; close in; adults In ’F risco H ospital— from which city he will m ake a tour followed by visiting and faneywork only. Inquire 166 H argadine or “ We serve the best meals between C. O. Porter, Eighth street, has of th e N orthern California district phone 264-Y. 294« : Portland and San Francisco.” This been confined to the Southern Paci­ were features of the aftern o o n ’s of his church. program . Also some splendid m usic is a broad statem ent, but we are fic company hospital a t San F ran ­ rendered by Miss May H edrick and F ixin g latke o ’ W oods R oad— prepared to prove it. Hotel Ash­ cisco for the past several days. Mrs. Alta W einburger. Dainty re­ land Grill. 294-1 G. V. Gillette, who made a trip freshm ents were served a t the close in from Lake o’ Woods this morn- W hat is a vacation without mu­ V acation at Lake o ’ W o o d s - sic? Buy a small Victrola aud take of the meeting. Those present were. in« for camp supplies, states that Mr. and Mrs. H. H. E lh art went it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf Mesdames Mary Hale, Delhia Hale, the county is fixing the road be­ Dave McKinny, Edwin Dunn, 0. tween Ashland and Lake o’ Woods. to Lake of the Woods Sunday for Bloomfield, John Cochran, F ran k a week's vacation. R eturns Prom C alifornia— Miss Grace K elts retudbed last Crowson, J. V. W right, F ran k Nel­ E arly Craw ford P eaches— Don’t ruin your auto wheels. If week from California where she lias son. Andy Payne, Alta W einburger, Just to prove that the peach sea­ they squeak they need setting. I been visiting for the past several L. Bonnin and Misses May Benedict son had started , R. W. Dunlap, set them the commonsense way In a days. and May Hedrick. orchardist at 159 Nob Hill, brought; few minutes and at one-halt the two dozen early Crawford peaches price of the old math id. For free Boys, get ready for school, which into the Tidings office this m orning Have a fit at O.rres, tailors for demonstration see Ira Reeder. men and women. 294tf starts Sept. 12. See the fine all- The Tidings staff had many compll- i 292-6 wool suitings at Orres Tailor Shop. m eats to make, especially pertinezr I^eave for P ortland— Made to m easure at $26.00 to to th e peaches. BARTLETT PEARS for CANNERY 294« Mrs. G ardenhire and son Charles, $30.00. We expect to ship our first car who have been guests of Mrs. Alec E n terta in C ivic Club O fficers— of B artlett Pears to the Cannery Hall and Mrs. J. M. Easterling, left E dison M arshall to A laska__ The officers of th e Civic Im prove about August 22nd. yesterday for their home in P o rt­ Edison M arshall, th e literary m ent club were entertained this a ft­ Pick nothing for this ear except land. Babe R uth of Rogue River valley, ernoon by Mrs. W. A. Shell a t her No. 1 stock, 2*4 inches and larger,; left yesterday for Alaska, where he home, 171 G ranite street. The p u r­ must be perfect halves, all fruit to j ‘Hearts of Gold” coming soon. will spend several weeks in the pose of th e m eeting was for a gen­ be free from scab, scale and worms. 291-lm o wilds bunting th e Kodlac and Chin­ eral discussion of plans for th e rest We have the Lug Boxes on hand which everybody chilla bear, th e wild Gazoo mink room club building to be erected on now. R eturns From V acation— Re­ and the three-legged Mazuma. M ar­ city property on Mill street. likes—you will, Advise us a t once how many Miss Dorothy Jones has returned sh all’s guide refused to come to freshm ents were served. too. boxes you will have so we can from a two weeks vacation in Sacra­ term s at the last moment so Edison plan accordingly. mento where she has been visiting will tak e his chances on a tip from Santa Monica Visitors ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE her aunt. Miss Jones returned to Mr. and Mrp. C. H. H argadine Mike Hanley th a t an Indian guide ASSN. 294-4 work at McGee’s yesterday. can be secured for $1.50 per diem. and d au g h ter Mary V irginia of Mr. M arshall is already one of the Santa Monica. Calif., are revisiting most popular w riters of fiction I d Ashland, attending to property in­ the country and will undoubtedly terests rem aining here and renew ­ M EDFORD-ASHLAND----4Oc come out from the Yukon loaded ing many acquaintances of form er 2 0 R ide Books— $5.00 for th e best seller column for an In­ times. definite period. INTER URBAN AUTOCAR CO. Here with a brand new line ! ROSCOE (FATTY) Arbuckle -111- The Traveling Salesman Com e and hold your sid es w hile F atty un|M«*ks his sam ples! Also BIG TWO-REEL COMEDY “P A L S " TUESDAY WEDNESDAY In E v e r y R e s p e c t ” says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew­ ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. T he good tobacco taste lasts so long—a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That’s why it costs less to use. Any man who,has used both kinds will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B C UT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIG HT C U T is a short-cut tobacco • W çyiYiap Qr-uton C o m p a n y , UQ7 jB ro a a w a y , N e w Y ork C :y ‘AFTER EVERY ! MEAL’ IO fo r 5^ The new sugar coated chewing gum REDUCED F A R E S delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and diges­ tion. polish your teeth and moisten your throat. S122 WWGlEYSb. ----- WR1C1EY S - b -,.- J U IC. Y F R U IT ! L eave for C rater L a k e - E ffectiv e A u gu st 10th Announcement Notice Commencing on and after September 15th. the White House Grocery will he converted into the Grocerteria Plan, and will buy and sell for cash only. » Commencing on the date of this notice, T will allow a 5 per cent, discount for all goods bought and paid for in cash until September I«5th, when we will operate under our new plan J. C. KAEOI, Prop Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. H anso* Yeo insures anything anywhere. accompanied by th eir daughters, Phone 274-J. 290« C atherine and Louise, and son Sam left for C rater Lake early this week F ires A ll Under C o n t r o l - In th e family auto. All of th e forest fires in th e Sis­ kiyou forest are now under control, THREE' GIRLS ENJOY is the word given out a t the local HIKE TO CRATER LAKE forestry office. The four fires in the lower Illinois d istrict were put (Continued from Page One) under control Friday after burning over 30 or 40 acres. Two fires on m other bear, who is tam e enough to Howard creek in th e Galice district eat from one’s hand. Thursday m orning we again were reported out Saturday evening caught a rid e to th e rim and this by the rangers. No new ones were time took a m otor ride around reported today. Phantom Ship and W izard Island, Ladies’ high-grade tailoring, lat­ climbed to th e top of th e la tte r and est fashions and woolens are now In slid on the snow to the bottom of T hat evening we se­ at Orres Tailor Shop. 294-tf th e crater. cured ponies and rode around the rim to see the sun set on the lake, Albany V isitors— Owen Bean and family are new the road being cut through huge arrivals from Albany a t th e auto snow banks; one 25 feet in depth. Friday m orning we packed our camp ground where they are stop­ knapsacks, in o u r excitem ent forget­ ping for a few days preparatory to ting our frying pan, and started on leaving for C rater Lake. our hom eward journey, riding 14 For pleating see Orres. 294tf miles in a governm ent track as a good starter. W ith a few “lifts” W eather for th e W eek— now and then we made Ft. K lam ath “Generally fair except scattered at 1 p. m.. and being ravanonsly showers; m oderate tem p eratu res,” hungry we extravagantly ordered is the w eather forecast for this dinner at the best hotel in town and week, according to predictions of enjoyed ourselves hugely for about the w eather bureau at Washington an hour. Thanks to some farm er D. C, boys and a kind forest ranger we THEFLAVOR LAST! W all P aper at R E D U C E D P rices We have a new stock just in at greatly reduced prices for you to make a -elee tion from. Now is the time to paper, before fall house-cleaning and while the folks are on vacation. New prices on Paint are effective today, wl.dcli makes first-grgde paint in the reach of evervone. Dickerson PAINTS, PAPERS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. Son