PAGE fr'OÜR. ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Monday, A ugust I ou I ell ’Em, Bob— . i G eorg» Shelton on V a c a t io n - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Bob W arner and Andy McCallejiJ G eorge Shelton, the right-hand ---- --------- — -------- ------------------------------ were sw apping good jokes at the ¡m an at the E lks club, is spending L° S T — Y esterday, near the sum m it ....... ..i.. » i . „ i x . of Green Springs m ountain, straw Local J and Personal E lks club yesterday, Bob was giv- h is annual vacation at hom e gettin g su itcase, bound in leather, wrap­ in g Andy d etails ol' an autom ob ile acquainted w ith his fam ily. ped in gunny sack. Suitcase con­ ..... . — — Side Lights —- accident in which one w as killed. tained cam era and la d les’ clothes F inder please leave at police of­ “ How d rea d fu l,’’ said Andy. “It Ty G ive .Missionary P agean t— fice. 293-4 The m ission ary pageant. “F in d ­ could have been w orse,” said Bob. D unsm uir V isitors—- “ I don’t see h o w ,” said Andy, “the ing Christ in A m erica,” w ill -tfe W ANTED— W om an for general E n gineer Jam es and w ife of Duns- m an w as k illed, w asn ’t h e? ” “Y es,” given under th e auspices of the housew ork. Steady position. E asy Special convocation Tuesday eve­ ! m uir, Calif., are spending a few said Bob. “bu^ it m ight have been W om en’s M issionary society Sunday work. Good home. Inquire 662 B street. 293-3 ning. Aug. 16. Past M aster degree. | w eeks in. Ashland. They have apart­ m e.” k evenin g, Aug. 28, at th e P resbyter- _________ 1 - , I m ents with the R ose fam ily on E ast V isiting com panions w elcom ed. lan church. It prom ises to be an W ANTED —To rent dairy or stock Main street. V. V. MILLS, H. P. Econom ize by having your old Interesting prograjn. ! ranch. R. J. D ykstra, 563 North carpets and rugs rew oven into flu ff W. H. DAY. Secy. Main, A shland, Ore. 293-6* _______ I w ill be at Lake of th e W oods rugs. Free delivery. Phone 180. Yeo insures an yth in g anyw here. Orres is back on the job and i s i b u ild ln S cottages for the next ten Moran Art Rug Co. o f Medford. Phone 274-J. 2 9 0 lP W ANTED— To rent sm all farm with buildings, farm tools, etc. A d­ show ing som e very fine woolen a t ' ¿ays A nyone interested, phone Mr. 293-2 dress, J. J„ T idings. 293-2* the new fall prices 2 8 4 - tf , P,eck ’ iire and gam e warden a t L ak t B uys Bankrupt Stock— •o f the W oods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf C. J. P errin e has purchased the A 7-PASSENG ER , 6-cylinder H u d -j Announcement: Dr. W. E. Blake W . C. T. V. H olds B usiness M eeting wishes to announce that he has re­ bankrupt stock of H udson and son to trade for A shland proper­ R. Adams, the Plum ber, setls ty. W ill pay cash difference. On last Tuesday the W. C. T. U .! , H. T turned from his vacation and his Strickland a t M ontague, C alif., and plum bing fixtures and supplies. P errin e’s Store. 293-2* dental office will be open Monday, is placing th e new purchase in stock. held its regular m eetin g at the li­ Phone 166-J. shop at 248 F ifth St. 1 Xu*g ***15 brary. A business and social m eet­ W ANTED— To buy a second-hand 1 292-4t ■ • 2 8 o 7 n -tf “H earts o f G old.’ sm all cook stove or will trade 291-lm o ing is planned to be held at the j M ichigan R otary w ashing m achine “H earts of Gold.” You’ll like Presbyterian church on Aug. 23. At t We sp eciallze on tancv brlck for sam e. 154 Oak st. 293 tf Buy a Mason Heavy Duty black ’em. 291-lmo this tim e the election of officers will j cream . R ose Bros 264tf at Leedom’s TL-e Hospital. FORD COUPE, 1921, excellen t con­ tak e place for th e en su in g year. j _______ dition. Inquire Irw in ’s Cigar i 291-2t Conduct Service a t B ellview — _ , ~ , Just received th e new Bruner Store. Phone 140. 2 9 0 tf! Tbe C hristian W orkers’ band held Cool o ff in R ose Bros ice cream _.. , - i W oolen Company s line o f fall and R esig n s Bank P osition — parlor where quality Ice cream s and ,,,. . „ __ . „ ,, , a gospel service at B ellview school W ANTED— Two neat appearing, en­ i w inter sam ples. Call in and s e t M iss M arjory G illette has resigned ergetic young sin g le m en as sa les­ sherbets are served. yesterday. They w ill conduct the 264tf them . C leaning and repairing done men. E xperience unnecessary as m orning service a t th e P resbyterian her position with the State bank on short notice. K. N elson, H otel travel w ith m anager. A dvance­ and is now on the reportorial staff Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. H. church next Sunday. m ent. R eferences. Apply C. W. A ustin Bldg. 2 73-tf of a Medford newspaper. G. Enders left this m orning for a Cam pbell, Alpha hotel. 293-2* two w eeks visit with their daughter, i H om e Neap C om plction_ Sw eet, fascinating “Hearts of “Hearts of Gold’ coming soon. Mrs. John Enders, at K lam ath Falls, w ,, ,,, . Gold.” , 291-lm o . . . „ . „ , W. C. M itc h e lls homo on G ranite 291-lm o a er Mr. a i d Mrs. Jacobs , trM t „ com p letion, and The H otel A shland Grill will w m return and occupy the G reer, m ak„ „ ,, „ ce Have It vaulcanized at Leedem’s residence on G ranite street about ____ serve a 75c dinner ton igh t, 6 to 8 Tue Hospital. 290-291 2t Satisfaction guaranteed. Septem ber 1. c l i f f Payne m akes Porch Sw ings. p. m. 293-1 V isitin g a t C rescent City— Orres cleans and rem odels clothes. Xotice— Ralph Billings and family are v is -, 2 84-tf The school board of district num itin g friends at C rescent City, Calif. G arn ett’s hom e cooked m eals sat- ber eigh t will receive bids on or be­ Ä M ford Diners at A shland— 293tf fore A ugust 17 for transporting pu-j isfy- If the public only kenw that it There w ere about a dozen Med- pils o f said district to A Ashland , . . , shland i ... T ' ’ takes <5 muscles of the face to ford couples who took advantage of sch ools. The sald board r..,e ,.,.es the ' l Opcn thurch B id s — the fine chicken dinner at th e H otel right to reject any op bJ(|a 1 for construction of th e new frown and 15 muscles to smile, Ashland last night. nhnna D istrict Clerk H for add,tion to the Presbyterian church wouldn’t they drop the extra effort phone use MASON TIRES? AT will be opened on Tuesday evenin g, and particulars. 289-4 1 Aug. 16. Leedom’s Hospital. 291-2t All wool su its at $25 and up, at Orres See the special values at A utom obile Insurance a specialty If you enjoy good food prepared R eturns F rom D ead Indian R anch— $32.00. They can’t be beat. 2 8 4 -tf Yeo, of course. 29CtH 15, 1021. Ashland News in Paragraphs L a y in Y o u r A tf Winter’s Wood Now! We have some of the finest 16-inch hotly fir that we have ever had, which we will sell in truckload lots, delivered, for $3.75 per tier. We would not care to sell more than KM) tiers at this price. Sam ple at the yard. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co. “ Zzi the H eart of T ow n ” Y oung Men and W om en W ho Seek Success Should Read this Letter REDUCED F A R E S MEDFORD-ASHLAND— 4Oc 20 Ride Books— 96.00 INTERURRAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective August 10th Roscoe ISSINO Arbuckle —in- - 4. Mias Gertrude Mlkgch has re­ 1 and served right don’t miss our spe­ turned from a week’s visit with cial dinner, 5:20 to 2,00 p. m. Ho­ Miss Mary Spencer at their ranch tel Ashland Grill. 202-1 on the Dead Indian road. The Hotel Ashland Grill la for Ashland homo or Lockwood’s Ashland people. Best of meals at Milk Loaf. Ask your grooer. Llthla popular prices. 292-1 292 ood tf Returns From Why aot try a milk loaf or Bran Jorn Sugg, proprietor of the Ash­ Broad. It satisfies. Llthla Bakery. land Milk company, has returned 292 eod tf from northern cities where he has Ethel Clayton — IN— SH/UVÎ COMING FRIDAY— "THE GOLDEN SNARE” “H earts of Gold ” them. Watch for 291-lm o D on ’t ruin your auto wheels. If they squeak they need sotting. I set, them the commonsense way- tq a i few . minutes and at.. oce-kalf the price, o f the oldf.xasth id.. Fot.frqe X ?O, 3 9» t o s 2 . B. Oregon, DM* latoar »anflraa ay to la « » » * f «Mah X tortaad yaa toat I la « tortoa Bh____ • kctoaXU « a lla had quaU ftod to «ha tooa- maa« told tornar Portland OtThaa or. A s m to . REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Via.-. i n >i- " • See our F all S u itin gs or pure Vir­ gin W ool. P aulseru d’s. 279-tf W hai is ¡1 vacation w ithout m u­ sic? Buy a sm all V ictrola auti take it along. R ose Bros. 247-tf 35 acres l x= miles from Ash- Jaml, 10 acres Bartlett and Dei Anjo pears, about 6 acres alfal- Pure pasteurized m ilk, quart at R ose Bros. 10c the 2 43-tf Iteturn« From Lake o ’ W oods__ 'lr. and Mrs. W ilm er Poley are at hom e after a vacation at their Lake of the W oods cottage. Mr. Poley will take Mr. E llia rt’s place in the drug store w hile th e latter has a vacation. at th e 4 B u n g a lo w E v e r y W e d n e s d a y N ig h t Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra The Coolest Place in the Valley Biggest Crowds Best Music Xr. l a t t i « « ’» rapar* d««a no* t o l l ua 1 1 m Bhoadaa and H a* t o l l s are at tto »>«»■ *<■* Avdaato In yowr aehooL. KLaaaa adriaa «« • • th ia p p ln t. Za any «rant . your school aatt sou a l al a toat the ana* « f Marina toat a f any aawaaaaful eohocl to ahouXna t o . ttaltod S t o t o a nada T t o tto ÌT ta. *11 g r a d a r s i, bava now toaa iv acres i 1^- miles west oi Tal- I TVacfes westfof pnt, 55 aeres under irrigati! ation. 3Ô iteres,.-illalfa, 10 aeres co ¡orn« iVbfrut 'S ac/es grain, go&d fam­ ily orchard and fine garden, splendid large bungalow, well house and tank with aerornotoy furnishing plenty water; hot and cold water with, hath and toilet, all built-in • ..effects in house. Good barn. granary and implement sheds, extra fine span young mates anti other stock with all farm im­ plements. This is some farm, $15,000. Will trade for eitv. Dance Best Floor •- M ake your tab le reservations early for Sunday dinner at H otel A shland Grill. Special dinner, 5.30 Fur Crater Lake or other trips, to 8:Q0 p. m. $1.25. . 292-1 see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-1 m I t la naadloaa Cor m to t o l l you, l r . to proud «• ara o f t o la record, to eoagrotulaha , » . IXaoa and aach a f toaaa wtonare. «ban ear aoav i a raatoad abovtog four Bafanka-Valkar faeue to toagm 1* to goto« t o look nlgbty good t o «a. and. toao, t* to coin« to look wren bottar to you. » I l l you ylaaaa ba «ood enough to hare *1 tooadna and Itoo t o l l s sand aa a b r ie f bloarapto *r toato tratnto« and axpertaaea, t f any; alae aa early a n tto lp a ttM « truly, ►? Why Behnke* W alker makes the best ciiard, good garde», »lod'weii.' of any Business College in the United. States and pumping plant fumishing, plenty water for house and gar­ dens. Fine 6 room bungalow with all modem conveniences, beautiful , location, gdrage -------- / It * been spending s e r r a i w e e k s’ vaca­ tion. • dem onstration se^ Ira Reeder. c- 392-« LEAVING TONIGHT if M UM M O ( I - j-> « o > a a < a - v a n a_aa 1 j a a BliCAI'SE IT ¡LAS developed one of the finest teaching staffs in the ........try, and has hudt 'up I KOVED methods ol instruction that make for high-grade, efficient graduates. Because it is thoroughly equipped with every modern device that will assist students m the mastery of their studies and make them Sl'CCESSKS in ac D ia l business life. Because every facility of this splendid college is for one pur pose and only one purpose-—the proper training of young men and women fur achievements of high marks in whatever careers they may select. Over 4000 Behnke-Walker Graduates. Hold Positions in Portland Alone. We Have a Place for You Also When You Graduate. COURSES INCLUDE STENOGRAPHY, BANKING, BOOKKEEPING, CALCULATOR, SECRETAR IAL, TEACHERS, COMMERCIAL house, and well with pump in stalled. Xo residence on this property about miles from Ashland, Price $3500. Enroll Now for Day or Night School SUCCESS CATALOGUE Mailed Free on Request 3% acres, three-quarters acre in strawberries, balance in peaches, apples and garden stuff. Xo buildings, hut a fine building site. Price $1350. One acre fine garden land, 2 blocks from Boulevard, fine location 4 room house, large barn,’eitv Water, elect rie lights. Price $1050 if taken at. once. I have some good building sites, close in; also some good houses close in at less than l real value. See me before von buy. E. E. PHIPPS, Next door to Tidings office.' öne ofyitn