PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TUNNUS. ■M Monday. A ugust 15, 1021« * clim ate, scenic beauties, health giv­ W ill Tour Country— ing m ineral w aters and pure, soft,I GREAT POWER OF PRESIDENT E stablished 1876 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum will domestic snow water, bracing m oun­ Published Every E vening Except tain a ir, which all contribute to U" 'ted Statea Chief 6x#cutive “ Mo 0 ments and changes, including the A> > .¡£ <^ <£> <^ <$> <$> name to Hotel Ashland, th a t the Mazarin’s Great Library. At the beginning of the Fronde in­ above criticism of Mr. Sanford is The problem is, to keep the P a­ liot applicable a t the present time. trigues In Paris in 3648, when Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XTV, was cific ocean tru e to label. queen regent of France, Cardinal Maz­ It Is Hard to Be Accurate. arin’s library hela 40,000 books, and It rem ains for enforcem ent laws, Can yon exactly describe what you was the most Important collection of rigorously enforced, to put the pro­ see? If you can, you are cleverer books then existing. Mazarin was hibition into the eighteenth am end­ than most persons. A book recently compelled to retire from court, and ment. published in Paris relates that at a tlie French parliament voted the con­ meeting of scientific men two of them fiscation and sale of his library. Louis Lenine and Trotzky have read suddenly began to quarrel. Under sent Fonquet with unlimited power to their own political obituaries, time pretense of obtaining legal evidence bid it in. hut the parliament, compre­ after time. And yet they retain the president of the meeting asked hending that it would in this way be everyone present to write an exact returned to Mazarm. ordered Its com­ some sparks of political life. report of what had happened. The plete dispersion, by selling It in small quarrel was a pure piece of acting lots. The librarian was so affected W arfare will not end until* the arranged to test the powers of ob­ that he died of a broken heart. The F ir s t a r r i v a l s in S u i t s C o a t s a n d D r e s s e s war spirit is elim inated from the servation of the men present. sale of Mazarin’s paintings was to Though the assembly was composed have followed, but they were saved. masses of m ankind. Incline the in­ telligent millions of this and other entirely of Jurists, psychologists and countries strongly tow ard peace, doctors, only one report contained BRUTAL IIUBby. and there could not be another less than 20 per cent of error; 13 re­ ports had more than 50 per cent ¡A typical husband world war. wrong; and in 34 reports from 10 to Ashland Tidings American Legion. lÇolum Brick Ice Cream Ashland Creamery Dunsmuir Fire Loss Estimated Near $125,000 CHICHESTER S PILLS $ Fall Woolens Citizens Bank oi Ashland First S h o w in g o f Fall G arm ents 15 per cent of the details were wholly Imaginary. When men of science can FINALLY ACCOMPLISHED so err we can understand how easily The much cussed and discussed the ordinary man can go astray. H ie new electric linotype m elting pot is story shows why lawyers value cir­ cumstantial evidence so highly.— now properly installed and seems to Tooth’s Companion. he working fine. Tho heat and ir­ ritation of the campaign seems to be No Divorce in Great Russia. over and the season for good feel­ To the peasants of Great Russia ing and happy thoughts has arrived \ marriage is a tie that death alone can therefore we take back (for the sever, and divorce by the help of law sake of our religion) nearly every­ courts is practically unknown to thing we have thought during the them. If the husband and wife can­ past week. And on account of old not get along together they simply friendships and good will for the agree between themselves to live future nearly everything we have apart, the husband taking the boys and the wife the girls, In cases where said the past week. A squaring of there are any children. In spite ef accounts is always appropriate after the fact that there is no recourse to the battle. We have an abiding the courts, however, husband and wife faith now th at we will be able to in Great Russia do not know each oth­ print the news instead of apologies er before marriages except in rare in­ for not printing It. We thank our stances. The selection is made by subscribers for their good will and the parents or guardians, and it is nn- seemingly for the bridegroom tq see forebearance during the ordeal the bride more than once before the nuptials. ♦ PUBLIC FORUM <$><$<$■<»• <$><$> <$><$> <$<$> 4^ E ditor Tidings— It is but natural that we who have adopted Ashland as our home should encourage others to join us in our enjoyment. In my opinion the way to accomplish this is to m ake things so pleasant for our ever increasing num ber of tourists and health seekers, who are here spying and trying out our of­ ferings, th a t each will be a standing traveling ad. as they depart for home, or other fields yet to be in­ vestigated, not only ot our Bplendid Cultivate Distinct Speech. Let us consider d e a r and distinct enunciation as contrasted with other kinds. Talking distinctly is one of the finest of human accomplishments. The Association of the Hard of Hearing, at a recent meeting, urged the cultiva­ tion of lip-reading by those inclined to deafness. Talking with the lips is as good for those who talk as it is for those who listen. The finest and clear­ est enunciation is by those who enun­ ciate with the lower lip and the tongue, instead of by wagging their laws and talking through their noses. Avoid masticating your spoken words, and that besetting Yankee sin—the twang!—Boston Globe named Jake, Whenever his wife tried to bake, ■ Ate a d o z e n or more Of h e r biscuits, then swore They were not like what m o t h e r could bake. /I A CLEARAWAY SALE In which apparel is offered at decided reductions to effect immediate disposal and prepare for the new season. Values of unusual importance are offered throughout our store. Be low are listed a few—many other equally important items not advertised. O ne lot 2 -p iece h o u se d re s s e s , a t ...................................... $ .98 O ne lo t a p ro n d re s se s ..................................................................$1.25 < )ne lo t h o u se d ie s s e s ......................................................... . . . $2.49 O ne lo t V oile d re s se s ........... ................................................... $4.98 V oiles a n d L in en d re sse s ............................................................. $8.75 “TH E ELH A R T W AY” Good Stock, Good Service, Good Goods G L O V E S P E C IA L S SUGGESTIVE LIST Canned H eat O utfit Icy Hot Bottle Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste Tooth Brush Cold or Vanishing Cream Sunburn Lotion Mosquito Lotion Talcum Powder Gauze Bandages Adhesive Tape T insture Iodine Laxative Tablets ' UNDEBTHINGS .Unusual ‘values. Our present stock of knit goods priced to sell. Gowns Envelope Chemises Camisoles REAL BARGAINS CHAMOISETTE GLOVES I n slip -o n a n d 2 -b u tto n sty les, 1U e re am , g re y , c h a m o is a n d brow n. V alu es u p to $2.00, now $1.19 to $1.39 SILK GLOVES O ne lo t a t ................ 89c to $1.19 T w o -b u tto n sty le o f ex cellen t q u a lity w ith e m b ro id e re d w rist — in w h ite a n d g re y . . . . $1.79 REMNANTS Tt will be w o rth y o u r w h ile to look o v e r o u r sto c k o f co tto n a n d wool re m n a n ts — They are priced right for a quick sale OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE PRICES WILL CON- TINUE THROUGHOUT THE MONTH Let Us Supply Your Needs COTTON BATHING GEORGETTE SUITS « WAIST Sptxtiip, Ladies' aud ISiildi-en’i» >1.4» >1.98 HgYlaOODS »4.35 » 5 .2 5