PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDING«. j “The Shepherdhood of God.” Sub- ! ject for the evening: “ The Kind of C hristian Needs Today.” Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Junior C. K., 5"* p. m. Sanior C. E., 7 p. m. Eve­ Catholic Church ning service, 8 o’clock. Prayer | Mass Sunday m orning a t 7:30 and m eeting, W ednesday, 7: 3 0 p. m. 9 o’clock. Public Notice for Explanation and Redemption At the Churches Subjec to erro r, the most perfect Methodist Episcopal Church F irst Church of Christ, Scientist make mistakes. Such ha3 been the Cor. N. Main and Laurel Streets Pioneer Avenue, South Sunday services at 11 o’clock. Sub-' 9 :4 5 ’ Sunda>' sch° o1’ Dr G- W. case at the Bon Ton Bakery. Dar- ject of lesson sermon, “ S o u l” Gregg Supt’ 11 a - ’» • morning , ^ 6 the absence of Mr. K istler, the Sunday school at 10 o’clock service, subject. “ C hristianity Is m aker of th e famous pure malted Wednesday evening m eeting at 8 Life ” 6 :4 5 ’ » W o rth League. Prof. milk twin bread, process of cool- o. clock I. C. Wilson, president. 8 o’clock,' -nS and escape of all gas formed by Reading room open noro 2 to 5 evening service, subject. “ Faith o f ltfce yea'n before being wrapped in p. m. daily, n e e ,,t S i- d a y . and Fnthem .” The public le meet airproof waxed wrappers is most days ' . cordially Invited to w orship w ith essential. This was overlooked dur- ______ us. Strangers especially. You will ing Mr. K istler’s obsence on an ou t­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH find a hearty welcome. Charles A. ing to C rater Lake, and having ing Mr. K istler’s absence on an out- Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastor. Edwards, m inister. tra ry to ferm entation requirem ents. — Bible school at 10 o’clock. Get[ Baptist Church The quality was affected which de- ready for the “ One Sunday Con­ Sunday school, 9:45 a. m O. F. ; stroyed the keeping quality and te st” which is to be on the 21st of Carson, superintendent. A school of caused mold and sourness. Upon August, by coming on time today. iiiMi’-es am inspiration Morulu discovery of e rro r Mr. K istler at Morning w orship a t 11. Sermon worship, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. once notified all dealers to make topic “ Building the W alls.” Chris­ m. Evening worship, 8 o’clock. R ev .! good each and every loaf which tian Endeavor at 7:15. Vera Chani- , . „ . Chas. E. Dunham of Eugene will proved affected a n d not sa,tisfac- pie, leader. Evening worship at 8. t „ preach for us m orning and evening. I tory to the consumer. The Interna- Sermón subject "W alking in His _. ,, , ---------- tional Co. offers $100 to th e first Steps. The young people will help Baptist Choreto baker who produces a loaf of bread .n the evening program as follows. In the absence of the pastor a n d , superior to the m alted milk twin ‘ . i n 6 aV h “T , r UChe ' hí8 intended suPP¡y- Rev- Dunham, i bread made by the Bon Ton Bakery H urst will read the scripture lesson. R er B A Pinch wi„ conduct the > Vivian and Abbie Short will sing preacb¡ng services this Sunday, a duet and others will lead in Aug 14 a t n a m and 8 p m R eb u ilt S id ew alk Seats— prayer and close the service with Im portan t themes of Bible doctrine Pedestrains hail w ith joy the re­ benediction. Thursday, the 18th. w¡„ be treated upon both mornIng building of the “ seat of the weary we will have a big picnic in the and evening. You are cordially in ­ m an’s delight” by the Nelda Cafe, park for all Bible school folk a n d . v,te n a . m and s p> m. P rayer — ——- j meeting W ednesday, 8 p. m. You F orm er R esid en t V isits— First C ongregational Church are cordiali) invited to w otsnip with E. P. Roper, a form er well known Boulevard and Main Street us. Ashland resident, arrived yesterday Phone 239-R. by auto from Lodi, Calif., w here he Sunday school, 9 45, with Mr. H. C. Galey, superintendent, presiding. Have it vaulcanized at Leedem s is editor and publisher of the Lodi Classes for all grades and ages. liie Hospital. 290-291 Sentinel, for a visit with friends in Ashland and Medford. Morning service, 11 a. in., subject,! Mr. Roper A Special Gift for Each.” Chris-1 -m r ’F’v nnirvfk'iK 'i it accompanied by his daughters, tian Endeavor. 7 p. n , Topic. T ru e ! AT c X a S y CANADA I Garo* n a " d Theda, his m other-in- Tem perance.” I. Thess. 5:4-11. _____law, Mrs. H. E. Everyone come prepared to lead the (Continued ïroin P age One) meeting. Evening service 8 o’clock. Subject, “Jesus Christ, the G reatest would not fiSh t extradition to Rose- of Social Reform ers.” The public ■’*urg. Dr. B rum field’s capture here f o l­ is cordially Invited to all these serv­ ices. “ Forsake not the assembling lows a search of the northw est for of yourselves together " W. Jud­ ti e missing Roseburg dentist. The capture is thought to settle the con­ son Oldfield, m inister. tention of two factions in Roseburg, Presbyterian Church o re claiming th a t Brumfield kCied C. F. Koehler, pastor. Russell and the other contendirg Subject for the morning sermon: th a t Russell m urdered Brumfield. W IN G Blanche Sweet L arry S cm o n in "The Hick” COMING—SUNDAY AND MONDAY Ethel Clayton Theodore Roberts, W alter Hires, Clyde Fillmore Sylvia Ashton in íá SHAM n 291-lm o M. W. Smith, a local Southern Pacific switchm an, is ill a t th e com­ pany hospital in San Francisco. Buy a Mason Heavy Duty black ti he a t Leedom 's T ire H ospital. 291-2t Times. T V u LATE TO CLASSIFY. FQR QUICK SALÉ CHEAP— Late model phonograph and records. Thor washing machine and ori­ ental rug. Apply 236 5th at., Ashland. 292-4* INSPECTED. THS PROBLKM When we have caught him in cur net And «red the grafter I n d leg race The problem la, hew net te Another graft­ er In hie plaee. •TUNO •h a wed a maa of h ig h aetata, But found to her deapalr, Hla tolgh aetata waa noth lag MENU Sardines Canape FOR SALE— Himalaya blackberries in th e patch. Cheap if you pick 1 them . 153 G ranite street. Phone 411-R. 292-1 SOL’PS Consomme Madedoine RELISHES Sweet Pickles Queen Olives FISH Boiled Salmon, Cardinal Sauce Pommes Monasco CHOICE OF ENTREES Boiled Fowl, Oyster Sauce Fried Spring Chicken, ala Maryland Ashland Steak, a la Minute Roast Philadelphia Capon, Current Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus Baked Bananas, Whipped Cream VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Corn on Cob SALAD Florida F ruit Salad DESSERTS Apple Pie Lemon Pie Strawberry Ice Cream and Cake Watermelon Demi Tasso PHONE TABLE RESERVATIONS EARLY Chicken Gumbo GOOD HOUSE and % an acre, all kinds fruit, berries and garden; j good location; garage. House is well furnished and only 3 blocks from Main street. All goes for few days at sacrifice. See E. E. Phipps. 292-2 WANTED— Furnished ground floor ] housekeeping rooms or room and i board in refined family for man and wife. Address A-17, Tidings. 292-3* cattle •If. ! GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, w in d -1 falls. Can’t beat ’em for pies,! sauce or jelly. 75c 50-pound b o x 1 delivered. Fresh cider, 40c g a l-’ Ion. Y oung’s Ranch, Belleview, j Phone 9 -F -ll. I ---------------------------------------------------- - i "gf ANTED— Old rags. Ten cents a j pound. Overland Marcy Com-,' pany. 291-2 ' WANTED TO BUY— From 3 to 5! acre tra c t in city. P refer with - a j house and some fru it for fa m ily • use. Address 14-J, Tidings. 292-2t* WANTED— Squeaky^ auto wheels th a t need repairing. See Ira 291-6 Reeder. FOR SALE— New Ford, sedan, cheap if taken at once. 76 Alida street. 291-6* FOR RENT — Three-room apart- | m ent, b ath and back porch. 369 H argadine street. Phone 263-R. I 291-2 Cleansing Specialists Some of our good friends have been kind enough to refer to our m odern laundry service as “ Com­ m unity M othering.” And that is exactly w hat we are i seeking to m ake it— for we have dem onstrated th a t it is practical for m others to gain relief from w ash­ day’s trying labors a t reasonable cost. Our experts, w ith th e aid of mod­ ern methods, in o ur big, sunlit 1’iuudry, are w ashing and ironing fur malny m others, re tu rn in g the a ttily bundle com plete, ready te use or pack away, i t a cost th a t’s ever so reasonable. And it is a service of which the most critical approve— you will like it. we’re quite sure. W hy not phone for our driver today? r REDUCED FARES E ffective A u gust 10th Ashland Laundry Co. Phone 16®. The Poor Inventor T HE originator of an idea has wasted his time unless he is able to interest some one else in his creation— unless that someone else can enjoy it or Itenefit by it. It is because thoughts are so freely radiated—so easily exchanged and spread broadcast—that this country is a fine plaee to live in. i What Cornes After the Purchase Price 9 Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. M EDFORD, O R E G O N Dodge Brothers B u s in e s s C a rs Consider the advertisements in the Tidings. They are. thoughts. Many of them are thoughts conceived with you in mind—thoughts for your comfort—your pleasure—your health your satisfaction. The thoughts that will save you time and money. Do you take full advantage of them? voice of American business. Advertising is the Don’t Close Your Ears to It a Dodge Brothers M o to r C a r s n ess! It is like looking at a land­ scape through the eud of a tube, which shows it only as a spot. It Is like be­ ing on a mountain top with so stiff a neck that you cannot rum your head to see any part of the vast round of vision except that which is just b» fore your eyes.—A. M. O. A. Aug. 14-SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.25 5:30—B:00 P. M. FOR SALE— Blackface bucks, $10 a head. Six miles south on P a - ! cific highway. Mike Tucker. 292-6* A BAD REFUTATION 1st Fish—You say Mr. Eel is erook? 2nd Fish—Well he’s a slippery tamer anyway. Setflchne&s Well Defined. How narrow the survey of seltlslfc Hotel (Formerly Ashland Grill Hotel Austin) BARGAIN REAL ESTATE— 1 sell bargains. You judge. Owners leaving; $6,000; level acre, gar­ den, berries, tree fruits, nuts, al­ falfa, grapes, shrubbery, flowdts, hedges, chickens, sm all barn full of hay; plastered house, 9 large, 7 small rooms, basement, desir­ able home. Only $4,000, term s. $2,500; common 8-room, garden, alfalfa, 4 level lots, 2 streets, for $1,700. R. D. Sanford, 399 Beach, Ashland. 292-2* Customer: Are you quite sure your bakery is perfectly ■ a. n i- tary? P r o p r i s t er: Dead sure m a’am. I rive it the up an* down ev’ry mornin* an’ I ain’t saw a