SHLAND climate without the aid of Medicine, cures nine caaee out of ten of Asthma. Thia la a proven fact. A VOLUME 2 A shland D aily T idings ( Successor to th e Semi- Weekly Tidings. rv ALARLA Germa cannot survive three montha In the rich oaone at Ashland. The pare domestic water helps. NO. 292 ASHLAND, OREGON/SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1921. Vol. 43.) ■w TRACEBRUMFIELD THRU POSTAL PACKAGE Y.H.C.A. Aquatic Meet Next Monday ' Be Open to AU Will AsR Supreme Court To Classify Japs as White sa.» 'SHERIFF TO GEÏ AT Not Lawyer’s Fee* 4» ’>• •»> -4 • 1 <#> ♦ * According to a statem ent ' * With the assistance of Cral * * from the council the item * * D arling, local chairm an of the * * of $2.445 mentioned by * * athletic com m ittee; Cash Wood. * CASE AGAINST ALLEGED SECRETARY OF THE * the Ashland city council as * * county organizer of the Y. M. * MOONSHINE DEALER IS SEES WORLD BANK POSSIBLE * legal expenses pursuant to the * DR. R. M. BRIM FIELD IS TAKEN INTERIOR FALL DUE i * C. A., is arranging for an • DISMISSED BY POLICE 1 * coming bond issue to cover in- * . OUTCOME FROM WASHING­ IN MEDFORD MONDAY * aquatic meet a t th e N atator- * BY NORTHWEST MOUNTED ' * debtedness of the city to the * * ium next Monday evening at * TON DISARMAMENT MEDFORD, Or.. Aug. 13.— The ; * am ount of $53,554.83. is not * POI4CK * 7:30 o’clock. The contests. * Secretary of the in terio r Fall, U. case against George Douglas, the * for law yers’ fees, contrary to * CONFERENCE. * which will qpen to mqn, ♦ I S. D irector of N ational Parks ‘ * recent m isunderstanding. The * Medford man arrested early Tues- j * women and children, will not * Stephen M ather and E. O. McCor­ day afternoon on the charge of giv­ 1 * purpose of the council is to is- * FIND LETTER ACCOUNT * in terfere with swimmers not * mick, vice-president of the Southern ing Jam es F. Buike, an aviation ' * sue bonds not to exceed $56.- * HELP INTERNATIONAL ! ♦ entered in the meet. . * Pacific, are due in Medford next, soldier stationed a t Barber fteid. a ooo. The difference between * DESCRIBING ACCIDENT Monday on their tour of the n a -. FINANCIALCONDITIONS * The following events are ’ bottle of moonshine whiskey, was $53,554.89, the needed am ount. * * scheduled: 25 and 50-yard * tional parks. dismissed in police court F rid ay aft-, and $56.000 will take care of * ! * dash and relay races of the * IS FOUND THROUGH POSTAL President Ben Sheldon of the ernoon for lack of evidence. Burke, possible discount on the bonds * 1 * same length, diving and plung- * . Medford Cham ber of Commerce! ENTIRE GOLD SUPPLY OF SHIPMENT TO WOMAN AT however, was fined 10 for having relevant to their sale. It is * WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 13. wired the party W ednesday to alter * ing contests and a candle race * - ROSEBURG. the moonshine in his possession. WORLD MAKES TOTAL O F possible th at the full am ount * .George W. W ickersham, form er at- their itinerary if possible so as to * of 75 yards. C ontestants will of $2.4 45 will not be needed. * EIGHT BILLION. torney general, will ask the United reach the city in tim e for the Port- ♦ carry a lighted candle while Lum berm an V isit»— although the council has listed * i States suprem e court to declare the land Ad club banquet Saturday ______ * swimming the last race. PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 13.— Dr. R obert E. Smith, president of the! Japanese a white race, thereby en­ the item th a t there may not be * * All en tran ts over fifteen night. No reply to this wire had Lum berm an’s T rust company of * i Samuel Kohs, expert crim inal psy- any hitch in the sale of the American citizenship been received up to press time. NEW YORK, Aug. 13.— Merging s ♦ years of age will be classified *, . . titlin — g them ------ — to --------- * chologist, declared today th a t Dr. bond Issue. of the w orld’s gold supply into u ( • a8 eith er men or women. Those ‘ ! o rtlan d ’ wae a U8ineBS VIS or 111 and land ownership, Stephen M ather and Mr. McCor- According to a recent report * j R M *. B rum field’s yearning for fem­ single reserve is one solution of the, ♦ under fifteen will be entered * 1 th ® City tOday The request is slated to be made mick have often visited Medford hut of William Briggs, city attor- * inine underw ear proved the alleged international financial situation, ac­ * as children. *iE sp ee Agent A ttends M eeting in tbe cage of Ta kao Ozawa versus! this will be Secretary F a ll’s first $»' M. A. Callaghan, local agent t o r the United States, in which the pe-1 visit and the cham ber of commerce * ney, the service fee for Port- * m urderer’s undoing. Dr. Kohs de­ cording to Alfred Owen Crozier. * Crozier, one-of the forem ost a u th o r­ <$>♦ <$> <*> 3> <§ ■ $> the Southern Pacific company in the titioner seeks to become an Amer-: will see th a t he gets an enthusiastic „ land bond attorney's will he * .p clared th a t desires of this sort are ---------------------------absence of George K ram er, who i s 1 lcan citizen. A ttorney W ickersham reception.— Mail Tribune. The City attorney does a comn,on characteristic peculiar to ities on money m atters and in te r­ persons with an abnormal criminal ion a vacation, has retu rn ed from „.m ________ * inhab- not receive any am ount of the * national law. declared th a t he! will ______ argue th a t th e Japanese ------------------------------ tendency. * legal expense sum as his serv- * D unsm uir where he attended a j iting the northern part of the isl- Hilt Visitors— thought if the W ashington disarm a- : It is said th a t Brumfield, a prom­ m ent conference developed into a meeting of all company agents of ands are desce,n dants from Ainus! Among the out of town visitors * ices are part of his official * inent citizen of Roseburg, unable to th e Shasta division for the purpose and those living in the south from ¡to Ashland yesterday were E. B. Bir- perm am ent association of nations ♦ ! indulge such impulses there, a t­ of conferring on railroad problems. Yamatos. both of which are alleg ed ! mingham, superintendent of the* ♦ th a t the natu ral concentration of tempted to do so when far awa> th e w orld’s gold would follow. Such CamPinK Ends— to be caucasion races. F ru it Growers Supply company, at v* sz v i i i v v i u Mr . and Mrs. H arry Hossler and, _____________ from his home and among stra n ­ a “ super reserve” would cause sta­ Hilt, Calif., and Ross Cox Lund and i gers. Two days before the m urder Mr. and Mrs. Dan Conner returned bilization of international finance, family of the Mount Crest Ranch. he sent a box to Seattle and when W ednesday from a three weeks auto commerce, prevent sudden infla­ MEDFORD. Or.. Aug. 13.— At the Salvation Anu.v O rchestra Plays— he reached Calgary sen to th a t city to u r to Crescent City, E ureka and tions and deflations of domestic meeting of the Oregon-California The public were treated to a con­ for the box, thus leading the Rose­ many points in California. H arry currency, self financing through in-; M iners’ association here the follovr- cert down town W ednesday evening; burg authorities to discover his visited his old home and m et many terest on the profits of a world ing officers were elected: President. as well as in the park. The music whereabouts. Dr. Kohs claims that of the boys he attended school with bank, nations' associations and pre-, P. —A W. B. Robinson; vice-president. . was furnished by a seven piece or- such a tendency may throw light vent future wars through the c u rb -; . . . secretary Albert many years ago’ Both H arry and 1 chestra of th e members of the Salva-,1 ---------- ing o f 'th e ir financing. ! ® ® ’ secretary. . b Dan havg a jQt Qf bjg figh gtorieg tQ upon Brum field’s m urder of Russell, * x, ,-1. u - Mitchell; board of directors. W. B tell which, not being substantiated tion arm y visiting here, the C ap tain , SALEM, Or.. Aug. 13— Oregon provided his connection with that “ The entire w orld’s gold supply! At a m eeting of the county c o u rt, being from Klam ath Falls, and th e ! bQllds> wRh which l0 denve fundg crime is proven. According to worn totals $8,000,000,” Crozier stated,! 0 0,S0° ’ ' ' ' p C. with a sight of the fish, of course X. “ and the United States is holding C lark’ Dr * K uapp’ £ can only pass fo r what they say they A ttorney F. J. Newman of this c ity : Lieutenant from G rants Pass. Two to meet the demands of ex-service received here. Dr. Brum fieri is de­ Johnson, John Dixon and M. P. are worth. B ut th e ladies declare was appointed a special deputy of the concert players were little 1 men under the so-called bonus act m urring w nether or not 'o tight ex­ about half of the am ount.” Schmitt. them to be tru e and consequently1 sheriff for the col Action and handl- boys ten and twelve years old. passed at the last session of the tradition from Canada. A committee composed of Dr. ing of delinquent taxes on th e tax Frulnn-C oldw ell M arriage— It is understood th a t Roseburg ia re accepted a t par. legislature and approved by the M. Knapp, G. A. Childers. W. B. ¡ Rent Main Street Home— rolls of Jackson county. He will David L. Frulan and Miss Ina voters at a special election held las; authorities are laying plans to pro­ Robinson and C. C. Clark was ap- Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall h a v e ,be&in work a t once According to C o ld w e ll, both Ashland young p e o -iMay probably will he ready for so- ceed in the usual m anner to bring pointed by Tem porary Chairm an P. rented the home owned by W. H. County Judge G ardner this step was pie, were m arried at 7:30 o’clock’ Hcitation of bids late in October. the dentist to justice. Advices ---------- X. Johnson to d ra ft a set of by-laws Rising a t 867 E ast Main street. taken to straighten out the tax rolls yesterday evening at the home of I This was annouaced b< Captain from Salem indicate th a t tbe a u th o r­ I will be at Lake of the Woods tQ be appr0Ved at the next meeting Bams Family Arrive In Iowa— | and collect as much as possible o n , H. J. Ballenger on Mountain avenue. Bnimback. who has charge of the ities there are proceeding to handle davs’^ ^ n ^ X ^ T t e r Z t e d ’^ h o n e M r j Z “ ®11 " T ; Mr and Mrs’ C B’ Sams have a r’ ! the delinQUent llst' Soule of the The rin & ceremony was perform ed | Salftm offices of the 0 >an< commis. the affair in the usual international .. y . L . . J 11 was also decided to hold weekly j rjved in Lake City, Iowa, where they property has been foreclosed on a i by Rev. Charles A. Edwards. Only si0) manner. Peck, (ire and game warden at Lake meetin g S on Saturday nights, will make a th re e m onths’ visit. tim e or tw o- : a few friends were present. The Mr. Brumback s a il the commis­ of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf according to word received here by The court also announced th a t j couple will make their borne in sion had not yet determ ined the Ashland home of Lockwoods ROSEBURG, Or., Aug. 13.— Sher­ Camp a t Lake O’Woods.— am ount of the initial issue of bonds, iff Starm er of Roseburg is expected Milk Loaf. Ask your grocer. Lithia nen 8’ Mr. and Mrs. Sams left * the Green Springs Mountain road i Ashland. John Rigg and Rev. C. F. Koehler! j ood tfl Ashland last T hursday- ' was ° pen from the iirst sum m it to E nd Two Months’ Outing— hut th at the total securities to be back from Reedsport today and will left this morning for Lake O’W oods’i Bakery, 60 1 Man, W lta’ Am Dat Chicken?__ a point near Jennie creek, and th a t Dr. W. E. Blake and family have sold would aggregate approximately probably leave immediately for Cal­ where they will fix up a camp site! P o rtlan d Ad Club at Medford— Sorrow reigns in the household o f j a n«w bridge across Kane creek is returned from a two months motor- $30,000.000. Under the legislative for the coming encampment of the Members of the Portland Au club, Ben Howe of the Plaza M arket, an i now open for travel. Other minor ¡ing trip to Portland. Corvallis and ; tance from this city beside a wreck­ October the demands for these se- Factory street, has been sold to S ., jand a^ j be local Cham ber of Com- ed and burning autom obile several 1 curities will be even greater than M orris through the realty agency of I raerc6 weeks age. ' at the present time. The rate of! Mrs. S. I.. Allen. A nnouncement: Dr. W. E. Blake Surrenders Quietly interest to be paid on these bonds Notice— wishes to announce th a t he has re- Officers of the Northwest 1 will be determ ined by the bonus The school board of district uum-i tu rn ed from his vacation and his Mounted police captured Dr. Brurn- commission and probably fluctuate; ber eight will receive bids on or be-; dental office will be open Monday, I field yesterday w ithout resistance I NOW lliKNTOi«» MATES- WE HAD T * WEIEJT 5PRIN6 WKKEH in conformity with general financial fore August 17 for transporting pu- Aug. 15. 292-4t when he came in from the fields m arket conditions. «?■ I ------------ — _______FOR PINNtR WITH FRESH VfOefflDtES _______________ where he had been w orking as a pils of said district to Ashiane “ H earts of Gold.” You’ll like farm ha$jd. He a t {first insisted schools. The said board reserves tbe 291-lm o' TIDINGS COUTMNS OPEN TO ALL : »hat b q was Norman W hitney, but rig h t to reject any or ail bids. Tele- K lam ath Falls A rrivals— ---------- ; under a stiff grilling broke down. phone D istrict Clerk. 117 IS, for Conrad Jolo and family of K laci-i The council has proposed an- adm itting his identity as the man particulars. -^^"'‘ ath Falls are new arrivals ln the other bond issue. The Tidings has ¡wanted in connection w ith the Rose- Seattle Visitors Leave— city. The family has purchased a printed the facts as stated by the bwrg m urder. He declined to make Professor R. Shuck and fam ily,, borne at Holly and H arrison streets, council. There seems to be some a statement of any kind. A letter, who have been visiting a t the home - The deal was m ade through the of Mrs. Marcia Danford, left Thurs-j realty agency of C. B. Lamkin. Mr. | controversy as to the expediency of evidently intended for mailing, de- some items contained in the pro- scribing the accident near here day morning for Seattle. Mrs. s *s a contractor and builder. posal. The Forum column of the when bis companion was killed in Shuck was a teacher in A latka an d ' Make your table reservations j Tidings is open to both sides for the car wreck. The police effected had charge of a reindeer herd in the early fo r Sunday dinner a t Hotel! a free discussion of the issue. A11 his capture by tracing a box mailed fa r north. She was the first white Ashland Grill. Special dinner, 5.30 ; we ask is th a t you sign your name by Dr. Brumfield from Lake Louise woman the Eskimos had seen. Ito 8:00 p. m. $1.25. 292-1, to the article and do not make it so to Mrs. Norman W hitney, Roseburg. “ H earts of Gold.” W atch for Sweet, fascinating “ H earts of: I long th a t we cannot handle it with ---------- them . 291-lm o ! Gold.” 291-lm o j our typesetting facilities. Articles ’ R eturn Prom P ortland— CALGARY. Alberta. Aug. 13 — Salt I>ake City Arrivals— of about 300 words are most ac-. D. P. Dickerson and H. E. Patton, Police here yesterday arrested a Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Shaw, late a r ­ ceptable. The Tidings columns arej vice-presiden)t off the jMoro Pump man who at first denied and later riv als from Salt Lake City, have company, have returned from P o rt­ and always have been open to all adm itted his identity as Dr. R. M. rented a n apartm ent in the R E. citizens for free discussion of top­ land. Mr. Dickerson is high in his Brumfield, wanted in Roseburg, Or., Detrick building. ics of general interest and it is praise of Buyers’ Week as a means in connection with the alleged m ur­ Don’t ruin your auto wheels, '¡1 of bringing state m erchants to- hoped those holding views on pub­ der of Dennis Russell at th a t place. lic questions will avail themselves they squeak they need setting gether. The man was taken into custody by set them th e commonsense way ln a Wby not try a m nk ioaf ol. Bran j of the use of these columns for members of the N orthw est Mounted their signed articles. few m inutes and at one-half the Bread, i t satisfies. L ithia B ak ery ., police and th e Calgary p o l’ce at a price of the old m ath »d. . For free 292 eod tf i ranch owned by A. C. Voder, four dem onstration sea Ira Reeder. jj public only kenw th a t it On Cam ping Trip— miles south of Midnapore, Alberta 292-6 takes 65 muscles of the face to Mr. and Mrs. J. Crowaon and son W ill Not Fight E xtradition Floyd left a t an early hour this If you enjoy gi'id food prepared frown and 15 muscles to smile, A fter later adm itting to be Dr. morning fo r Oopco, Calif., where R M Brurafleldi be 9tated tb a t bt? and served right don't miss our spe- wouldn’t they drop the extra effort they will spend a few days camp- i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cial dinner, 5:30 to 8 00 p. m. Ho- and use MASON TIRES? AT t«l Ashland Grill. 292-1' Leedom’s Hospital. 291-2t; ing trip. (Continued oa Page Fear) i <3> <»> >$• •e'» <4; ? <§■ A- <§> •- * *'■ » FORMER ATTY PLEAD CASE Oregon Miners Assoc. Elect Club Officers Attorney Newman Is Named Deputy Sheriff By Court LOCAL AND PERSONAL s * 4 vt».« < * f'TÆili. □ D e a r H u b b y :- $3,000,000 Bonus Bond Issue W ill Be Sold In Late Fall