P AGB TWO ASHLAND B A IL I TIDINGS. Ashland Tidings HE KNEW. SHOO FLY Cholly: When Spray your anim als with Shoo is your sister's birthday, young Fly and keep the flies away. m an’ Bobbie: Let’s ICELESS COOLERS see— sh e had one Vse Iceless Cooler and m ake it pay a week ago— efca for itse lf in a year in ice bills. won’t have an ­ New W hite Sewing M achines, al­ other for about a couple of months. ways on hand. Used m achines for rent. NOVELTY WORN OFF. EataJUiahed 1876 Published Evpry Evening Sunday TLurnday, August Except Why were you not at school yesterday? It was my birthday. But I don’t stay home from school on my birthday. Well, I sup­ pose it is be­ cause you’ve got used to ’em. TH E ^ H L A N D P HUNTING GQ.^ O FFICIAL CITY A N D C O W ? ! PAPER . TELEPH O NE 39 Aubscriptiou P rice D elivered in City One month .................................. $ ,66 Three months .............................. 1.96 Six months .................................. 3.76 One y e a r ...................................... 7.60 M ail am i R ural R outes. One «month .................................. $ .66 Three months .............................. 1.96 Six months .................................. 3.60 One year ....................................... 6.60 E A SIL Y > TOO LATE YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek.................... 27 %c I'wo times a w eek............... ..2 5 c Every other d a y ............................20c lx)cal R eaders. Each line, each tim e .......................10c To run every other day tor one m onth, each line, each | i m e . . . . 7c To run every issu e for on e m onth or m ore, each line, each tim e . . . . 6c C lassified Colum n. One cent the word each tim e. To run every issu e for one m onth or m ore, the word each tim e. Legal R ate: F irst'T im e, per 8 point line . . . .1 0 c Each subsequent tim e, per 8 point a St * • . t i l Every store a O U R TO W N i s bolt and condnctod to D E S E R V E K l i n e ...............................................3c trade. There isn’t a BUSINESS man here who doesn’t D E P E N D upon the people in this town and surrounding territory for all— or most— of his IN­ COME. And it is the A IM and STEAD FAST PURPOSE of these men to SERVE you faithfully and thereby strengthen the commercial and moral po­ sition of O U R TO W N . This town of ours is a N A T U R A L shopping and business center for X- k ft all this prosperous region. What Constitutes Advertising! In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing am ong som e as to w hat con sti­ tu tes new s and what advertising, we print th is very sim ple rule whicu Is used by uewspapers to differin- atia te betw een them : ’’ALL future even ts, w here an adm ission charge is m ade or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING." This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as w ell as to individuals. A ll reports of such a ctivities after they have occurred is news. A ll com ing social or organization m eetin gs of so cieties w here no money contribution is solicited , in itiation charged, or collection taken is NEWS. The selections possible in aO kinds of M E R C H A N D IS E and all kinds of TR A D IN G SERVICE are as great here as any place in the land— and the PRICES more often are LO W ER— because they have never been IN ­ FLATED. Letting the Lawyers Work a Little. Erastus, a negro, being charged with burglary, told his defender that he had only one conviction against him— disorderly conduct. On cross exam­ ination by the district attorney, after giving a plausible explanation, he was asked about his court record. "Disorderly conduct, sub,” he said smilingly. "Sure that was all?" The defendant paused to consider. "Have you-all found out anything else?” he inquired. "Elmira reformatory for burglary in 1911 and twice to Sing Sing for the same crime.” replied the D. A. “Right, suh. I Just thought Fd let you-ali find that out for yourself,” said Erastus. He was convicted.— From the Annual Report of the Legal Aid Society. ON2SLEVEN Cigarettes Ouryenrs of making good with millions o f sm okers suggests that we knowhow. Just b u y a packageand ^find o u t . How to Use Violets. Violet time is at hand. In addition to bouquet making these flowers have a pumber of uses which might well be more widely known. We are told that the blossom Is a cough remedy, an emollient and a nn-dielne for increasing the perspiration. Il is also used in the treatment of various inflammatory Ill­ nesses. A hair tonic may be made from violets by slowly pouring over them oil of sw eet almonds,* which ab­ sorbs their fragrance, and mixing this with a quarter of its volume of SO per ceut alcohol. This emulsion is said to prevent the hair from coming out if used daily. To perfume linen : Detach the violets from their stem s and put them in a small bottle in alternate layers of violets aud table sul^ When the bottle is half full, seal it hermeti­ cally and put it in a corner of the kitchen near the stove. At the end of three weeks the stopper may be drawn and the bottle placed among your linen, will infuse the garments witli the fragrance of violets. The next day la k e the bottle out aud re­ cork it. The process may then he re­ peated whenever your ilueu needs per­ fuming.—From Le Petit Parislen. Tbo' I’m large. I’m quite attractive So the gallant men affirm; But 1 wonder Are they truthful Or is gallant just a term ? Obstruction. You'll alw ays find a faction That Is hard to understand. W ho criticises action When It ought to lend a hand. An Optimist. "I’m sorry to see you here." said the friend of a convicted bank embezzler. "Ob. there isn’t much change, after all," said the prisoner, cheerfully. “Ko?” “You see, I had been shut up in a cage and looking through bars for years before I came here. These bars are Just a little thicker, and Instead o f being brass they are steel.“ Tact. "Pa. what la tact?” "I’ll give you an illustration, son.” “Yes. pa.” "Tact is what prevents a gray-haired man with a wrinkled face from re- ib oiling a youthful looking woman in > knee-length skirt that they were boy * and girl together." A Prospector. H e found a w ell of elbow grease, He found a streak of golden gilt: Yet people said of his success T hat luck had been the cause of It. Pursued by the Girl’s Father. "I suppose you marry a lot of elop­ ing couples, squire. Quite a source of income, eh?" "Yes: I git $5 for marrytn’ each couple, an' they come in such darned haste I alius fine ’em $10 or more for speedln’.” One of the Old School. Beggar (to absent-minded professor) — Please help a poor iflan with a few t h r e w h im OVER 6» in ” æ XOcigarettesljr “No, John.” A W IZ A R D . I understand he’s one of your c a p ta in s of finance? A c a p ta in ? He’s a major- general. He even understands thor­ oughly the sys­ tem his w ife has In running the house. "The shirts are no good to me with­ out the cufTs.” “Evidently he figured it that way, too. This week he lost the shirts.’’ So Temperamental. "Was your leading lady injured when she bumped her head on the door?" “No, but it threw her into a fit of Jealousy." “A fit o f Jealousy?” "Yes. ghe saw- so many other stars." The C u r w o o d ’s T h re e aud best o f M r . e p ies of th e R iv e r s C o u n tr y . SALE DA TE AUGUST TENTH Price—$2.00 McNair Bros. 754« Star, i 4T ~hzntsiNationa¿Bank ASH LAND. . n r r Efe. r , P fets E.^ r CART Cj-tVAUPEL VICE PfcC V *VM«COY. CAsmcft Watermelons! ATTRACTIVE Fall Woolens FA LL STYLES and FALL PRICES have arrived al Cantaloupes from 5c op Watermelons from 25c op You are m issing a good treat if you don’t try them T ailors for Men and W omen You are invited for a look PLAZA M ARKET 61 N orth M ain St., A s h la n d H. A. S te r n s Pennsylvania Vacuum • Cup Tires James Oliver Curwood t h ir d ADEQUATE NOW— AND LATEP YOU need never fear the First Na­ tional not keeping pace with your financial needs. W e have su fficien t resources and facilities, and are de partm entalized to be able to handle the biggest interests of Jackson County. As the com m unity broadens out into new activities, we increase our lacilities, and your prosperity is reflected in ours. Hurtdreds of satisfied patrons are su fficien t recom m endation of the high quality of our service. Fresh, Ripe, Sweet Melons and Cantaloups 5X>e FLAMING FOREST By 0 3« At the Plaza Market Professor (very courteously handing him a dollar)—1 must beg your par­ don, sir, for not having any small change In my possession. Evened Up. "Did the laondryman find those cufls he lost last week?" TH E FAINT MAN y pennies;. What did you give Grace for a wadding proa, ant? Why, | gave her the groom. Dickerson & Son "'G he & ank. „ d b ^ the Chiman C/ooU" This is possible when W E afl do A U e f -ore T R A f i O C A T H O M E Then it is mutual SERVICE. In a Bad Fix. “Maud is In a terrible predicament. Coal on Farm«. That rich old man she has promised The United States uses about 100,- to marry has ofTered to have his life 000,000 cords of wood annually for Insured in her favor.” fuel, of which 80 per ceut is consumed "I should say that was extremely In the rural districts. considerate of him.” In spite of the fact that most of "But you don’t understand. If his our fanu woodlands occur in the sev­ physical condition is such that any enteen states muklng up New England Insurance company will accept him as and the lake states, the farmers and a risk she doesn’t want to marry him.” rural population of this section annu­ ally use in excess of 18.000,000 tons of coal. If by substituting wood one-quarter less coal could be burned on farms and one-tenth less in villages, the total saving would amount to nearly 3,000,- 000 tons, or between 63,000 aud 70,000 carloads. TERM ONLY. Phe world’s standard remedy for kidney iver, bladder and uric acid troubles—thi 'Jational Remedy of Holland since 1698 Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists Aok for the nan.« Gold Medal oa even? ba* and accept no imitatloa This TO W N and its M ER C H A N TS wdh to know aB o f vo u BET* You ought to know T H E M bettor. TER and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. medal Mrs. N oah: What are they kicking about? Noah: S o m e of them want to know If there Is a garage with the ark. We make all quotations on JOB WORK Matter. ^ DODGING THE DELUGE. Wt* ; Paints Wall Paper Sanitas )o n ’t w ait until pains and ache? >ecome incurable diseases. Avoic >ainful consequences by takinj MOT AN EXCLU 81 VE PR IV I­ LEGE. Visitor — Don’t ! you som etim es envy the idle rich? Farmer — No; I know men that haven’t a dollar who can be Just as idle as any­ body. There m t a STORE in this town that is b a it m erely t o C A T C H TRADE! Card of T hanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2 l4 cents th e line. Fraternal Orders and Societies. A dvertising for fraternal orders ; or societies chargin g a regular in it l- , ation fee and dues, no discount. R e­ ligious and benevolen t orders w ill be charged th e regular rate for all ad­ vertising w hen an adm ission or other charge is m ade. E ntered at th e A shland. Oregon, P ostoffice as Second Class Midi We invite you to look over our stock of Great Actress: I’na sorry I had that f a r e w e l l tour, I don't be­ lieve I want to i leave the stage i after all. Manager: Don’t worry a bit. I can easily ar­ range for a wel­ com e back tour, old girl. )eath only a m atter of short tim e ADVERTISING RATES: D isplay A dvertising Single insertion , each in c h .............30c from TH E FRANKLIN PR IC E LIST. Sam e prices— R easonable Price— to all. F IX E D . Pcil’s Corner Solitude is dis­ agreeable to the girl with the new solitaire. From Mexico to Canada, Zerolene has been rim«» tasted in service. Zerolene conserves angina power, betters angina performance and lengthens engine life by giving C om et Lubrication. Mora than half the motorists of the Pacific Coast i__ Zerolene. They appreciate the advantage to them of Zerolene’s uniform high quality, the result of an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubricants hard to duplicate elsewhere to the worth Ask for a Correal Lubrication Chart for your car. There’s a grads of Zerolene especially softad for your type of engine. AWDARg > g lL QQMPAMY C j gudejvr each byptftfenewt With Free -Tube —THE— Busy Corner Motor Co. Corner Highway and Main Streets MEDFORD, OREGON