PAGE POUR ASHLAND DAILY TtDCfOS. Wednesday, August 10, 1031 T will be a t Lake of the Woods FREEBERGS VISIT building cottages for th e next ten SEVEN STATES IN days. Anyone interested, phone Mr,: 4,864-MILE TOUR Peck, fire and game Warden a t L ake' ______ _ of th e Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf (Continued from Page One) Visits Relatives— W illis F au st arrived yesterday from Los Angeles, Calif, by auto for Local and Personal a visit with his cousin, Mrs. E. H. Bush, 123 Church street He will Side Lights.............. .......... later make the trip to C rater Lake Birthday Party__ n e a r Greeley, Colo., we passed a car and to K lam ath Falls where he will Miss Mary Poley celebrated her ’ 'with an Ashland banner on th e wind- visit a sister in th a t city. MASONIC MEETING Sam 's Valley Visitor— • birthday at a birthday party given ‘shield and wondered who it was. Elam Gall of Sam’s Valley was by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Denver was our next stop. We were O uting nt Crater Lake— the guest of his brother, E. E. Gall, Poley, at Lake O’Woods Tuesday. (rather up against it to know what Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McDonough, of Belleview a few days last week. ■ road to take for Glenwood Springs John McDonough and Mrs. McDon­ Stated communication, Ashland H e is just recovering from a seri­ Notice— about 250 miles west of Denver and Lodge No. 23, Thursday evening. ous illness and has been confinedI The school board of d istrict nvm th e Rocky m ountains to cross. The ough’s fath er have returned from a Aug. 11. Im portant routine busi­ Io a hospital in Medford for some her eight will receive bids on or be­ auto club routed us via Lookout five days camping trip at C rater ness, also work in F irst Degree. : time. Lake. fore August 17 for tran sp o rtin g pu­ iMt. here we saw the burial place of Visiting brethren cordially welcome. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY? pils of said d istrict to Ashland (B uffalo Bill) Col. Wm. Cody. This Meet at 7:30 sharp. Pyire pasteurized milk, 10c the schools. The said board reserves the is the show place and road for the FOR SALE OR TRADE— 354 acres G. B. ICENHOWEK. Actg. W M quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf right to reject any or all bids. Tele- Denverites. M agnificient view and W. H. DAY, Secy. Harney Valley, 200 acres natural phone* D istrict Clerk, 11 IX. for 'road. At Em pire the grade starts meadow. Deeded w ater right for H ikers R eturn— same. Running w ater on place. particulars. 289-4 over B erthand Pass eleven miles up W hat is a vacation w ithout m u­ Misses R uth Eske. Maud York Fine deep loam. Raise all kinds and steep.. A ltitude eleven thousand sic? Buy a small Victrola and take and Lucile Davis have returned of grain, fine for alfalfa. Car. three hundred feet. It took us all Los A n geles A rrivals— raise 3 to 4 crops. Can use m er­ It along. Rose Bros. 247-tf from a biking trip to C rater Lake. chandise, light truck or car day to get up. The roads to Glenn- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O’Connell, Mr. small ranch for chickens. b. wood Springs were good and very At C innabar Springs— You can eat cheaper at the Hotel and Mrs. C. J. Murphy, Mr. and A. Snyder, Box 168, Sisters, Ore­ Dr. Jarvis left Sunday on a two Ashland Grill than you can at home! Mrs. F. R. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. (bad but some beautiful sights at gon. 289-3 weeks vacation trip to Cinnabar and have no work or worry. Lunch­ J. L. Fogarty and Mr. Dawson are Glenwood. We spent a week visit­ in g Mrs. Sommers, Mrs. I. Niece. WANTED TO RENT, lease or per­ Springs, California. eon. 60c; dinner, $1.00 289tf recent arrivals from Los Angeles, haps buy, well located hay and Calif. The men are connected with T hirty five miles south of here we pasture ranch adapted to run­ the sales staff of Em il P eil’s farm saw a town w ith several hundred Coal Vein Found— ning small bunch of stock in con- R eturn From Crater L a k e - implement store. buildings, m agnificient hotel, club nection with outrange. Address, It is reported th at th e oil drillers Alden Powell and S. A. Peters with particulars, Box 21, Kerby, building, a residence th e like of on the Munday well northeast of have returned from a three days Ore 289-2 Ju st received th e new B runer which we have never seen in any Medford found an eight and one- trip to C rater Lake and Klam ath Woolen Company’s line of fall and «large city. It was simply amazing. LOST— Light brown Gladstone bag, half foot vein of coal at the 730- i Falls. between 91 N ursery st. and the Winter samples. Call in and see Branch railroad th a t not a train has foot level. Colonel Munday was depot, by way of Mechanic and A them. Cleaning and repairing done passed over for 20 years. A care­ showing samples of the find in streets. Finder re tu rn to Mrs. See our Fall Suitings or pure Vir­ on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel tak er is all th a t lives here. The; Medford yesterday. Larkin Grubb, 114 Third si. gin Wool. Paulserud’s. 279-tf Austin Bldg. 273-tf place is called Redstone and was i Suitable reward. 289-1 built by several m illionaires from! Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream New York. The location is beauti-j SALE OF LEGHORNS— Crate-fat- R eturn F ro m Portland— parlor where quality ice creams and Visits Relatives Here— tened fryers and hens, 25c pound E. G. Roberts was a recent vis­ J ..K . McWilliams and N. H. H ar­ ful-—in a gorge, no habitations sherbets are served. 264tf alive or 35c dressed. 300 pullets, itor at the home of his m other, Mrs. rison of tho local Ford agency have near, all fenced and signs “ Keep 60c to $2.00 each, depending on E. J. Roberts, and sister. Mrs. Lulu returned from P ortland where they o u t.” Imm ense coal deposits, hun­ H as Infection hi Foot— age. Select breeding stock as follows: 100 2 and 3 years old Mrs. Gregg is staying at the J. Van Wegen, and in the afternoon were atten d in g a Fordson tra c to r dreds of coke ovens, but the coal hens at $1.00 each; 150 yearling N. Dennis home taking care of they all motored out to see ait- dem onstration. could not be mined to any depth hens a t $1.35 each; 10 yearling the Dennis’ grandson, who has been other sister, Mrs. E. E. Gall. on account of the gas. Forty men male birds at half cost price. suffering from infection in his foot, Booking orders for 25,000 baby Best meals in the city. Hotel were burned in the mine a fte r an chicks for 1922 delivery at 16c during tho absence of the Dennts For real home cooking, eat at Ashland Grill. Luncheon. 60c; din­ explosion. The bodies could not be each, any quantity. Chicks will family who are making an auto G arn ett’s, 93 N. Main. 28S-tf ner, $1.00. 289tf recovered. No one would work be from tried yearling hens and tour of Montana at the present there again, so millions of dollars early hatched trapnested pullets, Return* F rom Y reka— time. H otel A shland Grill— mated to males from 220 to 286 were lost. egg hens. Visitors always wel­ W. Hicks on North Main street Excellent service. Choicest of It certainly was a beautiful city come a t the home of SMITH- Yeo insures automobiles against food prepared in a sanitary kitchen has returned from Yreka. Calit., and well built 20 years ago. Salt QUALITY W HITE LEGHORNS, accident. Phone 274-J. by chefs who know how. 289tf where he has been spending the Lake. Ogden and Brigham at 298 H argadine st., phone 352 J. past several days. 289-12* Snowville. We went to Twin Falls, Leaves for Roseburg— Ju st insurance, th a t’s all. Yen. Ida., Boise to Baker City, west to FOR SALE— Overland 4, 1921 Isaac Taylor left yesterday m orn­ of course. The C hristian W orkers’ Band Sum pter. This town is alm ost de­ model, carries $50 worth of ex­ ing for his home at Roseburg after will hold a service In the Belleview serted. From here to P rairie C ity : tras and h a s’ run 1.200 miles: a several weeks’ visit with his old school house Sunday afternoon. was o ur very w orst road on t h e ' price $700.00. W rite W. H. R. Uongregatioiuil Church Improved-— Siskiyou. Call Steinman. friend and schoolmate. J. L. Green­ August 14, a t 3 o’clock. Everyone whole trip— 41 miles. Prineville.! A new porch and steps have been! 289-3t* wood. is invited to attend. Bend, F t. K lam ath, Cirater Lake built at the entrance of the Con­ A shland. 4,864 miles, ten weeks, gregational church, which greatly R eturn From Bend— Clllf Payne m ake. Porch Swinge add, l0 appearance H arry K. Tomlinson of this city but we liked it. Confined by Illness— and George T. Collins of Medford MR. AND MRS. W. A. FREEBERG The monthly dairy m eeting of E. K. Hall of Liberty street has returned last evening from a m otor Jackson county will be held Aug, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING been confined to his home for some trip to Bend, representing th e Med­ 20th instead of Aug. 13th. a t the In the County Court of Jackson tim e with a bad case of gangrene ford and Ashland lodges a t th e J. R. McCracken ranch, Valiev View. County, Oregon, E state qf Clyde In his foot, but at present is con­ m eeting held there Sunday of dele­ Rhodes, Deceased. valescing. gates from all the Elks lodges in ' Hilt V isitor — , The undersigned ad m in istrato r of Oregon to discuss m atters relatin g A fine six-room bungalow with Mrs. Fay Pankey of H ilt is visit- to the coming convention of the said estate has filed in said court tile bath and Cabinet kitchen, and We specialize on fancy brick ice ! ing at the home of her parents, Mr. state Elks association in M arsh­ his final account as adm inistrator, cream. Rose Bros. 264tf ! and Mrs. A. C. Keller. garage on lot 100x100 feet. Two ______ j and the judge of said court has des- field. ( blocks from Boulevard and ciose j ignated Saturday, Septem ber 10, Moves Into Stannard Home— i — —— to high school. ! . 1 Orres cleans and remodels clothes. N otice to Presbyterians- i 1921, a t 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the Mr. Jensen and family have Will sell for $2,300 with very moved into Mrs. Jessie S tannard’si “ 84‘tf The bids for the work on the court house in Jacksonville, said Presbyterian church, which were to county, as th e tim e and place to liberal term s if sold immediate­ house nn Liberty street. The fam­ ly. Why cook a t home these hot bo opened Thursday aftern o o n , will hear any objections to the approval ily who had been living in the days? E at in comfort at Hotel Ash­ be opened a t the church Tuesday. of said account. house all w inter have moved to See E. E. Phipps Agency, next land Grill. 289tf Aug. 16, at 7:30 p. m. Cottage Grove. S. M. RHODES, Tidings office. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A dm inistrator. H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells 289-lt Orres is back on the job and is 289-5 Wed. showing some very fine woolen at plumbing fixtures and supplies. the new fall prices. 284-tf Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. 287-tf O. E. Hurst III— Tacom a V isitors— .0. E. H urst has been quite i l l ! Dr. and Mrs. U tterback of Ta­ at his home on Beach street. coma, W ash., arrived yesterday eve ning by auto for a visit with Mr. Ranch Visitors— and Mrs. O. A. Paulserud. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLaren were Paulserud is a daughter of Mrs. recent visitors from th eir ranch on Utterback. Rogue river, visiting friends and transacting business. K lam ath F alls V isitors— Ashland News in Paragraphs EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN here except the flowers and vegetables. Garden hose and garden implements of all kinds, lawn mowers, sickles, hedge-cutters and shears, knives, etc. We can supply all your needs in this respect. Do you know the convenience of a gar­ den hose? Also useful for cleaning yard, sidewalk or street. A Here is Your Chance to Buy a Good Home Cheap Mr. and Mrs John McCall and For C rater Lake or other trips, two children of K lam ath Falls are se» De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lm visiting Mr. McCall’s sister. Miss Klamath Falls Visitors— Lydia McCall, and the J. M. W ag­ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lynch of ner family of this city. Klam ath Falls were welcome guests of Mrs. Lynch’s parents, Mr. and All wool suits a t $25 and up, at: Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, over Sunday Orres. See the special values a t anti Monday. $32.00. They can’t be beat. 284-tf LEAVING TONIGHT A ALL STAR CAST —Thursday Only— Thos. H. Ince Production "The B ro n ze B ell” 4 BIG STARS FRIDAY — SATURDAY BLANCHE SWEET HARDW ARE Bandi oncert Llthia Park TONIGHT S to 9 E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL THE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E A U G U ST SALES T h u r s d a y —O p p o r t u n i t y D a y O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-I-E-S APRONS, 79c PERCALES, YARD 22c Sold legularly at $1.00. Made of check gingham, trim m ed with ric-rack, two pockets. 36-inch best quality Drea* Percales, light ami dark pat- terns. MIDDY BLOUSES. #2.75 T i lt SILKS. YARD # 1 .7 5 Paul Jones Lwo-in-one. middy cloth Middy Blouses. Made of good Sold ’’egularly at $2.25. 32 *ucbes wide, in fancy satin stripes. SHEETS, # 1 .4 8 TOWELS, 6 L'OR #1.00 ,, , Huck Towels sold regularly at 20c each. Good quality for family use. 72x90 Sheets, extra good quality. Sold regularly at $265. Take advantage of this ( ’RETONNES, 28c YARD DRESSES, #5.48 36-inch Colonial Cretonnes, in new patterns for fall. Good quality. New Dresses made of Im­ ported Organdie and Gingham with sasli embroidery trim ming. PORCH DRESSES, #4.08 Made of Im ported Jap Crepe, trim m ed with_ black braid and buttons Made with tie back. TAFFETA SILK, S I.»8 YD. Sold regularly at $2.50. All the new and wanted colors, including black. Have your Picoting and Hemstitching Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated The D eligh ts of the C o m e o n a lo n g ! Fill up your makin’s - papers with P. A. T »e TMTATER StAUTifl* NOT GUILTY” S I M P S O N ’S Greatest sport you know to pull out your makin’s papers and some Prince Albert and roll up a ciga­ rette ! That’s because P. A. is so delightfully good and refreshing in a cigarette— just like it is in a jimmy pipe! You never seem to get your fill — P. A.’s so j o y ’u sly fr ie n d ly and appetizing. Prince Albert will be a revelation to your taste! No other tobacco at any price is in its class! And, it rolls up easily because it’s crimp cut and it stays p u t It’s the best bet you ever laid that you’ll like Prince Albert better than any ciga­ rette you ever rolled 1 And listen! I f you have a jimmy pipe hankering— by all means know what Prince Albert can do for you! It’s a revelation in a pipe as well as in a ciga­ rette! P. A. can’t bite or parch. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. 1 F ringe A lbert Seashore and Mountains appeal to many thousands each year. Be one ol' tin merry throng that go there this summer for Health, Rest, Recreation, 'and Amusement. R o u n d T rip Summer E x c u r s io n T ic k e ts are now on sale to n.any delightful places. M m « A l b a r t la •a id in t i p p y rad baga, tid y rad tina, handaam a paan d and halt paand tin hamidora and in tha paand crya ta l glaaa h a m i d a r w ith a p a n g a aaaiatanar ta p . Newport. Ideal for the family is this charm ing old place th at is free from conventionalities. Crater Lake. One 6f the greatest scenic wonders of the world, is this beautiful lake of indescribable blue. Tillamook County Beaches. ¡»RINCE ALBERT Located am idst a w ealth of beautiful natural surroundings, are these resorts just a few miles be­ yond the Coast Range. Other Resorts. Josephine County Caves. Colestin. Shasta Mountain Resorts, Yosemite National Park. CRIMP CUT 10MG BURNING P(Pt AND CIGARETTE TOBACCO C o p yrig h t 1921 b y R . J. R «ya Tabacco Co 1 “Oregon O utdoors” Our new illustrated and descriptive booklet will help you decide on the resort of your choice. Let us assist you by providing a copy free on request. For further inform ation inquire of ticket agents S outh ern P acific L in es i JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent.