Tuesday, August 0, 1021 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. f»AGi THKErt M visions necessary to feed armies be­ yond the frontiers. T h u s a cold douche has been pour­ One cent the word each time. ed over Turkish nationalist aspira­ > - tions. M. N athernos, the Bolshevist PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. envoy to Angora, has declared "R us­ UR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRINGS & BRIGGS— Attortieye-at- sia does -not wish to engage in new lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. wars. She is not preparing for war, throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 a n d '---------- . ------ ------------------i for she is concluding treaties with 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash*: k. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. land, Ore. 73-tfi Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank the allies, and also wishes to con­ Bldg. clude one with the United States, UR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and especialily a commercial agreem ent. CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to __________________________________ By COL. W IN F IE L D JO N E S Therefore she counsels the national­ eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. W A SH IN G TO N , D. C., Aug. 6 — j ists to do the sam e.” supplied. Oculist and au rist for Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. j S. P. R. R. Offices, M. P. and H. W ith the Greek arm ies advancing 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Russia is not as w arlike as she was, Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Residence Phone 401. with rapid strides on Angora, these when the bolsheviki overthrow the DR. FR A N K M. MOXON— Physician ASHLAND HEALTHATORIVM — Dr. Romanoffs and set up the soviet words will furnish but cold comfort j to the Turkish nationalists. Inci-j and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. I E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ "republic.” Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ dentally in the course of the same trical Treatm ents, Mineral and The first result of the desperate lic Library. 272-ti Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National declaration, M. N athernos adm its of-| internal conditions of Russia has ’Bank Building. Phone 48. ficially that there is a treaty be­ DBS. SAWYER & CRANDALL been to damp all enthusiasm for mil­ tween the bolshevist givernm ent and TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS . ---------------------------------------------------- itary adventure abroad. H itherto the AngorTi government which pro­ Pioneer Building. TAXI—Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone w arlike operations have been utilized 136-tf I by the bolsheviki oligarchy to dis- vides for m ilitary aid being furnished i Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J1 213. — ■ I" M to the latter. The interpretation I’ATROL SERVICE ’ tract public atten tio n from the in- which the soviet envoy now gives TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. W ILL RESVM E OPERATIONS tolerablp domestic^ conditions. The this clause of the treaty is b u | an ­ T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ ______ Polish invasion and th e anti-bolshe- other example of bolshevist duplici­ F E R — Good team and m otor­ ( vist movements led by Denekin, trucks. Good service at a reason­ Gasoline requisitions in q u a n tity ; Wrangfel> Kolchak, Seminoff and ty and shows how the Moscow gov­ able price. Phone 83. „ , , . , tO keep the Ninety -« rst aero 3quad'l other leaders were employed to stim- ernm ent shuffles out of its agree­ FOR PROMPT and careful service ron planes operating over Oregon i ll)at„ n,ltinnul . * ments. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, d W ashington forests on fire na- natlona’ patriotism , or what — » . . . d u -----( a n a W ash in g to n t o r e s u on tir e p a - , w as ,e ft of n a tio n a l patriotism in call K rittle Transfer Co., Phone A stray dear swam into Seattle 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near tro1 d u rln R tbe rest of tbe summer, Russia. Ju st as in 1793 the cry of harbor, was lassoed and is now in H otel Austin.____________________ will be wired immediately by thel . authority to purchase gasoline local- what they felt to be a failing cause. i.t7nale rabbils- ¡ly iu order t,liat the forest patrols , Their success made them plan 31b H argadine. 287-2* . . r may be resumed at once. : fu rth er warlike expeditious. In pur- TH REE GOOD BUYS'— One 83 mod­ i sua nee of this policy they promised el Overland, $350; one 1917 Ford truck, $345; one 1914 Iteo deliv-j aid to th e Galicians against Poland ery truck, $175. Call and see and to the T urkish nationalists them at 248 F ifth St. 287-tf! against the sultan and the allies. FOR SALE— AprH hatched Whitt» The Afghans were promised assist­ Leghorn pullets, Tancred specials. ance is they would attack British 1372 Iowa St. 287-6* India, while Persia was encouraged YOU WILL HAVE TQ HURRY if to join the movement of revolt \ you get the ‘goat” advertised yes-! i against the C hristian powers. Soviet terday. R. D. Sanford, 399 B each1 arm ies were reported to be m arch­ street. Ashland. 286-f-tu! ing to Angora to reinforce the ar- ■ for 10c from FOR SALE CHEAP— One W hite de­ I nties of M ustapha Kemal Pasha. The J? livery truck, A-l condition. Robi- one sack of promised assistance from Moscow I ! son’s Garage. 285-4 caused th a t leader to assume an at-1 FOR SALE— A good milch cow. 642 TH E HISTORY OF TH E titu d e of arrogance and truculence Liberty St. 284-6* MONEY KINGS tow ard the allied powers. WOOD FOR SALE— I have several > But in the last few weeks a ch an g e ' shows th a t the founda­ hundred tiers of dry 16-inch fir, tions of th eir wealth were has come over the spirit of th e dream laurel and alder wood now being laid by persistent saving. of the men in Moscow. Up to this hauled to Ashland. Will sell cheap time, by a ruthless levy of the last They created a surplus if delivered now. Wood will be and put it out at interest. higher later. Leave orders at E. resources of Russia, in food and ma­ We can 't all be money TOBACCO E. Phipps office. S. D. Taylor. 1 terial, it has been possible to equip kings, but we can’t hope 283-6* ; arm ies and keep them in the field. to overcome fortune un­ less we save. But this is no longer possible. W ith BUILDING MATERIAL — *Medford Cement Brick and Block Works, famine stalking through the land it i Having a savings account specialize in ab kinds of building is out o f th e ir power to gather to­ with THIS bank will op­ products. Corner F ir and 10th en YOUR opportunity. gether the thousands of tons of pro- street. 225tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L CITIZENS BANK ■ .SHLAttO 50 goo J cigarettes ASHLAND WITNESSES The Names of Ashland Person'» Familiar to All Who are the witnesses? They are Ashlahd people. Residents of Ashland who have had kidney backache, kidney ills, bladder ills; who have used Doan’s Kidney Pills. These witnesses endorse Doan’s. One Ashland resident who speaks is W. Hardy, retired, 586 E. Main St. He says; "I have used Doan’s Kidney Pills and w ouldn’t be w ithout them. I had attacks of kidney complaint and lumbago. I suffered with dull backaches and pains through my kidneys and my kidneys didn’t act right. Doan’s Kidney Pills always relieved these ailm ents anc eased the aches and pains. I heartily endorse Doan’s for they are a remedy of m erit.” Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy — get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same th a t Mr. H ardy had. Foster- M ilburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Visitors from Yreka— f Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Henderson, /o f Yreka, Calif., Were visitors last J week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.; f J. L. Oskar, 83 Morion street. Mr. ' and Mrs. H enderson were m arried at Yreka, July 28, and visited this city! while on their honeymoon. Mrs. Hen­ derson is a cousin of Mrs. Oskar and i was formerly Miss Clara Childers. ... ................W ill ■ I CL B. L A M X I N BARGAINS IN Isut« Fit y A tifi Raocti Proporti«»* Him*«» to Ü en t. CITIZENS’ RANK BCILDÌÀG ATTRACTIVE SHOO FLY Fall Woolens Spray your animals with Fly and keep the flies away. F A L L STY LES and * FALL PRICES have arrived at T ailors for Men and W om en Shoo ICELESS COOLERS I Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay ¡for itself in a year in ice bills. New W hite Sewing Machines, al­ ways on band. Used machines for j rent. Pell’s Corner You are invited for a look Big Dance at the Bungalow Every Wednesday Night Beginning Wednesday, July 27 GENUINE DURHAM Best Floor The Coolest Place in the Valley Biggest Crowds H ELP W ANTED. WANTED— Chambermaid with ref­ erences. Apply Ashland hotel. _____________________________ 283-tf W ANTED. WANTED— Small rum ished house or apartm ent on ground floor, by ‘ adults onlv. Address A. Tidings. 287-3* WANTED— A few second hand jellv glasses. Phone 198. 287-1 WANTED— Good milch cow; also good alfalfa hay. R. Scheider-! elter. R. F. D. 1, box 17 3. 2 86-2* L7 on r/0v n Canvas Shoes sayings DEPOSITS Don’t Expose Your Property tb Loss If you were carrying $5,000 or more of cash in your car you’d want to have it insured. But are you not driving your car, with about all of your prop­ LIVE STOCK erty exposed? If you injure a man, and he AT STUD— Toggenburg goat. 143 obtains a dam age verdict against G ranite St. 2 82-2tue* yon, you’ve got to pay it. » FOR R E N T . If you haven’t the cash, your property can be sold to get it. FOR RENT— 3 room furnished I Don’t risk your house, your partm ent. Adults only. Inquire 166 H argadine St., or phone 264-! bank account, your business. Let Y, 2 86-tt j a first class automobile poli«> stand between your worldly LOST? goods and the result of that possible accident. DO IT NOW. A LOST— “ Love bird,” green breast, few dollars today may save you mottled back, bill sim ilar to a p a r-! a few thousand tonight. ro t’s. Mrs. E. M. W allin. 174 Church street. 286-2* The Lost Needle Suitable for Hunting and Fishing W A N T E D — Good g e n tle h o rse , h a r ­ ness and one-horse farm wagon. R. Scheidereiter. R. F. D. 1. box' 1 7 3 . 2 8 6 - 2 * • W e carry several kinds. w ith Rubber, T Com position or Billings Agency A FEW BARGAINS FOR SALE BY B E A V ER REALTY CO. Block of ten lots nicely located; two-room plastered house; lots of fru it and berries; good garden land; would make fine chicken ranch— $1,500.00. Terms. Good 5-room cottage; about half-acre lot, small barn, fru it and garden— $2,000.00. Terms. Special Bargain.— 6-room house, good plum bing; close in; cash price $1,200. Also some five-acre tracts in city limits. Real Estate and Real Insurance Estab. 1833 Phong j g l l Sizes One Gallon to Twenty Eggs Are Cheap Now. Waterglass Your Winter Supply. Provost Bros. Needle.” I t ’s plot is woven around the loss of the fam­ ily needle—no trifling misfortune in the days of old. Today, in this era of ours, life is so rich in comforts that we seldom wonder how folks got along in the ancient world And we sometimes forget what an important role advertising has played in making life pleasant and altogether livable. Advertising has one of the leading parts in the eternal drama of dollars. To it is directly due much of the multipli cation of products and services which has come about during the last half centurv. 41 E a st Main th e £>ank. C h a rts C lack-' TH R IFT LIKE SALT Jars with Lids H E R ’S an old English play known as “ Gammer C arton’s Made ! ’»ther soles. The small boy said “salt is what makes things taste bad when you leave it out.” T hrift is much like that. The First N ational has seen tragic instances of lives where th rift had been left out. Many homes art- broken up because of reckless spend­ ing and financial inefficiency. Many men are square pegs in round holes because of failure to save some cap­ ital. Have you a steadily growing account here? EA'CARTER.. POES 1VAUPCL VICE PRE J MMCCOY. CASMlEB I It has smoothed the mechanics of existence—made life easier and more pleasant by bringing countless necessities— once considered luxuries—within our easy reach and into continuous use. Think of this when you read these columns. You owe much to advertising. And you miss much when you fail to read it I Best Music