PAGE FOUR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Local and Personal ----------------------- Side Lights - FOR SALE— “The Prettiest Place in Ashland,” LITTLE LINDENS, cor­ ner Scenic Drive and Strawberry Lane, 6 room bungalo type modern dwelling with concrete walled base­ ment and full floored attic. Com­ bination furnace, large bath room, best porcelain enameled plumbing, fireplace, casement windows, cabi­ net kitchen, commodious screened porch. Large lot (102 feet front) with lawn, flower garden, fruit trees, ornamental trees and shrubs — lovely location, overlooking I.i thia Park and the Glen.- Without exception the finest place now. fered for sale in the city’ See owner on the premises, forenoons or evenings. 2S7-m-v, Just lnsuranca, that’s all. of course. Yeo, I Phoenix Pastor on V a c a tio n - Rev. Joseph Angill, of Phoenix, is taking a brief rest at the farm home C onfined by Illn ess— of Mr. and Mrs. Wallis. Cornelius has been confined to his home for a day or two on Camp at Crater Lake— account of sickness. Avoiding the rush to Crater Lake, W. S. Stennett and family have Orres cleans and remodels clothes. pitched their camp tents in the vi­ 284-tf cinity of Union creek, the midsum Monday, A nguat 8, l& tf mer outing in that locality to last • remain until Tuesday. Henry V. about a fortnight. ! Vaupel is managing Isaac's Drygoods I store while Mr. Isaac is absent. See our Fall Suitings of pure Vir­ gin Wool. Paulserud’s. 279-ti Geologists agree that England was once a part of continental Europe. Spend Vacation at Crater Like— Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ferguson and Tides in the Gulf of .Mexico are Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Isaac left Sun­ , inconsequential. ranging from 18 to day for Crater Lake where they will Just received the new Bruner Woolen Company’s line of fall and , winter samples. Call in and seel M asonic H ull, A shland. i them. Cleaning and repairing done! ion short notice. K. Nelson, Hotelj Votice of Meeting. Austin Bldg. !7S-tfl Special convocation Tuesday even-, Ing, August 9. Work In Past Master.' degree. For Crater Lake or other trips, Visiting companions wel- come. see De Witt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lm V. V. MILLS, H. P FOR SALE— A Studebakei* buggy, W. H. DAY , Secretary. Sunday Visitors at Lake o f the STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES newly painted aDd in excellent re­ In d ig e n t S o l d i e r s ............................................. Wood»— pair, $30. Phone 398-R. 287rfi 145.0o Widows' Pensions ........................ . ' ' Z . .................................... Roads and Highways .................................................... 2,882.50 ’ What is a vacation without mu­ Ashland visitors to Lake of the I* OR SALE— Cheap, two New Z Care of Poor at Poor Farm .............................. Registration and Elections 3,086.57 Care of Poor not at Poor Farm . . ........................................... sic? Buy a small Vlctrola and take Woods yesterday were H. C. Stock, land Red female rabbits. Inquire Sheriff’s Office . .......................... ....................... ........................... 3,018.00 10,412.53 Jail ............................................. ...................................................... It along. Rose Bros. 247-tf Miss Gertrude and Helene Beide 316 Hargadine. 287-2» Clerk’s Office .............. 1.728.1 4 Juvenile C o u r t........... County N u r s e ............................................................. 18.50 .Miss Calla Beigel, Airs. Rav Alurnhv ! w a i u t p h ö 77 " 1,093.30 Dog F u n d ............., ....................................... ’ .............................................. Milton and Elmer Beigel. .1. H. Me- or apartment* on ground* flo o ^ b y Treasurer's Office Mrs, Van Sant E n tertain s— 629.87 Tax Rebate ............................................................................................ Surveyor’s O ff ic e ......................................... 788.29 ......................... 302.00 Scalp Bounty ........................................................................................ Mrs. E. J. Van Sant is eutertuln- tiee motored to the lake yesterday adults only. Address A, Tidings, Assessor’s Office .................................. 1,221.00 ......................... 6,520.22 Sealer of Weights and Measures ing Mrs. Ada Dunn and two children witl} his mother, Mrs. H. E. McGee,! Court House ......................................... 287-3* 143.11 ......................... 2,282.68 Water Mastef .................................. ' ....................................... from San Francisco, and Miss Eliza­ with the intention of remaining for | FOR SALE— Household furniture. Circuit Court . . . 975.19 District Attorney ............................................... ........................... County Court and C om m issioners........... beth Schaumloefel, of Sacramento. a few days. 1,039.31 County F a i r ............................................................................................ complete, ready to move into. 49 Justice Court .............. County Agent ........................... ............................................................ Fourth St. 287-3eod* Coroner ................ Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream County Auditor ...................................................................................... Advertising and County Printing We specialize on 400.00 Stock Inspection ......................." i . ' ......................................... parlor where quality ice creams and cream. Rose Bros. fancy brick ice| THREE GOOD BUYS— One 83 mod­ School Superintendent ......... 40.00 el Overland, $350; one 1917 Ford County Library ..............‘ ’ ................................................................. 264tf I sherbets are served. 264tf ’ 2,378.92 truck, $345; one 1914 Reo dellv Health R eg istra tio n ............................ ery truck, $176. Call and see Fruit inspector ......................................................... ,.3 (^ 3 3 Total Pure pasteurized milk. 10c the Yeo insures automobiles against ......... $183.731.84 them at 248 Fifth St. 287-tf STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF quart at Rose Bros. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, FO R SIX MONTHS PERIOD ENDING accident. Phone 274-J. 243-tf JUNE 80, 1021 WANT SOME REAL BARGAINS County Indebted- Amount paid for Number Issued in city and acreage homes and de­ Warrants Picnic D inner— T alent V isitor— hnn?S: ’ ra.rranta> county warrants. Balance in sirable farms that are worth their Issued Pacific Highway- Bonds and Interest . Jr® and interest bonds and interest County Treasury W. W. Estes of Talent was in th e ! Several congenial families gath­ price. Exchanges handled any­ General $507,215.90 County Fund ................................ 13 city Saturday with a number of rab- ered under the “old walnut tree” lr.¡ where. Excellent registered Jer­ General County Fund Interest ’ ’ ’ ’ ' ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ $ 3,476.57 121,807.30 27,313.44 $ 35,445.79 sey bull and spring wagon for sale bits which he disposed of at the lo-j the Barber yard yesterday and en- 36,012.07 General and Special Road Funds 10,496.77 528 R- D. Sanfo’itf, 399 Beach St., Ash- 115,502.74 j joyed a delightful picnic consisting of 66,312.49 cal markets. County Salary Fund .............. .................. 85,795.09 29,698.91 land- 287-m&th Current Expense Fund L.................................................... , friend chicken and all the “fixins.” 1,578,58 64,629.18 746.03 .................................... 48 65,814.61 Sweet Cider, made fresh every The homes represented were, Bar­ FOR RENT— Furnished housekeep­ County Library ....................... ‘ 55,777.76 2,378.92 Pacific Highway Bond Redemption Fund 2.328.17 ing room at Barber’s on, Granite 1,603.09 day. 40 cents gallon, Call and get bers, Dills, Fraleys, Greers, Come- 29,283.37 street; also for sale, berries in 24,299.37 it. Phone 9 -F -ll. ! lues, Mrs. Viola Hail. .Mr. and Mrs. the patch. Phone 411-R. 287-1 $185,987.41 $732,093.79 Farr and Miss Stratton of San Di- $221,031.45 Total Debits . . ............4 ............................... «148.403.50 Cliff Payne makes Porch Swings. ego, and Virginia Dew. $918,081.20 FOR SALE— April hatched White Total Credits ...................’ ’ ’ '’ ’ Leghorn pullets, Tancred specials. Total indebtedness over Cash in Hand ..................... $369.434.95 1372 Iowa St. 287-6* W eather for the W eek— 548,646.26 The W. C. T. U. will hold a meet­ “Generally fair with normal tem­ ing at the Library Tuesday after­ LOST— “Love bird,” green breast, 1 $918,081.20 $918,081.20 peratures” is the weather prediction noon, 2:30 o’clock. All members mottled back, bill similar to a par- STATE OF OREGON, rot’s. Mrs. E. M. Wallin, 174 1018 Taxes County of Jackson— ss. of the weather bureau at Washing­ requested to attend as there is im­ Church street. 4.27 Turned over Co. Treas., Ci aun<5ey Storey. County Clerk of the County Court in and for Collected 286-2» . ton, D. C„ for this week. 4.27 portant business to be transacted. Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that t&e foregoing statements Balance June 30, 1921 FOR RENT— 3 room furnished and financial exhibit of the condition of Jackson County, Oregon, for the ____ 286-2 G uns and F ish in g T a c k l e - Total . . . .................... $ partment. Adults only. Inquire ofXmy°offhiceeDding June 8° ’ 1921, are aa shown b7 the records and files 4.27 j 4.27 166 Hargadine St., or phone 264- Elk horn Gun Store. 81 Oak street. Certificates of Redemption TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Y. Balance Dec. 286-tf 936.57 Paid Certificate Holders $ 6,081.46 261-1 mo . ’ Itaess wber«°L I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Collected . . 31, 1 9 2 0 ..$ WANTED— A few second hand jel • .................... 6,199.6.’; Balance June 30, 1921 seal of the County Court this 1st day of August, 1921. 1,054.74 glasses. Phone 198. 287-: WANTED— Good milch cow; also All wool suits at $25 and up, at .. ‘ CHAUNCEY FLOREY, good alfalfa hay. R. Scheider- Total ........................... $ 7;136.20 (sea l) County Clerk for Jackson County, Oregon. $ 7,136.20 eiter, R. F. D. 1, box 173. 286-2* Orres. See the special values at ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM__ Dr. Service and M iscellaneous F ees Including Tax Sales $32.00. They can’t be beat. 284-tf E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ WANTED— Good gentle horse, har­ Collected .........................$ 3,889.57 Turned over Co. Treas __ ____ SHERIFF'S OFFICE $ 3.889.57 trical Treatments, Mineral and SEM I-ANNUAL R E PO R T O F R E C E IP T S AND ness and one-horse farm wagon. m R ^ P itu la tio n o f Balances DISBURSEM ENTS Vit-o-Net Baths. First National Former Residents Visit— 1920 Taxes ................ R. Scheidereiter, R. F. D. 1, box 3,431.10 Bank Building. Phone 48 .. 1920 Taxes 1919 T a x e s ................ ........................................................................ ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barnard, for­ 173. _______ 286-2* „ Collected ......................... 1597,910.32 Turned over Co. Treas. .$594,479.22 1918 T a x e s ___ j............ 216.40 .................................................................... mer residents of Ashland, now mak­ 3.05 Balance June 30. 1921 3,431.10 1917 T a x e s .................... .......................................................................... ing their home at Reid, passed thru 12.79 1916 T a x e s ............................................................................................... To**1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 9 7 , 9 1 0 . 3 2 None the city Saturday en route for Port­ $697,910.32 1916 T a x e s ....................................’ ’ ’ ’ ................................................. LAST TIME TONIGHT „ „ 191® Taxes None 1914 T a x e s ................ • land. They made a short visit here Collected ........... ............. $ 35.887.88 Turned over Co. Treas. $ 35.671.48 1913 None T a x e s .................... * ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ " ' ’ ............................................ with friends. None Balance June 30. 1921 • 216.40 1912 and Prior Years Taxes Certificates of R edem ption......... ....................................................... 1 n None c i,. Get Your Hunting Outfit Now— Total ..............................$ 35,887.88 $ 35.887.88 Suspense Account ........................................... 1.0«»4.74 1 9 1 8 T axes ........................................... ........................ 1.67 And save money. Elkhorn Gun Collected ......................... $ 5,171.50 Turned over Co. Treas.. $ 5.168.45 Store. 81 Oak street. 277-tf Total .......................................... $ 4,719.75 Balance June 30, 1921. • 3.05 _ _ Cash and Assets In Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank .............. 1 1 aar rk Total W. C. Holmes at Newport— 5,171.50 $ 5,171.50 In Jackson County Bank .................................... .........................* 101 W. C. Holmes left Saturday even-j 1917 Taxes Bank of Jacksonville A cco u n t.......................................................... 9 Collected 2,708.12 Turned over Co. Treas. $ 2.695.33 Cash in Office ....................................................; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ing for Newport on a two weeks va-'l '72859 Balance June 30, 1921. • 12.79 cation. Ho ordered his Daily Tid­ m T o t a l ................................................................................................ « 4 7 1 0 7R ings to follow him. Total 2 ,7 0 8 .1 * $ 2.708.12 19201 Te “nt ° f T"X ° ° 1Iectod Dur,tt« »lx Month« Ending June 8(i, 1921 1 9 1 8 T axes STARRING • Collected 1 will be at Lake of the Woods 1 ,2 5 4 2 9 Turned over Co. Treas., .$ 1,252.29 ....................... building cottages for the next ten Balance June 30, 1921. 1918 T a x e s .............. .................................... 35,88,.88 1 » 17 T a x e s ..............: : : : : ; ........... : h j ?; days. Anyone interested, phone Mr. Total 1,262.29 $ 1.252.29 Peck, fire and game warden at Lake 1915 T axes 1915 T a x e s ....................................... / ................................ Collected of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf 672.80 672.80 Turned over Co. T reas.. $ 672.80 1914 Taxes . . . . . . . . 10.83 Balance June 30, 1921 1913 T a x e s .......................' ‘ ......................... 4.27 II. It. Adams, the Plumber, sells 1912 and prior years t a x e s .................. Total None «72.80 plumbing fixtures and supplies. 672.80 $ COMING TUESDAY 1 9 1 4 T axes Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. C ertifica te^ ^ Redemption ’ .................... Collected 10.83 Turned over Co. Treas.. $ 10.83 287-tf Balance June 30, 1921. Service and miscellaneous fees including tax sales . . . . 3*889.57 Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 -R. A. M. County Clerk’s Semi-Annual Report for the Six Months Ending June 30,1921 J A C K LONDON’S POPULAR STORY The Little Fool” MILTON SILLS Everett McGee has returned from Lake of the Woods where he has been spending the past few weeks with his mother who remains at the lake. Orres is back on the job aud is showing some very fine woolen at the new fall prices. 284-tf "Not Guilty' TMt rnO TE R 31AUTIFA IM T Dance at th e I! Y Bungalow Every Wednesday Night B eg in n in g W ednesday, July 27 Z? Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra Best Floor The Coolest Place in the Valley Biggest Crowds Best Music Total 10.83 10.83 Total collections -------------- Of O f f ic e ......................... 4 6 5’ 707 *>» FOLLOWING MCCAMTULATION IS MADB UP FTIOMTHE^COUNTY TREASURER’S REPORTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDING J , I . Y , . H.2, Fund • j 1 t B a l a n c e Jan. 1,1921 G e n e r a l......... ...................... » ~da” 43,134.78 County School . . . ’ ’ 9,298.21 High school ..............; 7 ........................ / 764.58 General Road .................. .. : 20,781.81 Road Bond i n t e r e s t ----- h ..................... .. . . 5,717.12 Salary : ................................ .. 1,263.32 Current Expense J ....................... .. 33,723.81 Pacific Highway Bond Redemption ’ 30,344.27 Advertising and F a i r ............ 2,897.81 County School Districts '.}................ * ‘ ’ 5,965.90 County Road District^ . ........ ............... 7,140.66 City Road Districts . . . . ----- - . * ' ‘ 176.04 Cities and Towns . . . . . . 6,176.33 Fire Patrol .............. ................. 661.54 Fruit Inspection ................... 1,402.94 Indigent Soldiers ............ 612.80 Special Deposits ............. 1,231.61 indemnity .................................... 296.11 District Boundary Board ....... 947.32 Overcharge 1914 Personal Tax . . . . . . Overcharge 1915 Personal T a x ................... Overcharge 1916 Personal Tax ................... Overcharge 1917 Personal Tax ................... Overcharge 1918 Personal T a x ................... Overcharge 1919 Personal T a x ................... 1920 Personal Tax ..................................... 7,173.31 1921 Personal Tax .............. ............. .... .^ . . State Game Fund ................................... ...... 37.50 State Fish Fund .............................................. Sheriff’s Deposit ....................... ......... Ashland-Klamath Falls Road ....... ............. Market Road ............................,............ 933.16 Dog License . . . ...................« ....» ............ 1,196.33 County Library ......... .. .,. .................. 1,222.50 Arm°»-y ....................................... ...................... Suspense Account ........................................... 107.737.50 Unapportioned Loss, Bank of Jacksonville Elementary School Fund Motor License Fund . . . . . Gold Hill Irrigation General Fund .................................... *’ V ' • '«*«' R i __ n ____ ............................................................................................................................................ ... 2 ,0 0 0 .0 1 Gold Hill Irrigation Con. Fund 181.95 Talent Irrigation General Fund . . . . 466.18 Talent Irrigation Con. Fund ........... 7,834.11 Talent Irrigation Interest Fund . Grants Pass Irrigation District « I- - Evans Creek Irrigation Districts .................................................................. 233.28 Medford Irrigation General Fund ................................... ................ 2,322.34 Medford Irrigation Con. Fund . . . , ___ ................................................. ....* ' ? 173.67 Medford Irrigation Interest Flund ... ......... ...................................... Received $166,565.10 36,303.15 24,328.88 49,864.22 13,994.65 315.26 73,990.08 3,238.47 5,553.28 157,942.70 33,675.66 17.52 84,327.12 3.765.22 138.35 61.11 118.94 29.61 1,431.64 38.35 .63 12.04 42.27 7.14 6.50 1,384.65 1,014.27 55.00 30.00 108,241.22 118.34 19,546.02 778.33 2,708.76 4,035.58 Disbursed $174,254.09 41,798.9(0 21,635.63 50,255.03 12,495.87 65,814.79 29,283.37 • 162,547.78 32.417.88 88,459.29 3,189.05 228.25 628.82 215.33 1,014.27 92.50 •30.00 104,407.86 19,569.71 2,328.17 21,403.80 29,613.95 15,335.57 4,264.29 6.50 5,235.71 29.30 8.865.00 3.60 34.23 3,785.87 362,095.53 21,495.00 29,042.16 15,335.57 6,132.65 4,437.98 7,784.26 8,865.00 138.29 7,568.20 352,911.01 240.00 Balance July 1, 1921 $ 35,44P.79 3,802.4*6 3,452.81 20,391.00 7,215.90 1,578.58 41,899.10 24,299.37 8,451.09 1,360.82 8,398.44 193.56 2,044.16 1,237.71 1.541.29 673.91 1.122.30 325.72 1,850.14 38.35 .63 12.04 42.27 7.14 6.50 8,695.53 909.47 1,974.66 1,603.09 4,035.58 86.333.70 571.80 O v erd raw n 6.522.75 334.23 1,013.31 788^25 188.45 1,263.91 79.15 3.60 129.22 9,358.19 21,255.00 1.459 99 I $292.883.41 $1,264.792.49 $1.264,425.50 $293.250.40 $ 9,330.28 STATE OF OREGON, Treasurer and County Sheriff of Jackson County Oregon are trun • n t County of Jackson— 818. correct copies of the original reports filed in my office I, Chauncey Florey, County Clerk of the County Court in and for 1 *irit^,e8S wb®reof- 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed tha Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing copies of Statements and Recapitulations of the financial condition of Jackson seal of the County Court this 1st day of August, 1921. CHAUNCEY FLOREY, county, Oregon, for the six m onths ending June 30, 1921, of the County (Seal) County Clerk for Jackson County, Oregon.