PAGE POCV ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. R eturns io Orland, Calif.-— SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS num ber of years previous, which is Bentley R. K ingsbury returned certainly a good record for the m id­ SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. — dle of the summer. Come and see yesterday to his home in Orland. Calif. Mr. K insgburv expects to re­ Following are current m arket prices for yourself. Local and Personal I turn later in the season to spend a on poultry products: ! Morning worship at 11 o’clock. . Side Lights____________— portion of his tim e with his moiher, ' Bggs, 48. 1 Fellowship luncheon and monthly Hens. 24@ 26. Mrs. C. L. Kingsbury. business meeting following. Broilers, 32 @36. C hristian Endeavor at 7:15. Alma Baby Injured in A uto W reck— I V isitin g G randfather— All wool suits at $25 and up, at Short is leader. Our young people Emogene Ehorn, 2, daughter of Miss E dith Messenger is visiting Orres. See the special values a t are happy and busy, even if it is Mrs. Joe Ehorn, suffered a broken her grandfather, John Pray tor. 415 $32.00. They can ’t be beat. 284-if summer. leg Tuesday afternoon when the e ar!G ran ite street. Evening worship at 8. There were in which shn was riding with Mrs. 1 Spend Sum m er at M yrtle Creek— five added to the church member­ Ehorn, Mr and Mrs. J. E. H arris P ure pasteunzeû milk, 10c thej Mr. and Mrs. C. H Gillett are ship last Sunday, making a total of and two children, and N. Morgan, a quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf! spending the sum m er at Myrtle Creek th irty added in the past two months. B aptist Church party en route for C rater Lake, ran --------- - where Mr. G illette is employed as Sunday school at 9:45 a. rn. Pastor and people are having a splen­ over an eight foot em bankm ent o n : Form er Residents Visit— inspector for the highway. Mr. and Morning worship and sermon at did fellowship and preparing for a the Van Fossen road, fifty-sezen Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gorham, for- Mrs, T. R. Norris are stopping at 11 a. m! big work. Come and help. rniles from here. The entire party merly well known Ashland residents, th e G illette residence on High street. B. Y. P. U. service, 7 p. m. was pinned under the overturned ■ are visitors in the city from Beaver- Evening worship and sermon at F irst Church o f Christ, S cien tist See our Fall Suitings of pure Vir­ car. J. A. Fleener, brother of Mrs. ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gorham motored Pioneer Avenue, South 27ft-tf 8 p. m. H arris, brought the party back to from the northern city and will m akf gin Wool. Paulserud’s. Sunday services a t 11 o’clock. Sub­ Rev. Charles E. Dunham, pastor Ashland. The baby was taken to a num erous side trips out of the city of th e B aptist church of Eugene, one ject of lesson sermon, “Spirit.” local hospital for attention and Is to C rater Lake. Lake of the Woods Leave for E astern Oregon— Sunday school at 10 o ’clock. Dr. W. E. Buchanan and son Ed­ of our strongest churches in Oregon, reported as recovering from her in­ and other points of interest. W ednesday evening m eeting at 8 gar, in company with F ran k Swingle will preach m orning and evening juries. Defective steering rod con-! o’clock. nectlons are said to be the cause of! H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating and son A rtro, will leave tomorrow Reading room open noni 2 to 5 P resbyterian Church the accident. and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ on a m otoring and camping trip to p. m. daily, except Sundays and holi­ A. 'F . Koehler, P astor alty. 248 Fifth St. Phone 166-J. points in eastern Oregon, where Dr. days. Subject for the morning sermon, Buchanan will attend to some busi­ What is a vacation w ithout mu- “ The Lord the Shepherd.” ness m atters. They will bo gone alc? Buy a small Victrola and take R eturn to K lam ath F alls__ M ethodist Episcopal Church Subject for th e evening, “Safety about two weeks. It along. Rose Bros. 247-tfl Levi Stevens, who was called from Cor. N. Main and Laurel Sts. F irst.” ---------- Klam ath Falls the first of the week Sunday school, 9:45 a. m Dr. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m-. Boys Raid F ish, Park latke— On account of the death of his wife’s E sp ee A ttorn ey V isits— G. W. Qregg, superintendent. Ju n io r C. E., 5 p. m. W illiam F. H errin, chief attorney Several fish were taken from the m other, Mrs. M. L. Johnson, returned Morning service, 11 a. in. Ser- Senior C. E., 7 p m. X lake in L ithia P ark by small boys fto K lam ath Falls today, accompanied for the Southern Pacific company, mon by the pastor. Services, 8 p. m. recently while the lake was being! by his wife and daughter for a visit with headquarters a t San Francisco, Epw orth League, 6.45 p. m T C. P ray er meeting, W ednesday 7:30 was an Ashland visitor Thursday, cleaned out. states G. S. Butler, park! i.r.TJ September 1. Wilson, president. with his brother, Edw ard W. H er­ p. m. commissioner, who issued a warning Evening service, 8 p. in. Sermon rin, H ammonton, Calif. Both men against fu rth er depredations of a Get Your H unting O utfit Now— by pastor. Catholic Church like nature. Rainbow, steelhead and And save money. Elkhorn Gun were pleased with A shland, and ex­ Charles A. Edwards. Minister. Mass Sunday m orning at 7:30 and eastern brook trout are numerous. Store. 81 Oak street. 277-tf pressed a desire th a t they m ight be 9 o’clock. able to spend a longer vacation here. The sluggish carp w ete the chief vic­ First Congregational Church 'Nevada V isitor— tims of the small boys’ raid. Boulevard and Main Street C hristian Church W alter Ross and son and Alvan Take P o ssessio n o f N ew H o r n e - Sunday school, 9 45 a ni. Mr. Bible school a t 10 o’clock. The Ju st received the new Bruner Anderson, of Tonopah. Nev., are vis­ Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Storm mozed H. C. Galev, superintendent. Classes Woolen Company’s line of fall and iting a t the home of Mr. Ross’ fath ­ this week into th e ir fine new home school is not suffering from the for all grades and ages. w inter samples. Cal! in and see er, F rank Ross, and sister, Mrs. T. on H illcrest street. This home is “ sum m er slum p,” bu t is growing Morning service, 11 a. m. Sub­ them. Cleaning and repairing done E. Hadfield. They were accompanied one of the many recent substantial steadily. There was a larg er num ­ ject, “Glorification through D eath.” b er present last Sunday than for a on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel on a camping trip to the coast by additions to the city. - Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Topic. Austin Bldg. 273-tf Mrs. Hadfield and Edw ard Hadfield TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. “Thy Will be Done,” TI. With My The W. C. T. U. will hold a meet­ red family. They w ent by way of Pleasures. Matt. 6:7-15 (Consecra­ R em odeling H o m e - Roseburg to Bandon and returned ing at the Library Tuesday a fte r­ YOU W ILL HAVE TO. HURRY if tion m eeting). Marie Prescott, you get the “ goat” advertised yes­ Will Mitchell is remodeling the by way of Marshfield and on the noon, 2:30 o’clock. All m em bers leader. terday. R. D. Sanford, 399 Beach A lnutt residence property on upper ferry boat twenty* miles up the b e a i- requested to atten d as th ere is/ftn - Evening service. 8 p. in. Subject, stre et, Ashland. 286-f-tu G ranite street, with the implied in­ tifu l Coos river to A lleghanej. thee portant business to be transacted. “The Mastery of E nvironm ent.-’ tention of disposing of his Bush by the Gold and Silver falls, through 286-2 ASHLAND HEALTHATORIUM— Dr. A cordial welcome aw aits you at street home and removing to the the m ountains to Drain on the P a ­ E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ all these services. Com« i«q wor­ trical T reatm ents, Mineral and G ranite street location. cific highway. R eturn from H ornbrook— Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National ship with us. ---------- j Mr. and ^Mrs. O. Booth and son 'Bank Building. Phone 48. Yeo insures automobiles against 1 will be a t Lake of th e W oods| have returned to Ashland a fte r accident. Phone 274-J. building cottages for the next ten spending several m onths in Horn- LOST— “ Love b ird ,” green breast, m ottled back, bill sim ilar to a p ar­ days. Anyone interested, phone Mr. brook w here Mrs. Booth was em ­ Greer Fam ily H as V isitor— ro t’s. Mrs. E. M. W allin, 174 Mrs. Allie Rhodes and J. S. Mann, one of the leading Peck, fire and game w arden at Lake ployed. Church street. 286-2* m erchants of W infield. Kans.. and of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 282-tf daughter Dorothy retu rn ec^w lth th e FOR RENT— 3 room furnished Booths a fte r a visit with them a t BEAUTY an old friend of the Greer family, partm ent. A dults only. Inquire T ou rists V isit V alley V iew — H ornbrook. spent yesterday In Ashland. M 166 H argadine St., or phone 264- CO M PACTS Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Piercy and Y. 286-tf and Mrs. Mann have just returned from a trip to C ra ter- Lake, Pelican party, num bering half a dozen to u r­ PARCEL POST R A T E S WANTED— Good milch cow; also Bay and Lake of the Woods, and ists, have been visiting in the Valley good alfalfa hay. R. Scheider- MAY B E IN C R EA SED IF The Piercy eiter, R. F. D, 1, box 173. 286-2* were much impressed with Southern View neighborhood. DEFICIT IS PROVED Oregon scenery. Mr. Mann has oc­ family have ranch holdings in the WANTED— Good gentle horse, h ar­ cupied the same business room in Rogue River orchard tract, their WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 6.— ness and one-horse farm wagon. Winfield, Kans., for thirty-five years. home being a t Napa. Calif. Mr. Piercy If investigations show th a t parcel R. Scheidereiter, R. F. D. 1, box Is superintendent of an im portant 173. 286-2* post rateR caused th e deficit of $70,- Cliff Payne makes Porch Swings. departm ent a t the Mare Island navy 000,000 in postal revenue. Post­ FOR SALE— Ford roadster in good yard. The trip north combines busi­ condition. No. 6 Allen a p rtm /n ts. m aster G eneral Hays told th e U nit­ Rev. Hoyt at W alla W a l l a - ness with pleasure. Four of the It-* ed Press today th a t parcel post rates W ord comes from Rev. J. W. party have returned to California, m ust be increased. Hays said th e Hoyt and family th a t they are pleas­ but Mrs. Piercy and daughter re­ antly located in their new home in m ain in this vicinity until a fte r the business of th e postoffice departm ent had fallen off since April, and th a t W alla W alla, Wash. John Hoyt Jr., apple picking season, and are cam p­ who graduated from Ashland high ing in an ideal spot amid Valley the parcel post should be self-sup­ porting. A rigid system of economy this summer, has the honor scholar­ View’s orchard surroundings. is being instituted. ship to enter W hitman coliege at Ashland News in Paragraphs ontee I Bran Bread W alla W alla this fall. For C rater Lake or other trips, see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lm NO TA X E S R E P E A L E D We specialize on fancy brick ice cream. Rose Bros. 264tf W ill Ijoeate H ere— Mrs. E. Clevenger is a recent a r­ rival from D unsm uir. Calif., and Is New M in ister Arrives— Rev. Mr. Hewlet, who succeeds looking for a house here with the Rev. J. W. Hoyt as Sabbath school intention of locating. missionary of the presbytery of Ju st insurance, th a t’s all. Yeo, southern Oregon, has arrived and will take up the work at once. Rev. of course. Hewlet Is looking for a house, as his P ic n ic Ground I s P opular— family will soon follow. The picnic ground in Lithia Park Sweet Cider, made fresh every was jammed to capacity yesterday day. 40 cents gallon, Call and get evening with local and nearby city it Phone 9 -F -ll. picnickers. The warm sum m er even­ ings make the park a popular ren ­ Just One Surprise a fter A n oth er— dezvous for num erous clubs and The King’s D aughters surprised church organizations. A party of themselves last evening with a su r­ twelve young women who have prise party at the Presbyterian formed a club w ithout title except church. Each member surprised the for th e nomen of “ business girls,” rest with some new game, and from had a “ royal tim e” at the picnic the opening of the surprise box by ground yesterday evening. A. B. Misses T rott and Reames, to th e egg Cornell and family. Mr. ano Mrs. shell race, a surprisingly gay tim e W innie Crowson, both families of was enjoyed, and a surprisingly large Medford, were picnic enthusiasts. and varied array of eatables was Mr. and Mrs. Jam es E. Angwin and consumed in the surprise spread th a t party of this city spread th eir lur.hes followed. To carry out the idea in th e park last evening. completely, the class surprised Mrs. Koehler, the teacher, with a beauti­ Orres is back on the job and is ful framed picture of C rater Lake, showing some very fine woolen at as a birthday present. All th e girls the new fall prices. 284-tf declared thia the best class party of the year, and the teacher is sure W ill L eave for P o r t l a n d - Mrs. S. R. Je te r will leave Monday she has the best class in the Sunday for an extended visit at Portland and school. o th er northern points. Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream Orres cleans anti remodels clothes. parlor where quality Ice cream s and sherbets are served. 264tfi 284-tf V acationers a t P elican R a y - R eturn from Crater Ia»ko— Rev. Charles A. Edwards and son John, accompanied by Henry Elmore and son John Henry, intend leaving by auto for Pelican Bay Monday morning, w here they will spend a w eek’s vacation. Mrs. W. G. Curry, the Misses Lucy and Florence NIver, Mrs. A. N. Em­ igh, son and daughter returned from th eir outing trip to C rater Lake They report a very enjoyable time. Special for Saturday and Sunday Gans And Fishing TMK1^> • Butterscotch ice cream, 50 cents a Elkhorn G as Store, 81 Oak street, j quart. Enders Confectionary Store. 261-1 me 285-2 B F FO R JANUARY FIR ST SAY HOUSE M EM BERS WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 6.— Republican m em bers of th e house ways and means com m ittee te n ta ­ tively stated th a t no taxes wo*uld be repealed before Jan u ary 1, 1922, on account of the needed revenue from expeess profits and high su rtax lev­ ies. This probably means th a t busi­ ness firm s and w ealthy individuals m ust pay during 1922 the taxes on profits made in 1921. Good Health L IT H IA ASH LAND. BAKERY OREGON Face Powder Jonteel in handy ca/(e iorin. So much easier to carry —doesn’t spill—so there’s no waste. Fragrant, velvety pow­ der th a t goes on smoothly and sticks—not easily brushed or blown off. T ints th at match all complexions. In chic box, complete w ith puff. elightful D Can Strike Washday From M c N a ir Bros* The Calendar 2 2 # Mm U nquestionably it is the reek and sm ell; th e boiling and tubbing, and WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 6.—- “ Don’t sell your goods until you get the sloshing of mussy water. For while methods have been de­ your price.” was the w arning mem­ vised for m aking the manueJ work bers of the house and senate sent o f washday less, these o th er un­ to farm ers throughout the country p le asa n t features m ust ’•emain as today as the result of th e senate’s approval of the ad m in istratio n ’s long as washing is done in the home. farm credits bill, counted to boost And the problems of help and laun­ prices of all farm products. “ Hold1 dresses likewise rem ain. Our laundry service is the one your cotton for tw enty cents,” was means by which you can strik e wash­ th e word sent to the cotton states. W estern senators told th e ir constit­ day from your calendar. We un­ uents to ask for higher prices and burden you of all th e objectionable hold the surpluses until th e buyers features of washday in th e home. • Moreover we give you leisure for meet the prices asked. Senators pre­ dicted today th a t th is move will give more agreeable household duties; a much higher general average to leisure for more service to the chil­ dren and to Friend H usband; leisure th e ag ricu ltu ral m arket. for the many im portant services th a t are beckoning women everywhere. ATTRACTIVE You will tak e pride in th e snowi­ ness of your linen, after we have laundered it. You will find joy in the fluffiness of towels, in th e re- FA LL STYLES frteshing cleanliness of everything. and Let us help you strike washday FA LL PR IC ES from your calendar. Telephone us have arrived at and our driver will call for your □ F - family bundle. Fall Woolens You are invited for a look SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER $1.25 5:30—8:00 P. M. MENU Fruit Cocktail SOUP Cream of Chicken ala S t. M am ie ( ’onsumme Princesse RELISHES GYeen Olives Sweet Pickles FISH Boiled Salmon Hollandaise Pommes Naturelle CHOICE OF ENTREES Chicken Fricasse Parisienne Beef Tenderloin Bordelaise Half Fried Spring Chicken, Velonte Prime Ribs of Beef aus Jus . VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Coni on Cob SALAD Lettuce and Tomatoes, Thousand Island Dressing DESSERTS Caramel Custard Pudding Green Apple Pic Old. Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake Vanilla Ice Cream and Cake Demi Tassc SSf-V J. P. Dodge & Sons B E S T P L A C E TO T R A D E Dependable and reliable llousefuruisbers. Everything in our line at lowest possible prices. Our Fall stock of Rugs are now in. E verything in our stock at reduced prices. Call and look us over. A U STAR BILL W allace Reid IN— TO DON’T SELL YO UR GOODS W hat is it makes washday the TILL YOU GET YOUR P R IC E ” most wearisome of domestic ordeals? SENATORS WARN FA RM ER S Tailors for Men an d W om en Hotel (Formerly Ashland Grill Hotel Austin) Ashland Laundry Co. Phone 166. TH E CITIZENS BANK Too Much Speed You Can’t Afford to Miss This ----- and----- FATTY ARBUCKLE BUSTER KEATON AL ST. JOHN -in ­ ks 99 SUNDAY AND MONDAY “Little Fool”—All Star Cast OFASHLAND TH E HISTORY OF THE MONEY KINGS shows th a t the founda­ tions of th eir wealth were laid by persistent saving. They created a surplus and put it out at interest. We can’t all be money kings, but we can’t hope to overcome fortune un­ less we save. Having a savings account with THIS bank will op­ en YOUR opportunity. Enjoy an invigorating plunge in Clean, Clear, Fresh Sulphur Water kept at 78 degrees temperature Water Changed Every Four Days The critical public are invited to investi­ gate the present sanitary conditions un­ der the new management Ashland Natatorium SAVING Largest Pool in AsMand