ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS y, August 6, 1021 M1CKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL • - .»r jh t : • • M G » T RR I H By Charle» Sughroe Our Imp Contribute' a Cheerful Thought *• Wmo. Nmtttper Uma We have just received a ’Shipment of Munson Last Blucher Style FOR LADIES W. M. Holmes, Pacific Loan and In- ’ to lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 and pan SE% of SWL of sec. 2. tp. 37 vestment company. Lien. of lot 14. block 67, Medford, $10. S., R. 1 E., $1. .1. E. Boswell et ux to Mollie P. Geo. A. Culy to Mrs. Addie R. Peckj One cent the word each time. Holmes, w. d. to lots 12 and 1 3 / et vir. S. 40 feet lot 3, N. 10 feet lot Probate Coun Jesse A. Starkey, estate. Petition, 'block 16, Central Point, $10. 4- H- B Carter addition to Ashland. This is the O’Donnel Make PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. order to pay claims, order discharg- Marriage License L. G. G lieve e t ux to A. J. A lb e r t/ DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS & BRIGGS— Attorheys-at- William H. Nesisbaum and Mar-; ing guardian. q. c. d. to lot in A sh lan d , $1. Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. limited to eye, ear, nose and Augusta F. Bagley, estate. Guar­ Sheriff to Elizabeth Klippel, lots ' C uba has 1,250,000 to n s of s u g a r throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and dian’s report. L. A . RO BERTS— -Attoruey-at-Law. 10, 11. 12. block 65, Medford, $1730. I re a d y fo r sh ip m e n t. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank W. F. Sanger estate. Final ac­ land, Ore. ( ’ircuit Court Sheriff to state land board, land Bldg. M o u n tain s of A u stra lia a re little Frank C. Bramwell, superinten-j count, order. D R . J. J. EMMENS— Physician and in sec. 33, tp. 37 S., R. 1 W.. $1228.' CHIROPRACTORS. m o re th a n fo o th ills. dent of banks, vs. M. L. Alford, j William J. Baldwin estate. Affi­ Surgeon. Practice limited to ■ W. A. Gray et ux to C. R. Helm- davit, order. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses Summons. Petition,! roth, w. d. to lot 1. block 3, Ken- supplied. Oculist and aurist for DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. E. M. Hurlburt estate. Frank C. Bramwell, superinten-j Excellent grapes are grow n Suite 8. Examination Free. No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. order. . : wood addition to Medford, $10. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. dent of banks, vs. M. F. Pence. Sum-j i northern Australia. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Alice Lyon Burke estate. Proof! Cora Wilson et ux to city of Med-, Residence Pilone 401. mons. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician or publication, decree. fo rd . Q. c. d. to lot 6. block 49. Med- Farmers and Fruitgrowers bank and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. TA XI. John F. Miller Jr. (minor) estate, ford. $35. vs. Peter Ensele et ux. Special ap­ Office 425 E. Main St., opp. Pub­ R. H. T o ft e t ux to C ora E. Lew is. Admitted to probate. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone lic Library. 272-tf Í Charles Talmadge Freeman estate. w d. to lot on Clark street. Med 136-tf pearance and motion. 213. Eva Malone vs. R. L. Malone. D B S. SAW YER & CRANDALL fford, $10. Admitted to probate. TAXI— Paris Taxi, Price’s Confec- OSTEOPATHIC ' PHYSICIANS Jackson County Building and Loan Phone William L. Childers estate. Bond tionery, Ender’s Block. P ioneer B uilding. Frank C Bramwell, superinten- 280-V 31. Clyde A. Minear (minor) estate. • association to Seth M. Bullis, deed Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J dent of banks. vs. M. L. Alford. Final account and discharge of guar-' to lot 14. block 1, Roanoke addition For money. INTERURRAN AUTOCAR CO. T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. to Medford, $10. ' dian. E ffective M arch 8 0 , 1980. Frank C. Bramwell, superinten-, w „ . . i- w . r. , . , . Tx- ,, i . r Simeon Farlow estate. Proof of Mrs. N. Fisher to Albert Borde et. D aily (E xcep t Sunday) T . L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ dent nt of banks, vs. W. J. McIntyre.. _ , , , . , „ . , ... TH RIFT LIKE SALT LV. ASHLAND publication. Final order. ux. q. c. d. to lot 1, Holman’s addi- FER — Good team and motor­ LV. M EDFORD publication For money The small boy said “salt is what 7 :1 5 a. m. trucks. Good service at a reason­ 7 :1 5 a. m. Bertie B. Pankev estate. Petition, tion to Jacksonville, $10. makes things taste bad when you Frank C 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. able price. Phone 83. Aretta Zana to G. R. Engledow. j leave, it out,’’ Thrift is much like 8:45 a. m. dent of banks, vs. T. Raliph Pittocw. p 8 :4 5 a. m. that. FOR PROMPT and careful service 9:30 a. m. Bartlett Obenchain estate. Proof! w. d. to NW% of SE%. S% of SE, 9:30 a. m. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. For money. The First National has seen tragic ! of publication. Final order. Frank C. Bramwell vs. D. A. call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone 11:00 a. m. 1 1 :0 0 a. m. instances of lives where thrift bad I) SHOO FLY 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Wood. For money. been left out. Many homes are R eal E sta te T ransfers i Spray yQur animalg wjth g] 12:45 p.m. Hotel Austin. 12:45 p. m. broken up because of reckless spend­ Frank C. Bramwell vs. Stephen 1:30 p. m. ! 1:30 p.m . ing and financial inefficiency. Many Mary E. Whipple et vir to Frank ¡Fly and keep the flies away. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. 2:16 p. m. Kranitz et ux. For money. 2:16 p. m. men are square pegs in round hole«, Frank C. Bramwell vs. Geo. W. ! C,ement’ w’ d- t0 N’ 50 feet lot l °' 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. because of failure to save some cap­ ICELESS COOLERS For money. f block 2, Rogue River, $1200. FOR SALE— Cucumbers for pickling, 3:45 p. m. 3:45 p. m. Collard ital. L. E. Bean to C. H. Christner et any quantity, and all sizes. W. E. 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay H av e you a s te a d ily g ro w in g account Verna R. Matthews vs. C. H. Nat- 5:15 p. m. Pierson, Boulevard. Phone 485-J. 5:15 p. m. here? for itself in a year in ice bills. ux, w. d. to part lot 3, block 18, 281-6 6:00 p. m. wick. Judgment. 6:00 p m. New White Sewjng Machines, al­ Fay J. Carion vs. W. H. Canon Beatty’s addition to Medford, $10. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. ways on hand. Used machines for R. H. Toft et ux to L. E. Bean, FOR SA LE. 8:45 p.m . et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. 8:45 p.m . Sat. only reht. 9:30 p. m. w. d. to part lot 3, block 1«8. Beatty’s 9:30 p. m. J. H. Cooley et al vs. Apex Lum­ FOR SALE CHEAP— One White de- 10:30 kinds of building 12:00 Noon 1 :00 p. m. products. Con:>r Fir and 10th 1 :30 p. m. Medford National bank vs. S. A. 2:00 p. m. street. 225tf 3:00 p. m. Nye et al. Notice and order. 3:45 p. m. 4:3.0 p. m. FOR RENT. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. M. A. Barron vs. E. J. Farlow et 7:00 p. m. al. Motion and order. 9:30 p. m. 8 :00 p. m. 7 :3 0 p m . Sat. only Medford Lumber company vs. W. 9:50 p. m. 10:30 p. m. Sat. only permanent, no children. Address M. Holmes et al. Motion and order W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. Box 8 care of Tidings. 285-3 j MEDFORD-ROSEBURG M. A. Barron vs. E. J. Farlow et Daily and Sunday al. Amended complaint. FOR RENT— Two pleasant ^^JLV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG M. D. Jackson vs. Victor W. Brown) rooms, gentlemen only. 174 Oak 11:00 a.m . 1, 00 p. m.j street. Phone 274-Y. 283-3 et al. Demand for statement a»-l MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily and Sunday motion. HELP WANTED. LV. M EDFORD LV. G’T ’S PASS Motor Investment Co. vs. E. E. 10:00 a. m. WANTED— Chambermaid with ref-! 8 :0 0 a .m . Marcy et al. Affidavit. 1 :00 p. m. erences. Apply Ashland hotel. 11:00 a.m . 'ER TA IN LY you are interested in the things designed Minnie Maxwell vs. Samuel Max­ 4:00 p. m. 283-tfj 1:00 p.m . 6:15 p. m. well. Affidavit. and m ade to give you g reater com fort, better living, I 4:30 p. m. WANTED — Laborers, rock men, Grants Pass Waiting Rcom— The W. C. Foster vs. W. P. Mealey et teamsters and tunnel men wanted Bonbonniere. Phone 160. m ore real enjoym ent out of life. for construction work on irrigation j Office and Waiting Room: No. 5 al. Appearance and motion. S o u th e rn P acific com pany vs. A /J project near Medford, Oregon. I.a- S- Front St.. Nash Hotel Building, W. W a lk e r. A ffid a v it. borers wages three dollars fo r , " It is right along these im portant lines that the ad v e r­ eight hours, less one dollar for Gertrude Croy vs. Henry Croy. A f­ board. Other wages in propor­ W tising columns of the T idings furnish you with a service of \T > H B B C BKA.Nl». A fidavit. findings and conclusion, de­ B « DIAMOVI» *-------- ---------- $ . tion. Can also use stationmen, L adtoal y e a r O r a u U t for