PAGE TWO Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE I S L A N D PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Ouflis/f titbits By KENNETH SULLIVAN Comment on Government Ownership of Railroads •Saturday. August 6, lOfii H. C. Goldea of McMinnville, Guy D. Mosier of Eugene, W alter Tooze j of Dallas, and R H. Hoskins of Astoria. The delegates from tue sec­ ond district are E arl Blackabv oi Ontario, H arry I. K ,ck cf Pendle­ ton, J. H. Carnahan of Klam ath Falls, Guy F. Sifton of Hood River, Francis V. Galloway of The Dalles. The delegates from the ” ;• J dist­ rict (P o rtla n d ), are E arl R. Good­ win. Prescott Cunningham, A rthur Murphy and Oliver B. Huston, and C. G. Schneider of Gresham. Many of the members f the old <» * ♦ » Sixty-fifth outfit were i n i io wel­ come one of our comrades ia the per­ son of Corporal Saiu Veatch, who is now traveling as a n .e n b er of Lou Cullins big circus as a slide trom bone player. San) hails from Cottage Grove and after being a member of B attery C for many months, was transferred to the regi­ m ental band. He sure can play the slide. Next Tuesday ¡light » ¡11 be our regular monthly meeting, ai »1 wo expect to have a i ..ular lime If plans m ature properly there will be a big bunch for Initial! a. each month until the five n um bers' The DeMillo Concert company, have been shown. j reai artists. The following entertainm ents will The LaSalle Q uartette, all ex-serv- e _ 89eU here- ice men and dandy entertainers. The Lillian Ringsdorf Concert _____________ company, all specialists. Feather-tipped shoes are the lat- E rnest J. Powell, lecturer and je s t in Parisian styles hum orist. E sther and Clayton Staples, a rt-j A number of A ustralia plants are ists in crayon and saud, and in sojig. | covered with hair The era of signed contracts and Government Ownership Never of the roads he placed in the hands “sure things” is upon us. Recently Subscription P rice D elivered la City Fall River (Mass.) News of the employes. One month .................................. $ .66 a W ashington university professor Government ownership never did There Would he no more business Three m onths .............................. 1.96 tied the m atrim onial knot aided and SIX m onths .................................. 3.75 look attractive to conservative peo­ sense in governm ent ownership of One y e a r ......................... , ........... 7.60 abetted by a w ritten contract'. Could ple, and this latest illustration of the railroads with control by the it be said th a t two lives were lite r­ Mail mid Rural R outes. how it worked should be a clincher. employes than there would be in One month .................................. $ .66 ally signed away. governm ent ownership of the farm Three months .............................. 1.96 * * * Six months .................................. 3.5u P olitics in R ailroads lands of the country w ith operation A Morocco “ efficiency expert” One year ....................................... 6.50 Indianapolis (In d .) News by the hired hands, who would fix with an unpronounceable name and ADVERTISING RATES: If there is anything to which the th eir wages and hours of labor. a shady character of the Villalst Display A dvertising people of this country are strongly Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c type has offered to quell disturb­ opposed. It is th e governm ent owner­ Labor and th e R ailroads YEARLY CONTRACTS ances in the Spanish zone of th a t no­ ship and operation of the railways. I Indianapolis (Ind.) News D isplay A d vertising torious place if Spain will install One tim e a w eek.....................2 7 H e It would m ean th è addition of hun­ Much of the trouble is due to the him as caliph and sultan amid the •'wo tim es a w eek.....................25c dreds of thousands of men to A m eri­ fact th a t In the governm ent control scenes of his potential trium phs. So Every other d a y ......................... 20c ca’s already enorm ous arm y of em­ of the roads politics was by no lo c a l R eaders. Tar as it is known he does not offer ployes, and would bring politics into Each line, each tim e .................... 10c even a “scrap of paper” in a g ree­ means wholly ignored, especially in To run every other day for one the railroads and th e railroads into th e m atter of working rules and m onth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c m ent for the deal. His diplomacy politics. % wage increases. W hat happened then belongs to the age when people com­ To run every issue for one month would happen again, as the people o r more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c plained about the high price of liv­ C lassified Colum n. “ E nough Is E nough" very well understand. Government ing with ham and eggs a t two bits One cent the word each time. St. Joseph (Mo.) Gazette ownership is not likely to make He should have asked ! To run every issue for one month or a throw. The real facts today are th a t the much progress in the near future. more, H« the word each time. for the job of prime minister. Spain L egal R ate: then could have granted his request average citizen thinks th e less the F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c governm ent has to do w ith th e op­ G overnm ent O w nership D elu sion face. Each subsequent time, per 8 point • | and still saved ♦ her eration of the railroads the b etter * * Indianapolis (Ind.) Star l i n e .............................................. Cc VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS ! off the roads and th e country will The experience of this country Card of Thanks, $1.00. Members of the National Associa­ TO ORGANIZE O bituaries, 2H cents the line. ' during thS disastrous McAdoo expert- tion of Chiropodists who visited be. Fraternal Orders and Societies. A unit post of tiie Veterans of ' m ent in governm ental control of Advertising for fraternal orders Portland Thursday had much praise Foreign W ars will be organized in “F ir st an d F orem ost” | railw ays has disposed of the last ves- • r societies charging a regular initi­ for Oregon. It is consoling to note Ashland during next week. J Ed­ New York Jo u rn al of Commerce j tige of hope th ere was for the public ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ th a t even foot doctors have no kick­ ward Thornton has received the ne­ ligious and benevolent orders will be ing to do when welcomed by Ore­ It (th e Jo u rn al of Commerce) ow nership theory in America. The charged the regular rate for all ad­ stands first and forem ost for private people subm itted to the high cost of cessary application blanks for a vertising when an admission or other gon hospitality. ow nership and for th e necessary m in­ poltitical m uddling as a part of their ch arter and has started the ball roll­ • • • charge is made. THE ing. All veterans of the Spanish- w ar bill. C. M. Rynerson, editor of a Port- imum only of governm ent control. W hat C on stitutes A d vertising! They saw enough of the effects of American war and o£ the world war In order to allay a m isunderstand­ land newspaper, in replying to al W hich Side A re Y ou On? 1 governm ental control to convince who had service outside the conti­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ leged th reats of the Ku Klux Kian B urlington (N. J .) E nterprise . . them of its w astefulness and ineffi­ nental limits of the United States : re tutes news and what advertising, expressed the desire th a t the office! we print this very simple rule whicn The farm ers of the country have ciency, even if they had not the ex­ eligible to membership to this new Is used by newspapers to differin- girl should not be bothered and the repeatedly gone on record in oppo­ perience of o th er countries as a organization. atlate between them : “ ALL future place be left in an unmussed condi­ Corner Highway and Main Streets sition to governm ent ow nership, The American Legion is the l lrg- w arning. Governm ent railways in events, where an admission charge tion a fte r the klan had given him is made or a collection is taken ‘the once over. Any self-respecting particularly since th e proposal for Canada and in Europe have been a est veterans’ organization in the IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to MEDFORD, OREGON governm ent ow nership has been cou­ disappointm ent, both as to service United States, but the Veterans of organizations and societies of every jan ito r would be in sym pathy with pled up w ith a dem and th a t control Foreign W ars goes fu rth er afield and revenue. th e last req u est. r kind as well as to individuals. and includes all the veterans who • • • >y All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. served in th e Spanish-American war, A lecturer who spoke at P ortland All coming social or organization thereby form ing two of the greatest meetings of societies where no money Thursday evening on “ Undiscovered co-opearting bodies of organized vet­ contribution is solicited, initiation T alents” purports th a t the “ great TWffffillliimMliMIIII erans in the world today. charged, or collection taken is NEWS. 'American desert is under the av er­ The m utual purposes of these two age m an’s h at.” There would b e ’ -------- We make aU quotations on 'cau se for rejoicing among thirsty Ashland post of the.A m erican Le- and will continue to have weekly great organizations is fraternity JOB WORK minds if the learned gentlem an could 8*on * & w*ahes to call atten tio n to a m eetings th e re w ith a view to m ak­ among comrades, to uphold and de­ from I few simple rules regarding “ flag eti­ ing it a m ore o r less perm anent or­ fend the constitution of these United Tind a couple of oasises or at least THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. States, and to promote good citizen­ Same prices:—Reasonable Price— scare up a m irage equivalent to th e q u ette.” Our patriotic in stru cto r ganization. ship in every direction. 'reality. will frequently rem ind us of our to all. L ieutenant Com m ander Beckwith * » * A post was formed in Medford seeming negligence tow ard o u r most from th e B rem erton navy yard is in last Friday evening, and it is our E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, glorious emblem. W ith approxim ately two hundred charge of the organization work and Postoffice as Second Class Mali tnachines parked a t th e local auto There is always a considerable he has appointed Howard Fram e, of hope and intention to form a sim i­ M atter. camp grounds, figuring on an aver­ am ount of discussion as to the pro­ T alentj who was an ensign during lar post here before the end of the week. <•> $ age of th ree tourists to every car, per way to hang a flag for decorat­ th e world w ar. as his assistant in If the ex-service men who had for Ashland is rapidly becoming noted ing purposes or fo r draping with Jackson county. & » as eign service and who are interested the place where old friends meet other flags. These simple directions * And, in spite of pride, in e rr­ They hold th e ir m eetings every in a distinctly foreign service men's for the sake of Auld I.jfng Syne. should be borne in mind by every- ing reason’s spite, T h u rsd ay night in Medford, and all organization will communicate with ♦ * * ody who Will Rttempt such dec­ T One thing is clear— whatever form er gobs should be th e re and join J. Edward Thornton at the Elks club Ashland is a city of boosters. It oration. is, is right.— Pope. <•» in on th e “ deck swab bin.” Ralph or Don Spencer at the post office, has a m ighty push, but a weak kick. In hanging the flag horizontally, H adfield and P erry A shcraft will ♦ $ V always arran g e to have the blue, lead the way for the Ashland ex­ arrangem ents will he made for the < <* * first meeting. CARD OF THANKS star decked field in the upper left gobs. Captain W. R. Gay of Portland is corner. Then should you desire to It Is seven years since the world There is a plan under way now, the Oregon departm ent commander, w ar began. Not iu seven hundred We wish to express our apprecia­ hang it in a vertical position It will to assem ble a sufficient num ber of and Colonel John L. May of Portland Cleaning out carbon costs the average mo­ years should there be another world tion for th e kindness showeu, and be readily noticed th a t by lowering them to tak e a to u r of the coast (or A shland), is a member of the torist from $2 to $8 every 1500 to 3000 miles. war. the beautiful floral offerings during the right end the starry field will from A laska to Son Diego as an in­ organization committee. Both Col­ In addition, carbon damages the engine, re­ be seen in the upper RIGHT corner. our late bereavement. stru ctio n cruise. It will be a great onel May and Captain Gay expect to duces its power, cuts down gasoline m ileage These are CORRECT positions. Mr. M. L. Johnson. Sid Hatfield, notorious mountain trip for them , awd it is getting to make us a visit this fall. They both and runs up repair bills. feudist, was shot to death by a de­ Mr. and Mrs. W allace Galbreath. In d raping the flag, it is well to he about th e r ig h t tim e for them to informed A djutant Spencer a t the You can avoid carbon troubles by using tective, in West Virginia. There will Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stevens. ‘member that Mi; banner m ust al­ have a “ h an k erin ” for some of the state convention of the American Le­ SUNOCO Motor Oil — the oii that eliminates be one good feudist hernceforth. th* Oil A ctivity— ways have the place of honor, or the old-tim e stu ff again. hard carbon deposit. gion th a t they intended to have a same being Sid Hatfield. The Trigoiiia oil well, northw est forefront position, the right o r the big working organization here in SUNOCO is a wholly-distilled, non-com- of Ashland, is now down 1350 feet highest elevation. If there are two» L’s In Cadillac, Ashland, but we intend to beat th e m j pounded oil — free of carbon-forming elements. From Chief Justice Taft may be and going strong. Oil has recently The flag should never be allowed how many L’s in a. Ford? Ask the to it, and have it done before they expected decisions of great weight— been found at the 2000 foot level Begin using it at once. We will tell you tin- to touch the ground or floor, a t any a d ju ta n t; he owns one. I get here. right type for your car. and this has no punnish reference a t Eureka, in a field which geologists time. It should never be used as a L et’s go, fellows— ail you overseas to his avoirdupois. had condemned. That gives a liv t|y curtain, or a cover fo r other articles, There will be a bttg drive for mem­ ginks. A SH L A N D hope to the Trigonia people and and m ust never be hung upside * • • bers for th e A m erican Legion d u r­ The next edition of the dictionary there may be a big surprise to valley down. ing September. Th e slogan is “ Ev­ THE LEGION LYCEUM COURSE will have to revise its definition of people when their well reaches the On Memorial day tho flag snould ery Member Get a M ember.” T hat the word “ drive” so as to include 2000 foot level. The first papers concerning the be ru n to the m ast head and then will make the leg io n ju st twice as makeup of the lyceum course pro­ “an insistent, persistent, merciless lowered to half m ast until noon. stro n g as it is now»— and wa think gram which will be held in Ashland m anifestation of human energy hav­ NATIONAL Y. W. C. A. LEADER From noon until sunset it should be it is some o rg an izatio n rig h t .tow. ing for Its purpose the acquirem ent under the auspices of Ashland post We know of one post th a t offers of the American Legion, have a r ­ for public purposes of any moneys MAY VISIT ASHLAND SOON flown a t top mast. W hen th e flag is used as a cover a $10 gold piece to ^anyone who can rived, and the program bids fair to a person may have loose in his pock­ for a table in any service, it m ust find any ex-service men w ithin ten be even b etter than, we had a t first ets, or in the form of a credit bal­ The local unit of the Y. W. C. A. never have any article except the miles who are not legionaires. T hat hoped or expected. ance at the bank.” is greatly interested in th o n a tio c a l Holy Bible resting upon it. Under offer is n o t good h e re yet— ’cause convention of the organization which The first appearance in Ashland The wealthy Battle Creek break­ meets in San Francisco August 18- no circum stances should a pitcher we are only about; sixty per cent will be during the month of October fast food barons have been a t it of w ater cr a vase of flowers be strong here. Eveny new paid up and will be followed th ereafter m e 23. Among those of national prom i­ placed upon it. quite a while and made piles of m em ber will matke from one nence who will address the conven­ kale, but none of them have pro­ When two flags are to be draped to th re e m ore eligib las for the Wom­ tion and the general public of San duced anything th a t will equal ham together— one a foreign flag— always en ’s A uxiliary to thva American Le­ Francisco is Federal Prohibition and eggs. place our flag to the rig h t of the au ­ gion, and believe us th e Auxiliary is Commissioner Haynes. If th is offi­ dience. When carried In a parade going to w ork on Uzose chaps who cial comes west by way of Portland ASHLAND NEEDS A BIG HOTEL he will in all probability he persuad­ with another flag, our flag m ust be are not m em bers o f A shland post, on the right. ' so they can get raoija m em bers for ed to pay Ashland a brief visit; also Persons in uniform should salute th eir bunch. While every one welcomes the other notables, both men and wom­ • • a passing flag with th e m ilitary sa­ news th at the hotel a t Ashland Is en in the union’s ranks, among whom lute, but civilians salute the flag by Each week we fiud. m ore news re­ being refitted and will be operated are included Miss Anna Gordon and as a real hotel, yet every thinking Miss Ju lia Deane, who will recount removing th e h at and placing it over garding the com ing n a tio n a l conven­ resident of the city knows th a t Ash­ the story of th eir South American th e left breast opposite the left tion. There are sfct ra ilro a d s •»'ho We sold enough paint this spring to paint one out of every eight houses in Ash­ land NEEDS a BIG hotel, one w ith tour, on which continent prohibition shoulder. In storm y w eather it is have granted, th e ome c en t a mile sufficient to raise th e h at from the land. fare from th e convention, bn t Ore­ two or three hundred rooms at least. is due to be enforced within five gon has not yet been tapped. The The park is the draw ing card, ail years; Mrs. Mary Armour, o rato r of head and hold It In th a t position. This enormous turn over of our stock insures the purchaser of the la te st price Our flag should always be saluted state delegates fro m the F irst d ist­ right, but Ashland needs a good ho­ national reputation; Dr Valeria and that the material has not stood on our shelving for any length of time. tel of large size so th a t it will be Parker, authority in the realm of in this m anner w herever it passes. rict are G eorge A. W hite of Salem, Follows a few DON’TS in regard possible to boost the tourist trade in social hygiene; Mrs. Deborah Liv­ We have been the exclusive paint dealers of the town for twelve years and estab­ to our flag: the right way.— Record-Herald. ingston, who will present her appeal lished our reputation on service and onir willingness to estimate and give advice on Don’t sew the flag onto a sofa for th e b etter citizenship of women, pillow; any work. BOOM COMING IN LUMBER a them e which particularly appeals Don’t use it as a silk handken-? In spite of high freight rates aud to Ashland women who are em pha­ * We are specialists in paint and its uses and our experience is at your command. chief: I t cheaper southern lum ber in competi­ sizing the need of enlightening pub­ Don't tw ist It into fantastic dé-“ Use it. tion, the western lum ber industry lic opinion iu these im portant m at­ signs; is gaining ground. ters; also Mrs. Eva Wheeler, who Oregee*» Hid ter fatliiutioa of Don’t use it in any form of ad-j The lum ber industry is getting on has traveled extensively in A ustralia vertising; its feet slowly, and the cut of west­ and other sections of the Antipodes; Don’t let it drag in the dust whpn erns sawmills is still one-third be­ all of whom will duly present the handling it. low normal. Eight Schools; $ eveaty Departments work th a t is be’ng dong as a portion ♦ • ♦ For instance the northw est coast of the greatly extended program of FALL TERM Of ENS SEPT. 19. 1921 The ex-navy men all over the val­ F®r i nUn sM i w t writ« Is th« Registrar mills cut twenty million feet a week the organization, and who will outline ley are organizing a company of na­ Oregon A g r i cultural College and new orders and shipm ents last an energetic program associated with val reserves. The form er gobs have coa valus week totalled eighty million feet. th® W. C. T. U. plans for the future, had several meetings in Medford, Pennsylvania Vacuum Cnp Tires With Free -Tube- Busy Corner Motor Co. A m e ric a n Legion tÇolum Save the cost of cleaning out carbon A u to m o tiv e 5 h o p M O TO R O IL Spring Painting TECHNOLOGY Dickerson & Son THE Paint Store