n 4!,ARIA Derma cannot survive three months In the rich osene at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. SHLAND clim ate w ithout the aid of Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This e is a proven fact. A "Ä < .wet«»-* VOLUME 2 (Successor to the Semi- Weekly Tidings. NO. 285 ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1921 Voi. 43.) CHOLERA SWEEPS 24 RUSSIAN DISTRICTS English Credit Fleeing Car Thought to Premier, Idea Of Conference Contain Missing Priest Plans Under Way For Modern Store At Camp Grounds Thomas llill. form er weli known proprietor of a grocery store on E a s t, M ain s tr e e t, h a s "com e b a c k ” in to th e b u sin e ss life of A shland. CLAIM BRITISH JUGGLING RRCORD RELEVANT TO CONFERENCE - ---------- GF sard, but th at these words were act­ ually used by the prem ier and had 1 accordingly been Inserted in the of- i ficial record. i There th e m atter ended officially, and the newspapers did not press U. S. Outlines • Principals For Pacific Conference •INNER CIRCLE’ AVOIDS! 1 age “ c British editor RECORD REFERENCES sense of patriotic 150,000 DIE W ith I the purchase of th e C. J. Foster residence and Park store at the cor- _ , Think Brumfield _ FIXE NEW DISTRICTS AFFECTED of G ranite and Pioneer streets,l RY ,>ISKASK WHICH IS One of 2 Escaped ner Mr. K » has launched plans for the STILL SPREADING construction of a cement store build Highwaymen * ing to replace the wooden structure m SEARCHED BY ARMED MEN now at the entrance to the auto MOSCOW CLOSES ITS camp grounds. The purpose of his <§> <£> ^ <§>,$• 4>> v> OATES TO HUNGRY enterprise is to supply what Is felt LA PINE, Or., Aug. 6.— Two ♦> to be an urgent need for a modern i highwaymen, one of whom is WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. store to supply auto campers with RELIEVE LLOYD GEORGE SAID I <§> believed to be Dr. It. M. Brum- •' P rem ier T alk s Too Much 6.— The United States govern- i>, LOOTERS HARD ON TRAIL O F food, auto accessories, gasoline a n d 1 TOO MUCH ON THE ANGLO- !«§> field, wanted in Roseburg ou a •$> The corrected proofs of H ansard <£• m ent is basing its Pacific ques- <$>! BURNING HOMES; RAID* other traveling necessities. ---------- ■ charge of m urdering Dennis ,«> for July 7 were not available for in ­ <* tions program discussion upon JAPANESE QUESTION ERS ARE GASSE!) spection, so »nobody can say ju st '<*■ th e following th ree cardinal <$> NOTE SAYS PRIEST IS HELD R Y l^ Russell, fled through La Pine $> JMr. Hili purchased the grocery stock of the Park store from Sam early this morning, headed ♦ ■who elim inated thes? h n p p rtan t J principles: REVALD, Aug. 6.— A cholera PERSONAL ENEM Y IN A Saunders, aud the store property ■$> north. The men drove a road- & F irst, the recognition and LONDON, Aug. 6.— Who initiated words from the prem ier’s statem ent, i from Mrs. Elgin. Dorris, C alif Pur- death wave is sweeping five new BOOTIÆ GGERS CELLAR ster. -*> establishm ent of the open th e pending W ashington disarm am ent T h a t they were deleted was obvious, j chase of the Foster residence was Russian districts aud taking a heavy door in tbe Pacific and the F a r •>, Members of the Mazaina <$> and Pacific conference? President also th a t th e deletion could only death toll, making a total of twenty- made through a separate deal. liave been done by somebody close party, camped near here, who -3> H arding or Lloyd George? East. Second, the protection A definite day for starting c o n -,iour Provinces now affected by the This is a problem which is being to Lloyd George, if i.ot, in 1 >o<| tne <$> and m aintenance of China’s pol- •?' i SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.— Heav- <$> were robbed by the men, claim struction of the new building has d ise a se . Approximately 150,000 vie th a t the larg er of the two very freely debated here, and o n e 1 Prem *er himself. The Impression was itical and te rrito rial Intgerity. ^ i i i y armed posses are today sweep- not been decided on. When com plet-jtim s of the Plasue resulting from the which is likely to prove a contentious i Lloyd George, who had been Third, the safeguarding of Rus- ^ ¡ ¡ n g through the Big Basin country, closely resembled pictures of <8> ed it will have a large storage plant famin* Prevailing in Russia are ic­ subject for future historians. ' seve,*ely baited in preceding ques­ sia’s integrity, principally in- ' , in the lonely giant Redwood forest, <$• Dr. Brumfield. Officers are fol- on the first floor. The second flo o r,; Ported dead in two cities. Fifty tions, had said ra th e r m ere than he lowing the men and other offi- The average member of the Brit­ i ?> volving Siberia. $ flush with the roadway, will be on- thousand of the dead are children. in search of F a th e r P atrick Heslin, cers are coming south from $> ish public doesn't vastly“ care either had intended when raplying *c the i <$► November 11 has been prac- tirely given over to a complete stock Looters Follow Plague looking Anglo-Japanese ' way. but he readily concedes th a t harm less tically agreed upon as the con- > whom kidnappers are holding for a v* Bend In an effort to apprehend « Qf grocerles auto 8Uppileg and o th e r, In the wake of the death dealing the fugitives. Lloyd George, with characteristic question, and th a t he had corrected <$> ference date for the disarm a- •> ?50,000 ransom at peril of his life. incidentals in demand at the camp cholera te rro r follow looters hard a <®> ‘‘Welsh w izardry” and acumen, has the erro r as soon as possible. But <§► m ent conference to be held at <§> A speeding autom obile wes seen near ground. An up-to-date gasoline and on the trail of burning homes and m anaged to get in first and rake off th e official reinsertion of these Washington. • here last night containing four men, oil service will be installed at th e , ruined farm s th a t have been fired in advance a good sh^re of any words had everybody guessing. one of whom is believed to be the entrance of the store, near the bridge' when left by the occupants. Armed Then, in his promised statem ent • ____ ________________ credit which may accrue to the pro­ priest. leading Jo the park. Tt is planned i bands of despoilers are entering m oters— without, however, incur­ on July 11, Lloyd George blanuly j T hat F a th e r Heslin, missing Colma by Mr. Hill to not only supply the, homes th a t are intact, stealing food A i/fo c ring much blame if things fall stated th a t when he said he expected1 A « 1 /a I p priest, is being held by a personal needs of the tourist, but also accom-i to satisfy the hunger to which they “ replies from the United States, Ja- '■ ■ O K i a O M ill .u through. • * enemy in a bootlegging cellar in Col- have been subjected for many weeks. modate residents in th a t vicinitv. pan and China.” he m eant th a t Cur-! Records .Higgled ina and will be killed if the ransom Mr. Hill left Ashland a few months! A uthorities a t Moscow, realizing the Disinterested officialdom say th at zon had had conversations with rhej is not forthcom ing, or if any attem pt ago. after selling the Ashland Trad-! danger of riot’s and depradations the question can only be honestly an­ United States and Japanese ambas- : to rescue him is made, was th e th reat WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. C — ing store located on E ast Main street,! from the starving hordes, have closed swered by the select few who th o r­ sadors and the Chinese m intaier, >n in the blackhand note received by The ln terstate commerce commission for southern California, where a t! the city gates to the fugitives, reius- oughly understand the inner mean­ which he had laid before them the Archbishop H anna, the police re has denied the railroad claims th at that time he intended to make his ing them entrance. ing of the little diplomatic juggle views of the British cabinet, and LONDON, Aug. 6.— Eamonn De, vealed. Poison Gas Used the government should compensate home. A fter several weeks sojourn with the staid pages of “ H ansard,” th a t they had promised to report anv V alera’s lieu ten an ts are reported as) The letter stated th a t the exact tbe roads for tbe a u eged |OSS of i in the southern clime, however. Mr. A report received here states th at the British parliam entary official replies they m ight receive. conferring with Sir Jam es Craig. conditions on which the priest would efficiency resulting rrom government Hill returned, a greater booster f o r . the throngs clam oring for adm ittance The explanation generally favored record— a few weeks ago. bo released wonld be made known i contro i Although a com paratively Ashland than before he left. to Moscow have been driven back bv July 7, Lloyd George, rising in was th a t Lloyd George, feeling com­ prem ier of Uteter, who refuses to by a telephone