PAGE FOTTE M-iday, August 5, 1 AAHLAJfP DAILY TIDINGS. R oseburg V isitors — Ashland News in Paragraphs I I Local and Personal —, Side Lights. I ■ M achine T a te s H eader— 1 V acationer From ’F risco— Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ellison, of Roseburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Patton, 614 Boulevard. See our Fall Suitings of pure Vir­ gin Wool. Paulserud’s. 279-tf 0. A. C. Expert Reports On Local Chicken Malady 3» The lion had one little lion responsibility, and later, should the •$> need arise for a community center, -•> along with the development of the i> “get-together” spirit, the Civic c I ud building might he used as a start-i ing point. Out of a flock of twelve Tancred hens, six became sick and exhausted, It’s a big family of children •> and five of them died with a malady that needs no spanking that was not understood by chicken REVERSE OF AESOP MORAL one of the birds to Oregon Agricul­ ❖ After seeing the “Ants and ? tural college for examination and the Grasshopper,” of the “Aesop •#> diagnosis. The bird was examined <♦' Film Fables” series, at our fav- s> by J. N. Shaw, instructor in veteri­ Water melon special at Plaza nary medicine, and he sent the fol­ €> orite movie theatre, we chanced S’ to read the following wording •$> Market. 285-1 lowing letter explaining the malady ❖ in the evening paper, $ as far as could be determined: <§> Teacher— “Trere is wonder- L eaves for P ortland— “When i arrived home from a va­ Slyvan Provost, prorietor of Pro­ cation I found your letter and bird iul example in the life of the ant. Every day it goes to work vost Brothers hardware store, left awaiting my attention. what happens?” he will attend the Buyers’ Week stroying it, and noted with interest W illie— “ Som ebody ste p s on -$> meeting of state merchants being the symptoms, which you have de­ ❖ him.”— American Legion Week- * held in that city. scribed. The symptoms I could not ❖ ly. find; the bird was apparently in <$> In the film fable, the ants Beaver Greek F ish in g Trip— good health. 1 destroyed the bird, are shown to be a thrifty, hap- Dr. George J. Kinz motored to and upon post mortem I found about < ¥ > py and prosperous group of in- Beaver creek this week with a party the same condition which you de­ sects. Somebody ought to take «> of visitors and enticed the finny scribed, some slight inflammation of little Willie to the movies and 4' tribe with good success. mucosa of the intestinal tract, and <3> let him see what the ants do <$> the diseased ovaries. I am at loss ❖ in the screen translation of old V acation ers at Newport — to say just what is causing the trou­ <3> father Aesop’s tale. The C. A. Cotter and J. H. Filpott families are spending the summer ble. It is my opinion that over­ production must be considered, but --------- 261-1 me months at Newport. Motor to B. C., Canada.— ______ keep in mind that that Is an opinion MARSHFIELD, Or.— Work on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallace. Mr. I Berkeley, Calif., V isitor— only. There is at present no defin­ the new hospital planned for this L eaves for Gerber, C alif.— and Mrs. Henry A. Smith, Mr. andj Miss Gretchen Kramer arrived last Miss Dorothy Reid left today for ite information as to what might city will start soon. Mrs. Steve M. Weber have left by evening from Berkeley. Calif., where Gerber, Calif., for a visit with her cause such ovaries as I found in this auto for British Columbia. They a|je jjas been attending a six weeks sister. Miss Alace. bird. We do know, however, that PENDLETON, Or.— The telephone make an extended trip throughout summer school and is the guest of white diarrhea, as it is found in ma­ company is spending $30,000 here in the northwest and will he joined by Mrs. C. D. Weinland for a few days. Special for Saturday and Sunday ture birds, affects the ovaries, but prepair work. friends at Portland. Miss Kramer was a former principal — Butterscotch ice cream, 50 cents a causes quite a different appearance GRANTS PASS, Or.— Work is in of the Hawthorne school in Ashland. quart. Enders Confectionary Store. than what is present in this bird. Twenty-five dollars reward for the progress on the new railroad. The You will probably remember hear­ 285-2 return of lady’s handbag containing new dam is nearing completion. ing me express opinion that poultry- H. R. Adams for plumbing, beating gold enameled watch, lost on Phoe­ men by their efforts for high pro­ and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ Birthday Party— nix-Jacksonville road July 28. Phone Orville Hall celebrated his fif­ duction might produce disease. I SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS alty. 248 Fifth St. Phone 166-J, 641-J Medford 283-3* teenth birthday yesterday evening am still of that opinion, and some SAN FRANCISCO, August 5.— V isitin g in W illa m ette V a l l e y - at a party given by his mother, Mrs. day I am certain poultrymen will M otorists R eturn— Following are current market prices Mrs. Bryan and daughter, Ethel, A. H. Hall, at 924 East Main street. realize it to be a fact.” B. F. Heiman and “Sid” Carter are visiting friends at Portland, The evening was passed by playing Mr. Freeman has made quite a on poultry products: have returned after a month’s va­ Eggs, 48. Salem and Willamette valley points. games, and as the finale par excel­ study of poultry, and we give the cation trip by auto to poits in South­ Hens, 24@ 26. lence, ice cream and fruit jello. The above explanation and letter for use ern California.* The farthest point Broilers, 32@ 42. G et Y our H unting O utfit Now— guests were Dorothy Spater, Mildred by others whose flocks may be like­ visited was Tfa .Janna, Mexico. The And save money. Elkhorn Gun Ferren, Vera Howard, Hazel Hand- wise affected. Mr. Freeman thinks only trouble encountered during the Store. 81 Oak street. 277-tf comb, Ruth Flackus, Dorothy Hall, that the trouble may come from □ U C CLUB FAVORS entire trip was a tack in each front REST ROOM; LIEU i Orlando Nelson, Orville Hall. Joe feeding for over-production. tire. OF A LARGE HALL V isits F am ily— and Kay Neil. Harold Porter and Dale Leslie. Tony Franco, employed during the BOOTLEGGER AT Just received the new Bruner • (Continued from rage One) summer by the Southern Pacific GOLD HjfuL HELD Woolen Company’s line of fall and V isitor L eaves fo r C a lif o r n ia - company, at Gerber. Calif., was in winter samples. Call in and see TO GRAND JURY ------ “the Ashland idea”— for babies Mrs. O. D. Caldwell, who has been them. Cleaning and repairing done the city for a few days visiting his and mothers, and a large comfort­ the guest of her sister, Mrs. Eliza­ (Contlnutd From Page One) on short notice K Nelson, Ho’el family. able club room where all women will beth Van Sant, the past few days, Austin Bldg. 273 1 will be at Lake of the Woods left yesterday for a visit with Mrs. lard of what he had seen and heard, be welcome, and women tourists will building cottages for the next ten Elda McCloud at Upper Soda Springs, and as Randall approached the three be made to feel that Asbland is the E ntertain C hristian Juniors— men again the deputy started for home town where they want to set­ The Junior department of the days. Anyone interested, phone Mr. Calif. Mrs. Caldwell has been visit­ tle. There will be a hall that will i him. Christian church Sunday school were Peck, fire and game warden at Lake ing with a son. Dr. Orvil Caldwell, Randall, on seeing him come, ran accommodate about 200 people, with entertained this week at a picnic of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf and a daughter, Mrs. Amy Moore, away, with Millard and Deputies Lee, a kitchen and all the up-to-date con-| of Mount Vernon, Wash., also with a given them by their teachers, Mrs. veniences. R eturn from F ish Lake— daughter, Mrs. Mary Asherst-Stev- Bradshaw and Close In close pur­ W. A. Cooper and Mrs. L. Headley. The building will be as beajftlfnl j suit. However, In fleeing, he drop­ O. Winter and W. C .Pope, who Watermelons! A t t h e P la z a M a r k e t Fresh, Ripe, Sweet Melons and Cantaloups Cantaloupes from 5c op Watermelons from 25c op You are m issing a good treat if you don’t try them PLAZA MARKET 61 North Main S t, Ashland F R ID A Y - SATURDAY \ / H. A- Sterns THE THEATER QtAUTIHJC Wallace Reid in... Too Much Speed Better than “The Roaring Road" H. B. Plummer First Time Here- Go!