! 11 ■ a S HL AND climate without the aid of Medicine, cares nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This is a proven fact. VOLUME 2 A shland D aily T ide NGSI (Successor to the Semi- Weekly Tidings. Vol. 43.) ! LLAR1A Germs eannot survive *■ ■ three mootbs in the rich oxone at Ashland. Tha pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1921 *0. | 284 TAX REDUCTION HOPES PLACED IN DAWES S W F COHTROLS NO STEPS TAKEN TOWARDS THE EVACUATION OF SIBERIA BY THE JAPANESE POINTS TO RULE OF JAPAN MILITARISTS Ship First Car Of Bartletts To Eastern Points & Prepare To Receive U. 5 Prisoners From Russia MEDFORD, Or., August 3.— Packed by the Bear Creek orchard and consigned to the Stew art F ru it company, the first car of B artletts rolled from the Rogue River valley yesterday. Picking generally will commence Monday and Tuesday of next week ! At th at time the association’s big' plant which now has ontf one of its' big C utler graders in operation, will: s ta rt a second machine and strin g , of packers. L ater in the week as CHICAGO, 111., August 5.— the deliveries grow, the third m a­ The grain freight rates for ex- chine will be placed in operation. portation from the C entral Bear Creek orchard plans to g ra d ­ < ? > Freight association to the At- ually increase its output of packed stuff until the maximum is reached ❖ lantic has been cut seven and a half cents a hundred pounds, next week. This orchard will have according to inform ation ob- in excess of tw enty cars of B artletts alone. tained this morning. The agree- m ent was reached following a Manager Lemyion plans to sta rt conference between the rail- picking and packing at the Phoenix roads and shippers’ agents. plant on Thursday or Friday of next week, th at district being a hit later $> The C entral Freight association than th e granite soils of the Central $> includes all points north of the Point section and the lighter soil Ohio river, east of the Missis- along Rogue river. Bert Stancliffe <8* sippi river, south of the Illinois- W isconsin line and west of Buf- is in charge of th e Phoenix house. At Eagle Point packing will com­ •®> falo. New York. mence about August 15 by the Grow­ ers. In addition to the above points the association will pack apples a t Gold HU an« Taint, X. D. Reed is in charge of the Gold Hill house, and T. E. Beaulieu is forem an of the plant at Talent. Cut Grain Freight Rates to Atlantic In Central States $> <$>l ^1 <®>i WANTS SOVIET Ulster Opposition Hinders Sinn Fein Peace Acceptance Mining Activity 1 On Big Boom At Gold Hili BUCK TO COT EXPENDITURES GOLD HILL, August 5.— The In- | creasing activity in mining her-? Is) rem arkable. This locality is recog- . nized as the most active mine cen- . te r on the coast at the present lime and the number of mines now active, ECONOMY PLAN FROM DAWES to a more or less degree is actually IS LIKELY REQUEST OF making the old sourdoughs open; HOUSE COMMITTEE | their eyes. The Centennial mine is now listed as an active fact. Prep-! ■ _______ a ra tio n s are. being m ad e to lay a> I four mile pipe line to pump mater BUDGET DIRECTORS TO •- from the river to J oat a d redge.: • ¡This is one of the largest and r»ch-‘ APPEAR B’PORE HOUSE •' je st placer deposit« on the coast. The D I AL DIPLOMACY THOUGHT TO • Bertelson mines in Hie Meadows- HAVE FR USTRA TED THE *> were Inspected this week by A. L. republican leaders realize ORIGINAL PLAN HARD TASK IN MAKING •$> Hili. C. M. Kidd. A E Kellogg and GOOD PROMIES « photographer Palmer. They were met and guided by Sam Bertelson. t ♦ ______ By HENRY W KINNEY > | ^ e y report the mine one of the best.' (United Press Staff C orrespondent) .*» i developed in the west and » real sue- WASHINGTON, n , C„ August 6.— ce8h- The Narline mine near Jaek-;*^^e ^OU8e " a ys and means contmit- TOKIO, August 3.— While it was • ^¡«»nville is opening and the out! a o k , hOpe* to “ Ux reduction given out defiD iely as a result of <♦ i j tbere ver/g o o d . The Ashland m in e! 1“ 8 7**^ Bangs on the ability of th e cabinet and foreign office con­ .t> P»ar Ashland is again on the active Charles G. Dawes as budget director ference which ended a few weeks •*> list. Word to the effect that the to cut the government expenditures ago, th a t steps would soon be taken -$> > Braden mine would soon he ¡ictive below Secretary of the Treasury Mel­ for the removal of lapanese troops w a; partially su h startiated tills week lon’s estim ate of $4.500,000,000. The tion« to receive A m ericans re­ m i. some of *Ii< best mining men committee will probably ask Dawes from all parts of Siberia except the lea sed from im prisonm ent ’ in soviet to seek an economy plan immedi­ Li i hr country ar taking notice. A m ur region ano Saghaiien, no steps Russia, now »•epoi-teil to be re­ ately. appear to have been taken to carrv leased. The budget director is expected to out such evacuation. Herbert Hoover, heading the appear before the committee again No N egotiation s Made A m erican r e lief adm in istration, within the next few days. Follow­ F nrtherm ore, no negotiations hare is in sistin g upon n egotiation s with ing Mellon’s estim ate yesterday the been entered inte with the govern­ th e so v iet govern m en t its e lf be­ ! house republican leaders are com m ent at Chita, although -t was s ta t­ fore exten d in g A m erican food and , mencing to realize th a t making good MEDFORD, August 5.— The first ed that such would be taken up im­ oth er r e lief to fam in e stricken I In 1914 J. B. Ware, then one of! ' ou their promise to cut taxes by m ediately to be fallowed instanter R ussia. H oover is ta k in g th e pos­ bootlegging arrest in weeks w as' $500,000,000 will be a difficult task A shland's city councilmen, and now ' ition -that, h e b elieves that the with the withdraw al of the troops made last night by Deputy Sheriff 1.! \ esterday Mellon gave the com as soon as Chita promised to under­ connected with the Grand Rapidsi soviet governm ent is th e only B. Millard, when h r took C harles' m ittee a complete review of the d if­ take preservation of order ill Siberia T rust company, at Grand Rapids, j ¡agency ab le*to gu aran tee sa fe con­ Randall, a G rants Pass young man ficult situation facing the govern­ when the Japanese pulled cut. Mich., anticipated the growth of the duct to A m erican r e lie f w orkers. in custody on the charge of s o l i c i t i n g ---------------- ment. He estim ated the yields of At first glance it would seem as and taking and receiving orders for! He pre­ the various new taxes which he sug­ ^ If the overthrow of the Chita forces I PO RTLAND LA W YER SAYS the sale of intoxicating liquor out-! J ORTLAND, Or., August a.— ‘The gested, including the levies on auto­ dicted th a t the tim e would a t Vladivostok, by the Kappelites, speed-, WOMEN W ORST REASON ¡side of the Gold Hill pavilion Sat- ' SU>pensiOn oi service the Des mobiles. bank checks, increased post­ following immediately upon Japan's ily come when Ashland woulo fino TOR BAD PH ONE SERVICE u rday Moines street car railway company age and higher rates on tobacco and night, July 30. At his pre- announcem ent of lier intention to her available camp space entirely in-' lhninary hearing in Justice Taylor’s yesterday m arks the final stage a n d ! cigarettes w ithdraw her troops, might iurnlsh PORTLAND, August 5.— A. W.i adequate, and made a very wise pro- ¡complete breakdown of a great elec-) Government Receipts Slump ¡court here yesterday. Randall was| th e reason for the postponement of vision in the interest of the city. L v -!K aste- Portland attorney, told the; t . ____ The Civic Improvement club holds His figures reveal the big slump • public service commission in , he tel- i h'‘1,rt ,0 lh e sranU jur)' on *500 b“lL trie railway property, the condition! such action: bur, while the w ar de­ to the same ideas regarding a rest ing between Ashland creek and G ran­ oi which is typical of properties in government receipts during the Ac™rdl" ' >° ’ha teatlm oay oi It. partm ent may look upon this as an room and hospitality for women to u r­ ite street was a tra c t 200 by 300 epbone rate rehearing today, th at V. Close of Medford, who hail been th ro u Shout the United States, accord- last year. Last year the revenues excellent excuse for staying In Si­ ists, but decides against a large hall. feet mostly .covered w ith tim ber, 'women are the w orst offenders in deputized as an acting deputy s lie r-!'“f / 0 a message received here vhb - am ounted to $5,625,000.000, Mellon beria. it was stated unofficially, hut Members of the building commit­ which he considered the only avail­ m aking telephone service bad. He iff tlie afternoon of July 30, R an-’ terday bv Paul Shope, president of said, or $1,000,000,000 in excess of on unquestioned autnority at the tee, of which Miss Chamberlain is able ground for camp ground expan- de®l®red th at desk instrum ents al- the Pacific Electric Railway com­ foreign office, th at this event would chairm an, are gratified at the in­ sion. This tract was privately own­ low ed women to sit down and talk dall approached him outside or the pany. from P. H. Gadsen, president the revenues estim ated to be neces not be allowed to interfere vir'n the terest shown in the proposed Civic ed, and he felt it should be secured for hours. That wall instrum ents pavilion about, 11 o’clock th at night j of the American Electric Railway sary for 1922. The slump iu govern m ent receipts, however, is estimated and asked him if he knew where he plans decided on. club venture. W hile many of the to the city so th a t when it was n e ed -ihe installed in homes was his sug- could sell eighteen bottles of moon association of New York. at $1.400,000,000. Dual Diplom acy younger set welcomed the idea of a ed it would not be held at an ex- “ cstion. Stating that the suspension was “ Ordinary expenses for July shine, and Close said he could not. I It seems apparent th a t this is an­ large, clean hall for dancing parties orbitant price. He proposed th a t: Then Close saw another man w a lk ; prim arl,y duP to to obtain 1921,” he said, “ amounted to about other case of the dn. i diplomacy and entertainm ents, the m ajority or tbe ci’y buy the ground while it was) 1 ° KJ L,AI1D’ O l" Au^nst up to Randall and hand him $3.50, adeqUate fare re,ief and i ’tney bus 1322,000,000 as against $307,000,- al- which has been the curse of Japan telephone talks favored a more con.|c h e a p , but other officials did n o t' r®® San Franclsco ton& leged members of the suev Sing tong.! wltb the rem ark. “ Here it is.” T lle' competition, the message compared 000 for July, 1920, while the current for many years past, where the min­ servative plan. see the future as he did. and did nor were arrested here todav on b o ard ! witness testified th a t Randall then ' l * ' " ™ n L tO ° X‘ deficit for July, 1921, was about today on boardi istry may undertake in perfect gooZ y Some Disadvantages Outlined ac’ whereupon be proposed that he talked with three other men. after 1 tlnR in cItles on the P:ict«c coast, $113,000,000 as against $76.000.000 an incoming train. Police believe faith, to carry out some ccnrse of Mr. Shinn pointed out th at in easel and Mr- Greer buy the tract anu which he left them and went into, (»’erm ittent efforts are said to Tor July, 1920.” action, only to have its plans en­ the Civic club disbanded, thé build- : bobi «H such tim e as it would be th a t the alleged highbinders were the darkness and returned to them i^l lV° been made during the last two M ellon H as Program tirely frustrated by the •inlet but ing and all its responsibility would | 1,ee(letl r° r camp extension, to be sent to avenge deaths th a t occurred in five m inutes. In the m eantim e! ,nonths to induce the city council of .Mellon declared that his program effective stubbornness of tae c-meral he throw n back on th e city, since • otfered to th e city, when it was in a recent shooting when the Hop Close had told Deputy Sheriff M il-if’®8 Moines to rn,p ’ho busses off of revenue revision with the assist • Sings killed one Suey Sing and se­ staff, which still has »he pewer to the land would be granted on a lease. ! the street and to fix a street car nnce of th e new ta riff bill, would (Continued on Page Pour) verely wounded a second. act quite independently. (Continued on Page Pour) A nother member of the city conn-1 fare which would perm it the rail­ raise $4,093,500,000 for the current IT no change occurs in the. situa­ cil dwelt feelingly on the present way to operate successfully. It {a year as against an estim ated need oi tion very soon, it is apparent hat w hite elephants “brow sing” in A sh­ ! said that during the month of June) $4,200.000.000. He was of the opiu- th e general staff and the m ilitarists land, and dreaded the probability ot ! the company suffered a loss of $37,-1 ion th a t $350,000.000 out of the $4.- will have dem onstrated that in spite another. He believes that Ashland 000. The company operated ninety-) 450,000,000 grand total expenditures of all th a t may be said to the con­ is “ d ifferen t” from other towns, and; two miles of tracks in Des M oineejcan be obtained from salvage of war tra ry , they still rule Japan. It can­ th a t attendance at any entertainm ent and gave inte.rurban and power serv- m aterials. A new tax increase was n o t he doubted th a t the Hara ad- seldom runs over 200 people He I ice in surrounding towns and trans- suggested by Melon. ft was the m inistration was sincere enough ,n 1 al8o pointed to the ha, lg jn the ;i ; ported much of the city’s coal sup- doubling of the present document its wish to effect evacuation, as th» hrary, which are not in demand as p,y> ! stam p tax. saying $30,000.000 could Siberian expedition has ever been such cheerful, pleasant rooms should be obtained in this manner. its most vulnerable point. The en­ be. ' CONGRESS AUTHORIZES tire venture has been a most un­ T hinks Grounds Too L arge I »23 INVITATION í FEREN CE FA IL U R E popular one with the people at large ______ _ t MEANS CATASTROPHE A prom inent Civic member urged i and one of the most telling wea th a t the request for so much land be: WASHINGTON. D. C.. August 5.— RAYS NORTHCLIFFK pons used by the opposition. ¡w ithdraw n, because of the expense, ■ President Harding, upon his return j LONDON, August 5.— Lord North- from Lancaster, N. H«, where he 1« ; of looking «after lawns and flow ers.; 'cliffe, in discussing the approaching OREGON STATE BANKS ‘ A few window’ boxes and cementi now spending a vacation, is expected 1^* H IG H LI SATISFACTORY . paths sound sim pler than struggling to sign a bill authorizing the issu­ disarm am ent conference, declared CONDITION. SAYS R E P O R T ' to add to “ Ashland the beautiful.” ance of invitations to the world’s ex­ today th a t Its failure would mean a position to be held at Portland in catastrophe Although the m atter of granting “ If the conference fails,” he said, 1925. The hill has passed congress SALEM, Or.. August 5.— Reports land on P ark avenue for a Civic club and will go to the White Hous£ “the old days before disarm am ent of 287 Oregon banks indicat a high­ building was discussed by th e coun­ will come again and the old rancours ■within five days. cil several months ago, no decision, ly satisfactory condition. F rank and old war fears will return with Bramwell, state superintendent of was reached, and no reply to thei them .” PR ESE N TS BILL TOR banks, reported to the state b an k ­ petition sent to the Civic club. May­ «nA Lord Northcliffe believes Pres­ EXTENSION OF T A R IFF ing board here today. The report or Lam kin stands behind the dis­ ident H arding and Secretary of State c u s s e d sixty foot frontage on Park) was made In response to the call on , WASHINGTON, D. C„ August 5.— Hughes understand clearly the mom­ avenue, which he and the members ¡¡fi.. Ju n e 30 for bank statem ents. . Senator Gooding, Idaho, introduced entous im portance of the coming »of the city council considered ade­ r ■ jr , a bill today providing the extension conference. - Northcliffe character­ quate a t the tim e of the petition. R E SE R V E BOARD HEAD , of an emei gency ta riff act relating ized it as the greatest, most preg­ The Civic club building commitf'* A P P E A R S B E FO R E JOINT to farm products and lin s to c k un­ nant gathering of its kind ever held, i has agreed to w ithdraw the request « AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE til December 27, 1921, two months frought with great possibilities of I for 125 feet, and to urge the coun- after the expiration date. weal and woe to civilized hum anity WASHINGTON. D. C.. August 5.— 1 cil to Rrant a ,onR lease on ««venty- Senator Penrose, chaitm an of the a t large. G overnor H arding, head of the fe d -!i ' ve ^eet' senate finance committee, announced A W ashington dispatch says that N ecessitates Change o f P la n ' eral reserve board, today described the impossibility of passing a per­ Hughes is aw aiting word from Japan, Instead of a community building efforts th a t the board made to fi­ m anent ta riff bili before November, Italy, France and China, as to w heth­ nance the 1920 cotton and wool with a large central hall, the Civic so th a t the extension of the em er­ er or not November I I will be a s a t­ crops before the joint ag ricultural club expects to build the rest room (C^yn*Xii gency ta riff bill until th a t time will isfactory date before issuing formal committee. (Continued on Page Tour) probably be necessary. Invitations to tha <$> LONDON, August 3. Peace land depends upon Ulster and 1 th e six northern counties, rep- j resentatives of which are still determ ined not to yield to Ea- ■ monn De V alera's demand th a t ( ’L U M S SOVIET GOVERNMENT . lie represent all of Ireland at ONLY AGENGY A BLE TO the peace conference. Their op- G UARANTEE SAFETY position is hindering the Sinn ______ F ein ’s acceptance of the British By A. L. BRADFORD peace proposals A m eeting of ( United Press Staff C o rre sp o n d en t)!* the Sinn parliam ent has WASHINGTON, D. C., August j * been called for today by De V alera at Dublin, where tj,e 3.— The sta te departm ent lias in ­ situation will be threshed out. stru cted th e A m erican com m is­ : <$ <$> $>