PAGE FOUR ASHLAND «DAILY TIDINGS. Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs T g o I suxd Personal _________ _ — — Side Lights----------------------- M asonic Calendar th is W eek— M ohawk Valley V isitors— Visiting in Portland— Mrs. A. E. Patterson and grand­ daughter, M argaret Churchman, who are visiting relatives in Portland, will retu rn to the city for several weeks. Ju st insurance, th a t’s all. of course Yeo. Mr. an d ' Mrs. J. L. Greenwood, of this city, entertained relatives D unsm uir V isitors— from Mohawk Valley, near Eugene, Mrs. Edward W alters and daugh­ There will be no stated session of j t ^ jg weej- ter, Inez, of D unsm uir, are Ashland Hillah Temple. Friday evening, Aug- ______ visitors for a few days after spend­ Guns and F ishin g T ackle— ing several days with Mr. W alters Elkhorn Gun Store, 81 Oak street. who is confined to a Medford hos­ Leaves for South D akota— 261-1 mo pital for the past several days, Mr. William Denton has agaiu been ______ W alters was injured in a recent au­ Humtnoned to South Dakota to look . Ret urn from Newport— tomobile accident. after his business interests, his stay , Mr. and Mrs. M erritt Raudles have there to be an indefinite one. returned ironi a two weeks vacation L adies A u xiliary Am erican Legion i at Newport. to M eet— What is a vacation without mu­ sic? Buy a small Vlctrola and take 247-tf it along. Rose Bros. E seom lido V isitors— The Ladies Auxiliary of the Amer­ H. R. Adams for plumbing, beating ican Legion will meet Friday evening and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ a t 8 o’clock at the parish house. alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. Members are requested to foe prompt. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Kennedy, of Escondido, are visiting relatives in R eturn from N e w p o r t- the family of E. F. Smith, on Oak Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen has re­ street. turned from a two weeks vacation ---------- spent at Newport. She was accom- W anted by Saturday morning, tw o . panied by her mother> Mrs B j passengers for C rater Lake. Dej Roberts, who also enjoyed the cool W itt Taxi. 283-3* weath er a t th at beach. While there i they saw a num ber of Ashland peo- Leaves for P ortland— pie, among them being the Calefs, Mrs. C. H. Hanson has gone to i . , ., m , - • wh0 have been there since June, Portland to visit her eldest d a u g h -.. . , . . . , ' . „ , ' having sold th eir property here be- ter, C athenn, who has been attend- ,__ . . v . .. . ; fore leaving. They are enjoying New- mg school in the vicinity of the met-! . . _ j port while it is still hot in the val- ley, but are looking for a location for the winter. Mrs. Calef says she Twenty-five dollars reward for the hopes they will decide on Ashland, retu rn of lady’s handbag containing for she says it seems more like home gold enameled watch, lost on Phoe­ to her th an any place she has ever nix-Jacksonville road July 28. Phone lived. 641-J Medford. 283-3* Ran Stone R olling V isitor— G et Y our H unting O utfit Now— CRATER LAKE. Or., August 4.— A man from Idaho was placed under arrest and sent from the park yes­ terday for rolling stones from G ar­ field peak. There have been a great many this year who don’t observe the signs to “ roll no rocks’’ and in consequence one man had a sprained ankle as a result of someone’s care­ lessness, and several have had very narrow escapes. And save money. Store, 81 Oak street. Elkhorn Gun 277-tf Will Leave for Iowa— E. F. Smith is contem plating a trip to Iowa through Council Bluffs to his old home near Postville, la. 1 will be a t Lake of the Woods building cottages for the next tei. days. Anyone interested, phobe Mr. Peck, fire and game warden at Lake Ju st received the new Bruner of the Woods. J. D. Beeson. 283-tf Woolen Company’s line of fall and w inter samples. .Call in and see Pre-NuptiaJ Shower— them . Cleaning and repairing done Numerous friends of Miss F ra n ­ on short notice. K Nelson, Hotel ces Hamlin, of Honolulu, form er Austin Bldg. 273-if Ashland girl, who for several j’ears past has been connected with the Claire Reebe in New York— faculty of St. Andrew’s priory, a Mr. and Mrs. Claire Beebe have leading educational institution In Ha­ landed in New York after spending waii, joined together last week and the past several months In Mexico. sent her a substantial package of Mr. Beebe has been engaged iu de­ useful and ornam ental articles. In­ velopment work in the southern re­ voiced as a "pre-nuptial show er,’’ In public, and reports th at conditions the wedding gift classification. there are not much superior to d a rk ­ est Africa where Mr. and Mrs. Beebe F o r C rater Lake or other trips, have spent considerable time. see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-1 m Yeo insures automobiles accident. Phone 274-J. against Arrival from M exico— M. L. Applegate is a late arrival in the city from Mexico and Is vis­ iting his m other, Mrs. R D. Apple- gate. 60 G ranite street. Cliff Payne makes Porch Swings. Cool off in Rose Bros’ Ice cream parlor where quality Ice creams and sherbets are served. 264tf Oakland V isitors— Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney, 55 G ranite street, are being visited by C. H. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Tlndell and Mrs. Rebecca Kinney, of Oak­ land, Calif. Sweet Cider, made day. 40 cents gallon, it. Phone 9 -F -ll. fresh every Call and get Orres cleans ano remodels clothes 284-tf Hotel Arrivals— last-named possession— to what is LONDON, August 4.— Lord Byng The paving on the Pacific highway New arrivals at the Hotel Ashlann confidently predicted will be one of has left London today for Canada, between S a le u ^ in d Albany has been, are: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. G re e n ,'th e most spectacular and monentous where he will become governor gen-1 completed Portland; Francis Fox and family,i assemblages in history, rivaling In eral of the dominion. — Kansas City, Me.; Mr. and Mrs. F. brilliance the poted Versailles treaty A new logging camp is being op­ W. Moore, San Francisco; Mrs. Geo. party. SEASIDE, Or.— The Standard Oil ened up near Fairview. K. W harton, Roseburg; C. S tein -! company is building three 20,000 metz, Eugene; Henry Harvy, Wil- CLOSE THREE PROPERTY DEALS gallon tanks and a warehouse here. The B. P. O. E. of Oregon plan to cox, Ariz.; R. T. Connor, Hilt, Calif.; ' open a park near Bend. Henry M. Peabody and family, of K. Masuda, San Francisco; T, J. EUGENE, Or. — Work on new Colorado, have located in Ashlana.i trails and telephone lines will start Morey, Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and A new hospital is planned for Mrs. J, L. Shook, K lam ath Falls f and have purchased from Mrs. Wal-I soon in the Cascade national forest. Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson. W hit­ te r Everton, the two fine bu ild in g ' tier. Calif.; G. S. Dement, Vallejo, lots located on Palm avenue near Calif.; Miss C. McNair, Miss C. De- the Boulevard, where the wil! im- ment, V allejo;; Mr. and Mrs. H. c . ! m ediateh’ erect a residence. S. D. Taylor has bought the 120 Marvin, Salem; W. D. Boone, Mr acres on Anderson creek formerly T e t TPItATtX BCAUTifUL and Mrs. E. E. Peslee, Mrs. A. Col­ lins, tyrs. Nina Alburton, Bend; C. owned by Barnes & Kinz. This con­ W. W atson, W. J. West, B. W. West, sists largely of good tim ber and has Mrs. W. J. West, Mrs. E. R. Stew­ much wood on it th a t is ready for art, Medford; A. T. Graham . H. E. the m arket, and which Mr. Taylor Is Crane. Klam ath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. now having hauled into Ashland. Mrs. Josie A. Simons has pur­ Tournier, Fresno, Calif. — in - chased the Ross Banks property at Orres is back on the job and is 227 Oberlin street from L. Davis showing some very fine woolen at and Mr. Pool, and is moving in to­ Mr. and Mrs. Simons, with the new fall prices. 284-tf day. their son, have ju st arrived by car V isitin g P aren t»— from The Dalles, and decided to lo­ Miss Leona Lennox has returned cate here. to Ashland for a visit with her par­ These deals were closed this week "This Is Our Last Crooked ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jam es Lennox. through the E. E. Phipps realty Job, D ear.” She has spent the last two years in agency. A “Crook picture” th a t's Sacram ento, Calif., in the employ of as different from any crook the California state highway com­ It Is now claimed th a t sea lions picture you ever saw as mission, but will enter college in are not a menace to the salmon in­ black is different from September. dustry. white. Tom Moore Stop Thief C rater Lake Ixtdge Crowded — Austin Chisholm, tvho is now chief clerk a t C rater Lake lodge, and who is in Ashland for a visit with his family, says th at while the lodge is enjoying a capacity business, that, everybody is being well taken care of and th a t all who visit the lake in the fu tu re will be well provided for. TOO I,ATE TO CLASSIFY. He says, since coming here he has DISARM AMENT DELEGATES MUST PAY OWN BILLS FOR SALE— A good milch cow. 642 heard rum ors th a t people cannot get "Liberty St. 284-6* accommodations a t the lake, which (Continued from ra g e One) is not the case. FOR SALE— Double head saw m an­ drel with pulley. Price new, $27 be added to the W ashington police my price, $7.50. Inquire 767 East Tillamook Visitors— force during the conference. Main. 284-1’ Mrs. P. C. Todd and daughter This will be a precautionary step! , Elaine, of Tillamook, are recent a r­ to prevent the revival on American _ Own­ * d" ol nose glasses- er may. have same by paying for rivals in Ashland and are staying soil of old world feuds, as all the this ad. Tidin^S. 284-2 at th e home of Mrs. Elsie C hurch­ tribes of the earth are expected to man on Union street. Mrs. Todd send onlookers a t the parley, and WANTED— Second hand typew riter desk and office furniture; also states th a t she may locate in Ash­ ancient enemies are bound to meet Underwood machine. Address B- land. 12, Tidings. ' 284-1* in the shadow of W ashington’s monu­ ment. strolling down Pennsylvania M oves to C ottage Grove— FOR SALE— Excellent six room modern bungalow on large lot in The Mackey fa6iily who formerly venue, m rubbernecking at the W hite House. desirable location. Garage, bath lived on B street have moved to and cabinet kitchen. An excep­ Hook-nosed men from the Hedjas, Cottage Grove. tional buy at $2300. with good fezzed Turks, turbaned Hindus, terms. princes, anarchists, statesm en, pick­ Gasoline Drops in P r i c e - Also four room plastered houst- with one acre of good garden Gasoline is now selling at th irty pockets and newspaper reporters are land, for $1050, with excellent and a half cents per gallon a t all expected to bring class, color anil terms. Barn and garage. See j service stations throughout the city cash— new spaperm en excepted on the E. E. Phipps Agency. 284- pursuant to a two cent reduction which went Into effect at all points on the Pacific coast yesterday, ac­ cording to a statem ent made thi9 If You H ave in Mind B u yin g a morning at the Standard Oil com­ pany station. Canadian Visitor— Mrs. W illiam Patterson, of Battle- ford, Sask., Canada, arrived the past Meek for an extended visit a t the home of her sister, Mrs S. R." Jeter, of 107 F ourth street. Return from Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickey re­ M edford V isitor— turned this week from a vacation Mrs. Percy Cheaves is en tertain ­ trip spent a t Lake Tahoe and the ing her friend. Miss Freda Archer, redwood forests of California. W hile of Medford, this week. away Mr. Dickey purchased a fine new car. A rrested Woman Released— Mrs. Edith Grebe, a m otoring to u r­ AVhat’s in a N am e— ist from Tacoma, Wash., who was Henry Provost says when on hie arrested here last week on advice trip he m et some folks who has from Salem, stating th at she was passed through Ashland and stopped wanted in the capital city on a charge at a hotel. He asked them a t which of running down and injuring two hotel they stopped. They replied men, has returned to the auto camp they did not know the name of it; grounds here after having been re­ th a t it has th e “ Ashland H otel” on leased in Salem. A fter her arrival a sign over th e entrance, the name in Salem, according to local police, "A u stin ” painted on the door, and it developed th a t the authorities the “ Oregon” painted on the rear there did not have sufficient evi­ of the building. dence to convict Mrs. Grebe for vio­ All wool suits a t $25 and up. tit lation of a traffic ordinance. Mrs. See the special values at Grebe is camped a t the local camp Orres. $32.00. They can’t be beat. 284-if ground with her five children. We specialize ou fancy brick ice H otel A rrivals— cream. Rose Bros. 264tf New arrivals at the Ashland hotel are: W. F. Sergeant, H. N. Norton, For a good plunge or tub bath in R eturn from Cam ping Trip— Portland: J. J. O'Connor, Los An­ pure sulphur w ater, go to the Nat- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Loomis and geles, Calif.; N. Paulsen, Calgary, atorlum . 235-tf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pace have re­ A lta.; R. C. Dawson, Los Angeles, turned from a camping trip at Pros­ Calif.; Mrs. E. T. Henshaw. Oakland, F alls from Ladder— pect and C rater Lake, where they Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Yreurn, Grandpa Shaw, an aged and well spent an enjoyable week’s outing. Chico, Calif.; N. Salisbury, San F ran ­ known Ashland resident, was ser­ cisco; Louise Villinga, Mr. and Mra. iously bruised and inurjed in a re­ Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the B. D. Myers, A. E. Ames, San F ra n ­ cent fall from a stepladder which quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf cisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McKinley, was being used by Mr. Shaw In his work. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cozens, Los An­ K lam ath F alls V isitor— geles; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Keefe, Levi Stevenson, of Klamath Falls, See our Fall Suitings of pure Vir- Casper, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. E. W urz« vtin Wool. P aulserud’s. 79-tf is a visitor in the city. Mr. Stev­ weeler, P o rtlan d ; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. enson made the trip to attend the Smith, Seattle; J. H. Marsh, Duns­ funeral of Mrs. K atherine Johnson, NOTICE m uir; R. Cole, D unsm uir; T. C. The dance at Kingsbury Club m other of Mrs. Stevenson. Smith, A. M. Cochran, Redding; R. House advertised for Saturday even­ R. W hitsill, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. ing has been postponed on account Parent-T eacher Assoc. Have Picnic— R. A. Small, San Diego, Calif. The Parent-T eacher association of of club house not being completed. 283-2 th e Valley View district held a picnic Largo Apple Crop— in Lithia P ark Tuesday afternoon Mr. Pellet says he has the largest and evening in honor of Miss Nellie crop of apples this year th a t he has Savage and Mrs. Henry Brower, a ever grown in Ashland. T hat is fine. sister of ,, Mrs. John Farm er of this Mr. Pellet has the reputation of get- city will leave aeon tor her home In ,,„ s more :lnt| pples , ha„ ru e England. Mn. Brower, mother ot anyone „„ htn _ aM Mrs. H. R. R eachart, will leave soon ______ ’ for Ohio. Both women have been Missionary Society Meets__ TO visiting here for the past month. Miss The W omen’i Foreign Missionary Savage’s speech of appreciation was society of the Methodist church, will responded to by Mrs. A. H. Daven- meet tomorrow afternoon at the hill, president of the association, home of Mrs. G. H. Yeo on Oak ! Other guests were Mrs. H arry Roe, street a t 2:30 o’clock. All members L JT H IA B A K E R Y Miss Wittit, Mrs. I. D. Owen and are requested to bring th e ir mite ASH LAND, OREGON Mrs. James Piercy. boxes. USED AUTOMOBILE NOTE THE FOLLOWING One 1917 D odge B rothers T ouring One 1918 D odge B rothers T ouring One 1920 D odge B rothers R oadster One 1920 C levelan d T ouring One 1918 O akland T ouring One 1917 C hevrolet T ouring One 1919 O ldsm obile R oadster One 1920 Ford Tru<;k, Staked Body GEO. L. TREICHLER MOTOR CO. Phone 304 South F ir St., Medford, Ore. / Coming Friday Wally Reid Plaza Market is the Place Now is th e tim e to get your w in ter’s supply o f Pineapph S f o r ............................ 91.00 Solar Broken tins Slices, 2 \(¿ Friday and Saturday Spe­ cial, 4 f o r ................... $ l.o o fr esh w aterm elon Lenox Soap, 25 bars . . . $1.00 and CANTALOUPES f r i . and sa t . FRESH AND CURED MEATS OF BEST QUALITY Spring Chickens and Lunch Goods a Specialty PLAZA MARKET 61 North M ain St., A shland -S 5 S E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO O. H. VAUPEL THE Q U A L IT Y STORE A U G U ST SA LE S ta r ts A u g u s t 5tH General Clearance of Spring and Summer stock o f Silks,, Wash Goods, and Odds and Ends from all over the store. Some of tile lots are limited so he here early tomorrow morning. Percale a Yard 22c Silg Taffeta, vd. $1.98 36 in. Best quality dress per- cale In light and dark pat- terns. 36 inches wide sold regularly at $2.50 yd. in several good shades and black. Schoolday Cloth yd. 35c Crepe de Chine $1.79 32 in. wide best cloth made for children’s clothes, fast colors. --------- ---- ----------------------------- • 40 in. wide in all the new and wanted shades for sum m er wear. toweling, sold ’regularly at ........... - ........................45e yd Dutchess Satin, yd. $1.98 36 in. wide in black only, good heavy weight, suitable for capes, coats and dresses. T 7T 7 ~ Embroidered Organdie, yd. $1.75 27 in. fine Zephyr ginghams in plaids and checks, sold all sea- son at ..............................25c yd 45 in Iiuporteil Swiss organ- die, embroidered in the new colors for sum m er wear, sold regularly at .................... $2.(iti -------------------------------------------- Apron Gingham, yd. 15c ... Po“g®e Silk’ yd' $ 125 » i n . apron Wne checks. Sold regularly 19c yd. yd, only a limited amount; DreSS Ginghams, yd, 19c Wash Goods, yd. 35c 45 Main St., on the P la za E gg case of 100 bars $1.5«* Palm Olive, Swiss Rose, Glyc- , erine, Bath Tablets, Cream Oil Small tins Goody G oody.. 15c Mechanic’s Pummice Soap — 7 for .......................... $ l.oo ! All, 3 lor ........................... 25c Pure Linen Crash, yd. 38c Knapp’s Groceteria $5.50 SOAPS White Wonder, b a r ........... 5c .................................30c 17 in. Pure Irish linen crash \ F ederal Milk, none h e ller — 2 cans for ........................... 25c Del Monte. 2 V. tins ........... 35c 35< ! Case ................................ Bleached Muslin 16c W hy P ay M o re ? — IN— ’T oo Much Speed” You’ll laugh until your sides are sore. I t’s a glor­ ious farce with Tom Moore in a role th a t fits him like his smile. 36 in. Fine quality muslin solo regularly a t .................... 22c yd ------------ y----------------------------- - Bran Bread Good Health Today Only A2MJLX A", Orp-andie vd Odds and ends of sum m er wash goods, values to 69c vd. to he ¡closed out a t ........... 35c yd _____________________ __ , , . u r ffanaie yd. y&c 45 linP°rtc ‘I Swiss organdie l,e ,nianent finish all the new ¡tnd wanted colors, sold regnl- Crepe Apron Dresses $2.98 arl> at $1- 5-____________ Two color combinations of best quality Jap crepe, sizes 1, 2 and 3, sold regularly at $3.89 —»— -------- ------------------------- — Satin Messaiine, yd. $1.95 U nuon n r« « « « - e o cn House Dresses, $2.50 Made of good gingham trimmt-a with white poplin sold regui a r,y a t *-3.oo. 3 6 inches wide, sold regular!) at $2.25. All the niyv and wanted shades. Have your Picoting an d Hemstitching Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated