Wednesday, August 3, 1921 ASHLAND DAILY 'ÙDINGS, B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. ATTORNEYS. PHYSICIANS. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice ‘ BRIGGS & BRIGGS— A ttorneya-at- llm lted to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ---- -— ------ -----— ---------- —----- 2 to 6 Swedenburg Bldg., Ash- L. A. ROBERTS——Attorney-at-Law. land, Ore. 73-tfi Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Bldg. DR. J . J. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to j eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses __ supplied. Oculist and au rist for DR. GEO. J .K IN Z — C hiropractor S. T. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567., 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Residence Phone 401. DR. FRANK M. MOXON— Physician TAXI. and Surgeon. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. Office 425 E. Main St., opp. P u b -!—— — A ----------- -------------- — ---- lie Kibrary. 272-tfjTA X I— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone 136-tf 213. DBS. SAWYER & CRANDALL TAXI— P aris Taxi, Price’s Confec­ OSTEOPATHIC ' PHYSICIANS tionery. E n d er’s Block. Phone Pioneer Building. 31. 280-V Phone 2’60-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J VOK SALE— REAL ESTATE. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. interest, your advice, your co-opera the experiments to a frock. Robert washed w ithout damage to the tion, and the biggest check you can Fox, a brother artist, suggested paint; the paint, in fact, penetrates afford to send. swelling his exchequer by m a r k e tin g th e m aterial b etter when washed $10,000 Is Needed stenciled dresses. and the greatest feature is the non We want to raise $10,000. There • The two combined, and in N o r-.' duplicatable designs can be iurn- is over $1000 tow ard our new build­ way’s studio conceived the designs,! lehed on request. ing in the bank today. Now is your cut them in thin brass and put them ‘ 1 —“ opportunity to help put up an ade­ onto samples of dress m aterial— Take* Position at McGee’s— quate memorial to your own mother everything from silk to velvet. All | Miss Jessie Thatcher has taken or TT wife, ... , daughter or sister j sorts of designs were tried— birds, 1 position at McGee’s dry goods stors fn c i t / H 110tlce. send checks; animals, ordinary geom etric designs.; as stenographer a n d ’ bookkeeper. . C hambei lain. President, Success came immediately. W hole-[M iss Thatcher will operate a new of the Civic club. •salers gave orders at sight. T w o! bookkeeping machine just installed sample frocks subm itted a few days i for the accounting departm ent. ago have brought fifty ’’rep eat” or-! _____________________ ders. Salem has let a $39.000 paving1 Stenciled frocks may be folded or contract. TO "DEAD" BY UW : of Ashland, to help us. We want vour m ore se rio u s th a n c ru e lty to a n i­ FOR RENT— 8 room house, partly m als.” furnished, with or without gar-; “ There was an old theory thaX If: den. Inquire 295 G rant St., o r' the rope broke, the law was fulfilled, phone 414-L. 277-6*! and the man couldn’t be hung H ELP WANTED. again," said Judge H arry Fisher. We have just received a “ Thai idea is not according to mod­ .WANTED— Lady cook for Dead In­ dian road camp, 10 men. Call ern law. E ither he’s dead or alive.” 173 Helman St., Tuesday or Wed­ shipment of Munson Last NEW STENCILED DRESS nesday evening. 282 POPULAR ENGLISH STYLE| WANTED— Middle aged woman for second work in family of two inj Blucher Style country. Telephone Jacksonville LONDON. August 3.— The sten-i 562 or w rite Mrs. Charles H. Con­ ciled dress has come to town for a j ner, Medford, Ore. 278-6 long visit. So far there are onlj WANTED — Laborers, rock men. J two stencilers. and they are besieged' team sters and tunnel men wanted j *with orders. for construction work on irrigation ! Carlo Norway, a London artint, ex-! project near Medford, Oregon. La­ perimented tor a long time with; borers wages three dollars for eight hours, less one dollar for i stenciled designs in oils and applied board. O ther wages in p ropor-' tion. Can also use stationm en. Rougue River Valley Canal Co., Medford. Ore 281-7 Brick Ice Cream C. B. L A M K I N This is the 0 ’Donnei Make rr. BARGAINS IN Real Estate CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY M APLE NUT Ashland Creamery titty and Ranch Propertie» Houses to > We sell the famous • • • • FOR LADIES AT STUD— Toggenburg goat. 143 G ranite St. 282-2tue* m A LITTLE WATER SPRAYED on flowers will keep them fresh and lovely for a long time. Get a reel of our first quality garden hose and keep your flowers, fruits, vegetables and lawn healthy and thriving. And we help in the effort to make gardening pay bv charging the least we can for garden accessories. T M t THEATER BEAL TIRA W e sell LIVE STOCK * m » ♦ » « ♦ I FOR SALE— 1917 Franklin, first T. L. POWELL— GENERAL*TRANS- class condition. New paint and' FE R — Good team and m otor­ CHICAGO, 111., August 3.— A man trucks. Good service at a reason­ legally executed, pronounced dead, top. Accept any reasonable of­ fer and term s w ithin reason. See i able price. Phone 83. and then revived by means of a pul- Spinning, Robison Garage. 2 8 2-2 ‘ FQR pro m pt and careful service motor, could commit any crime with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, known to law, and not be liable to FOR SALE— A num ber of new an« call W hittle T ransfer Co.. Phone. used late model autos. These cars 117. Offioe 89 Oak street. N ear| prosecutlon and legal punishment. will be sold on long time pay­ Hotel Austin. The law couldn’t recognize h’is ex­ m ents. Other cars taken as firSt istence. payments. Your own term s w ith­ LOST. He might walk into the court room in reason. Must be moved next th ree days. Robison Garage, Sec­ LOST— On highway or Helman St., of th e judge who sentenced him and ond St. Open evenings. 282-3* one block below track, leather kill the judge who pronounced his su it case (letters “W. I. H.” on FOR SALE— Cucumbers for pickling, j each en d ), containing baby clcthes 'fate, and no hand could be laid on any quantity, and all sizes. W. E. and 2C Eastm an kodak. R eturn him. Pierson, Boulevard. Phone 485-J. to 332 Helman St., or phone 4 76-J. On the other hand, he would have 281-6 Reward. 280-4 no protection under the law, no m at­ FOR SALE— Relinquishm ent 160 lost — Black and brown Airdale te r what offense m ight be committed acres on Elk creek, 3 miles from | dog, a n s w e r to name of “ Bud,” ''against him. Prospect, Or., on highway» Spring, | scar on left front leg. Finder This is one of the phases of the cabin built, well tim bered. F. M .• phone 3F23. Reward. 281-3 legal question th a t has been brought Moxon. 425 E. Main St. 274-tf up since the attem pts to resuscitate FOR SALE. CIVIC CLUB BACKS into life the bodies of Sam Cardin- I IDEA, LARGE HALL FOR SALE— Progressive Everbear­ ella and Nick Viana, m urderers hung ing straw berry plants. Address here recently. The law is taking no (Continued from ra g e One) 346 Helman St. 279-6* /chances now, and bodies are being FOR SALE— March Plym outh Rock We want offers of m aterial and serv- 'held several hours by the authorities cockerels, from B utler Poultry ice. after hanging an hour before they F arm ; $1.50 and $2. Also some are turned over, to the dead m an’s Everyone Should bo Interested choice W hite Leghorns, $1.50 each. Committees are being appointed, fam ily. Phone 68, Mrs. W. R. Yockey. Chicago ju rists are divided ovet ways and means are being discussed. BUILDING MA’i ERIAL — Medford If you are a woman, show your In­ the statu s of a person who might bèl Cement Brick and B|pck Works, thus revived. specialize in ah kinds of building terest by joining the Civic club to­ Judge Hugo Friend and Judge Dav­ products. Cort.-cr F ir and 10th day. Don’t wait for a personal ln- street.______________________225tf ( vjtation. The fact th a t you are a id Brothers take .the stand outlined ’ woman and th a t you are in Ashland above. FOR RENT. A ssistant State Attorney Lloyd entitle you to membership. Senn Heth declared such a complication HOUSE FOR RENT— F u rn itu re for your 50 cents, the yearly dues, to sale, almost new Singer sewing Mrs. Mary V. W ilshire, 87 G ranite would free the man. “ He could machine, priaes reasonable. 40 j Valk out of the morgue, and the taw Bush St. • ’ 282-3», street. Tf you have never been a couldn’t touch him. But he couldn’t member, send $1.00, which includes FOR RENT— 2 room modern furn-; inltiation fee and , (lues. m arry and couldn’t vote. If. he were ished apartm ents close in. A dults' J beaten up by a citizen, the citizen only. Inquire 166 H argadine, or want every man and woipan. 'co u ld n ’t be punished for anything i 276tf, who is interested in the prosperity phone 264-Y. I s * » >•