ASHLAND D A M PAGE TWO Ashland Tidings E stablished 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 38 Nabncriptiun P rice D elivered In City One month .................................. I Three months .............................. Six m onths . . • » • « • • • • • • • • • • One y e a r ....................................... Mail niMl Rural Routes. One month .................................. I Three m onths .............................. Six m onths . 1-9® 3.7o 7.CO 1.95 ................................. 3.50 One year ....................................... ADVERTISING RATES: Display A dvertising Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30f YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek.....................27 %c I'wo tim es a w eek.....................25c Every other d a y . . .....................20c lx>cal Readet-s. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for one m onth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To ran every issue for one month o r more, each line, each tim e. . . . Cc Clasaified Colum n. One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, the word each time. Ijegal R ate: F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c Each subsequent time, per 8 point l i n e ...............................................3c Card of Thanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2% cents the line. Fraternal Orders and Societies. Advertising for fratern al orders • r societies charging a regular initi­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious «nd benevolent orders will be charged the regular rate for all ad­ vertising when an admission or other charge is made. W hat C on stitutes A d vertising! In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ tutes news and what advertising, we print this very simple rule whicn Is used by newspapers to dlfferin- a tia te between th em :. “ALL future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection is taken IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after they have occurred is news. All coming social or organization meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initiation charged, or collection taken is NEWS. We makt- aD quotations on JOB WORK from TH E FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. Same prices— Reasonable Price— to all. ' cess in the case of steam locomotives fish to give additional room for tho originally selected for another gen-, was some 28 per cent, and in 190S fry resulting from a shipm ent of tly rolling district, is apt to leave th e impression of a m ountain sheep! the repair costs on steam locomo­ reinbow tro u t eggs received from tives wer£ nearly four tim es as great Diamond lake on July leaping from crag to crag in a precip-' ! as electric locomotives engaged i n i ---------------------------------- itous rim rock area. Among other the sam e class of work. GRESHAM. Or.——A new wood fac- suggestive names are those of Eagle RepalT Cbsts Cut in H alf tory will be ready for operation here Point, Bear Creek, Goose Lake. Bea-j -T h e result of the muct b etter) within the next few weeks, ver Slough, and Deer Island. showing made by th e electric loco-) A new school building will be put While it is too much to expect motives— cutting the repair costs In UP in Albany in the near future, th a t the hunters of Oregon will con • half, as an average, led to the ex-1 tend with one another in an effort elusive use of electric locomotives in to secure th e bonds of the Fat Elk NEW YORK.— Electrification of th e plant in question since 1908. drainage district, it certainly leaves Some of th e first electric locoino- i the proper taste in th e m outh, and the railroads is today one of the big questions bearing upon industrial tives installed In this plant are still other districts may well consider the appropriateness of the names th a t progress. If electrification is feasi­ in operation and one was recently are selected. W ith the wide varia­ ble, as every one of the in s t a l l a ­ overhauled and given its first ex­ Oregon's Higher institution of tion of names given to these districts tions made to date indicates, it offers tensive repairing. It was a typical a means of realizing the economies wide-gauge locomotive weighing 3 8 the state engineer is aw aiting p a­ tiently to determ ine w hether the necessary to overcome the oppres­ tons, with a traction power of 18,500 title under which irrigation develop­ sive and burdensome transportation pounds. The repairs were made in Eight Schools: Seventy Departments ment is prosecuted has anything to situation which through excessive two weeks a t a total cost of some . FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 do with the demand for bonds and cost of service and inadequacy hin­ $400. A steam locomotive of the For information write to the Reziatrar readjustm ent and same power subjected to the same other olbigations authorized by the ders industrial Oregon Agricultural College trade expansion. service would not only have shown ! improvement organizations. C O R V A L L IS The use of electric locomotives) much g reater d etonation and been will conserve the fuel supply, iu -!o u t of > commission a fa r longer pe- crease the practical speed of both riod, but in sixteen years would ha*C freight and passenger trains, perm it) had to be practically rebuilt, entail- tlie handling of longer train s w ith fin g a heavy expense. “THE ELHART WAY” correspondingly greater capacity W e Give Service w ith our T ype­ and, obviously, bring about certain R E L E A SE 4 5 ,0 0 0 TROUT w riter Sales car-mile economies and in general IN JACKSON CO. STREAM S expedíate the operation of trains. AGENTS Forty-five thousand blackspotted These advantages are quite gener­ FOR ally recognized and the use of elec­ or cu tth ro at fry have been liberated tric locomotives has been gaining during the past week in the follow­ steadily in the favor of American ing stream s from the B utte Falls hatchery, by Superintendent J. W. The Jackson county Y. M. C. A. railroad men and in the favor of Berrian. will conduct the second three-day the public, as well. N orth Fork of Rogue river about V ast S utils N ecessary camp of the summer next week. AND To electrify the railroads will in­ three miles above Prospect, Mill Boys from the southern end of the creek about six miles above Pros- county will be taken on this occa­ volve the investm ent of vast sums pect, Big B utte creek near its nead- sion. The party will leave Talent of the resources of the railroads at 9 a. m. Wednesday, the boys and are already taxed to the breaking i w aters, and L ittle B utte creek at the leaders walking and provisions go­ point, so no extensive movement to-i Hanley ranch on the North Fork of ing by auto. A good location in ward electrtrification of railroads sam e’ was necessary to liberate these One or Two Second Hand W agner creek canyon has been can be justified w ithout the most) M actiiues for Rent careful investigation into all econ-i chosen for the camp site. Hikes will be taken fa rth e r into the moun- otnic aspects of the problem. Admittedly, the present cost of tains. Phoenix, Talent and Ashland electric locomotives is somewhat boys are lined up for the camp. in excess of steam or oil engines but The camp will be free to all boys also fewer electric locomotives are of twelve years of age and ov< . needed to do the work of the fuel­ There is no expense, as all provision> CHOOOLATE consuming engines. The operating and bedding are taken from home. VANILLA ' ! cost of the electric locomotives is Prof. Wilson and Lloyd Shriner ’.I STRAWBERRY generally conceded to be less, so the of Ashland. Dr. M. A. Miller, o i i MAPLE NUT relative economy of the two types' Medford, Lester Newbry* of Talent. | of locomotives, the electric and the! and Cash Wood, county secretary, fuel-burning, can be m easured to a) are among the adult leaders. considerable extent by the respective Proper supervision by experienced repair expenses, life of equipm ent leaders is given, and parents need and the tim e involved in making have no anxiety about sending th eir repairs. FUEL CONSERVED BV OPERATION OF TECHNOLOGY THREE DAV CAMP FOR CO.Y.M.C.A. BOVS NEXT WEEK There can be no over-boosting of Ashland, so long as the tru th is told in promotion publicity. Don’t be stingy with your kind words and lavish with vour harsh ones. IM PROVEM ENT TONDS GIVEN NAMES OF BIR DS AND ANIMALS SALEM. Or., August 31.— That organizers of irrigation districts in Oregon prefer to name the project for birds, anim als and insects ra th e r than for rural vicinities and points of scenic Interest was indicated in a sum m ary of the activities of these projects prepared here recently by th e state engineer. In a recent mail there came to the office of the engineer applies- tion for the certification of bonds in the sum of $10,000 for the devel­ opment of the F at Elk drainage dis trict in Coos county. This project includes approxim ately 2260 acres of land. Wmong the 120 irrigation districts organized in Oregon, a large num ber have been named for anim als, birds and Insects. Some like th a t of F at Elk were doubtless selected to at­ tra c t favorabler attention, while the m inority were selected in honor of some town or other point of local prominence. “ The Horsefly,” for instance, with Its obnoxipus buzz and blood-sucking propensities, is not 9uch a name as to inspire the confidence of bond buyers and others. Likewise the “ Dead Ox F la t” is apt to create the m ental picture of the bones of some pioneer’s ox team w hitening on a broad alkali flat. One is agreeably surprised, however, in crossing the Dead Ox flat to encounter alfalfa fields, orchards and comfortable homes. The “M ountain Sheep,” th e name W e have cause in every way to feel proud of our country, but we are as a nation too little informed as to the activities and actual benefits of our G ovem m en -. T o rem edy this situation locally, w e have secured the exclusive right to dis­ trib u te a series of attractively illustrated folders and booklets in w hich a r t given new and interesting facts about O u r Governm ent and how w e all shar» its beneficent influence. W e w ill gladly send one of this set each m onth to those w h o w ill request it, and as a permanent con­ tainer for this valuable information, w e w ill present a substantial b row n and gold portfolio upon personal call at this Institution. N o obligation. Citizens Bank of Ashland Typewriters We sell trick Ice Cream ♦ The airship will supplem ent the work of the autom otive vehicle, but will not take its place. There is enough for both to do. ROYAL CORONA WHAT THE GOVERNMENT I S D O I N G FO R YOU W o o d sto c k E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, boys. Postoffice as Second Class Mall F u rth er inform ation for prospec­ M atter. tive candidates may be bad from O. F. Carson, Dr. G. W. Gregg, or Rev. Koehler. The annual two-weeks session of <•- Mar not the things th at can- the Northwest sum m er school for — Shakespeare. -♦> employed officers of the Y. M C. A. $ held at Seabeck, Wash., was con­ cluded last week. About 150 sec­ retaries from three states, Alberta if one would keep ou» of trouble, and British Columbia, Can., were in Cash Wood, Jackson let one pursue the sublime a rt of attendance. attending to one's own affairs and county secretary, was this year a not meddling with the affairs of member of th e graduating class of the school of county work. others. * TIDINGS. W ill Plant Bass At Lake o'Woods, Says Game Warden In reference to a recent recom­ m endation th a t Lake of the Woods be stocked with bass, Captain A. E. Burghduff, state game warden, says: I believe th at Mr. B errian’s judg­ ment is good when he states th a t he believes bass are the proper fish to introduce in this lake. 1 believe th at if .we introduce bass in the lake, we should plant both bass and crop- pie, as they thrive together. While the croppie are not nearly so game a fish as the bass, they are very pro­ lific a fish and can readily be taken by women and children. For ib is reason I think they are a very de­ sirable fish to plant in a place of this kind. “In three or four weeks we will begin taking bass and croppie try, but of course, we never know what success we will have as these young fish are taken by seining out the ponds and sloughs adjacent to the Columbia river when the high wa­ te r recedes. The receding of the w ater usually leaves lots of oass and croppie fry stranded iu ponds that eventually go dry, and the fish we take for planting in thi3 m an­ ner are fish » th at would otherw ise be lost when th? pools dry up. “ I will keep iu touch with yon in regard to taking the bass and croppie fry, and if you and the peo­ ple down there feel th a t these ere proper fish to plant in this lake, we will send down one or two ship- ments, or whatever we can get. ECHO, Or.— A 140 acre tract un der dry fanning near here has yield ed 4500 bushels of wheat The high school at Lakeview is being improved by the addition of a $11 ,240 gymnasium. Building costs have been reduced 35 per cent in Portland. D ata B elieved Trustw orthy Probably the most trustw orthy d ata in respect to these highly im­ portant questions are to be found not so much in th e records kept by the com paratively few miles of elec­ trified roadbeds operated at the present time, as in those m aintained during somewhat earlier years when the progress made in the develop­ m ent of the steam locomotive had been far g reater th an in the then alm ost unknown electric locomotive — say from 1905 through 1908. During thèse years steam and elec­ tric locomotives wrere employed for heavy haulage in a large m anufac­ tu rin g plant, over a hundred miles of track, where the economical and dependable operation of the plant switching and hauling locomotivesi was a very im portant consideration in th e economical operation of the plant. D u rin g the year 1905 the repair costs of the steam locomotives ex­ ceeded those for th e electric engines by over 46 per cent; in 1906 the steam locomotive repair costs were more than four and a half times as heavy as those contracted (or the electric equipm ent; in 1907 the ex- ASHLAND Q W ed . A u g. O The Present is Golden siiow Grounds A cross front the H aw thorne School on Boulevard —for— 1 PAINTING YOUR HOME / LEW F. CULLINS DOG AND PONY ' , You can not get a better paint than CIRCUS Sherwin-Williams WE HANDLE A COMPLETE STOCK THE SHOW OF QUALITY Our paint business has been larger this year up to Particularly P leasing to C hildren— Unusually Interesting to Grown-Ups the present than any previous two years. W onderful Trained DOGS, PONIES, GOATS AND MONKEYS “ There is a Reason 9 9 DARING AND NOVEL ACTS Funny Clowns Who Destroy Sorrow C a r so n -F o w le r Lbr. Co. A WORLD OF FA IR Y FE A TU R E S FOR TH E “ In the H eart of Town” LITTLE FOLKS REM EM BER THE DATE BRING TH E CHILDREN WILL SROW — BAIN Olt SHINE i r ' Big BARGAIN! 7 Passenger at the CHANDLER ^Bungalow Every Wednesday Night B e g in n in g W ed n esd ay, July 27 Like N ew Price Cut to the Quick Enquire at Best Floor The Coolest Place in the Valley Biggest Crowds Class A Garage Best Music For Mr. E. G. High