/ PAGE FOUR ASHLAND P A1LT nDUTGfl. Friday, July 29, 192f K lam ath Fall«; V isitor— ’F risco V isitor— Campers Will Return— ly im portant fact should never be first and in their simplest term«, Mrs. W. O. Smith, wife of the Alexander Chisholm of San F ran ­ M«*- and Mrs. H. G. Mathes and overlooked: th a t those conditions merely physical states of the nerv­ form er editor of the K lam ath Falls cisco, fath er of Austin Chisholm, for­ d au g h ter Marion, who have been Local and Personal Herald, is visiting Mrs. Emil Peil of m er m anager of the Austin hotel, camping in the Dead Indian country, which finally become functional or ous system, easily righted if taken this city. Mrs. Peil and her guest but now chief clerk at C rater Lake will retu rn to th eir home here the organic m ental disorders are. at in tim e.’’ ----- ------ — , Side Lights ____________ ~~~ - ■ r — - ~ - ii went to Jacksonville yesterday in lodge, is in the city for a visit with end of this week. company with Mrs. I. D. Applegate, his son and to enjoy th e delightful m other of Mrs. Peil, to visit Colonel Ashland clim ate and waters. Frisco Visitors— Kansas A rrival— See our Fall Suitings of» pure V ir-J j and Mrs. H. H. Sargent. Mr. ana Mrs. L. Roy Preston andj. J. e . E arb art, a form er b a rk e r of gin Wool. Paulserud’s. 279-tfi Charles Preston, of San Francisco,j Ottawa, Kans., and family, b a /ei Special S a tu rd a y , and Sunday— are visiting Mrs George Robison a f - ’ rented a home on Scenic Drive a’d-i C° o1 ° ff in RoSe Bros ice cream Hawaiian Ice Cream, 50 cents per For C rater Lake or other tr ip s / te oinine the the M. M C. C Read Read residence, r e s id e n t parlor where q u a ,ity lce creama aud quart. E n d er’s Confectionery. 279-2 see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lm i te r r an an auto auto tour tour of of Southern Southern Oregon Oregon M 1 joining 264tf and a trip to ('ra te r Lake. Mr. E arh eart and family motored to sherbets are served. W hat is a vacation w ithout mu-| Ashland after an auto tour from east- New H om e for Chisholm F a m ily __ sic? Buy a small Victrola and take! New Cook for Hotel A ustin— WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114. ern points. Austin Chisholm and family have It along. Rose Bros. 247-tf! Pete Vasseau, the new French chef moved to the Maple Inn on Pioneer 259-tf We specialize on fancy brick ice who will take charge of the kitchen avenue. Changes R esidence—— 1 cream. Rose Bros. 264tf at the Hotel Austin, arrived yester­ REPO RT ASKS STOCK day. He is accompanied by his wife A Bum per Grain Crop— Mrs. A. H. Russell of Ashland, has OF BLACK BASS FOR It is stated th a t the hotel dining moved from her old home at the Buy Small Ranch — F. C. Holibaugh, deputy county LAKE OF TH E WOODS Mr. and Mrs. R. Schreideretier, room will be opened within about a agent, a fte r a thorough survey of corner of Third and C streets to 657 C street. The move was occasioned new arrivals from Los Angeles, have week. T. J. Coffman, accompanied the county, reports a bum per grain (C ontinutd From ra g e One) purchased a ranch just east of town. by his wife, ¡s expected to arrive to ­ crop, the largest in a num ber of by the sale of her form er home. The deal was made through the Bea- morrow. Mr. Coffman is the new years. H arvesting is progressing log parties now at the lake, many owner of the lease and fu rn itu re of — m- Pure pasteurized milk, 10c th e l ',er Realty company. Mr. Scheid- rdpidly, with most of th e grain now of whom have built perm anent sum­ 111- the Hotel Austin. mer quarters. Those eaught are of 243-tf I erelter was a form er resident of the quart at Rose Bros. in the shock, and eight machines ' Rogue River valley. threshing in the county. The yield fine quality. Ju st what is the rea­ S pedai Saturday and Sunday— Z B uilding New Home— is heavy, in fact larg er than for sev­ son fish do not, increase in this lake Hawlian Ice Cream, 50 cents per I was unable to determ ine. It may W. J. Moore, local attorney, has! For a «ood plunge or tub hath ¡ n j_ Iia . , , Cents per eral years past, and the quality also been moving lum ber on to bis v a-iP Qre sulphur water, go to the Nat- -n er s Confectionery. 279-2 up to or above the average. Ow­ be th a t during dry seasons its wa­ cant property just south of the high (atorlum - 235-tf ing to the abundant hay crop and ters become too warm for the young B ap tists G ive P icnic— fish, which naturally frequent the HIS LATEST PRODUCTION school, preparatory to erecting a new A LAUGH EVERY »The Baptist Sunday school class other feed the demand for dairy shallow water, and it is also possible H. L. H om ew ood Im proves— ltMl PER CENT PROGRAM home. stock is growing strong, reports Mr. MINUTE H. L. Homewood, who has been I gave a picnic at H elm an’s W ednes­ Holibaugh. th a t they may be devoured by the day. About 100 members of the chubs th a t are quite abundant. ¡Hay and grain insurance. Yeo confined to his home, 125 Scenic class were present and engaged in Drive, by illness for the past week, “ As this lake Is becoming a very ; of course. Fresh salted peanuts, 15 cents per 276-tf was reported yesterday by Mrs. athletic contests Including a swim­ pound. E nder’s Confectionery. 292-2 popular resort, and is accessible by ming tournam ent in the morning. Homewood as improving. auto from K lam ath county as well lx»ave for Crater Lake— The winners of the contests have not as from here, I deem It vital th at H otel A rrivals— The San Francisco quartet, recent Yeo don’t care w hether it’s a Ford been determ ined, O. F. Carson, Sun our best efforts be exerted as soon I New arrivals a t the Hotel Austin Chautauqua entertainers, left yester­ or an autom obile; he insures ’em day school superintendent, stated. are: F. W. H unt, D unsm uir, Calif.; as possible to provide good fishing, j day for C rater Lake, where they will all. 276-tf, The picnic is an annual affair. “To me It seems very problem ati­ E. A. Drosti, H. P riest, P o rtlan d ; spend a well earned vacation. cal as to w hether we could ever S alvation Arm y H olds P icnic— Fresh salted peanuts. 15 cents per Miss W ren, San Francisco; Mrs. J. stock it with tro u t in sufficient n u m -1 c blood underlie the conditions which Miss Helen Van Dyke, who has Small grated, per can . . . 15c 1 eventually lead to m ental troubles been visiting friends here, will r e ­ Per bar ................................ 5c Apricqts, 2% size, can . . . 25c in many cases. But this trem endous- turn to P ortland within the next 100 bars in egg case . . $4.50 Dozen cans ......... .. . . . . . $2.75 few days. TtMl LATE TO CLASSIFY. Van H oeter’s Bleaching Soap Federal Milk, none belter— Per bar ............................... 5,- FOR SALE— Reed baby bugg>. 2 cans for ACREAGE SN AP! Feldm an’s Naptha Soap— Phone 230-R. 279-3» Per case ....................... I wenty acres, all first an d second Per bar ................................ 5«- CRISCOES boitom , 7 acres w aterm elon s, 10 \\ ANTED— W ork in hotel or restau­ Toilet Soaps, 3 lor . 25c ra n t; am an experienced “ bus boy ’ 25c, 35c. 65c. $1.25, $ 1.85 acres fin e bearing pears, crop w ill in cafeteria work. R. A. Priest, Maple Syrup. Libertv Bell— net buyer $ 1 5 0 0 to $ 2 0 0 0 , located phone 404-R. 279-2’ Q uarts .................... 5c size ................................20, | close to h igh w ay, b eau tifu l b u ild in g Half gallons ................ ( spot. Cash price, $ 4 5 0 0 . FOR SALE— Progressive Everbear­ ing straw berry plants. Address! Gallons .................. STAPLES REALTY 346 Helman St. 279-6* i WE SELL FOB LESS BECAUSE WE SELL FOE CASH LOST— Las^ Saturday, fountain pen, Conklin self filler, clip coiled snake “THE ELHART WAY” of German silver, No. 2 fine point. W e G ive Service w ith our Type- Finder return to Bert Freem an. w riter S ales 61 North Main St., A sh land Union oil service station. Re­ ward. 27 9-2 Ashland News in Paragraphs STARTS TODAY GO! BIG DOUBLE BILL THOMAS MEK,HAN HAROLD LLOYD WHITE and UNMARRIED NUMBER PLEASE BARGAIN! 7 Passenger CHANDLER WOOD SPECIAL Like New Price Cut to the Quick Enquire at Class A Garage Ashland Lumber Co. For Mr. E. G. High PLAZA MARKET Y o u r D o lla r Is W o r th M ore S a tu r d a y Plaza Market is the Place The L A S T D A Y of the Big D o lla r D a y S a le 37 reasons w h y you should spend a Dollar _________ h e r e - S A T U R D A Y —————— —— __ AGENTS FOR ROYAL CORONA AND Woodstock Typewriters ____ C o m e a n d S e e F o r Y o u r s e lf One or Tw o Second Hand M achines for R ent SEE OUR W INDOW S IS A AC &. Co SUCCESSORS THE THE STORE TO C. H. VA UPEL Q U A L IT Y W HERE YO U R STORE PATRONAGE IS si® A P P R E C IA T E D FOR RENT— Outside room, off bath-| room, one block from Chautauqua building. 128 So. Pioneer Ave., phone 480-J. 279-2* FOR SALE CHEAP— Harley-David son motorcycle in first class con dition; can be seen at Robison! garage. 279-3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A Message From Russia By REV. ANTONE HOK JR. . ■ «V . • , We solicit your patronage. We handle only the best of Meats, kept in refrigerated glass eases, under absolutely sani tary conditions. You can see them for yourself. A Great. Preacher and Singer from th e Czecho-Slovak People Also handle Fresh Fish on Thursday and Friday Baptist Church Sunday Evening, July 31 C. A. Pauley & Company A t 8 o ’clock AU are cordially invited ♦r East Side Market Successors Phone 188 to J as. Barrett Ashland