PACK TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Friday, July 39, 19ÍÍ Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO W O O D 1 .............. ................ ...........$1213.62' Total 31393.11 I H ubbard Bro9., expense Dist. Road Dist. No. 14 No. 1 .................................. 39.Ot ________ . ’E. Peil, payroll Dist. No. 14 $834.02' OFFICIAL (TTY AND COUNTY T h e W hite Paper club of Chicago Ming th e next six months. Among Total 31252 62 E - C. Hamilton, bills paid for PAPER has asked the co-operation of the th e projects of direct interest w h ich ! Road Dist. No. 2 Di3t- No- I 4 ..................... 204.60 TELEPHONE 3 9 ¿ Bruin, payroll Dist. No. f E - c Hamilton, payroll Dist American Legion in th eir effort to will be handled Is Armistice Day cele- ’ No 14 ................................ 568.11 Subscription Price Delivered in City bration, completion of the payment! ' * ' —.................................. 3428.38 j One month .................................. $ .65 bring back slacker Bergdoll l/om Payroll Dist. No. S j M. L Pellet, labor Dist. No. Three months . . ......................... 1.95 Germany. The W hite Paper club Js ■*of the Monument, the proposition ! Perry, payroll Dist. No. 14 ......................................... .77.00 « Six months .................................. 3.75 composed of em inent literary men, I of building a suitable hut at Lake 3 ......... ........................ ..3 4 5 0 .0 0 One y e a r ....................................... 7.50 and is headed by Emerson Hough. of th e Woods for use of the Legion; Total $1683.63 Road Dist. No. 4 Mail <*tn( Rural Route*. Generati Roads W. M. Tetherow, payroll Dist. One mnnth .................................. $ ..65 Sure, we want Bergdoll, but only a t 'm em bers and th e Boy Scouts, and No. 4 .................................. $486.64 Thos. Roseberry, payroll gen- Three months .............................. 1.95 Fort Leavenworth, Kans. He is not plans for conducting the Midwin­ eral roads ........................... $300.00 1 Road Dist. No. 3 Six mouths .................................. 3.50 fit to run at large in this country. t e r Lyceum course which is to sta rt F. J. W atson, payroll Dist. Hugh Jones, general road ex­ One year ....................................... 6.50 The W hite Paper club states as fol­ in October. pense .................................... 82.50 j No. 5 .....................................$289.16 J. D. Adams & Co., grader R oad Dist. No. 6 lows regarding the Bergdoll case. ADVERTISING RATES: blades, general roads . . . 14.60 i F ran k Farlow . expense Dist. A LITTLE WATER Display Advertising “The Bergdoll case is an affro n t to F air P etitio n F a ils— No. 6 .....................................$ 42.58 W. H. Brown, general road Single insertion, each in ch ............30c every good American. It belittles SPRAYED ' Owing to the fact th a t sufficienti e x p e n s e ................ .. 12.57 ! Road Dist. No. 7 YEARLY CONTRACTS on flowers will keep them the patriotic service of all American signatures have not been secured to J. M. Allen, payroll Dist. No. Ballou & W right, general road Display Advertising expense ................................ 48.48 ! 7 ......................................... $1094.00 One tim e a w eek.................... 27 fresh and lovely for a long men and women in the world v.rr. th e petition asking the county court Busy Corner Motor Co., gen­ Road Dist. No. 8 Two tim es a w eek....................25c time. Get a reel of our It has left the power of the United to call a special election to vote on eral road expense ........... 54.5 i .. , , W. L. Van Houten, payroll Every other d a y ........................ 20c first quality garden hose States open to ridicule, disrespect th e proposition to erect buildings on _ Dist. No. 8 ......................... $2457.69 W. A. Bishop, freight for Local Readers. and keep your flowers, general roads ..................... 1.54 Each line, each tim e .................... 10c and contempt on the part of the for­ The fair grounds and as the time Road Dist. No. 9 To run every other day for one Clyde Equipm ent Co., gener- fruits, vegetables and lawn eign born. Its continuation in its is short now, no fair will be held R. B. Vincent, payroll Dist. month, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c present state weakens faitli in our ' al road expense ................ 256.91 No. 9 .....................................$599.49 healthy and thriving. And this fall. It is hoped to have ev­ To run every issue for one month Road Dist. No. 10 and Market Road C. E. Cass, general r.oad ex­ we help in the effort to or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c American institutions and lessens erything in readiness to present the ! Natwick and Helms, paym ent pense ................................ 11.00 Classified Column. make gardening pay by confidence in the American govern­ proposition to the people soon and on contract, m arket ro ad . 1253.75 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., powder One cent the word each time. for Buck Shot hill ........... 142.26 charging the least we can ment. Bergdoll should be demanded get the buildings and track s ready Floyd A. Gentry, w ork on To run every issue for one month or of Germany and placed in the peni­ 26.00 Central Lum ber Co., general for garden accessories. for a big fair next year.- -Medford i m arket road ....................... more, Vic the word each time. road e x p e n s e ....................... 9.50 J. H artm an, expense on m ar­ tentiary to which he was sentenced.” Mail-Tribune. Legal Rate: ket road ........................... 511.92 Eads T ransfer & Storage, F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c general road expense . . . . 43.00 Johnston L um ber Co., bridge Each subsequent time, per 8 point Receives Application Blanks— "♦ « ♦ I -•-♦ -I lumber, market road . 384.30 jFred J. Fick, general road Brigadier General Asher Miner, of l i n e ...............................................3c k expense ......................... . . 29.66 County Clerk Florey has received Medford Concrete Const. Co. W ilkes-Barre, Pa., who lost a leg Card of Thanks, $1.00. expense Dist. No. 10 . . . 194.25 iGaddis & Dixon, fencing on O bituaries, 2% cents th e tine. in France, was one of th e speakers! j a large supply of application blanks Emil Rosenau, labor on m ar­ general roads .................... 531.15 Fraternal Orders and Societies. at the banquet tendered by the Newi ; from the W orld W ar V eterans Aid Gold Hill H ardw are Co., gen­ k et road .............................. 26.00 Advertising for fraternal orders commission for those who wish to C. M. Ruch, expense Diet. eral road e x p e n s e .............. 3.10 or societies charging a regular initi­ York Shipbuilding corporation on No. 10 .................................. 27.49 : H ubbard Bros., general road the occasion of .the trial of the new a PP°int e< l attorney and appraiser ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ The position Standard Oil Co., oil for Dist. ligious and benevolent orders will be liner, "American Legion.” General ^Ol ‘Utckson county. (Continued on Page Three) No. 10 ................................ 38.40 charged th e regular rate fbr all ad­ Miner was responding to Major G en-1 ^as do with, the paym ent of loans Jack T hrasher, payroll Dist. vertising when an admission or other eral Price, or Philadelphia, who to ld ' and bonuses to service men in this No. 10 ................................ 647.50 charge is made. how his com patriot, after losing his I coun^y* tbe a PPra *sing of land, etc. David Dorn, work on m arket What Constitutes Advertising! road ....................... '. . . . . . . 5 5 . 0 0 leg, had offered to go before h is 1 " In order to allay a m isunderstand­ men for moral effect. “ The loss of |E n «,np D istillate Gomes Back— A. L.. Goodman, payroll Dist. ing among some as to w hat consti­ No. 10 ................................ 1836.97 Engine distillate has “come back” Natwick & Helms, contract tutes news and what advertising, th a t leg,” declared General Miner,! ! we print this very simple rule which Is justified by the privilege of b e - a fte r a two year period during which on m ark et road ................ 2500.00 is used by newspapers to dlfferin- ing a member of the American I.e- tim tiine e it was conspicuous by its ab- W allace Woods, expense Dist. Oregon’s Higher Institution of utiate between them : “ ALL future No. 10 ................................ 39.42 sence, announced M. L. P atton, local events, where an admission charge giori. « • • agent for the Standard Oil company. is made or a collection is taken Total $7541.00 It is now on sale at the Standard Oil IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to Road Dist. No. 11 The state bonus commission a t Sa-j organizations and societies of every service station. P. L. Freed, payroll Dist. No. Eight Schools; Seventy Departments lem is making rapid progress in th e ' kind as well as to individuals. 11 . ..................................$ 6 6 1 .9 7 FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 All reports of such activities after selection of the county hoards. It! Road Dist. No. 12 For information w rite to the Registrar they have occurred is news. will only be a m atter of iwo g ? COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS H. L Gregory, payroll Dist. All coming social or organization three months now until the commh SEE US FOR No 12 . . . . ------------------ $142.00 Oregon Agricultural College (Continued From Y esterday.) meetings of societies where no money CORVALLIS Thos. Roseberry, May payroll contribution is solicited, initiation sion will be fully operative. D ist No. 12 ......................... 180.00 ♦ * ♦ Service Station, charged, or collection taken is NEWS. I Medford E. C. H am ilton, payroll Dist. ¡county nurse expense . . . $ 22.26 The following inform ation h;. No. 1 2 ........................... . . 125.50 We make ai? quotations on J. L. Rowe, payroll Dist. No. been received from the Graves Reg­ JOH W ORK Total $147.26 C. B. L A M K I N 12 ................................ ...1 1 3 8 .9 0 istration) service concerning the prep­ Surveyor’s Office from Medford Lumber Co., expense aration of bodies of our deceased Mary Bebb, surveyor’s sten ­ THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. Dist. No. 12 . . . . ’. ............ 28.80 ographer .............................. 40.00 ■comrades who will be returned from BARGAINS IN Same prices— Reasonable Price— Mary Bebb, surveyor’s sten­ France: Total $1615.20 I Real Estate to all. ographer, back p a y ............ 40 00 Road Dist, No. 13 Upon interm ent of a body In Em-- C. F ran k Rhodes, surveyor’s R oseberry. payroll E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon, Ope prior to shipment to this coun­ office r e n t ........................... 12.00 Thos. D ist. No. 13 ___ _ ______ $523.06 I Postoffice as Second Class Mail «tty and Rancb Prvpertle» try, the rem ains are carefully identl- C. F ran k Rhodes, surveyor’s Matter. office expense .............. 12.00 F. J. W atson, payroll Dist. Houses to Otent. lied and records verified. The body ‘In the Heart of Town” No. 13 . 5 « . . . . . . 430.61 | CH. L. Gregory, payroll Dist. 1s then technically treated by expert Total $104.00 No.. 13 ______ t................... 432.50 1 anner ___ as ___ to , ¡dealer of Weights and Measures CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING But poverty, with most who •> em balm ers in such m ____ H en ry Owens, work D iit. No. nitary rules, i E A- Bond- «ea1er of weights conform with rigid sa '*> whimper forth the rem ains are then wrapped in a — y -...? Their long complaints is self- Water Master linen sheet and medicated blauket Fred N. ’ Cummings, w ater inflicted woe, and placed in a metallic container. m aster’s s a l a r y .................. $125.00 rent, county tion to remove the conditions which Relatives may convoy the bodies i obstruct development up there. from Hoboken, N J., if they so de-! Total $2150.00 In which apparel is offered at decided reductions to effect immediate disposal and prepare fl Stock Inspection sire, but when relatives do not ap-l r« for the new season. Values of unusual importance are offered throughout our store. Be­ The shipping board is looking pear, a specially selected soldier will! W. H. Peninger, claim for slaughtered cattle ........... $ 35.00 low are listed a few—many other equally important items not advertised. around desperately for economy be designated as Military escort to ' County Auditor any place designated by the next of E. M. Wilson, auditing public caulking to stop monetary leaks. kin for delivery. records ................................$400.00 One lot 2-piece house dresses, at ................................. $ .98 The flag around the coffin can be One lot apron dresses ......................................................... $1.25 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING PAYS kept by the parents. Many parents One lot house dresses ......................................................... $2.49 b - later deposit the flag with an Am­ One lot Voile dresses ......................................................... $4.98 No more convincing illustration of erican Legion Post, or other p atri­ Voiles and Linen d re s s e s .................................................... $8.75 the efficiency of newspaper adver­ otic organization, as a memento. / • • • tising has been presented than the G L O V E S P E C IA L S experience of the L iterary Digest. The Loyal Order of Dads has been Five years ago when the magazine founded a t Ft. Myers, Florida, by CHAMOISETTE GLOVES UNDERTHINGS REMNANTS had 350,000 circulation, the direc­ “ Dad” Sheldon Foote, who has an­ In slip-on and 2-button styles, tors decided that a larger circulation nounced th at membership will bej in cream, grey, chamois and Unusual values. Our Tt will be worth your was desirable, and th a t th e only Open to all fathers of ex-service men brown. Values up to $2.00, now present stock of knit while to look over our way to get it was through advertis­ of the army, navy and M arine Corps $1.19 to $1.39 goods priced to sell. stock of cotton and wool ing. For four years, $1.000.000 was of th e United States, who served in Gowns SILK GLOVES invested annually in 400 leading the Spanish-American W ar or the remnants— Envelope Chemises One lot a t ..............89c to $1.19 THE HISTORY OF THE newspapers in the United States, with W’orld W ar, or who are now in serv­ Camisoles They are priced right Two-button style of excellent MONEY KINGS the result th a t today the magazine ice. The members will encourage REAL BARGAINS for a quick sale quality with embroidered wrist has a circulation of 1,300,000, and clean, patriotic living in th eir irre­ shows th a t the founda­ —in white and g r e y ........$1.79 tions of their w ealth were its income has been increased more spective of party, politics, race or laid by persistent saving. than 360 per cent. creed. The organization will be af­ OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE PRICES WILL CON Would it have been possible for filiated with the American Legion. They created a surplus TINUE THROUGHOUT THE MONTH and put it out a t interest. the L iterary Digest to secure such H eadquarters will be at F ort Myers, We can’t all be money returns from any other medium? Florida. kings, but we can’t hope ♦ * • We believe not. Newspaper adver­ to overcome fortune un­ tising presents Its message when 1 The British Legion is now a fact. less we save. people in a receptive mood. Ap­ •The four British e.u-servlce mens Having a savings account pearing as it does in a medium th at organizations have consolidated and with THIS bank will op­ Is welcomed and read in practically 'form the British Legion. The organ­ en YOUR opportunity. every household, it is bound to a t­ ization is a counterpart of the Amer­ tract the attention of masses of peo­ ican Legion, with some added feat­ ple, and if the article advertised pos­ ures. « * • sesses real merit, large sales are sure to follow. The Executive committee of Ash­ land Post No. 14 will meet some­ A storia Flour mills ship 15,000 tim e during next week to discuss the barrels flour to Poland. plans and activities of the Post dur- In order to m ake room we are offering Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier Cash w ith Order Ashland Lumber Co., Phone 20 SIM PSO N ’S □ AC TECHNOLOGY HARDW ARE Your Winter’s Fuel Early It Will Pay You to Do So Factory Blox Cord Wood Tier Wood Coal Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. A Clearaway Sale TW CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND æ i % on