PAGE FOUR Tuesday, July 2«, 1021 LOCAL AND PERSONAL ............................ I I 1 Domestic Science Department C o n d u c te d A y Special communication of Ashland Lodge No. 22, W ednesday evening, July 27. Second degree. Come. W. E. BUCHANAN. W M. W. H. DAY, Secretary, M r s .ß d le ß e G r a f Domestic S c ie n c e D ire c to r S p e r r e F le u r Co. let stand about two hours. Strain i- and dilute with ice w ater to the de- Boys Hike— s sired strength. Any boys wishing to take a e Lemon Whey days hike up W agner creek One cup hot milk, % lemou (juice Cash Wood, the Y. M. C. A. 5 only), l tablespoon sugar. Add lem should talk to Rev. Koehler or - on juice to milk and cook over »» Rigg. The. si a rt will be made r very low fire, or in a double boiler Wednesday m orning at 5» o until whey separates. Do not stir, from Talent. Boys must furnh i Strain through a cheesecloth, add their own m aterial, but tran si 1 sugar and chill. Serve with thin tion will be furnished free. t slices of lemon, a very refreshing . drink. For C rater Lake or other trips, IVuit Punch see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lm Six lemons (juice only), 6 oranges Alberts Taxi. Seven passenger cai m nourishing as well, and (juice only), l cup grated pineap- for long trips. Phone 182. 267-12 in to both old and young, i pie, 2 cups straw berry syrup, 1 cup igg white very stiff, then M araschino cherries, 2 cups freshly We specialize on fancy brick ice cups sugar, 1 cups ually, while constantly m ade tea, 2 cream. Rose Bros. 264tf water, 1 q u a rt appolinaris. 1 gallon o teaspoons of sugar, one Boil sugar and w ater jeoa and a few grains of icq water. North Portland to have fire m inutes. Cool and add tea. fruit >ut about, one-third of this harbor Improvement. Lei mixture, and to remaining portion I juices, syrup and ipineapple. ' add gradually one cup cold milk, con-1 i stand one hour, then strain. Add stantly beating. Put the rem ainder, ice w ater and pour over a large piece ! of the m ixture on top and serve. of ice. Then add apollinaris and ! All fruit juices make refresning cherries. Sufficient for forty. drinks and punches. The fruit syr­ Southern Punch ups may be made, and some kinds Four cups strong tea, 2 oranges G uns and F ish in g T ackle— can be purchased ready for use. The (juice only), 2 lemons (juice only), Elkhorn Gun Store. 81 Oak street. best lemonade Is made from pre- 1 cup sugar, 1 cup boiling w ater, 1 261-1 mo ’ pared syrup in the proportion of two banana. Boil sugar and w-ater five cups each of w ater and sugar and minutes. Cool and add orange and Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream a thin shaving of lemon peel boiled lemon juice. Allow four level tea­ parlor where quality Ice cream s and for about ten minutes, removing any spoons tea to four cups of freshly sherbets are served 264tf scum whicli may gather on the sur- boiled water. Add -a small nipro nf i ; face; cool and add the juice of six . t,ari t tier, messenger for Die to eight lemons. Allow two table­ Western Union telegraph company, spoons of the lemon syrup for each , glass of water. i was the victor over *i six foo; ra ttle ­ P artially fill each glass with 1 snake at 7:30 o’clock this morning shaved or crushed ice < a t the end of Straw berry lane. The ra ttle r struck at E a rl’s father. Emil Utter, as the signal for a shotgun onslaught. The ra ttle - was given a broadside from the shotgun, and afterw ards clubbed to death w th the stock of the gun. The g | i was ‘■adly damaged as a result nf thei encounter cavity. This piercing of the nerv­ ous center causes a relaxation of the skin muscles, and the feathers may be dry picked. The picking must COME RUNNING be done rapidly for the period of re­ but economizes on the time taken laxation is brief. Thus it may be doing the work as well. found the method not only pro­ duces a b etter appearing product, A display of grains, grasses, and legumes is being prepared for exhi­ bition a t the Oregion building in Portland by the O. A. C. farm crops departm ent. id— Japan ships chartered vheat to Europe. Vessels for July sail'tig to spend on repairs. » b u rg — O p e ra tio n s being con in Perdue mines. ♦ The big crowd will be at the Bungalow ton/ght. Dancing 85c in­ cluding war tax. Klam ath Falls has 150 acres perm int growing for oïl. ’W’W S m G Leaving 1 Charles Ra —in— I he b lL L tb i consweratxxi with the average country shop­ per is the matter of PRICE. "Peaceful Valley PRICES asked for merchandise in this up-arid-doing town and community of ours wdl be found Io compare MOST FAVOR ABLY with prices anywhere— hut there is an added incentive foi trading here— Our merchants rarefy CUT prices, because they are not ¡n the habit d INFLATING (hem They look for their profits Along far-sighted LINES— through holding the-: customers on QUALITY and good honest SERVICE The SPIRIT of this town of ours is Io PLAY FAIR and fos­ ter FRIENDLY FEELING. Some people call them that, but Charlie Ray thinks they're wonder­ ful. wholesome, and true to life. "As a m atter of fact,” he says, “they’re really small-town types such as you find in Jam es W hit­ comb Riley or Booth Tarkington..” Your dollar will GO FARTHER here Make the TEST and * * for yourself You 11 he dealing with a body of business men who will treat you m a manner that will make you FEEl LIKE COMING AGAIN. < Chance FRIDAY—SATURDAY T h e/il make your SHOPPING TRIPS to our town easy on the POCKETROOK— mJ PLEASANT FOR YOU Thomas Meigtian hcx*k up or crank up and COME ON IN— to this town of ours— the natural HUB of this region —and— Harold Lloyd Big trance at the Bungalow night. 85c including war tax. H. R. Adams for piomtnng. hearing id gas fitting. Repairing a apt-H- tv 248 Fifth St. Phone 166-.I, W ide Taffeta Ribbon in plain colors, 35c values— Midsummer suits a t P autserud’s. 263-tf Pure pasteurized milk quart at Rose Bros. Dollar Davs: 7 vds. for $1.00 What is a vacation w ithout mu­ corree syrup is useful to have on sic? Buy a small Victrola and take ’ hand also. Make one pint of strong it along. Rose Bros. 247-tf coffee; strain, add two cups sugar and boil about five minutes. Cool I.eave for Tillamook' and store in a bottle or tightly cov­ Mr. and Mrs. H. ered jar. Use two tablespoons of a few days ago on a une cup grated pineapple, 2 quarts the coffee syrup tp three-quarters boiling water. 2 cups freshly made ing trip. They wil cup milk, pour over shaved ice and tea, 6 lemons (juice only), 6 oranges mook, and from the add one tablespoon cream either (juice only), i q u art fru it juice where they will atten whipped or plain; a little nutm eg ( grape, loganberry or straw b erry ), may be sprinkled over the top. Both 4 cups sugar, 1 q u art apollinaris. Get Your H unting O utfit the iced chocolate and coffee make Cook pineapple, sugar and w ater to­ And save money. El excellent warm w eather luncheon gether about fifteen m inutes. Strain Store, 81 Oak street. drinks and offer a change from the and cool. Add fruit juices and tea u n e annualO dd Fellows picnic usual iced tea. And. by the way, An hour or so before serving pour will be held in Lithia park, Friday, iced tea should be made fresh and over cracked ice and add apollinaris. July 29. Basket dinner at 7 p. m. used at once if it is to be at its best. W ill serve about forty persons. « Coffee, milk and sugar furnished Always make tea with w ater which California Punch by Medford and Ashland lodges. Ail has been freshly boiled. For iced! One q u art of cooked apricots Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, their tea make a little stronger than us­ (canned or dried ), 2 cups sugar, 2 families and visiting friends are in­ ual, and steep' only four m inutes, cups water, 1 q u a rt apple juice oi vited. A short program will be then pour in tall glasses, twiM hirds apple cider, 2 oranges (juice only), rendered at the Bungalow after the full of shaved or crushed ice. Add 2 lemon« (juice only). Rub the ap­ dinner, followed by dancing. Every­ thin slices of lemon and pass pow­ ricots through a coarse sieve. Boil thing free to those invited. 277-9 dered sugar. For a tea punch, chill sugar and w ater together for five tea, add one-fourth as much lemou m inutes, then add apricot pulp. Chill. Just received the new juice as tea. Keep very cold and Let stand at least two hours, then Woolen Company’s line of just before serving add one small pour over cracked ice. Sufficient for w inter samples. Call in bottle of ginger ale for every two twenty-five punch cups. them. Cleaning and repair q uarts or tea. on short notice K. Nelsc For those persons who enjoy the Austin Bldg. WAY TO KILL POULTRY flavor of chocolate, but do not care Sticking the fowl from inside the to indulge in fattening foods, cocoa iitomattc on cook stoves mouth is now practiced by leading may be freely used. Cocoa is almost Ashland F u rn itu re Co, free of the rich fats contained in poultrym en and poultry m erchants, according to G. F. Bell of the col­ chocolate. FOR SALS— Modern lege departm ent of poultry husban­ O r a n g e J u le p Mountain Avenue. Pr of the Three oranges, l grapefruit, 1 cup dry. Best results are obtained by late Joseph G. Hurt. terms. sugar, 2 cups boiling water. 1 pint using a thin sharp bladed knife. The Inquire Alpha Hotel. 272-6 Kinger ale, 1 spray fresh mint. Ex-1 fowl is first hung up by the feet on « a suspended cord. The knife is in­ anything Phone 114. tract orange and ernnofi-nl) serted in the mouth and a diagonal 259-tf slit made across the upper corner For a good plunge or of the mouth. This cuts the large pure sulphur water, go artery of the head and allows the atorlum . fowl to bleed to death quickly. Sim­ ultaneously with the cutting of th? Hay and grain insurance artery the knife may he turned and of coarse. the point pierced through the roof of the m outh into the re a r brain ion’t care w hether it’s a Ford automobile; he insures 'em 276-tf Bayne makes Porch Swings, O. K. S, VOTiCK Alpha chapter No. 1 ,0 . j Jiold their annua» picnic evening, ’July 28. in Lithia 6 o clock. AU members ani members and their famIli to be present. Bring yi dishes. Committee. Thursday-Friday-Saturday Thirty-seven reasons whv you should shop at K. R. ISAAC’ items have been taken from our regular stock and marked ; days. Some lots are limited; others are quite extensive. Store hours; 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Come early while the lot PONGEE SILK PILLOW CASES Im ported. 33 inches wide value— Dollar Days 3R SALE— F irst China brood sow, in about two weeks Lithia Oarage. Poland farrow Smith. 277-3* (■ST— Between 6th and B streets (depot), coil gold (snake like) ibrooch. This was left for safe keeping, and its return to this office would bring rew ard. Bov 2, Tidings. 277-2 MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS 42 and 45 inch Daisy eases. Solu Weil made, regularly at 39c each— .............. broidery— $1.00 per yd.¡Dollar Days: 3 for $1.00 (rimmed with LADIES HOSE em­ In black, brow n and w hite, values to 69c p a ir— Dollar Davs: $1.00 ea. Dollar Davs: 2 prs. for $1.00 BSE CREPE BLEACHED MUSLIN WASH GOODS 36 IN. WHITE POPLIN vear, 39c yd. 36 inches wide, good quality, no Voiles, lawns and fancy m aterials I Good heavy quality. Sold regu- yds. for $1.00 starcb Sold regularly at 20c— values to 69c a yard— | larly at 48c a yard— . Dollar Davs: 6 1-2 yds. $1.00 Dollar Davs: 3 vds. for $1.00 Dollar Days: 3 yds. for $1.00 3 LB. COTTON BAT Stitched, size 72x90, full c< forter. Sold regularly a t Si .2 CRASH TOWELING 27 IN. APRON GINGHAM In s ta p le checks. fo r 19c a y a rd — 40 inches wide, for dresses ana trimming. Sold regularly at 69c- - 3 for $1.00 Dollar Days: 2 yds. for $1.00 BATH TOWELS ¡E xtra heavy, size 2£x44. 28 Inch width in printed patterns regularly a t 69c— for dresses— ¡Dollar Days: 2 for 39c yd. — 3 yds. for $1.00 DRESS GINGHAM Sola 27 inches wide, good pattern.-. $1.00 SCHOOLDAY CLOTH Dollar Davs: 6 yds. for $1.00 K IM O 'A CREPES 28 inches wide, all new patterns__ i 32 inches wide. Sold regularly | Dollar PERCALE for 39c a yard— 36 inches wide. Sold regularly 36 inch best quality Bleached a t 25c a yard— Dollar Days: 3 yds. for $1.00 Muslin. Sold regularly at 25c a yard— Dollar Days: 5 yds. for $1.00 DOMESTICS Dollar Days: 5 yds. for $1.00 CHILDREN’S STOCKINGS JA P CREPE 30 inches wide, in several of the much wanted colors and white— Sold regu­ 36 in. Unbleached Muslin Good heavy quality. larly a t 20c a yard— Dollar Davs: 3 vds. for $1.00 Dollar Days: 6 yds. for $1.00 8—4 Unbleached Sheeting Dollar Davs: 3 vds. for $1.00 39c a pair— Dollar Days: 3 pr. for $1.00 CHILDREN’S SOX Sold regularly at 59c a pair. CAMEO CAMBRIC F o r underw ear. at 25c a yard— CHILDREN’S SOX Sold regularly at Sold regularly Dollar Davs: 2 pr. for $1.00 In black only. ity— Extra good q u a l-! Dollar Days: 3 prs. for $1.00 BUNGALOW APRONS Made of good Percale, all sizes ' values to $1.39— Dollar Davs: $1.00 ea. POLLY PRIM APRONS Made of Cretonne, trimmed with ric rac— Dollar Days: $1.00 ea. Dollar Davs: 5 vds. for $1.00 HUCK TOWELS Good size for family use. regularly at 20c each— Dollar Days: Successors to Sold 6 for $1.00j THE 4 8c a yard— WHITE ORGANDIE BATH TOWELS Dollar Days: 6 yds. for $1.00 CHIFFONETE ORGANDIE CURTAIN SCRIM Sold re g u la rly Sold regularly at Dollar Days: 7 yds. for $1.00 Dollar Days: 3 yds. for $1.00 P a rt linen, extra good value. E x tra good size— Sold regularly at 22c a yard— Dollar Days: Sold regularly at 48c a yard— BNT— 8 room house, partly bed. with or w ithout gar- Inquire 295 G rant St. 277-6* ♦ H. Yaupel Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Days: 4 yds. for $1.00 * «