PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland T. S. Wiley, petit ju ro r . . . Tidings A u gu st 10 W ill S ee C om pletion Dr. J. W. Robinson, grand Established 1876 | ju ry witness .................. .. . Published Every Evening Except Of P acific H ig h w a y in County H. C. Foster, circuit court Sunday 24.60 w itness ........... ................ 9.60 Harold Riddle, circuit court 2.06 witness .................... , . . . 7.00 E- C. Stillman, grand jury 6.00; witness ................................ 3.0oi W ebster Wertz, circuit court 9.60 witness .................................. 9.60 Wm. Wise, grand jury wlt- 9.60 ness . ..................................... g.oo ; Ransom W ebstar, circuit 11.00 ; court witness ...................... 8.00 ! F . Roy Davis, court rep o rter’s 6.20 ' (fee ....................................._ 2t}.8l w itness ................................ Mrs. Acklin, circuit court witness .............................. O FFICIAL CITY A N D COUNTY The state highway commission is California d .tt roads, E v erett A cklin, circuit PAPER to be complimented for the splendid The last strip of highway now be «court w itness , ............... TELEPHONE 39 work it has been do*Jhg and is now 1 ing completed, is at the summit, H. W. Barron, circuit court Subavripuun P rice D elivered in City witness ; .............................. where the plant of Oskar Huber, the One month .................................. $ .66 doing in the state and especially in contractor to r the Siskiyou paving, Wm. Cottrell, grand jury Tjhree m o n t h s .............................. 1.96 ’ Jackson county. A drive over the w itn e s s - ....................... .. is located. The work from Ashland Grace C ham berlain, circuit Six m onths .................................. 3.75 One year ................................... 7.60 w onderful strip ol' the Pacific high- to the California Lne was done by court witness ............. . . . 9.60 Total $1310.81 Mail and Rural Route*. way from Medford to the California Oskar H uber and is a credit, not on­ Ira K. Drake, grand jury Justice Court One mouth .................................. $ .65 line, all of which is now hard su r­ ly to the contractor, but to W illiam iwitness- ................ 8.8Q D. Alexander, justice witness Three m ouths .............................. 1.95 A rth u r Dressier, circuit court fees .......................................$ 2.50 ! faced excepting about 2000 feet that Strahan, who is in charge, and I ls Six m onths ...................................... 3.5o witness ................ ................ 7.00 Frank Borden, justice wit­ One year ....................................... 6.50 will be completed by August 1 to 10, assistants, as well as to D istrict En­ H. G. Enders, circuit court ness fees .............................. 2.00 will convince you of this fact as well gineer Hodgman, George McVlckar, witness ................................ 9.60 D. W. -4U)VERTLS1NGRATE s 7 Bagshaw, justice as m ake you feel proud that the local engineer, J. Drew, state inspec­ Maud H. Evans, circuit court : court fees ........................... 4.55 D isplay A d vertising witness .............. ; ............... 9.60 I Mrs. F rank Borden, justice Single insertion, each in ch ........... 36c entire Pacific highway through this to r, L. E. King, inspector in charge, E. H. Evans, circuit court YEARLY CONTRACTS witness fees ................ .. 2.00 county, a distance of fifty-five miles, and the highway commission. tyitness ......... ...................... D isplay A dvertising 9.60 W. W. Cottrell, justice wit- The twenty-one miles of road from M arshall Hooper, grand jury One time a w eek.....................27 %c will be hard surfaced by the first mess fees ........................... 2.60 witness ......... of August. Ashland to the state line has cost Two tim es a w eek.................... 26c p4.80 A rth u r Fitch, justice court Every other d a y ......................... 20c fees .................................... 1.50 The w riter had the pleasure of ac­ in round figures more than $800,000. F. W. H errin, circuit court w itness ................ ............. Jxx'al R eaders. 8.40 W. H. Gowdy, justice court companying District Engineer K. E. of which the state has paAl about ,Geo. L. Irwin, circuit court Each line, each tim e .................... 10c fees .................................. .. . 37.15 Hodgman over this highway last three-fourths and the county one- witness ................................ To run every other day for one 9.60 J. W. H atcher, justice court moDth, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c week, and although we had been ov­ fourth. Luke Jennings, circuit court * fees ....................................... 31.80 witness ......................... To run every issue for one month 7.00 M. D. Jones, justice witness er it several times it ¡s always a The state is now having about a or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c delight to ride on such a weli built John Murphy, circuit court fees ....................................... 1.50 mile of guard fence built on the C lassified Column. w itness ................................ 9.60 W ilbur Jacks, justice witness highway with its graceful curves and sharp curves" is laying several miles F rank Murphy, circuit court One cent the word each time. fees ....................................... 1.50 To run every issue for one month or easy grades, winding through the of drain tile in the ditches along w itness ................................ 9.60 Bert Moses, justice witness more, %c the word each time. m ountains and through the beauti- the highway, and cutting down some Voly Meyers, circuit court Legal R ate: w itness ; . . . . ..................... (Continued on Page Three) 9.60 F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c ful tim ber as it climbs to the sum­ of the Dills where slides occur, in M anard- McCurry, circuit m it of the Siskiyous, over 4500 feet order to get ready for the rains ' court w itness ..................... Each subsequent time, per 8 point 9.60 l i n e ...............................................5c high, where you catch the cool moun­ and to m ake the highway an all-the- ¡M. McCorry, circu it courjr Card of Thanks, $1.00. w itness »----- k . j ............. tain breezes, view Mt. Shasta and year-round thoroughfare. 5.60 O bituaries, 2 cents the line, 'Bolton Meadows, circuit couft other snow caps, and then drop down The highway between Ashland and fr a te r n a l Orders and Societies. w itness ................................ 7.00 Advertising for fratern al orders on the other side to the California Medford is also being repaired while Mr. O orthrups, circuit court or societies charging a regular initi­ line, where, by the way, the paved the O skar Huber plant is in opera­ witness ................................ 8.80 ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ highway ends and you pick up the tion. ^Mrs. O orthrups, county court ligious and benevolent orders will be witness .............................. 8.SO cbarged the regular rate for all ad­ O. A. Paulserud, grand jury they were during the corresponding vertising when an admission or other E . W. Carlton, grand ju ro r . 29.60 witness ................................ 5.60 charge is made. period last season, despite the in­ ¡Lloyd Colver, grand ju ro r . . 29.00 Fred Pettigrew , grand jury crease in freight rates, according to T. E. Daniels, petit ju ro r . . 22.00 w itness .............................. 6.20 W hat C onstitute« A dvertising! published in th e M . J 1 28.80 £. K. Pollard, grand jury (KEROSENE) In order to allay a m isunderstand­ statistics 18.80 witness ................................ 7.00 ing among some as to w hat consti­ ket R eporter, official publication of I J. C. Godlove, petit ju ro r STANDARD OIL COMPANY 16.00 J. B. Palm er, circuit court (C A L IF O R N IA ) tutes news and what advertising, H. H. G illette, petit ju ro r . . 24.60 witness ................................ we print this very simple rule whicn the departm ent of agriculture. 7.00 So far this season, according t o p eo‘ ^ a rre ^t, petit ju ro r . 19.60 Tom Roberts, circuit court Is used by newspapers to dlfferln- I ■ i i i «1« atiate between them : “ ALL future that publication, car load shipm ents j ¿*has; J ^ u m p h r o y ^ p S t Juror 22.60 ■■■■' j — ------- , . j hi ii 27.00 •vents, where an admission charge have totaled u98,524. compared F. C. Homes, petit ju ro r . . 25.40 is made or a collection is taken 16.20 IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to with 315,597 during the correspond- C. C. Hoover, petit ju ro r E arl Hayes,p etit ju ro r 7.20 organizations and societies of every ing period last year. Chas. Isaacs, petit ju ro r . . kind as well as to individuals. Tabulations by states as to car­ 8.80 All reports of such activities after load shipm ents up to June 4, show D. H. Jackson, petit ju ro r . C. Joy, grand ju ro r . . . 31.00 they have occurred is news. 18.80 All coming social or organization that of thirteen fruits and vegetabl ■ s O D. Lowe, petit ju ro r . . . 28.80 meetings of societies where no money decreases occurred in only two. E. K. Lane, grand ju ro r . . 28.00 contribution is solicited, initiation while increases were reported in (J. E. McDonald, petit ju ro r W e can furnish good slab G. R. Myers, petit ju ro r . . . 19.20 charged, or collection taken is NEWS. eleven. wood a t $6.76 per cord; order I'C. A. Meeker, grand ju ro r 28.00 MW while we can deliver from We make quotations on Wells Mann, petit ju ro r . . 19.40 cars and can save you extra 23.40 JOH WORK COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS i Jim O’Brien, petit ju ro r . . A. H. Pracht, petit ju ro r . . hauling expense. 24.60 from W. D! Roberts, petit ju ro r . 13.00 TH E FRANKLIN PR IC E LIST. The following <•» «$> as follows with th e exceptions shown; TH E ASH LAND PR IN TIN G \ W ednesday, July 2 7 , 1021 CO. W hen heated, water escapes tram the radiator in the form of steam. In the sanie way oil vapors pass out through the breather pipe when the oil is subjected to engine heat. Low evaporation loss is an indication of the oil’« lubri­ cating quality. Produced tin»if i t J he new HE x i ON process Excessive Oil Evaporation Reduces Mileage and Power Cycol reduces evaporation loss. It has the stab ility to w ithstand terrific engine heat ow ing to its peculiar chem ical characteristics. E xcessive loss of oil th ro u g h evaporation means th at the oil is not suitable to w ithstand engine heat. Poor oils contain a large percentage of vola­ tile and non -lu b ricatin g co n stitu en ts which are lib­ erated when subjected to o p eratin g tem peratures and pass out th ro u g h the b reath er pipes as vapor. M akes summer cooking comfortable PEARL OIL Pow er and m ileage are reduced. Some oils lose as m uch as 50% in evaporation d u rin g a 10 hour run. Scientific tests in our special m otor laboratory «how th at evaporation loss is greatly dim inished w ith Cycol in the m otor. T h at means b e tter lub­ ricatio n and more m ileage. Cycol is the new and differen t m otor oil. I t is free from d estru ctiv e “su lp h o ” compounds. T hese are removed by the new H exeon Process, used only by us. O ils containing “su lp h o ” com pounds break down rap id ly under engine heat. WOOD SPECIAL Cycol-ize your m otor. Clean the crank case—not w ith kerosene—and refill w ith the correct grade of Cycol as show n by the Cycol Recom m endation C hart. T he price of Cycol is 25c to 35c a quart according to grade. ASSOCIATED OIL COM PANY, San Francisco twroiBc o il Ashland Lumber Co. ♦ -w e M O TO R O ttC -o F O E € FR Q M 1 DESTRUCTIVE SULPHO COM POUNDS FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE’‘SULPHO 'COMPOUNDS County Court and C om m issioners To glory some advance a ly- ing claim « Thieves of renown and pii- •A* ferers of fame; -A Their front supplies what •» i their am bition lacks: di> They know a thousand lords behind their backs.— Young. ♦ ♦> ♦ G. A. G ardner, county judge’s salary .................................. $153.00 ♦ Victor Bursell, county com­ We have just received a m issioner’s salary and ex- « Pense ........................... . . . . 64.66; Jam es Owens, county com- shipment of Munson Last ' m issioner’s salary and ex­ pense .................................... n -,.00 J ♦s ti. A. G ardner, connty judge’s Blucher Style ¡traveling e x p e n s e .............. 45.50 ome Tel. & Tel. Co., county $ judge’s telephone bill 9.85 <$> ■$><$><«><£' . • •• • Rrintery, county ■ locker judge's office expense . . 11.00 restern Union Tel. Co., tel­ egram s for county judge 1.32 PU BLIC FORUM > Total $400.27 Circuit. Court To the Ashland Public: A. R. Thompson, circuit court The Ashland Park Commission I c r i e r ...................................... $ 4 8.00 asks your forebarance in any cen­ Chas. B artlett, circuit court witness ................................ 16.00 sure for the care taken of the Plaza F ran k P. F arrell, circuit court park near the C arter memorial foun­ ’ expense ................................ 10.00 FOR LADIES * Home Tel. & Tel. Cf.. circuit tain, for the following Reasons: judge’s telephone bill . . . 4.20' On the 7th day of last June, Com­ Wm. G. Kinney, circuit court missioner McNair appeared before w itn e s s ................................ 1.50 ! the city council at a regular meet­ Geo. N. Lewis, bailiff for 36.00 | ing with a request for the city to 1 term ..................................... This is the 0 ’Donnei Make T re d Pettigrew , justice wit­ have the irrigation of the Plaza park ness fees ........................... 2.60 attended to. which they agreed to A. Smith, petit ju ro r for March term ......................... (j.60 do, with the proviso that the park Mattie Thompson, meal9 for board do the mo\ving, which was ac­ jury ....................................... 6.50 cepted. i ’E. M. Wilson, audit of books, About July 19, when the lawn was grand ju ry expense ......... 25.00 drying up, Commissioner Butler H. S. Duel, petit ju ro r . . . 22.00 22.00 called the attention of Mayor Lam- iB urdette Dodge, peit ju ro r. *u . 'Fretl Benedict, petit ju ro r . 21.00 kin to the condition there, and was lJRalph Bardwell, petit ju ro r 10.00 assured th at ft would be attended J*. C. Bingham, grand ju ro r 28.06 to. If the Plaza lawn burns up, we ask the public to place the blame where It belongs. ASHLAND PARK COMMISSION, By G. S. B utler.w TO IDENTIFY OREGON WHEAT ■Specimens of more than 300 va­ rieties of wheat are being sent by the farm crops departm ent to W. C. Clark, hekd of the departm ent of cereal investigation in W ashington, D. C„ 1'or standardization in name and classification. The same vari­ eties of wheat have been grown in different parts of the United States under many different names. Mr. Clark will endeavor to give a stand­ ard name and classification to each variety. Of the 300 varieties of wheat to be sent, only 125 are accu­ rately named. These are all grown on the college farm under the super­ vision of the experiment station. - ----------------------- 1 1 SHIPMENTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALMOST DOUBLE1 2 Carload shipm ents of fruits and vegetables this season up to July 2 have been nearly twice a3 great as W O O D A Clearaway Sale In which ap p arel is offered a t decided reductions to effect im m ediate disposal and prepare for the new season. Values of unusual im portance are offered th roughout our store. Be low are listed a few—m any other equally im p o rtan t item s not advertised. One lot 2-piece house dresses, at ................................. $ .98 One lot apron dresses ........................................................ $1.25 One lot house dresses „< .................................... . ..$2.49 (hie lot Voile dresses .................. ‘ ‘.’.$4.98 \ Giles and Linen dresses .................................................... $8.75 GLOVE In order to make room we are offering Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier C ash w ith O rd er A s h l a n d L u m b e r C o ., Phone 20 A LITTLE W ATER SPR A Y ED on flowers will keep them fresh and lovely for a long time. Get a reel of our first quality garden hose and keep your flowers, fruits, vegetables and lawn healthy and thriving. And we help in the effort to make • gardening pay by charging the » least we can for garden accessories. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE U N D ER TH IN G S Unusual values. Our present stock of knit goods priced to sell. Gowns Envelope Chemises Camisoles REAL BARGAINS S P E C IA L S CH A M O ISETTE GLOVES In slip-on and 2-button styles, in cream, grey, chamois and brown. Values up to $2.00, now $1.19 to $1.39 SIL K GLOVES One lot a t .............. 89c to $1.19 Two-button style of excellent quality with embroidered wrist —in white and g r e y $1.79 OUR JU L Y CLEARANCE SA L E P R IC E S T IN U E TH ROUGHOUT T H E MONTH apons REM NANTS Tt will be worth your while to look over our stock of cotton and*wool remnants— They are priced rig h t for a quick sale W IL L CON­