PAGE FOUR Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal _ __________—. Side Lights — ------------------ Hotel A rrivals— New arrivals at the Hotel Austin R. A. M. are: Mr. and Mrs. F rank March, Chi­ Mu»ouic Hall, .bJkliUMk cago; H. W, McUlenn, A. H. Frah- ley and family, P ortland: F. E. Notice of M eeting. W isster, Tacoma, Wash.; Mi. and Special convocation of Siskivouj Mrs Theo ^ o ra tz , Miss Slattery, chapter. Tuesday evening, Juiy Nelson, Dr. J. H. Fenelou, Mark Master, three candidates. Vis-. Bloomington, m .; Mrs. H. D. and ltlng companions welcome. Mrs. C. M. Plantz, Seattle; William V. V. MILLS, H. ï \ y* Cundall, K. W. Cundall. Alame- W H. DAY, Secretary. 275-2 I da Calif.; E. J. Davis. Vallejo. Calif. --------- - Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Lamb, Mr. and Special communication of Ashland Mrs. G. D. Johns. P ortland; George Lodge No. 23, W ednesday evening, Soranson, G rants Pass. July 27. Second degree. Come. W. E. BUCHANAN, W. M. Ju st received the new Bruner W. H. DAY, Secretary Woolen Company’s line of fall and w inter samples. Call In and se t Leave for K lam ath F a lls—— them. Cleaning and repairing done Mrs. Anna Gash, Mrs R. P. Neil,. notice K Nelson. Hotel Miss Evelyn Danford and Mrs. Elder, 273, tf composed a party who left tin.- ______ _ morn ing by auto for Klam ath Palls * AIamedat CaUf. _ Mrs. Gash will continue on to Pais-, p HoU A,ainedu ley, Or., where she goes on business. CaMi |g th e guest Qf Mrf} j Bing. Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 For C rater Lake or other trips, see De W itt Taxi. Phone 140. 268-lra ham, 259 Laurel street. Snyder’s Royal Jazz orchestra at the Bungalow W ednesday night. 3f D ressm aker L ocates Here ' 1er Cream Feed— Clark B utterfield, 518 Iowa street, was the chief dispenser of ice cream yesterday evening a t a gathering of friends at his home. The purpose of the m eeting was for the organ!* zation of an athletic club. Florence autom atic oil cook stoves and ovens. Ashland F u rn itu re Co. R ed B lu ff Visit© Mrs. Marne Brady, of Red Bluff, Calif., arrived yesterday for a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brady of 4 85 All*son street. (Conti nutd Prom ra g e one) Rev. Josephine Champie is spend­ ing a week’s vacation with friends plugs were dropped to him by para­ at C rater Lake. chute from a plane piloted by Staff Sergeant Arndt, spark plug trouble FOR SALS— Modern home at 361 being the cause of the forced land­ Mountain Avenue. Property of the ing. late Joseph G. H urt. Easy term s. The altitude at Oasis Butte is at Inquire Alpha Hotel. 272-6 least 5500 feet, and the th?n a ir ren­ dered it difficult to get away in as B aptist Church S e lls Property— Baptist church property on G ran­ heavy a machine as the D-H, but this ite street, form erly belonging to the handicap was overcome by skillful Satterfield estate, has been sold to driving. An Ansaldoe plane could Mrs. Emma Oeder. The property is get away m ore easily. The round trip ‘ to C rater Lake located at the end of the pavement could be made in an hour, and a half on G ranite street. and if patronage justified, a regular WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114. a ir stage could be run every two 269-tf hours. It is believed that many ----- ■■ ■■ / tourists would be willing to pay the L eaves for ’F r i s c o - extra charge to sfee C rater Lake from H erbert Pasmore, musical artist the air, and be spared the autom o­ who has won so m uch.favor here d u r­ bile trip, while the carrying of mail ing the C hautauqua, left this m orn­ would be an added advantage. Of ing for San Francisco, from which course, the entire m atter is now in place he will take passage for Hono­ a speculative stage, but th ere is ev­ lulu. ery reason to believe th a t sooner than many people realize, “to Cra­ For a good plunge or tub bath in te r Lake in half an hour” will be aj pure sulphur water, go to the Nat- reality. atorium . 235-tf Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis are on a m otoring trip through Yellowstone national park. They motored by way of Eugene, where Mr. and Mrs. Dennis were joined by Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Proctor of th a t city. Mrs. Proctor is a neice of Mrs. Dennis. Yeo don’t care w hether it’s a Ford or an autom obile; he insures ’em ■ Watermelon Feed— 276-tf A rthur Peters, corner of W alker all. street and the Boulevard, gave a Visiting Sister— watermelon feed to friends Satur­ Mrs. J. C. M ather Is visiting her day evening. It is said to have been sister. Mrs. J. V. Wing, 532 Alli­ an up to the ears feed." son street. l Midsummer suits at P atuserud’s. 263-tf Social Circle M eets— The social circle of the C hristian church will meet W ednesday a fte r­ noon at the home of Mrs. Frank Guisinger. See What Your Dollar Will B uy! Pure pasteurized milk, 10c the quart at Rose Bros. 243-tf ‘Dollar Days’ Seattle Visitors»— Mr. and Mrs. Frazier, Seattle mot- j orists touring the country, are vis­ iting Mr. and Mrs. W A. Black, 922 Boulevard. I W hat is a vacation w ithout mu­ sic? Buy a small Victrola and take It along. Rose Bros, 247-tf T h u r s d a y , F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y £. R. ISAAC & CO. "THE QUALITY STORE” USED AUTOMOBILE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: One 1917 Dodge Brothers Touring One 1918 Dodge Brothers Touring One 1920 Dodge Brothere Roadster One 1920 Cleveland Touring One 1918 Oakland Touring One 1917 Chevrolet Touring One 1919 Oldsmobile Roadster One 1920 Ford Truck, Staked Body GEO. L. TREICRLER MOTOR CO. Hv »ne 304 Cliff Payne makes Porch Swings. C. M. Carter Home Sold— The C. M. C arter home, 365 Iowa street, has been sold to Mr. ana Mrs. Carrs, new arrivals from Camas, W ash. Mr. and Mrs. C arter have purchased property in Los Angeles w here they will move shortly. R eturns to P o r t l a n d - Mrs. A. F. H unt, who has been visiting h er daughter, Mrs. Will Dodge, left this m orning for her home in Portland. Will Deardorf, N uncle of Mrs. Dodge, is a visitor at the family home. Mr. D eardorf is from Roseburg. Forbes Place Sold— Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Cary, of Salem, have purchased th e bungalow H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating I and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ and about two acres of orchard on alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. Rocca street from W. J. Forbes, and are occupying th e property. The sale was made by th<* E, E. Phipps Realty company. 11 You Have In Mind Buying a South Fir St., Medford, Ore. "Teddy” Coldwell, who spent the past ten days as a guest of Prof. Vining at Lake of the Woods, swim­ ming, fishing, eating, a n ’ every thing, returned to the city last evening. At Crater LaJt To Tom- Y ellow ston e P a r k - Biggest crowds, coolest place, best' ta m p in g Trip— Mr. and Mr9. C. L. Loomis are music, finest floor, Bungalow Wed- camping at Prospect preparatory to nesday night. a trip to C rater Lake. They are ac­ Best music, best floor, coolest companied. by their d au g h ter and place to dance. The Bungalow Wed­ son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pace. nesday night. 3t " Big dance at the Bungalow Wed- ! nesday night. 3t Leah Leaska (Leah Cohen), the cel-j President Julius Meier of the 1925 ebrated soprano soloist of P o rtla n d ■ exposition. and New York, will sing “ My Own In the evening there will be danc­ United States.’’ There will be a very I ing and firew orks on the ocean trout. fine program given on Saturday ev-l enlng in front of the Hotel Seaside, The sea wall and promenade has and Immediately after there will be been constructed a t an expense to Local Man Dies at Long Beach— a banquet for the visiting m ayors.! the city $200,000, and it is of solid Edward Wall, a form er carpenter Acceptances have already arrived concrete, electrically lighted. It is of this city, died at Long Beach, from Mayor George Baker of Port-! considered the finest piece of work Calif., Saturday, according to word land, Governor Ben Olcott, and of Its kind in the United States. received here by Mayor Larnkin from an un d ertak er of th at city. Mayor Lamkin was requested to locate rela­ tives of Mr. Wall, If possible. Mr.! Lamkin states th a t he has been un­ able to locate relatives. “T eddy” R eturns— T he coolest place in the valley. The Bungalow W ednesday night. 3t AIR TAXI TO CRATER LAKE IS LOCAI. PROJECT Mrs. S. G. Van H ardenberg and; family, of Eagle Point, have taken i will remain In Victoria for a short street. .Motor to Yreka— time viisting friends and relative's. )Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Brookmillerj Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream and family motored to Yreka Sun-i lHay and grain insurance. Yeo day, and spent the day with Mt. {Parlor where quality ice creams and of course. 276-tf sherbets are served. !64tf and Mrs. M. T. Thompson. Successors to C. H. Vaupel Tuesday, July 26, 1021 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. The new sugar coated chewing gum which everybody likes—you will, too. delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and diges­ tion. polish your teeth and ruoisten your throat. B122 THE FLAUOR LASTS W ealthiest and B iggest B U IC K / Record Breaking Coupe in Film and Reality \v JLXM JLZMC T Yz SEASIDE, Or., July 25.— (Spe­ c ial)— A record breaking crowd is expected here August 6 and 7, when the big celebration for the comple­ tion of the sea-wall and promenade w'ill take place. FOR SALE— A good violin, cheap. A specially engaged forty piece Call or address 143 Sixth street. Ashland, Ore. 276-8» band will furnish the music, and Miss THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TONIGHT Honors for War Birds. In France many pigeons have been decorated for distinguished war serv­ ices; one with the Legion d'Honneor. Diplomas with the citations were Is­ sued and kept at the headquarters of the French pigeon service, and because pigeons cannot wear medals on their breasts, special bands, with the colors of the decoration, were made for their legs. A bird which will go down In Climb Mt. Ashland— French history just as surely as Field (A large party of Epworth League Marshall Foch himself Is the one members, who have rem ained over which carried from Vaux to Verdun from the institute conference h e ld ; the last message for help sent by the here last week, left early this morn-! Commandant Raynal before the Ger­ mans captured the fo rt This pigeon 'ing for Mount Ashland. tlew through a hall ot fire and a gas barrage, and, wounded and gassed, O. K. 8. NOTkCE j dropped dead as It delivered Its mes­ Alpha chapter No. 1, (). E. S., will sage. It was awarded the Legion hold th eir annual picnic Thursday d’Honneur. evening, July 28, in Lithia Park, at 6 o’clock. All members ano visiting Find Old Indian Canoe. members and th eir families urged An old Indian canoe, apparently to be present. Bring your own hewn out of an immense log, was dishes. Committee. 275-3 caught in the fishing net of William Otten, off Wright’s wharf, between Sea­ TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY. ford and the "Ferry” seine ground, FOR RENT — 2 room furnished about three miles below. The canoe Is apartm ent. A dults only. Inquire In a fair state of preservation. It was 166 H argadine, or phone 264-Y. presumably used by the Nanticoke 276-tf tribe, which inhabited this peninsula more than 100 years ago.—Baltimore FOR SALE— New wall tent, 7x9, at 8 4 2 'Blaine St. 276-1* American. LOST— Last Saturday, fountain pen. Conklin self filler, clip co it snake of German silver. No. 2 fine poini. Finder retu rn to Bert Freem an. \LTnion o!< service station. Re­ ward. 276-2 WRII There are now nearly six million people in the city of New York, and it is the largest center of population on the globe. It is growing faster than London at the rate of nearly two to one; London doubles its population every 30 years and New York every 18 years. New York's cash balance demands a sum of more than thirty million dollars, and it Is the wealthiest city In the world. In fact, its total as­ sessed value Is greater than all of the United States west of the Mississippi, and its income exceeds that of 20 states combined. Every nineteenth American lives in New York city, and one tenth of all manufactured products Is made there. There are twice as many theaters In New York, and three times as many hotels as are In London.—Popular Science Monthly. Ths Home-Run Thrlil. ▲ baseball fan writes to his favorite paper to protest against the undeserved honors heaped upon the “slugger.” Why, he asks, should a home-run hit­ ter be lionised above a fast runner, who uses both feet and brains, or a smart pitcher, who uses both brains and arms? The answer Is easy. The home run Is the limit of accomplishment in bat­ ting. There is, there can be. nothing bigger. When It comes with the bases full It la catastrophic, and there Is enough of the savage In' all of us to delight In catastrophes that leave us untouched. In some this subconscious Impulse shows itself in fomenting pol­ itical revolution. Such people would like to see a universal smashup, the world turned inside out, just to see what It would be like afterward. In the baseball devotee the home-run with the bases full satisfies this craving. So far as that particular game Is con­ cerned, the home-run is the crack of doom.—New Bedford Standard. N O T IC E Will cut prices on every­ thing during the next few days. Guns, $5.00 up. Bikes, $5.00 up. Six hole range for $25 and other good bargains. ELKHORN GUN STORE SI Oak St. 271-6 The identical car that broke the record between San Francisco and Portland in 29 hours and 16 minutes, beating the Southern Pacific Shasta Limited by 44 minutes. This record was made January 8th over hundreds of miles of snow and mud. I See this wonderful film of this Buick in action at the Vining Theater tonight. Ashland Auto Co Buick Dealers