PAGE FOUR ASHLAND BAÌLfc ttttîNGB. Friday, July 22, 1 9 ft P ostpone Meeting»— Medford Visitor— TELEPH O NE EN G IN EER SAYS cisión, it is reported. The accepl-J Ing the test to drive an automobile^ The scheduled m eeting of the Ash­ Mrs. H attie Leerlght, of Medford, THAT HEAVY USERS MUST anee may be reserved. A state law re q u ire s th a t they take land Idea association a t the Austin is visiting friends in the city this BEAR BURDEN OF COST The United States has advised Bel-1 this test before getting their license hotel yesterday evening, has been week. Local and Personal gium and other interested powers ¡to drive. postponed until the evening of this SALEM, Or., July 22.— Major that when the F a r Eastern question Side L ig h ts...... ............. . .. coming Monday. FR EN C H A N D BELGIAN Garrison Babcock, of Seattle. Wash., comes up at th» W ashington con- . . . , l FARIS, July 22.— Council rninis- CONSTRUCTION WORK consulting telephone engineer for the ference so th at it atfects the inter- . „ , . . . .. „ _ , „ , today took up the Franco-Brlt- Alberts Taxi. Seven passenger caí PROCEEDING STEADILY city of Portland, told th e phrblic ests of those nation«, th at there will ters , . 4 . L arge O « g o n Unit a t Camp K nox— R eturn from K lam ath C ounty— ■ v . . « ish dl9Pule over the allied course 267-12 service commission th a t low toil rates . be „ no difficulty in the * governm ent policy is to let private phone , rates so expensive .. v • • ! 1 Juiy o n an r Have a fit at Orres. Tailor» for panied them as far as Klam ath Falls Alonzo Morrison, P ortland; D. E. enterprise and initiative have as free die class user, small business man j but three days of each month. West tory between Germany and Poland Men and Women. 116tf where he made a short visit w ith ! Young, K lam ath Falls; Eugene C ar­ a hand as possible. At the arm is­ and wage earner, that they c an n o t; street. Camden, is just an ordinary penter, W oodburn; A. E. Benson, relatives. * * tice, one-third of the prew ar popu­ afford the service. The heavy u s e r! street. ’ But on these three days E verton F am ily Has V isitors—- E. Boyle and Mr. Boyce, P ortland: N O T IC E ♦ lation of the French w ar regions was m ust bear the burden to give t h e '— the first, third and fifth Tues- T. J. Everton and family. G rants L. C. Talkanhagan, G rants Pass; F. Full coverage automobile policy. Will cut prices on every­ residing th ere; today only a half company an adequate return or else days— it bristles with onlookers, a Pass, and J. H. Potter and family, Companies that pay their losses. Yeo S. Wales and wife, Seattle; Jack thing during the next few a m illion of th e pre-w ar population the middle class will suffer and b e . line Of autom obiles and several men of Portersville, Calif., were recent of course. 269-tf Fowler, Chico, Calif.; C. L. Rix, Los is lacking (i. e., population in 1914, the cause of retarding developm ent, ¡n blue uniforms, waving th eir arm s days. Guns, $5.00 up. Bikes, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ¡Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ham & * $5.00 up. Six hole range for and blowing whistles. 4,676,000; population a t May 1, among this class. W alter Everton of this city. Mr. Vacation __________ ____ __________ nion. San Diego; Mrs. W. M. Spring, at Lake o f the W oods $25 and other good bargains. 1921, 4,165,000. ------------------------------ The men in uniform who wave P o tter is a brother of Mrs. Everton.,1 ' Mr an¿ Mrs ' Aln*s c” N ininger' Los An«e,e8: Mrs. E. Brown, Chi- Shortage of labor, of m aterial, and NO ORSTACI.ES for their arm s and blow w hittles are ELKHORN GUN STORE ♦ ! and „«a children left W ednesday «_! for. cago; Mrs. A. R. Smith, Honolulu; of tran sp o rt, especially at th e sta rt pqlicemen and the occypants of the REPRESENTATION OF Florence autom atic oil cook stoves Lake of the Woods, where they w illi^ 1- A’ T u ttle and family. Dunsmuir, 81 Oak St. 271-6 of operations, forced th e authorl- autom obiles are Camden ladies tak- POWERS AT CONFERENCE and ovens. Ashland F u rn itu re Co. Calif.; M aurice Bryan, Klainath j f i ^ a nd builders to put up with spend a vacation of several weeks. ❖ <» Falls; F. B. Chapman, Frontier. ♦ ♦ R eturns a fter Tliirfeen- Years— m akeshifts, such as wooden huts for By A. L. BRADFORD LATE TO CLASSIFY, F ’ land resident, whose home is now in regular system. be filled through com petitive exami­ - — I K. C. Baking Powder, 50c size ................................. 43c SALE— 20 acre grain and al­ ♦ ♦ nation and the congressmen in the FOR The Montana Harmony Company, Fnglewood, Calif., has sailed for falfa ranch, improved. 1 mile playing latest popular dance hits, ¡ Loadon t0 j join ° ‘n her son- L v -■ J" specialize on fancy brick ice d istricts where th e office Is located London to son, W alter Ly-i Soda Crackers, large package ..................................... 30c north of Phoenix on Pacific high­ five high class union musicians, w 1! I man HrowI>. who worked with Her- ose 5°8’ 264tf will be consulted as to the appoint­ way. Address R. 4. box 78, Med­ Soda Crackers in caddies, per lb................................ 16c ford. 273-3* ment of th e first th ree ellgibles se­ be at Ashland N atatorium Friday,! bert Hoover during the war and who, , . r _ In in 99 u rn «„» ihn big i,! Sold— cured from the respective exam ina­ FOR SALE— A num ber of new and July 22. T Turn out fr, to the now ta taken Hoover’s place. Mr Mr. ‘ White Wonder Soap, full 7 oz. bars, 22 f o r ..........$1.00 The property belonging to the tions. and don’t miss this opportunity to ' Brown is a brother of Howard L used late model autos. These car» . . . U r* /-»nv nrVwn 1 1 i» -a » Citrus Washing Powder, package ......................... 30e will be sold eh» long-time pay­ W hether the depressed business hear one of the best orchestras on i Hrown who is a son-in-law of Mr. William A. Abbott estate, in Min- j e r’s addition, has been sold by the ments. O ther cars taken as first conditions or the trem endous repub­ the road. Lots of harmony, pep and a,ld Mrs. W inter of this city. Wesson Gil, quarts .........................................................58c payments. Franklin, Cole 8, heirs to W illiam A. Higgenbothan. lican m ajority is responsible, it is 271-4 ♦ jazz. L et’s go. Oldsmobile, Lexington. Buick, * ♦ j Pure pasteurized milk. 10c tlie Shrtslded Wheat, package ..........................................15c certain th a t th ere never have been W inton, Dixie Flyer. Oakland and Ju st received the new B runer so many candidates for postm aster Klam ath Falls \ isitors— i quart at Rose Bros. several others to choose from. 243-tl Drifted Snow Flour, 49 lb. sack ............................. $2.45 Woolen Company’s line of fall and as there are today. Cars can be seen at Robinson gar­ Mr. and Mrs. John Enders, of; <& <$• age. Second street. ’ Open even w inter samples. Call in and see Klam ath Falls, were in the city this; Iowa YLsitor»— F o r example, ftfty-tw o candidates Villuo Flour, 49. lb. sack ........................................$1.70 ings. 273-6» done took the exam ination for th e job in week visiting Mrs. Enders’ p a re n ts,1 Mrs. M. A. W attles of W est UnNn, them. Cleaning - and - repairing - , ------ --------- Mr. and Mrs. L. Jacobs, who a r e 1® « arrived Tuesday to spend the on short notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Chicago, and it will tak e ten days now making their home in Ashland, sum m er with her daughter, Mrs. ; A ustin Bldg. 273-tf or two weeks to check th e m arkings Mr Jacobs is just recovering from Heo. E. McWilliams, who lives on the! and get the highest three. an operat*on. Boulevard. ! C1,ff Payne makes lawn swings. T he M. <'. Clay borne Shoe $ <8* ♦ 266-tf An average of 95 tons of soil, peb­ Shine P arlo r has moved bles and loose rock are carried by Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream OH BOY! Have you seen the b ar­ from ’its old stand to 2i the rivers into the ocean every year parlor where quality ice creams and gains at Elkhorn Gun Store? 271-6 Ret u m s from F r i s c o - Nicholas Dix. of the W hite S tar Nor*h First sli-eet at the from each square mile of the United sherbets are served. 264;, 45 NORTH MAIN ST. garage, returned yesterday front San States-, according to the geological ’VLxitUng Parents— rear of the Beaver Bldg. Large W heat Crop Sold— Charles Prescott, second m ate for Francisco, where he has been on a survey. The 14,000 bushel wheat crop on the Munson Steamship company, is short business tr?p during the past th e Lamkin Bros, and Green ranch ’ visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. few days a fte r delivering a truck at has been purchased by O. II. Reich-! W. G. Prescott, here while on a short Montague, Calif. man of the Mt. Shasta Milling com-¡'leave of absence. * ♦ pany. One hundred and twenty « « WE REPAIR anything. Phone 114. For a good plunge or tub bath in acres has been cut preparatory fo 259-tf delivery. The rem ainder will be c u t: I>ure sulphur water, go to the Nat- * ♦ within thirty days. atorium . 235-tf Will Make Tax Collections— The county assessor’s office will <9 9 ❖ sta rt immediate collection of taxes H. R. Adams for plumbing, heating S eattle V isitors— on all personal property pursuant and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ Mesdames Games H. and T. F. alty. 248 Fifth St Phone 166-J. Doran, and their mother, Mrs. W il­ to a recent order issued by the grand ♦ ❖ liam Hardy, have been entertaining jury at Jacksonville and the county At latke o f the W o o d s - ad th eir guests, Mr. and Mrs. Carl court, it was learned from E. D. Jam es D. Beeson, late m anager of Signor and daughters, Miss Carolyn Briggs, of the law firm of Briggs th e Lithia Park tennis tournam Mrs Rva W illarrt‘ of Seattle & Briggs, this morning. The pur­ is a t Lake of the Woods where h e iWash> Mrs Slgnor .fl a 8jster Qf pose is to prevent tax losses by the M superintending the building of Mrs. Hardy. constant change of addresses by tax­ cottages for Louis Dodge and J. H. payers. McGee. e ♦ The ladies of the C hristian church Let Yeo insure your hay and grain. j will give a cooked food sale Satur­ SWIMMING t'LASSES 269-tf day, July 23. Enders store. 272-2 Phone 274-J. Ashland News in Paragraphs EVERYDAY PRICES ♦ • S — m MOVED— & Special rates will be offered in R<*tum from I o w a - swimming at the N atatorium until Mrs. S. F. Frizzel and son. Charles, the close of the season. Two exper-lhave returned to this city after a ienced teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Home- seven months visit in eastern cities, wood, will be in charge. spending most of th eir time with ■ - - low? Those wishing to enter the classes ¡'relatives in may do so by appearing at the man- $ <& a g er’s desk with 60 cents on each FOR SALS— Modern home at 361 Monday evening. This covers all ’ Mountain Avenue. Property of the cost, and we guarantee you yourj late Joseph G. Hunt. Easy terms, ntoney’tpfrorth. 271-31 Inquire Alpha Hotel. 272-6 • ♦ Today and Saturday Monroe Salsbury in "The Barbarian” With Jane Novak A Romantic Drama of the North Woods Also She Sighed By the Seaside A Mack Sennett Comedy Featuring BEN TURPIN KNAPP’S GROCETERIA ♦ Crandall Funeral— The funeral of W illiam A. Cran­ dall, who died yesterday from heart trouble, will be held at 2:30 o’clock --------- Sunday afternoon from the Stock undertaking parlors. The Tidings regrets a m istake made in yester­ day’s account of Mr. C randall’s death. Mr. C randall was formerly assistant postm aster at Aberdeen, W ash., not Tacoma. Wash., as stated. ♦ ♦ C ontributes to C. o f C. B udget— L ining IVhy Pay More ? M. L. Patton, local agent of the Standard Oil company, has received a check for $75 from the Portland office of his company as a subscrip­ tion to th e Ashland C?hambe)b of Commerce budget. The check came in response fo a le tte r w ritten to the Portland headquarters by Mr. Patton. An enclosed .letter stated that the check was a contribution “ tow ard improvements in the park at A shland.” ♦ ♦ H otel A rrivals— The following new arrivals regis­ tered at the Hotel Austin yester­ day: Ben Mitchell. P ortland; M. Royer. K lam ath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gordon. Eugene; Mrs. E. C. Gulliford, Miss J. P. Gibson, New York City; P. H. Miller, W. S. Dea- kin, San Francisco: Mary F. Moly- neaux, W. II. Hodgin and family, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rey­ nolds, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Bussler, San Francisco; J C. Hancock and family, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin N utting, San Francisco; G. H. McCandless, Boston. Mass.; Mrs. F. Dozier. Miss Littlejohn. Ber­ keley, Calif.; Wm. Fitzgerald, H. E. Botts, San Francisco; V ictor and P eter K aufm an, Mr. and Mrs. K auf­ man, Chicago. Any Spring Coat one-half P r i c L a d i e s S nits 25 per cent to 5J per cent discount. Every W aist or Blouse 10 per cent or more off. Silk reduced 10 to 50 per cent—Summer Underwear 10 per cent off. Muslin and Silk Underwear Reduced. T.ices and Embroideries 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount Wool Dress goods 20 to 50 per cut discount ■ft (Vto foods and Figured Voiles all reduced. Bleached Muslin, 12 1-2—19—22 1-2—25c—Curtain Goods and Draperies 10 per cent disc One Lot Dress Ginghams, 19c Sport Silk Skirts, $9.75------Jersey Jackets, now $6.95 13