A shland Thursday, July 21, 1021 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Crater Lake Road To Be Sprinkled, Co. Court Order One cent th e w ord each time. PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. ■a»,*., DR; ®R:VKST WOODS— Practice BRIGGS & BRIGGS—A ttorneya-at- llm lted t o 'e y e , ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland, throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ! At a meeting of the couuty court 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Aah- L. A. ROBERTA—Attorney-at-Law. j Tuesdav a sprinkler was ordered land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank placed on the C rater Lake highway Bldg. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and between the» Dodge bridge and Long Surgeon. Practice limited to DENTAL X-RAYS ' bridge to settle the dust. This is a eye, ear, nose and th ro at. Glasses new stretch of road and has been DR. P. H. JOHNSON. supplied. Oculist and au rist (or I the source of some complaint from S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Beaver Block. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. . tourists, being the d u stiest' stretch GARAGES on the way to the scenic wonder. B\ DR. FRANK M. MOXON has resumed practice at 125 E ast Main street. LITHIA GARAGE— Reopened for all use of water, this will be eliminated Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. 267-6 kinds of repair work and storage. and the road m aterial hardened. W ork guaranteed. Phone 114. P. i 1 A n,ew road was ordered estab- 1)RS. SAWYER & CRANDALL A. Main and B. Dean, Props. lished between Dodge’s bridge and OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS the new C rater Lake highway, in the Pioneer Building. CHIROPRACTORS. Phone 260-R. Rea. 274-J or 367-J Eagle Point district, Iproducing a DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. d 'rect route from Bvbee’s bridge to TAXI. Suite 8. Exam ination Free. N o., the highway, and doing away with 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. i TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone Phone i. 401. ...................... some hill climbing. B = ^ í= = = a = — . Residence I, —. . — .i.— A c o n tra c t w as g ra n te d C h ris Nat- wick fo r th e h a u lin g of g rav el from INTERVRBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective March 29, 1920. R eese cre e k to p u t on th e R eese T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ Daily (Except Sunday) C reek ro ad . T his will be fin ish ed FE R — Good team and m otor­ LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND b e fo re w in ter. trucks. Good service at a reason­ 7:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. T he s u p e rv iso r w as o rd e re d to 8:00 a. m. able price. Phone 83. 8:00 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 8:46 a .m . make the necessary repairs on the FOR PROMPT and careful service 9:30 a. m. 9:30 a. m. Trail road at once, and before the with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 10:15 a. in. 10:16 a. m. . . , X1 11*00 a m w lnter rains. Citizen« of th at sec- call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone 11:00 a. m. 117. Offioe 89 Oak street, Near 12:00 Noon 12 :00 Noon tion recently appeared before the Hotel Austin. 12:45 p. m. 12:45 p.m .' court and testified th at the road was 1:30 p- m. l: 3 0 p . m . j iu ba(j shape and that they risked FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. a zlo p. in. 2:15 p. m. j . 00 p m i th eir anci limbs in attem pting 3:00 p. m. to travel over it in bad weather. The FOR SALE— Modern six room house, 3:45 p. m. 3:45 p. m. nut and fruit trees and berries. 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. in. repairs will be tem porary. 502 Fairview street, Ashland. Or. 5:15 p. m. 5:15 p. m. A large batch of bills were con 270-6* 6:00 p m. 7*00 p m ' s’dered, approved and disapproved. 7:00 p. m. HAVE $350.00 EQUITY in house and 8:45 p. m. 8:45 p. m. i ------------------------------- Sat. only lot ou paved street. Will trade 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m.f ABILITY OF EHIBITOR TO HAN- for piano. Address W. H. R., Sisk 10:30 p. m. 8at. only 12:15 Midgt DLE ENTRY WILL COUNT IN SUNDAY ONLY iyou, Oregon. 271-3*1 AWARDING OF PRIZES LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND THIS YEAR 9:00 a. m. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A 360 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. acre m ountain ranch on Ashland- ) 10:00 a. m. ) 1 :00 a. m. Klam ath Falls highway. A por­ ; 11:00 a m. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL­ 12:00 Noon LEGE, Corvallis, Or., July 21.— tion under cultivation; balance 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m. , good pasture land; place nearly 1:00 p. m. 2 * 00 p. m. Special pig showing contests will be all under fence and fencing in good 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. held next fall at all county fairs, condition; large barn and sheds; , 3:00 p. ni. 4:00 p. in. state fa ir* aud the Pacific In tern a­ sm all house; 3,000,000 feet of saw 4:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. ' 5:00 p. m. 6; 30 p. in. tional Livestock show, to be open to 6:30 p. m to pay for- it. School house i 9:30 p. m. all members of boys’ and girls pig near. Cash or term s to suit. In 9:30 p. m. ¡ Ashland W aiting— East Side Phar- clubs who show purebred pigs of any macy. recognized breed. H eretofore very JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD 270-ti care Tidings. little attention has been given by the DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY LV. J ’S’NV’LK judges to the m anner of showing the LV. MEDFORD 7:20 a. m. i animals. Boulevard, 11 acres in fruit, rest! 7:40 a. m. 8:20 a. m. in barley and alfalfa, 6 room mod- j 9:90 a. m. Judges will consider 50 per cent 10:00 a. m. 10:30 aBm. ern bungalow. Price >7000.00 , 11:30 a. m. Mrs. Dr. John W eimer, R. F. D. 1 12:00 Noon e following points: condition of 1:00 p. m. 1 :30 p. in. Box 76 250-lmo* J m. feet and trim m ing of toes, trim m ing 3:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m.j 3:45 : * _. p. P* m. m of ears and tail; washing and clean- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Excel­ 4; 30 p. m. 5:00 p. in. 5 ; 30 p. m. * lent small ranch, four room house, 7:00 p. m. , Tiiess of ears, belly, head and flanks, 9:30 p. m. hearing orchhrd, beautiful loca­ 7:30 p m . Sat.*bnly 8 :0 0 p .m . 1 and condition of coat, including tion. City w ater and light. Good 10:30 p .m . only 9:50 p .m . j gloss, excess of oil and use of oh- Sat. place for chickens, pasture land W E RUN ON SUNDAYS. for several cows. Good returns jestionable m aterials. The remain- MEDFORD-ROSEBURG on Investment if properly han­ 1 ing 50 per cent will be based on the Daily and Sunday dled. Can use Ashland residence LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSE BI RG 1 00 p. in. trol of animal by the exhibitor: poise 11:00 a. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PAWS and coolness of exhibitor: skill in Daily and Sunday TOR SALK. showing, including continuous atten- LV. G’T’S PASS LV. MEDFORD 10:00 a. m 8:00 a. in. W HITE CLING W HEELER Peaches 11:00 a. in. 1 :00 p. in. for canning are now ready for de 4: 00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. livery: Prices same as always. 4:30 p. m. ♦«15 p. ill. < C. W. C hattin. Phone 353-L 271-2 G rants Pass W aiting Room- Bonbonniere. Phone i60. The American Jersey cattle club k ’ o - no . « Excellent stock. Particulars oc S Front St... Nash Hotel Building. . .. . • ", « ■- ' ■ 1-^ giving $2500 in cash for prizes request. F. B. Anderson, Speaker, Oregon. ’ 271-3* STATEMENT FOR SALE OR TRADE— 30 toot ---------- Sampson windmill tower. Wtb of the Citizens Bank of Ashland, of take gas engine. Ed Gowland, box . Ashland, County of Jackson, S ta te 1 73, R. F. I). Plione 2-F-4. 296-6; of Oregon, showing the am ount I standing to the credit of every de- ; FOR SALE— Cote piano. Inquire positor July 1, 1921, who has not; 329 iteach street. 269-5* made a deposit, or who has not with ; ■ „ — Z— TT-------- , ~ 1 drawn any part of his depos’t (com i FOR SALE Ford bug. 1 < ¡> M eade; raercja j deposits), principal or in dental CRÊ M e street. - j terest, for a period of more th a n 1 FOR SALE— PiantT In A-l condition, i < 7 > ?mmed,ate,ly '\, ior to Phone 279 or 199. 2 6 5 - t f said d ate> wlth the nam e' ,ast k,w’wh ' place of residence or post office ad- FOR SALE— March Plym outh Rock dress of such depositor, and tin cockerels, from Butler Poultry of his death, if known: V. A. Dunlap, Ashland, Or.. $25.68; F arm ; $1.50 and $2. Also some choice W hite Leghorns, $1.50 each. Dr. V. Riddle. Ashland, Or., $1.00, i’hone 68, Mrs. W. R. Yockey. Toyson Smith. Ashland Or. $5.00. ____ ______ ;_______________________ Ada J. W entworth, Ashland. Or.. WOOL FOR SALE — Before buying $1.00; Thos. H. W illiams, Ashland, your w inter’s wood call up 426-Y Or., $2.56; Jas. B. Rowley, Ashland, for |.tices. Can contract for fir, Or., $1.15; Geo. Cline. Ashland. TRY IT! piue. oak or m anzanita. Order $2.70; J. A. Orchard and Minni» early n rd avoid the rush and high Belshaw, Ashland. Or,, $2.30; Wal 243-1-mo.* ter R. Hudson, Ashland. Or., $3.86; prices. Wilson Bed Co., Ashland Or., $1.30, BUILDING MATERIAL — Medford j g . W. W alker, Ashland, Or.. $1.00; W arranted Cement Brick and Block W orks? Thos. Bunker. Ashland. Or., $2.50. PURE BRISTLE specialize in ai- kinds of building h . Hogue, Ashland, Or., $22.00; products. Corner Fir and 10th c o. Roe, Ashland, Or.. $1.10. HAND MADE street .___________________ - - -^! ! Ralph W. Shipman. Ashland. Or., $1.72; Wm. Stew art, Ashland, O r... SALESMAN WANTED. $1.99. WANTED— Salesman for tea and STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson— ss. (- coffe route. H. O. P ark h u rst, 210 I, V. O. N. Smith, being first duly ! W. Jackson, Medford, Or. 270-3* sworn, depose and say upon oath that , I am the cashier of th e Citizens Bank ) 7%e HELP WANTED. of Ashland, of Ashland, County of; WANTED— Man to work on lawn. Jackson, State of Oregon; th at the i 108 Pioneer avenue. 271-3* foregoing statem ent is a full, true, BOYS WANTED— Three or tour boys ! to .e ll J o u rn a l. In the stre e t, and J ottk c address. ta rt ot i TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. ■ ....................■ ■ ■ '' - ■ - —-■■■■■ — — ■ “ SSTO ~ daily tidings . th 's year, to be divided among the county clubs at county fairs in the fall. The clubs will be divided Into two classes: Class “ A” with a mem­ bership of not lees than 20, will -re­ ceive 850, while class “ B” clubs, with not less thajs, .12 members, will re­ ceive $25. Meetings with livestock clubs, for considerai on of livestock judging teams will be held by county club leaders the last week of July, a livestock judging team will repre­ sent each club jit the county fair. The high point team at the count> fall* may clfoose to go to th e state fair or the Pacific International Live­ stock show. The team making sec­ ond place will have second choice. Ä »' matic rifles, barricaded in an arm or plate cage above the corridor of the Federal Reserve bank, are on guard to fru strate possible attacks by armed bandits. . The “pill box” contains seven ioop holes and looks like a world war fortification. Any point in the bank is a trag et for the man in the cage. Additional night guards have been placed in banks and they are now armed with sawed-off shot guns. Besides visible means of warding off attacks the banks have installed secret appliances th at would bring police instantly to the bank where an attack was made and other ap­ pliances th at would trap the robbers. DEPORTATION OF JAPANESE MELON PICKERS BY WHITE WORKERS CAUSE FLIGHT TURLOCK. Calif., July 21.— The deportation of fifty-eight Japanese melon pickers by loading them into a north-bound train, following the anger of union white melon pickers at the growers for employing Japs to the w hites’ exclusion in the melon fields, has caused a wholesale flight of Japauese from th e Turlock fruit territory. W ord concerning the mid­ night raid spread quickly and with an immediate effect on the “ little brown men.” One hundred of the Japaues« pickers fled, only those who are leasing or working their own land remaining. No violence has been reported. 11 J ARE HEAVTLY ARMED) and other Decorative Material. We have just received a Blucher Style We willingly give prices aud figure amounts -needed. THE PAINT MAN White Teeth Healthy Gums . and a Clean Mouth Call nt The Tidings office for mtr of the abov< This is the Way to Make Every Buy a Bargain f 25c. TOOTH BRUSHES 25c. M cN A IR BROS. Start park^ Phone 310-R . 263 O ak th ,f k n o w u anfl th e a m o u n t t(j X ! the credit <>$■ each depositor, as re­ quired by the provisions of Section? : WAN! ED. 10160-10163, inclusive, Oregon Laws ; V. O. N. SMITH. BOARDERS W A N T E D -• week or single meal9 served at ‘»•al hours. I .Subscribed and sworn to before •51-lmo* me this 19th day of July, A. D. ’ Hotel Bell. 4th St. - ■=-:----------:■ T— ' (Seal) PEARL W ILSHIRE. FOR EXCHANGE. , Notary Public for Oregon. --------------------------------- ------------- — My commission expires March 26, FOR SALE OR TRADE— Seven re! 1923. 272-4-thu place with four room mo»li»n ........... '■ . , -------------------- — — ~ ~ ----------------- — 1— — house, three acres fru it in b e .n -j ing. Can use Ashland reside».f close in in full or p art pay mt »1» A FEW BARGAINS FOR SALE Address A. G., care Tidings. 263 t BY REAVER REALTY CO. Block of ten lots nicely located, LOST. two-room plastered house; lots of LOST— Gold rim spectacles, pad un­ fru it and berries; good garden der Aose piece, between M. E. land; would make fine chicken church and Ashland cemetery. ranch— $1,500.00. Terms. .Finder leave a t Tidings office and Good 5-room cottage; about receive reward. 270-3 half-acre lot, small barn, fru it and garden— $2,000.00. Terms. NOTICE, WOODMEN. Special Bargain.— 6-room house, Bids will be received at the Tld- j good plum bing; close in; cash ings office, for delivery to this o f-; price $1,300. flee of fifteen cords of .body fir, Also some five-acre tracts in wood, cut from green trees, four: city limits. foot length. Bids will be opened July 30, at 5 ! o'clock. Delivery to be made a t any time between now and October 1. Cash payment on completion of delivery. X aK loal A i k y a w r '*-»■ ■ l i f f i A deposit of $10 will be required C k l-r k M -t« k a IM aaM aA B raaa. the successful bidder as a guarantee F I 1U la R * 4 and U a l i ■tetallk' b ow s, sealed with Blue Ribbon. „ th a t the wood will be delivered as T a k a a a a tk e r . B a y aC y a v ■ » r a n k « . Ask for C in X ? r tV :» -T r K ■ contracted. U1AX1O.ND K K A X D F I L L S , for # 3 y f a n known as Best. Snfcst. Alwi>s Retlat 1« «Address bids in w riting to the A sh­ S M M Y M M O I S lS m W J f J land Tidings, Ashland, Or. 268-*tf J J THE CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND j CHICHESTERSilLLS THE HISTORY OF THE MONEY KINGS allows th a t the founda­ tions of their wealth were laid by persistent saving. They created a surplus and put it out at Interest. W’e can’t all he money kings, but we can’t hope to overcome fortune un­ less we save. Having a savings account with THIS bank will op- no. r HANA BUILDING NOTARY PUBLIC PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS NO LOAFING CHILLI CONCARNIE 15c NO SMOKING NO ADMITTANCE NO PEDDLING AUTO FOR HIRE NO HITCHING POST NO BILLS THIS TEAM FOR SALE CLEARANCE SALE FOR RENT—INQUIRE.......... FOR SALE—INQUIRE....... FOR SALE OR RENT DRESSMAKING BOARD AND ROOM WARNING TO TRESSPASS ERS—Cloth, 25c. shipment of Munson Last This is the 0 ’Donnei Make Dickerson & Son « 9 d Q fm d l P r o p r r tie » to « m t . I5e each, Tcuo for 25e FOR LADIES ) BÀAS à XNI in B m ! b u ie Printed Card Board Signs We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas C. B. L A K I I N The Tidings carries in stock for sale the following card-board signs nt BUFFAIiO, N. Y., BANKS .BUFFALO, N. Y„ July 21.— Due to the num ber of increasing bank ! robberies throughout the United States, Buffalo hanking institutions have installed many safety devices to insure against robbery. Sharpshooters arm ed with auto Columbia Hot/’l Arrivals—— The following guests registered at the Columbia hotel yesterday: Mr, and Mrs. Altft and daughter, Long Beach, Calif.; Hiram Frazier, Out)«- m u'r, Calif.; Elder G. L. Robison, M ontpelier, Ida.; G. W. Mngloly, Utah; R. E. McQuary, Chehalis, W ash.; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Richter, Michigan City; C. R. Watson. Duns­ m uir, Calif.; Homer Scholer, W. J. McEveuing, Dunsmuir, Calif, VY advertised goods. Only good goods, fairly priced, can stand the spotlight of publicity. A merchant or manufacturer would not dare to advertise merchandise that is poor in quality, j>oor in make, or that will not give reasonable wear. The penalty of such tactics is too heavy. No goods—and no business concern—can thrive under the weight of public condemnation. A merchant places the wlrole reputation o f his business at stake every time he advertises. Naturally enough, he is care fill of what he says and when his statement is placed in the T ilings—where everyone in town may read—so that any un­ truth in it will he known to all of his employes and most of his friends—then you may he sure he is doubly careful. When you buy advertised goods you get a bargain, because they must be as advertised. So it pays you to read advertisements. tects you. Advertising pro­ Read the advertisements in the Tidings and get the. best of the bargain.