ASHLANt) D A t t t ttftttG S . PAGE TWO Thursday, J u ly 81, 1021 Soak gelatine in cold w ater, then dissolve by setting in a dish of hot water, stir until cool and creamy, then add to the raspberries which Conducted i p have been pressed through a sieve and sugar added. Set mixture in Mrs.ßeJleDeG r a f O FFICIAL CITY AND CO U N T! ) cold w ater and stir until thick, then . . . Aameurfrè* Science d ire c to r PAPER Sjeerry F lo u r Co. carefully fold in the whipped cream. TELEPHONE 39 j The first shipm ent of early Cali­ Line a mold with lady fingers, pour Subscription Price Deliver?«] in City fornia pears to Bosto nauctioned for in the m ixture and set aside to be­ One month .................................. I .65 $7 a box and a sim ilar shipment to making only a small quantity of jam come firm. Unmold to serve. Three months ......................... . 1.95 add half the sugar; allow the mix­ Six m onths ....................... 3.75 Chicago brought $8.50 a box. Later Usually families who eat quanti­ ture, to reach the boiling point again, One y e a r ........................... ........... 2..60 shipm ents in car lots brought front FARM BUREAU P l ties of fru it keep well and have clear Mail and Hural R outes. then add rem aining su g ar and cook $5.80 to $6.50 a box. It looks good complexions. F ru its have no great One month . . . . . . . ' .................. $ .66 Three months .............................. 1.95 for the Northwest this year for that value from a nutritive standpoint. until when tested— by placing .a The Jackson County Farm Bureau Six months .................................. 3.50 is the only section where the crop They are composed largely of w atei, spoonful on a cold plate— the jam picnic to be held in Lithia Park, Ash­ One year ....................................... 6-50 is near normal, except in California does not separate and the syrup ’s land, Saturday, July 23, promises to which makes them refreshing, vary­ thick, not watery. where the prospects are gradually ADVERTISING RATES: ing am ounts of fru it sugar aud, most be the biggest event of the season. If m aking a large quantity of jaifi, being reduced by hot wignls land D isplay A dvertising im portant of all, are valued for the F arm ers from all over the county Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c siorms th a t have blown off the fruit. add sugar in small quantities, ailow- ARABIA CONTRACTS The \ j e(ifOr(j.A shland d istrict ex- m inerals and acids ’they contain. ing the jam to reach the boiling point! are planning on coming by whole F ru it sugars are easily digested and . . . . . . . ,,i ., I communities, also large ta n n e r dele- adding more. A verv little; , , . . . One time a w eek.................... 27 P«*» to ship around 550 carloads the m inerals and acids act as regu­ -before , , , gations from Josephine and Klam ath i'w o tim es a w eek.................... 25c of pears and th e Yakia estim ates are lemon juice improves the flavor of cournies ¿•very other d a y .........................20c ln for carloads. Railroads arc lators, body-cleansers and blood pur­ these jams. ' i . . ’ , . . 4 A horseshoe pitching contest is M„eb line. ‘S S f . . . . . .16c ■>a“ “ e P ^ p aratlo n e for the henv, ifiers, and also aid the body in acid­ Straw berry Sauce. develop’ng that promises lots of izing other kinds of food. A glass To run every other day for one crop and it ;s expected that there of orange juioe taken the first thing W ash a cup of hulled straw berries SpOrt Mr. William Lyman, repre­ month, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c' will be no car shortage this year. add half a cup sugar, a pinch of nu t­ To m n every issue for one month communication received by tha in the morning acts as a medicine. meg and set aside in a cool place senting the Medford pitchers issues a challenge to the champiou team This is due to the fact th a t no other 5c or more, each line, each tim e. . Oregon Growers Co-operative asso- then add Qne a t a t -me> a tiate between them : “ AL ALL future! events, where an admission charge for the cereal. Í four tablespoons of sugar. Pile on is made or a collection is taken! Eat only round ripe fruit. Raw ; top of the straw berries and place in IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to green fruit is dangerously in d ig est-; a glow QVen organizations and societies of every kind as well as to individuals. i_b,e; . b “ t ,na>' bw cookeit a,Ul .fo u n d iM an d im allow Straw berry Pudding All reports of such activities after perfectly satisfactory. Over-ripe or One cup hulled straw berries cut they have occurred is news. i partly decayed fru it is poisonous in halves, one-third cup m arshm al- • All coming social or organization from the bacteria it contains and lows, cut line, one cup cream whip- j meetings of societies where no money To p o o l in t h e contribution is solicited, initiation should never be used, raw or cooked. ped, one-third cup sugar, one tea­ charged, or collection taken is NEWS. dellolous Burley .Fruit shippers met with railroad F ru it merely bruised, but not spoiled spoon vanila extract. to b o o co fla v o r. officials of the Southern Pacific road may be used for jam s and fruit bu t­ We make quotations on Cream should be beaten very s tiff,! in Medford July 12 to discuss prob­ ters. JOB W ORK adding vanila and sugar. Fold i n . lems relating to the movement of Too often fruit is considered a straw berries and marshmallows, ^ i l l ' from the apple crop this full. This was! luxury ra th e r than a necessity. The sherbet cups or tall glasses w ’tfc T H E FR A N K LIN PR IC E LIS T. /• the annual m eeting at which the judicious use of both fresh and m ixture, garnisli with whole berries Same prices— Reasonable Price— ■ shippers have an opportunity to state cooked fru its means b etter health and serve very cold. to all. ----------------------------------------------- ' their needa to the railroad meu anti and satisfaction for each members of B ar le Due C urrants *V*^red at the Ashland, Oregon, neariy a n ol- Die concerns engaged the household. The addition of su­ Use only large firm fruit. Weigh Postofflce as Second Class Mai! / , jjja tter » *MPPbWi fru t irom Oregon were gar to cooked fruit greatly increases and use an equal weight of strained represented. its nutritive value and cooking sugar honey y eat honey add fru it let ATTRACTIVE Immodest words adm it of no defence. Due to the large crop of apples al a high tem perature • in conjunction * sim m er very slowly about five mln-j For want of decency is want of sense ted this fall there will nt with the acid of the fru it brings utes, remove the fru it with a skim-! — Roscommon. tioubt he a strong demand for re­ about the inversion of the sugar, mer, then cook down the syrup un-j FAIiL STYLES frigerator cars this season, hut it is which is one of the first steps in its til thick. Pour it over the fruit I Blessed ;a re those who, on the expected th a t the Southern Pacific digestion. and * and store in glasses as you w ould; stage, on the screen, on the lecture will be able to furnish all of the cars FALIi PRICES Wholesome Forms jelly. platform , in books, in the press, in needed in Oregon when the crop be- H ave arrived at For this reason jam s, m arm alades R aspberry C liarlotte K usse i he daily contacts of life, mak oth­ g ns to move, and it is not thought and preserves are considered one of « One cup raspberries, one third cup! ers smile. that serious delays will be met with the roost wholesome ways in which sugar, one cup cream whipped, tw’o this year. su g ar may be eaten. To be at its teaspoons of granulated gelatine, one- Tailors for men and wonlen The art of keeping cool and un- Getting the fru it to m arket in the best for cooking or canning, fru it fo urth cup cold w ater. You are invited for a look ruffled is the simplest of arts, Be- : shortest possible time is of vital im~ should be a little under-rine. Vheu Lady fingers or stale sponge cake. cause It is so simple is the re a so n 1 1 portance to the shipper on account canning or preserving, to o btali the so many do not practice the art. of price fluctuations and the perish­ best results, the fru it should retain ability of the fruit, and it is expected both shape and flavor, Cver^ripe Being secretary of the treasury that all of the roads will cut down fru it Is never perfect in eitl-e- ’ r during this crucial period is a m an’s ! on the time between here and east­ o r shape. Berries and all small size task, as Mr. Mellon can attest. ern m arkets. fruits should be handled in small! quantities to avoid crushing them! There is only one ’ism that ¡a tol-j MOVIE PATRONS PROVE and should be washed before remov farable among loyal citizens of t his j HONESTY ACCORDING TO ing the stem s or hulls. F ru its should j country— Americanism. TH EA TR E MANAGER be used most liberally; in fact, Con­ sidered a necessity. ( R I O IM P R O VEM EN T CLUB ----------- DISCONTINUES M EETIN G S HORNELL. N. Y., July 21.— Nine- G eneral R ecipe fo r A ll Ben-y Jam s UNTIL SEPTEMBER ty-nine out of every hundred per- Prepare the fru it; weigh and allow ---------- sons in the United States, and everv- three-qi a rte r i ound of sugar to Ky MRS. JOHN H. DILL body in Hornell is honest, accord- every pound of te rrie s. Crush the (Cor Sec. Civic Improvement Club) Ing to Charles S. Smith, m anager fruit, put over a slow fire and heat! The Civic Improvement club met of a local moving picture theatre. to the boiling point, then boil about at the round table in Lithia Park A new policy has been inaugurated tw enty m inutes, counting t i e time yesterday afternoon. A short busi-i at the theatre Smith manages. There after boiling actually begins If ness session was held and it was ar© no ticket sellers or takers in the decided th at meetings would be dis­ lobby. All persons are adm itted free. continued until the first Tuesday in After viewing the show they walk September, as there is no special to the door where a box with a slot work to be done until th at time. in it has been installed. If they liked the perform ance they drop i th irty cents in the box. There is no SHOO FLY I Spray your anim als with Shoo’ atten d an t to stop the patrons if they W hen the body begins to stifle: Fly and keep the flies away. don’t care to drop the money in the and movement becomes painful i I box. There is a girl stationed at a is usually an indication that th ICELESS COOLERS little booth ju st inside the lobby to kidneys are out of order. Kee> j Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay provide change for the patrons who these organa healthy by takin ! for itself in a year in ice bills. want the correct amount. Manager Smith says th a t practic­ New W hite Sewing Machines, al­ ways on hand. Used machines for! l‘Uy all the th eatre patrons pay. The ren,:- only ones who don’t drop th eir m on­ ey into the box, according to Smith, are the ones dissatisfied with the The world’s standard remedy for kidney show. liver, bladder and uric add trouble! Tidings Heavy Shipment of Established 1876 Fabllahed Every Evening Except Pears Is Expected Sunday THE ASH LAND PRINTING CO. From R. R. Valley Ashland pomestic^cience J)epaHmeni Fruit Raisers Tell R. R. Officials Of Shipment Needs WOOD SPECIAL We can furnish good wood at $6.75 per cord; now while we can deliver cars and can save you hauling expense. Also mill trim m ing at $7.00 per load aud mill blocks ar $7.50 per load. Ashland Lumber Co. PHONE 20. the A t A1LABLE FOR VOI R USE The First N ational offers a splendid all-round banking service, as w e ll as a valuable consultant service. It is your privilege to use this oi not, ju st as it is your right to be thrifty or improvident. But— we’ll tell you this— hundred:; of well-to-do, respected people in Jackson County wouldn’t give up their connection with this bank. It has meant too much financially to them. In order to make room we are offering — Cash w ith Order Ashland Lumber Co., Phone 20 SQUEEZED TO DEATH GOLDMEDAL ! P cil’s Corner — AFreeTube with every P en n sy lv a n ia V acuum Cup Tire PRICED RIGHT, TOO —T H E - Busy Corner Motor Co, C A R T C R O r e s O REG O N . ..........................................- --------------------------- C> 1 V A U P E L VICE PRE $ J c / m < C O Y . C a s h ie r Your Summer Outing Is a m atter of importance to You. Where you will spend it is a m atter of interest to us. Round Trip Sum m er Excursion Fares are now in effect to the following delightful places for Rest, Recreation and Amusement Newport. On the Pacific Ocean and Yaqnina Bay is this charm ing old place where thousands return year after year to spend their vacations. Crater Lake. A world wonder in the Cascade Range. More than a mile above (Jie sea is this beautiful azure blue lake, set in the crater of a huge mountain. Tillamook County Beaches. r Beyond the Coast Range Mountains are these new and unspoiled places where the ocean and forest m e e t. Other Resorts. Josephine County Caves, Colestin, Shasta Mountain Resorts, Yosemite National Park. ’’Di-egon Outdoors” is the title of our new summer hook let which describes the different resorts in western Ore­ gon and includes hotel and camp inform ation. Copy free on request. Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier — / / F Cigarette W OOD — I TreHcstNattottojifank Fall W o o le n s ____!- J L _ G>onk. vntb Chuno* C/oeb.' MEMBER ^FEDERAT RESERVE' .S Y S T E M It’s T oasted IL slab order from extra p a lo n g a s I am! Vknious since 1696. Take regularly an keep in good health. l a three sizes, s! druggiais. GusranUvd as represents», beek fee H m m u m C*M Medal ea eve»» ha Don’t Expose Your Property to Loss If you were carrying $5,000 or more of cash In your car you’d want to have it insured. But are you not driving your car. with about all of your prop­ e r t y exposed? I f you injure a man, and he obtains a damage verdict against you, you’ve got to pay it. If you haven’t the cash, your property can be sold to get it. Don’t risk your house, your bank account, your business. Lei a first class autom obile policy stand between your worldly goods a n d ’ the result of th at possible accident. DO I T NOW. A few dollars today may save yon a few thousand tonight. Corner Highway and Main Streets BttUngs Agency MEDEORD, OREGON Real Estate a*d Beal Iasaraace Estah. 18tS PbpaedHl < lB a a tM a ta | “ O f course I ’l l go to the movies i f I can he comfortable. These Casco summer shoes are as light and comfortable as any house shoe, hut they are smart enough in appearance to wear anywhere in vacation. They look good, feel good and I d o n ’t have to fuss with changing.” Every member o f the family can get a lot more real en­ joym ent out af the summer afternoons and evenings with H ood Casco Bals. T h ey are light, easy and cool, stylish in appearance, and give excellent wear. N ote their superior construction and examine the H o o d patented pneumatic heel — " Y o u walk on air.” For fu rth er inform ation inquire of ticket agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Comply With the Law AND Printed Butter Wrappers CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter so{d or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name and address of the maker. A To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets aud up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­ lowing prices; 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces.......... S1.7S ISO Sheets, 10 or 32 ounces.......... $2.75 c4sk any dealer or lerite us. Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. Watertown. Massachusetts. ATHLETIC The Hood Athletic it a prime favorite with active, real boyt in city, town and tountry. Suction »okt that prevent dipping. Sport maimed and made to wear. The . Hood ProceM putt all parta to- ethrr to stay. Make your boy ap|>X with a pair o f Hood SPORTSHU Big men and little men want sport trimming on their play shoes. The Sportshu is red trim­ med, red corrugated sole — a splendid shoe at a moderate price. And how the little folks like their looks. Ask for Hood Sportshu. USE • SM Sheets, 10 or $2 ounces........ $4.00 Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ ied by the price of the paper and it will he promptly forwarded to you by parcel jiost, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is o f the best. I Ait us have your order and you will not regret it. A s h la n d A s h la n d , O re g o n i)!!fflteiitll!!ÌililillÌHIi!!tti!!(W!toiiyit| i ii’iiiiiui »iiiinTTnirn l!!!!!ll|l!ó'liHÌ'uili!IUlll|illill|l!llWt)iii| ij u ii 100223235300005302010002000