P A G E Füt'R FOR SALE OR TRADE— 30 foot! F ish in g a t B u tte O e c k — Granta Paa« Im prove C. o f C.— Sampson windmill tower. Wlli W illiam Paul reports good fisher The Jackson County Medical as-' Believing th a t th eir Cham ber of take gas engine. Ed Gowland, "box I soclation will hold a social gather- Commerce is not functioning prop m an’s luck after spending all day 73, R. F. D. Phone 2-F-4. 296-6 iug and picnic in l/th ia P ark a t 6 | erly, the business men of G rant Pass yesterday at B utte creek. VUiwUc Culcndai This W eek «> BOYS WANTED— Three or four boys o’clock this evening The meeting, i met Monday evening with H. O. Fro- to sell Journals in the streets and Full coverage automobile policy. at which about fifty picnickers will * bach, s e c re ta ry of the Medford park. Phone 310-R. 263 Oak be present, will be addressed by Con-j chamber, to consider means of pro- Companies th a t pay their losses. Yeo street. 271-2 •269-tf Stated conclave of Sisk you Chap- gressmau Rainey, Illinois, who w.llj moling civic welfare -n th at city, of course. <9 A FOR SALE— Pickling cucumbers. ter. Thursday eveuing, July 21. Also speak at the C hautauqua this even-. It was stated th a t G rants Pass, Ash- Place your order now. Price is L eave for 'Frisco— worlt 'ng. Fam ilies of the medical meh land and Medford have so many in- reasonable. We can furnish cu­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosenthal, ____________________ will attend the picnic. terests in common th a t in order to cumbers dill, and recipe for dill ♦ develop all localities in Southern who have just filled a very success­ pickles. Phone 228-Y. 271-1 Visiting. B rother— FOR SALE— Confectionary store. | Oregon it Is essential . th a t active ful engagement at Chautauqua, left Mrs. W M. Garven and ch ild ren ,, FOR SALE— Bear and coyote dogs ■ good paying business next door to commercial bodies be located in each today for San Francisco. of San Diego. Calif., arc v s itin g at „ , . . Excellent stock. P articulars on OH BOY! Have von seen the bar­ l hj. home of Mrs. G arven’s b ro th er? posl oiifce and ^ entrance of Llthia c.ty request. F. B. Anderson. Speaker, gains at Elkhorn Gun Store? 271-6 ♦ ♦ Ben Howe. 176 Mountain avenue. P ark Addres3 Pftza Confectionary? Oregon. - 271-2* -For a good plunge or tub bath in _ „ 23 N. Main, Ashland. Or. 266-6 W hat is a vacation w ithout mu- COOKING APPLES— Can’t beat ’em • 4> pure sulphur water, go to the N at­ for pies or sauce. 20 lbs., $1.00; ¡sic? Buy a small V ictrola and take H ave a fit at o rres Tanora for Highway Work to S tart— atorlum . 236-tf 50 lbs., $2.00, delivered. Phot - 1 Men and Women. i it along. Rose Bros. * 247-tf llf ltf The laying of pavement north of ♦ <» 9 -F -ll. & — the city on the Sexton Mountain Guns and F ish in g Tackle— We make Suits to order. K. _ ‘ ’ ... „ ... I Elkhorn Gun Store, SI Oak street. CLEARANCE SALE HAVE $350.00 EQUITY in house and G rants Pass section of the Pacific Nelson. ; Hats, $1.00 to $2.50, at Mrs. K J lot on paved street. Will tr a d e 1 261-1 mo highway will be started by Septem- for piano. Address W. H. R., Sisk- ' ♦ ♦ ’ Simona, 26 South Pioneer avenue. ♦ ♦ r ber 1, said Mr. Kibbe, a partner of ¡you, Oregon. 271-3* I R e tu rn fro m P a r k T o u r — 269-2 J F. Place and Mr. and Mrs. I? A D K ear" s X ^terday. The con­ Grand Jury Indictm ent«— WHITE CLING W HEELER Peaches I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ic Edwards returned home last tv- ! lract for the building of the ten miles * The grand jury Monday afternoon for canning are now ready lor de * returned two indictm ents — one ening from a m onth’s outing through of road was receili,y awarded to Mr. livery. Prices same as always, i WANTED— Man to work On lawn, i Colorado and Yellowstone National K«*arn8’ a Portland contractor. The against Jam es Burke, charging him 108 Pioneer avenue. 271-3* j C. W. Chattin. Phone 35 3-L 271-2 equipm ent is being unloaded at Mer- with forgery, in attem pting to pass Park? lin, preparatory to work. Two weeks I bad checks in this city. The other <9 <» Florence autom atic oil cook stoves *'M be taken to put up the mixing was against “ John Doe,” a secret in­ and ovens. Ashland F urnitu re Co. ‘ plant and then work will continue dictm ent. The grand jury then re­ without delay.— G rants Pass Courier. cessed until a later date. V isiting Parents— ♦ ♦ ❖ <*> Beautiful Fluff Rugs made from The Montana Harmony Company, S. D. H erbert, of Farm ington, Calif., and sister, Mrs. C. C. Clark, playing latest popular dance hits, old carpets and rugs. The Medford LAST TIMES TONIGHT Soulseyville. Calif., are ’.’••itlne their five high class union musicians, will Fluff Rug Man will be In Ashland parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H er. j Ge at Ashland N atatorlum Friday, Thursday, July 21. Phone 175. I 271-1* j bert, of this city. Mr. Herbert igj July 22. Turn out to the big dance j acepm pan’ed by his family. and don’t miss this opportunity to <3> To Speak a t F arm ers’ Picnic— George A. Mansfield will address the Farm Bureau picnic next Sat­ urday on the ‘ Issue of the H our.” Those who have heard this lecture say it is one of the strongest and most interesting they have ever heard and th a t all local citizens would do well to hear it. ♦ anti Buster K eaton The Haunted House 2 ,0 0 0 F E E T OF SIDE-SPLITTING COMEDY Sold regularly at $2.00. Ladies 16-button heavy weight siik gloves in black only. Double finger tips and black or white stitching. ♦ ♦ What’s A Wile Worth” Phone 114. i 259-tf Oke standard tire likes nothing better Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Briggs have moved into th eir new home on G ran­ ite street between Nutley and Baumj streets. than to prove its service ♦ ♦ j Let Yeo insure your hay and grain. ' Phone 274-J. 269-tf it in at Gingham Dresses—$2.50 Sold regularly at $3.00. Made of good gingham in small plaids. Trimmed with white poplin. Gowns—$1.39 Muslin gowns trim m ed with em broidery and ribbon. Fuli length, sizes 16 and 17. N O T IC E Will cut prices on every­ thing during the next few days. Guns, $5.00 up. Bikes, $5.00 up. Six hole range for $25 and other good bargains. ELKHORN GUN STORE 81 Oak St. 271-6 MOVED— H ave you r H em stitch in g an d F ic o tin g done here— T H E B A L C O N Y SHOP The store where your patronage is appreciated. S3 <» Cool off in Rose Bros’ ice cream 1 parlor where quality ice cream s and sherbets are served. 264tf The M. C. Clayboruie Shoe Sh*n« Parlor ha« m oved from Its old stand to N orth F irst str e e t a t th e rear of th e B eaver B uilding. NOW OPEN If w e ca n ’t s a v e y o u m o n ey of people. T he substantial cit­ EOPLE used to be se­ izen. T he m an w ho knows cretly envious of the young fellow who came th at you can’t get something for nothing. T he s te a d y c u s ­ tearing up the street and to m e r —not the bargain hunter. stopped his car with a jerk. « A c? Bloomers—50c pr. W omen’s knot bloomer^ white and p :nk Elastic waist and knee. Ashland Lumber Co. PHONE 20. ♦ ♦ ♦ slab order from extra Also mill trim m ing at $7.00 per load and mill blocks at $7.5(f per load. COMING TH U R SD A Y M oves Into Ndw H o r n e - Long Silk Gloves—$1.25 We can furnish good wood a t $6.75 per cord; now while we can deliver cars and can save you hauling expense. -in- H. R. Adame for plumbing, beating and gas fitting. Repairing a speci­ alty. 248 F ifth St. Phone 166-J. Sold regularly at $2.75. Cro­ cheted bed spread, size 72x84. Ju st the right weight for sum ­ mer use. WOOD SPECIAL <3> WE REPAIR anything. Bed Spreads—$2.25 M ade by Portion Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan, A I P ^91 S? • Now they are inclined to criticise such abuse of tires. A mark of the growing con­ sciousness about tires— their service, their work, their value. THE U . S. USCO TREAD H e re is th e U . S. U sco T re a d , w ith a lo n g - e s ta b ­ lished standard cl service am ong rjo to rists w ho hava an eye to value, as well a s to price. W hile selling for less than the other tires in the U, S. Fabric line, the U see has earned a reputation for quality and dependable econ­ omy w hich is not exceeded by any tire in its class. This sam e respect for a good tire is the reason w hy the four­ square tire dealer has passed up odds and ends, “job lots”, “sec­ onds”, “cut prices”—and come out squarely w ith the s ta n d a r d q u a lity s e r v ic e of U. S. Tires. United States Tires are Good Teres H e is g e ttin g a bigger, and also bet­ ter, tire business than he ever had before. H e is dealing now U. S. USCO TREAD w ith h is o w n k in d U. S. CHAIN TREAD U. S. NOBBY TREAD U. S. ROYAL CORD U. S. RED & GREY TUBES * • T o the m an w ho has not yet learned the s ta n d a r d tir e s e r v ­ ic e he is entitled to w e say— Go to the dealer in U. S. Tires and make him show you. H ere is a m an in close touch w ith one of the 92 U .S. F actory Branches—a constant supply of fresh, live U. S. Tires. T he U. S. T ire you buy is a tire built for c u r r e n t d e m a n d s. No overproduction. No piling up of stock. No loss of mileage by hanging around on the dealer’s racks. E v e ry w ay you look at it, a p a r qual­ i t y tir e a t a n e t p ric e , '“tia r a ia a m a a in elotta touch w ith o n » o fth a 92 U. S. F a c to r y B ran ch»»“ w e w ill not ex p ect you r b u sin e ss I Knapp’s Groceteria NO. 45, EAST MAIN ST. fe d S ta te s Tires States Rubber Company N. DIX & SON Ashland, Ore.