Wednesday, July 20, J 9 2 1 A SttU JfD DAILY TIDINGS, B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. PHYSICIANS ATTORNEYS. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— A ttorneys-at- lim ited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ash­ V A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. (* land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens' Bank DR. J. J . EMMENS— Physician and i B)d«- Surgeon. Practice lim ited to DENTAL X-RAYS eye, ear, nose and th ro at. Glasses DR. E. H. JOHNSON, supplied. Oculist and au rist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. llfcrtver Block. ................... Blitg.. Medford, Ore. Phone 567. p ■■ ■■■■ GARAGES DR. FRANK M. MOXON has resumed practice at 125 E ast Main street. LITHIA GARAGE— Reopened to r alii Office hours. 1 to 5 p. m. 267-6 kinds Of repair work and storage W ork guaranteed. Phone I I 4. P. OHS. SA W YER & CRANDALL A. Main and B. Dean, Props. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS P ion eer B uilding. Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J CHIROPRACTORS. DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. ij 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. || Rose Bros. Phone Residence Phone 401. 136-tf TAXI. TAXI—Acklin’s 213. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF' V IEW ERS IN THE MATTER OF I T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FE R — Good team and m otor­ ROAD KNOWN AS AN EXTEN­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ SION OF SCENIC DRIVE, IN THE able price. Phone 83. CITY OF ASHLAND. OREGON. FOR PROMPT and careful service Recorder’s Office, Ashland, Ore-, with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone gon, July 15. 1921. ¡Notice is hereby given' to the own-| 117. Offioe 89 Oak street, Near ers of property affected by the con­ Hotel Austin. struction of the road known as a it; FOR SALE— R E A L ESTATE. extension of Scenic Drive southerly from Nutley street to Strawberry! FOR SALE— Modern six room h o u se.' lane, that the common council of the) nut and fruit trees and b e rrie s.' city of Ashland, at a m eeting lieldj 502 Fairview street. Ashland, Or. : July 5, 1921, appointed a board oft . 270-6* viewers consisting of Ira Shoudy, FOR SALE— 250 acres on highway Chas. Gillette, and W. F. Lodmis. to not ta r out, a pretty home place, determ ine and assess the special mostly wooded. Some good hay benefits accruing to any parcel of kind, well watered by springs. land from the construction of the! F air improvements. Implements road aforesaid, and designated the, and hay in barn go with place. I f ' intersection of Nutley street anil you have a little home in Ashland Scenic drive, as the place of meeting or Medford, will consider same asi and July 25, 1921, a t 2:30 o’clock part payment. Come and see me.; p. m., as the time for such m eeting, Must sell. This is good. Inquire of the said viewers to proceed to Tidings office. 269-3* j assess the special benefits. The viewers may take evidence j FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A 360 and otherw ise investigate in re la tio n ' acre mountain ranch on Ashland- thereto and in relation to the spe-j K lam ath Falls highway. A por­ cial benefits accruing to any lot or I tion under cultivation; balance parcel of land affected. good pasture land; place nearly GERTRUDE BIEDE, all under fence and fencing in good City Recorder. condition; large bariii and sheds; Date of firs t p u b lic a tio n J u lv 15 J. small house; 3.000,000 feet of saw 1921. 267-fri-wetl tim ber and wood enough on place tu pay for it. School house very NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF near. Cash or term s to suit. In VIEWERS IN THE MATTER OF J -¡exchange can use Ashland res ­ THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEW­ ilence property. Address M. V. L., ER IN SEWER DISTRICT NO. 20;! IN THE CITY OF ASHLAND, ¡1 ¿ a re Tidings. 270-ti OREGON. SACRIFICE SALE— 35 acres on Boulevard, 11 acres in *~ult, rest R ecorder’s Office, Ashland, Ore-! in barley and alfalfa, 6 room mod­ gon, July 15, 1921. ern bungalow. Price $7000.00 Notice is hereby given to the own­ Mrs. Dr. John W eimer, R. F. D. I ; ers of property situated in Sewer Box 76 250-lmo* I D istrict No. 20, on G ranite street,! FO R SALE OR EXCHANGE— Excel- from the manhole at the in tersectio n ; t lent small ranch, four room house, 1 of G ranite street and South Pioneer i bearing orchard, beautiful loca-j avenue northw esterly along Granite! tion. City w ater and light. Good street a distance of approximately j place for chickens, pasture land; 280 feet, in the city of Ashland, Ore-! for several cows. Good returns gon, th a t the common council of tile, on investm ent if properly han­ city of Ashland, a t a meeting held! dled. Can use Ashland residence July 5. 1921, appointed a board of in exchange or part payment. Ad­ viewers consisting of Ira Shoudy, dress .1. M., care Tidings. 26 3-tf Chas. G illette and W. F. Loomis tc determ ine and assess the special b en -, FO R SALK. efits accruing to any parcel of la n d ! from the construction of the sewer! FO R SALE— W orcester six octave aforesaid, and designated the in ter­ .organ, in fine condition. Mrs. H at­ section of G ranite street and S outlr tie Lynch. 292 Liberty. Phone 286-J. Pioneer avenue as the place of meet-i 270-2; ing. and Jwly 25, 1921, at 4 o’clock FOR SALE— Cote piano. Inquire p. m.. as the tim e for such meeting 329 ¿each street. 269-5* of the said viewers to proceed to as sess th e special benefits. The viewers may take evidence! FOR* SALE— Tancred pullets, $1.00 each. Phone 222-R. 269-3* and otherw ise investigate in relation thereto and in relation to the spe­ FOR SALE— Ford bug. 175 Meade cial benefits accruing to any lot or street. 268-1 parcel of land w ithin said Sewer D istrict No. 20. FOR SALE— Piano In A-l condition. GERTRUDE BIEDE, Phone 279 or 199. 265-tf City Recorder D ate of first publication July 15 FOR SALE— One Underwood revolv­ 1921. 267-fri-wed ing duplicator, for m aking type­ w ritten copies, $12.50. Cost new, $50. One second hand bicycle, $10. SHOO FLY Ashland F ru it and Produce Asso­ Spray your anim als with Shoo : ciation. 265-6' Fly and keep the flies away. FOR SALE— March Plym outh Rock ! cockerels, from B utler Poultry ICELESS COOLERS F arm ; $1.50 and $2. Also some choice W hite Leghorns, $1.50 each., Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay in a year in ice bills. ¿•hone 68. Mrs. W. R. Yockey. for itself * . * * ' New W hite Sewing Machines, al­ WOOL FOR SALE — Before buying ways on hand. Used machines for, yonr w inter’s wood call up 426-Y for j.i ices. Can contract for f ir ,; rent. pine, ¡»ak or m anzanita. Order T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. s corner p X ™ ‘‘r , ' ‘“,o ' d , 1 , e r u s 2 « " '’ mos - ! * BUILDING MATERIAL — Medford ---------------------- ---- ------- -- ------- — Cement Brick and Block W orks,, specialize in a!« kinds of building ATTRACTIVE products. Corner F ir and lO tlr street. 22 5 t f ! SALESMAN Fall W oolens W ANTED, WANTED. BOARDERS WANTED—-:..’ week or! »ingle meals served at -a. al h o u rs .1 Hotel Bell, 4th St. 51-lmo* FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE— Seven .- rej place with four room mod-¿in house, three acres fruit in bo.» -j ing. Can use Ashland reside-.' close in in full or p a rt paym nii Address A. G.. care Tidings, 263 tt LOST. LOST— Gold rim spectacles, pad un- der nose piece, between M. E. church and Ashland cemetery. F in d e r leave a t Tidings office amt receive reward.* 270-3 LOST— Last Sunday, between ' land and Green Spring mom:' .•*. one sack containing four pa:»» of shoes and clothing. Finder re- tn rn to 150 Sixth street. 266-6* ■ ......... 1 NOTICE, WOODMEN. Bids will be received at the Tid­ ings office, for delivery to this of­ fice of fifteen cords of ybodv fir wood, cut from green trees, four foot length. Bids will be opened July 30, at 5 o’clock. Delivery to be made a t any time between now and October 1. Cash paym ent on completion of delivery. A deposit of $10 will be required th e successful bidder as a guarantee th a t the wood will be delivered as contracted. (Address bids in w riting to the Ash­ land Tidings, Ashland, Or. 26S-tf # ■*** Oregon’s New Industry DO YOU KNOW that there is under way on Klamath County’s rich Marsh Lands, a project that is destined to become one of th< LARGEST and most PROFITABLE industries in the State of Oregon? DO YOU KNOW that the Soil and Climatic conditions on the^e Marsh Lands are NATURALLY adapted to the growing of the different varieties of PEPPERMINT, as was thoroughly demonstrated the past year? DO YOU KNOW that as a result of these demonstrations and th e superior grade of PEPPERM1N OIL produced, it is predicted by the Pioneer Mintgrower of Michigan, and the biggest buyer of Mint Oils in the United States, who recently viewed our oeerai lions, that Klamath County will within a very short time, control the Mint Production of the entire United States, and fix the Mint price of the world? 4 DO YOU KNOW that 40 pounds of Mint Oil per acre was produced on these lands last year—that this oil tested 65 per cent Men thol content, as against 36 to 42 per cent Menthol found in Eastern oils—that there is a constant demand for the oil that we can produce, and at a price ranging from 75 cents to $1.50 per poun d higher than is usually paid for Mint Oil produced in other parts of the United States? . . I DO YO UKNOW that OIL OF PEPPERMINT is being produced on these Marsh Lands of Klamath County on a wholesale scale, and that the companies now operating should reach a maximu m production of 250,000 pounds of Mint Oil annually within a very short time—that Mint Oil sold for $9.00 per pound last year, while the average price for 40 years has been around $3.00 per pound • What Has Been Accom plished « » N The Pacific Coast Mint Company, an Oregon Corporation, is the Pioneer Mint Company of Klamath County.. They shipped in the first carload of mint roots for experimental purposes in 1920 and now own a 1300 acre tract of land 10 miles from Klamath Falls on the Upper Klamath Lake. of production. 830 acres of this land is the choicest marsh land in the county, and is now in an actual stage We now have over 400 acres in crop, including PEPPERMINT, GRAIN and other PRODUCTS. It is the plan of this Company to plant their entire tract to PEPPERMINT as fast as possible, and by November 15th, an additional 200 or 300 acres of mint will have been planted. One planting of this crop continues to produce for a period of from 5 to 7 years. This Is Your Opportunity >. FALL STYLES WANTED— Salesman for tea a n d coffe route. H. O. P ark h u rst, 21C, W. Jackson, Medford, Or. 270-3* i k_ • • / to invest in a business which has unlimited possibilities for money-making in the form of an EIGHT PER CENT CONVERTIBLE and FA LL PR IC ES H ave arrived a t MORTGAGE BOND, interest payable semi-annually, and maturing November 1st, 1923. This investment enables you,to watch Tailors for men and women the progress of the business for a period of two years, at the en d of which time you may either take advantage of any increased earnings of the Company, or withdraw your money plus the interest.. You are invited for a look Don’t Expose Your Property to Loss If you were carrying $5,000 or more of cash in your car you'd want to have it insured. But are you not driving your car, with about all of your prop­ erty exposed? It you injure a man, and he obtains a damage verdict against you, you’ve got to pay it. If you haven’t the cash, your property can be sold to get' it. Don’t risk your house, your bank account, your business. Let a first class autom obile policy stand between your worldly goods and the result of th a t possible accident. DO IT NOW. A few dollars today may save you a few thousand tonight. Billings Agency There is every indication that when production has reached the maximum stage, our Company will pay 25 to 50 per cent on the investment. Our security is authoried by the Corporation Commissioner of the State of Oregon A number of Ashland’s most prominent citizens have already invested in Klamath’s New Industry. We are in a position to handle a limited amount of Lib erty Bonds. The Pacific Coast Mint Co. ( IN C O R P O R A T E D ) REFERENCES: American National Bank, Klamath Falls, Ore. First State & Savings Bank, Klamath Falls, Ore. Authorized Representative: James M. Watkins Jr., at C. B. Lanikin’s office, Citizens Bldg.. Ashland, Ore. Real Estate and Real Insurance Estab. 1883 P h on e 211 41 E a st Main MJ I W? 4b*» Fi»- - .