ASHLAND DAILY HÖINGS, Tidings mickie , the printer ’ s DEVIL Ashland -s^ Monday, July 18, lOili By Charles Sughroe • V m ot They Wouldn’t Be Missed N m p u x r Unua Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. CITY AND PAPER TELEPHONE 39 OFFICIAL conni Subscription Price D elivered in City One month • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . » 6 Three months .............................. Six months • . . » . • • • • • • • • • • • One y e a r ....................................... .65 1.96 3.75 7.60 Mail and R ural R ou tes. One month „ . . • » • • • • • • • • • • • • e ,66 Three months .............. 1.96 Six months ....................... 3.60 One year ......................... ' . .......... 6.60 ADVERTISING R A TES: D isplay A d vertising Single insertion, each in c h ............30o YEAR LY CONTRACTS D isplay A d vertisin g One time a w eek.....................27 Vic Vwo tim es a w eek.....................26c Every other d a y ......................... 20c Local R eaders. will aim to serve the special inter- G rants Pass-Gold Hill, 18 miles: river to the Nile in the way the ests of the Russian people. Paved: a detour might be necessary two rivers deposit vast quantities ot “ Let me illustrate. We are creat- at the Sardine creek bridge which silt to the lands they irrigate. This ing a state boot and shoe foctory. is being rebuilt. silt, he says, acts as a fertilizer, and This enterprise wiW not compete for Gold Hill-Ashland, 27 miles: makes the desert soil suitable for foreign trade. It will not specialize Paved. the culture of almost any product. in fancy shoes for the boulevards of Ashland-California line, 22 miles: The United States government Paris or the M ayfair d istrict of Lon­ Paved, except a half mile stretch on owns more than 1,000,000 acres in Legal R ate: We can furnish good slab don. Our factory is going to make the sum m it of the Siskiyous. the region which would be tra n s­ First Time, per 8 point line . . . 10c wood at 66.75 per cord; order cheap substantial boots for the hard CraWV Lake Highway ferred into valuable farm ing land Each subsequent time, per S point now while we can deliver from usage of Russia. The C rater Lake road is now open by the consummation of the project. l i n e ...............................................3c cars and can save you extra “We think it waste of R ussia’s re- to the lake. Due to excessive dust Card of Thanks, 61.00. hauling expense. By LLOYD ALLEN Obituaries, 2 >4 cents the line. sources to think first of foreign from Dodge bridge to the ferry, the I Fraternal Orders and Societies. LONDON, July 16.— -ir.,nn-pure trade. We believe th a t fallacy was j route from Medford to Eagle Point, Advertising for fraternal orders Also mill trim m ing at $7.00 or societies charging a regular initi­ communism is still the s >al if R” s-jo n e of the leading faults of pre-war thence via Reese Creek school house per load and mill blocks at ation fee and dues, uo discount. Re­ si*. industrialism in Russia. to McLeod bridge is to be preferred. $7.50 per load. ligious and benevolent orders will be Lenine has never for me mnm-l “ O ther industries will be created K E. HODGMAN, charged the regular rate for all ad ent forsaken the “ red“ doctrines of! aiong th e sam e lines; to produce Division Engineer. vertising when an admission or other the bolsheviki party for the white goods for Russians with the R ussian' ---------------------------------- charge is made. principles of western Europe. J people acquiring profits. ! HIGHEST DAM IN WORLD W hat C on stitutes A dvertising! PHONE 20. Today soviet Russia s m the sec-t ' This is one way of explaining the PL A N N ED FO R CALIFORNIA ' In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ond stage of its development tiansi- communism we are working toward. ■ • ing among some as to what consti­ tutes news and what advertising, tion from the firs’ period of bolshe- “ Paradoxically enough, the capi-l SAN FRANCISCO, July 16.— More we print this very simple rule whicn vism into the second stage was gen- talist leaders of w estern Europe are than 5.000,000 acres of barren d e s-' is used by newspapers to differin- a tiate between them : “ ALL future erally m isunderstood throughout the assisting us in our aims by selling ert can be turned into rich farm ing events, where an admission charge world. It was erroneously announced us m aterials for o ur state industries. land by the construction of the pro­ is made or a collection is taken that ‘ LenJne had turned w hite.” “F irst, western Europe tried to posed Boulder Can.yon dam across IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to Official representatives of Lenine crush us with m ilitary adventures. the Colorado river, according to J. organizations and societies of every here in London, members of the Rus­ B. Lippincott, reclam ation engineer, They see this effort was futile. kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after sian trad e delegation, are authority “ Outside cajdibalj|sm is also in­ form erly of th e United States geo­ for the foregoing. they have occurred is news. vited to come into Russia and opc-'- logical survey. All coming social or organization T h e ir sp o k e sm a n e x p la in ed to m e ate branches of industry. We give fThe proposed dam, to be the h'gli- meetings of societies where no money L e n in e 's p rese n t a n u s a s follow s: outsiders a fifty to ninety year lease ®8^ *n tb e world, is to be 550 feet , contribution is solicited, initiation Lenine always reaiiezd pure com- after which th eir property reverts to ' high, it is planned. It will be cap-; charged, or collection taken is NEWS. munisra cannot be accomplished by th^ 9tate. Meanwhile we take 30 to able of storing 24,000,000 acre feet We make s»U quotations on mere legislation; it inns’ come by to per cent of th eir production on of water and will develop 1,000,000 JOIt WORK development. arrangem ents th a t are m utually i horse Power, more than the total from "W hen the bolsheviki patty came isfactory. This is the general p rin -. hydro-electric power now developed THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. in to pow er, a f te r th e downfall cf ciple; th ere is some variation, of! by California projects. Same prices— Reasonable Price Kerensky, private trading was fa r-, course » Lippincott compares the Colorado, to all. bidden in Russia. _________________ __ “This, however, was not ordeted en tered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second Class Mai’ for the sole purpose of advancit.g A LITTLE W ATER Matter. o::.:aur.ism ; private tra lin g was SPR AY ED halted in order to concentrate all A voice withiu us speaks that s ta rt­ ou flowers will keep them business in the hands of ’.he govern­ ling word— fresh and lovely for a long PER TIER ment, just as private trading was “ Man, thou shalt never die!” time. Get a reel of our restricted and controlled in Germany • * • I — R. H. Dana. first quality garden hose — and other European count! >s luring i and keep your flowers, the war. Medford, Or., July 11, 1921. •» The gates of success do not open fruits, vegetables and lawn “ Russia was in the midst f civil To the E ditor: for the boy who is ashamed to work, healthy and thriving. And war; more disastrous in i’s effect on, Dear Sir— As to the condition of or who is too indolent to do any- we lieip in the effort to a nation than war with a foreign tb e Pacific highway between Rose- th ’ng worth while. There is no real make gardening pay by enemy. Meanwhile Russia .vso had burg and the California line as of success in life w ithout great labor. charging the least we can toreign foes. H undreds of tn o n san d s' J u ,Y 17, heg to report as follows: for garden accessories. ( < Roseburg-M yrtle Creek, 20 miles: In the Heart of Town’ The more th a t Europe uses its of armed men were invading Russian! soil on many battle fronts. I Paving south of Roseburg; open at hands industriously in self-help, the “This dire em ergem y lasted .from hours, detours are used when more inclined is America to extend the latter part of 1913 i:l the available. a helping hand in that direction. w inter of 1921. M yrtle Creek-Canyonville, 10 “Now we are entering the second i ,nIles: G rading; fair detour via Rid- This is the season when Asliland- period. There’s a prospect of peace die. ers do not spend time looking for Canyonville-Galesville 11 miles: today. We are startin g the gigantic s lv e r linings to clouds— for there Good macadam. job of rehabilitating Russia after are no clouds to have linings. Galesville-W olf Creek, 14 miles: seven years of terrific w arfare, Paving in progress at both ends of wherein the casualties far exc°“ded In discussing sk irt fashions, w rit­ those of any belligerent in the w orld' J°hl where detours are not available! ers and speakers may as well cut it war. traffic will be allowed to pass at short, and be in style. “ We never intending nationaliziug ^east every two hours, the small factories. Our aim is to* W olf Creek-Grave Creek, 5 miles; | The codfish lays a million eggs. control the big enterprises like steel' ^*a ' ed- While the helpful hen lays one; works and corporations th at occupy 'Grave Creek-Grants Pass, 18 m iles.: But the codfish does not cackle in Russia the same degree of im- Gein.g macadamized; take old road j To inform us what she’s done. portance as the great oil syndicates sum m it of Smith hill; good con- And so we scorn the codfish coy. dition when dry. From the foot of W hile the helpful hen we prize; in America. "F act is, we are today returning I ®m ^h hill to G rants Pass it is no Which indicates to thoughtful minds numerous small plants to private it.- i ^® n^er necessary to detour via Mer- That it pays to advertise. itiative. But meanwhile the g o v e rn -p 'n" The main highway can be used! ment is startin g out building up a excePt when a short detour is used. CARD OF THANKS collosal system of state industrial- We wish to thank our friends and ism - neighbors also the I. O. O. F. for the “The Russian state is the biggest I flowers and many acts of kindness* employer in. great R ussia, likew 'sej shown during the sickness and death the state is the greatest buyer, and! Any Spring Coat one-half P ric j—Ladies Suits 25 per cent to 50 per cent discount. of our brother, D. S. Orr. ! when our tran sp o rt system has been i Mrs. J. R, Pittenger and family., repaired and we can move stuff to I Every W aist or Blouse 10 per cent or more off. seaboard, the state will be the big­ Miss Mary Orr, Silk Dresses reduced 10 to 50 per cent—Summer Underwear 10 per cent off. gest seller, not only in Russia but E. B. Hunt and family. IS GROWING in the whole world. din and Silk Underwear Reduced. Breakfast, Dinner and “Through the All-Russian Co-op­ Supper now served erative society, called ARCOS, for Laces and Embroideries 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount—Wool Dress goods 20 to 50 per Open from 7 to 7 short, the products of 150,000,000 cent discount Russian workers will be sold, The ,M. (Tayborne Shoe Lenine and his staff are today White Goods and Figured Voiles all reduced. Sh*ne Parlor has m oved creating state capitalism which will Bleached Muslin, 12 1-2—19—22 1-2—25c—Curtain Goods and Draperies 10 per cent disc from its old stand to North finance and develop state in d u stria l­ Fh-st street at th e rear of ism on a different basis from pre­ One Lot Dress Ginghams, 19c the Reaver Building. war ideals. Sport Silk Skirts, $9.75------Jersey Jackets, now $6.95 I “ The new industrialism iu Russia Each line, each tim e .....................10c To run every other day for one month, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To m n every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c Classified Column. One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. WOOD STILL THE GOAL OF THE SOVIET SPECIAL L ucky S trike Ashland Lumber Co. cigarette Summer Fuel toasted Cut Pine Cord W ood Weekly Report On Condition Of $3.25 Pacific Highway Good For Cook Stoves C arson-Fow ler Lbr. Co. SIM P S O N ’S HARDW ARE GARNETT’S ROOM MOVED- East Side Market UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We solicit your patronage. We handle only the best of Meats, kept in refrigerated glass cases, under absolutely sani­ tary conditions. You can sec them for vourself. Also handle Fresh Fish on Thursday and Friday C. A. Pauley & Company S u c c e sso rs to das. B a rre tt Phone 188 Ashland FOLEY’S FLORAL CREAM Hundreds of Ashland Ladies use it regularly for their complexion’s sake As a Protective Face Cream it has met the expectations of the discriminating Use it for Sunburn, Chapped Face and Hands, Drying Winds, etc. Price 25c and 50c One Lot Selling Fast—the DRESS GINGHAMS SILK HOSE 19c PERCALES at $1.50 Light or Dark 20c DEVONSHIRE JA P CREPE CLOTH Special 35c special 35c Bridal Long Cloth 19 to 29c Bridal Cambric 22 to 33 1 3c Briday Nainsook 22 to 48c Bleached Muslin 12 1-2 to 25c I tl 4 M