ì Á B B L iim D A Ì t t tDMNöBu ThwaAfty, July 15, i DÜ! PAGI TURK* r r r r ii^ u i— *ii i honor of the late Theodore Roosevelt 1 * 0 0 'C a rl Richardson general road e x p e n s e .... I I 11.00 à I Leslie A. Cook 3.00 and his son, Quentin. Quentin Roos­ C rater Lake Hdw«., general 2.00 3.SC ! O. E. Austin . . road expense ....................... evelt was an aviator who lost his 8.00 George Pursel C. F. C arter, general toad ex­ life near C hateau-Thierjy. Th's will One cent the word each time. 25.00 pense ..................................... 19.00 !l>. B. Walch ........... ............... bring back to memory to a few of Chanslor & Lyon, general Geo. Low’d ............... . . ........... 3.00 PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. 759.88 J. H. Ring ........... .. ; ; ......... 2.00 road expense ..................... ________ _____ _________ _ our Ashland comrades some of the Ç. E. Eads, transfer, general J. C. Beagle .......................'.. 19.00 DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— A tto rn ey s-at-! scene3 lh a t they know sotaethtng 7.00 roads .................................... 46.00 E. D. Schrader lim ited to eye. ear, nose a n d ' Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. about from actual experience. i j . L. Kershaw ....................... 29.00 Eagle Point Hdwe., general throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ---------------------------------------------------- The N orthern Pacific Railway com­ .6 0 :0 . F. Williams ..................... 2.00 road expense ..................... 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash- l . a . ROBERTS— A ttom ey-at-Law . V. L a n in i.................................. 30.00 Fred J. Fick, general road pany and the Frisco lines has of­ land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank 21.07 Lloyd I. Palm .................. . 12.00 expense ............................... fered a one cent a mile rate for E. N. B utler 4.00 Freem an Wiley & Co., gener- DR. J. J . EMMENS— Physician and i Bldg. delegates to the American Legion ................ 8.00 al road expense . . . . . . . 178.75 Robert Coffman Surgeon. Practice limited to • dental x - rays convention at Kansas City. This rate ................ 6.00 ' John W. Davis C. E. Gates Auto Co., general eye, ear, no3e and throat. Olasses ................ 4.00 3.60 Lee Black road expense .................. . also applies to the wives and others DR. P . H. JOHNSON supplied. Oculist and an rist for Donald Anderson .................. 15.00 Howard Cooper Cfirp., gen­ S. P. R. R. Offices, M. P. and H. who are members of the Women’s Beaver Block. eral road e x p e n s e ............. 399.52 Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Auxiliary. Our delegates will get H eath’s Drug Store, general Total $229.00 GARAGES the benefit of this rate from either D B S. SA W Y ER & CRANDALL road expense ..................... 1.00 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Portland or Sacramento, but it does E. C. Hamilton, general road ADVICE WANTED. LITHIA GARAGE— Reopened for all not apply to the Southern Pacific P ion eer B uilding. expense ........................... 244.80 kinds of repair work and storage. • Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J Medford F u n k & Hdwe.. T m In a fix with my girl! said Work guaranteed. Phone 114. P. lines to these two points. general road expense . . . . 157.67 young Dubb. disconsolately. CHIROPRACTORS. A. Main and B. Dean, Props. Medford Iron W orks, general “Why,” replied his sympathetic COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS.! road expense ....................... 489.60 i friend, “what’s the matter, my boy? DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. TA XI. Medford Lum ber Co., general Suite 8. Exam ination Free. No. -iti 22 Have a row?” road expense .................... 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone (Continued From Yesterday.) “No, It iau't that. You see, I’ve Thos. Roseberry. general 213. 136-tf Residence Phone 401. 7.31 j boon saying ao many nice things to road expense ..................... Rawles Moore, district a tto r­ her that she's getting conceited. 1 Southern Pacific Railroad, AMERICAN LEGION T R A N SFE R AND E X PR E SS. ney’s traveling ex p en se.. 122.38 general road expense . . . . 496,83 can’t stop it and I can’t. keep It up.” Shell Company, general road “Can’t, eh? Why not?” T. L. POW ELL— G ENERAL TRANS Total $294.78 road expense ..................... 32.24 (Continued from Page Two) “Well, you see, If 1 keep on she’ll FER — Good team and m otor­ Health UegLstrftlioti Standard Oil Company, gen­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ begin to think site’s too good for me, i Dr. W. S. Cary, health reg­ eral road expense ............ 424.10 and If 1 stop she’ll think 1 don’t care I able price. Phone 83. istration ..............................$ 2.50 ______; the explorer and navigator, Amerigo Timms Cress & Co., general for her any more.*’ FOR PROMPT and careful service Vespucci. The name. America,» for i Dr. W. W. P. Holt, health road expense ..................... 3.85 3.25 W aterhouse & Lester, gener­ Wli,h « ^ ° ; TrUn k8 H° rse ? r ay8’ !o u r continent, had its birth in this j D/ eK}Str w O,\ acobs ’ health An Old Favorite. call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone . 1 n , •’ucons, neaith al road e x p e n s e ................ 639.91 “How did Mr. Grabcoiu enjoy the .75 Pruitt-M yers Motor Co., gen­ 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near tow n- i reStetration' ......................... Hotel Austin. Marshal Foch, who is coming to!O r. T. J. Malmgren, health eral road expense ............ 1.50 concert?” j— ---------- ----------- --------- -------- the u n ite d States this fall to attend f registration ......................... 1.75 Thos. Roseberry, express on “He didn't know what it was all Miss Nellie Reed, health reg FOR SALE— R EAL ESTATE. truck parts, general . . . . 354.65 about at first, but he showed symp­ __; the national convention of the Anter­ istratibn 4.75 toms of life when the prlma donna SACRIFICE SALE— 35 acres on ican Legion at Kansas Cjty, will Dr. F. G. Swjedenburg, health T o ta l.$5439.16 responded to her third encore.” Boulevard, 11 acres in fruit, rest! meet the Americal Legion delegation * registration ......................... 11*75 “Yes?” M edford-Crater Lake Road in barley and alfalfa, 6 room mod­ in --------- France -------------------- this summer. —- He hopes “She sang ‘Annie Laurie.’ He recog­ ern bungalow. Price $7000.00 — • i - Total $ 24.76 Fred Pettigrew , expense on Mrs. Dr. John Weimer, R. F. D. I to entertain them in the old house; C rater Lake road .'......... $362.07 nized that tune as one lie used to G. W. H. Albert, expense on play on the harmonica.”—Birmingham Box 76 250-lm o*, in which he was born. The house is Bushong & Co., dog license C rater L ake road ........... 195.70 Age-Herald. supplies .................. .............$ 43.89 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— E xcel-! in the Pvrennes- and the Legion men Eagle Point Hdwe., expense lent small ranch, four room house. I m ark it with a memorial tablet, Ed Binns, sheep killed by on C rater Lake road . . . . 16.50 dogs ....................................... 30.00 bearing orchard, beautiful loca- The American Farm Bureau l'ed- Gaddis & Dixon, fencing on Medford H arness Co., dog tion. City w ater and light. Good: eration, with more than 1,000,000 C rater Lake road ............ 154.62 collars, etc......................... 30.00 place for chickens, pasture land* Hubbard Bros., expense on for several cows. Good returns members, has joined hands with th e ; Nichols & Ashpole, sheep C rater Lake road ............ 17.85 9.00 on investm ent if properly han­ American Legion in obtaining legis-i killed by d o g s ...................... Wm. Perry, expense on C ra­ x , 7 777 dled. Can use Ashland residence latlon for the relief of disabled sol-, ‘ te r Lake road .................. 297-00 ,. . 11 • Total $112.89 in exchange or part payment. Ad­ dlers of the world war. More than i, ROAD FUND dress J. M., care Tidings. 263-tf 1800 bureaus of the federation have: Total $1*43.74 Road Dist. No. 1 Library Fnnd endorsed the legislative program of | Jack True, payroll Dist. No. FOR SALE. $608.46 Clara Van. Sant, current li­ the Legion, These issues cannot be FOR SALE— Practically new Uni­ brary expense .....................$ 15.00 E n d er’s Dept. Store, expense % Dist No. { .............. 4.07 Clara Van Sant, lib rarian ’s versal hot air furnace suitable fcr pressed too strongly at this time. heating bungalow. Less than half Our disabled comrades are in great salary .................................. 62.50 price. All ready to install Total $612.53 Willie Howard, assistant li­ See need and every effort should be ad- 25.00 • 66-2 vanced toward th eir immediate re- b ra ria n ’s salary ................ Wm. M. Briggs at once. Road Di Mt. No. 2 H. E. W harton, magazines William Bruin, pavroll Dist. FOR SALE— Piano in A-l condition, lief. Aor Gold Hill branch . . . 32.35 i No. 2 .................................. $574.23 Phone 279 or 199,_________ 265-tf o n e of the most impressive cere-j p ra te r Lake Hdwe., expense P rue A. P latt, magazines for 28.20 I Jacksonville branch ......... 22.28 FOR SALE— One Underwood revolv- monies in which the American Le-j Dist. No. 2 ......................... Oregon State Library, post ing duplicator, for m aking ty p e-,g io n delegation to France will par-,'H ubbard Bros., expense Dist. 3.18 j age on library books . . . . 43.51 written copies, $12.50. Cost new. ticipate on their trip will be the la y -1 No 2 .................................. 1 Oregon State Library, freight Medford Concrete Const. Co., ° " e 8eC°,nd ha np b,HCyCle’A i° - »he corner stone of the new 4.031 on library books ............ expense Dist. No. 2 . . . . . . 79.38 Ashland F ruit and Produce Asso- L. A. Mentzer, advertising elation 265-6 bridge to span the Marne at Cha- ¡poster .................................. 6 15 Total $719.40 ---------------------------------------------------- teau-Thierry. The new structure will ] Medford Book Store, books FOR SALE— Singer sewing m achine, fae known ag ..pont Roosevelt„ in : R oad lMst. No. 3 for l i b r a r y ........................... 35.62 in good condition. Price $25. In­ Wm. Perry, payroll Dist. No. quire 540 Holly street, •Ashland, 3 ............................................$ 485.7 5 ! A. C. McClurg & Co., books and express ....................... 26.00 Or. 263-6t* Road D ist. No. 4 0. B. L A M K I N J. K. Gill & Co., library W. M. Tetherow, payroll FOR SALE— March Plym outh Rock books ........................... ......... -53 Dist. No. 4 .....................7. $754.58 cockerels, from B utler Poultry Democrat P rin tin g C o .,. li­ R oad D ist No. 5 BARGAINS IN F arm ; $1.50 and $2. Also some! 6.75 brary supplies .................. F. J. W atson, payroll Dist. R ea l E sta te choice W hite Leghorns. $1.50 each. No. 5 .................................. $149.25 W. C. Clement, subscriptions 30.30 Phone 6 8, Mrs. W. R. Yockey. for Eagle Point ................ Rond D>st. No. « 259-tf A. L. A. Publishing Board, John Walch, payroll Dist. 4.09 1920 booklist books . . . . No. 6 .................................... $203.97 City and Rancb Properties WOOD FOR SALE — Before buying' Road D ist. No. 7 H onsea to i^ent. your w inter’s wood call up 426-Y Total $ 2 79.70 J. M. Allen, payroll Dist. No. for prices. Can contract for f i r , , Bounty 7 ............................................$356.25 pine, oak or m anzanita. O rder' C. W. D avis .............................. $ 25.00 Rond D ist. No. 8 CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING early and avoid the rush and high 3.00 W. F. D e F o r d ......................... W. L. Van Houten, payroll prices. 243-1-mo.* 3.00 Dist. No. 8 ......................... $2783.96 ■ F ran k R. Vasbinder 2.00 i John H. Heckner W. L. Van Houten, erro r on FOR SALE— Wood. See H. S. Lynch SHOO FLY 2.00 : t payroll. Dist. No. 8 . . . 37.00 Ì R- H. Canning before buying your w inter’s sup­ Spray your anim als with Shoo 1 F ran k ,L. O rr 4-00: ply. Phone 12-F-22. 241-lm o.* Fly and keep the flies away. Total $2820.96 BUILDING MATERIAL — Medford Road Dist. No. 9 / Cement Brick and Block Works, ICELESS COOLERS R. B. Vincent, pavroll Dist. specialize in all kinds of building! No. 9 .................................. $360.15 products. Corner F ir and 10th , Use Iceless Cooler and make it pay i R oad D ist. N o. 10. street. 2 2 5 tf f ° r itself in a year in ice bills. L. Goodman, pavroll Düst. No. 10 ..............................$1640.55 New W hite Sewing Machines, al- W ANTED. fo r;Natwlck & Helms, contract ways on hand. Used machines ► payment m arket road (10)5015.00 Call 402- rent. WANTED- -K itchen help. G. W. H erriott. work Dist. 265-3 ! R after 6:30. No. 10 ................................ 24.00 Leon Offenbacker, work. WANTED— To rent 5 room furnished house or bungalow. Tel. 447-Y. Dist. No. 1 0 ......................... 21.00 i 264-6* J. B. Pardee, work Dist. No. 10 ......................................... 34.66 ‘ BOARDERS WANTED— By week or C. M. Ruch, expense m arket single meals served a t meal hours. road (Dist. No. 10) ___ 3.55 Hotel Bell. 4th S t . 2 5 1 - l m o * Aris Throckm orton, expense m arket road (Dist. No. 10) 27.00 FOR R E N T . ! J. E. Thorndike, work Dist. No. 10 .................................. 70.50 FOR RENT— Furnished apartm ent. i David Dorn, work m arket All conveniences. Tel. 414-R. f road (Dist. No. 10) ......... 77.50 265-3* B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L We Have Just Received A New a litti J s sprayed on flowers will keep them (fresh and lovely for a long time. Get a reel of our first quality garden hose and keep your flowers, fruits, vegetables and lawn healthy and thriving. And we help in the fffo rt to make gardening pay by chargiug the least we can for garden accessories. S I M P S O N ’S An Utz & Dunn HARDW ARE < ON FIDEXT1AL RELATH>NS The wise man takes his banker into his confidence, knowing that estab­ lished credit is a valuable asset. If you don’t know where you stand financially, or what your assets are. a frank talk with the F irst Na­ tional may save you time and worry. All facilities of the modern well- equipped bank are at your service here. / w Cut $3.25 Pine Cord W ood PER TIER Made on a Combination Last Good For Cook Stoves Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ I n th e H e a r t o f T o w n ” Pcil’s Corner Two Kinds of Women THE C IT IZ E N S BANK OFASHLAND Total $6913.76 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE— Seven acre; place with four room modern house, three acres fru it in bear­ ing. Can use Ashland residence close in In full or p art payment. ■ Address A. G., care Tidings. 263-tf I LOST. LOST— Last Sunday, between Ash­ land and Green Spring mountain, one sack containing four pairs of i shoes and clothing. Finder re- ! tu rn to 150 Sixth street. 266-6* Road D ist. No. 1 1 P. A HIGH STANDARD of banking service is at all times THE m aintained by CITIZENS OF ASHLAND, BANK assuring a banking connection that CHICHESTER S PILLS W is em inently satisfactory. ' M E IMAUOX1» BRAND. A I .a d lr .1 A uk y o u r l> r u z < l.t for Z A C b l^ h e » .( « r a D ia m o n d l t r a n d / / V j I’lll» in R e d and V o id m e t a l,¡ A V I boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. x^Z T ak e bo other. B oy o f y .n r V K n u V 't. A sk forC lll.C ires.T E R 8 .D IA M O N D liK A N D P I L E S , f t « 5 Accounts If you haven’t the cash, your property can be sold to get it. Don’t risk your house, your bank account, your business. Let a first class automobile policy stand between your worldly goods and the result of th at possible accident. DO IT NOW. A few dollars today may save you a few thousand tonight. Billings Agency R eal E sta te and R eal Insurance Estab. 1883 P h on e 211 <1 E ast Main E know a woman, wlu# wbvn «lu4 needs io purchase necessary things for tlbe home or the family puts (di her shopping costume, da Its a hit of powder on her nose and sallies forth. street She shops one here and Road D ist. No. lit H. L. Gregory, work Dist. No. 13 .................................. $110.25 F. J. W atson, work Dist. No. 13 ................................•. . . . 52.8» B ig’ Pines Lum ber Co., ex­ pense Dist. No. 13 . . . . . . 24.50 Total $187.64 R oad D ist. No. 14 ed. E. Peil„ payroll Dist. No. 14 . $408.50 years known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable If you were carrying $5,000 or more of cash in your car you’d w ant to have it insured. But are you not driving your car, with about all of your prop­ erty exposed? If you injure a man, and he obtains a damage verdict against you, you’ve got to pay it. Total $668.94 R oad Dist. No. 12 • J. L. Rowe, payroll Dist. No. j 12 ......................................... $948.45 cordially invit- up th er e chases and and down another limiting and li-un-t-i n g. When she gets home she is j-a-z-z-y and j a-d-e-d. She feeb all mussed up mentally and physically. G eneral R oads SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Don’t Expose Your Property to Loss L. Freed, payroll Dist. No. 11 ................................$650.89 Hubbard Bros., expense Dist. ! No. 11 .................................. 3.25 i Medford Furh. & Hdwe., ex­ pense Diet. No. 1 1 ........... 14.80 J < f ON SAVINGS! l 4-7 oup > DEPOSITS p h ----- Jack Thrasher, payroll gen­ eral roads ........................... $539.60 Tlios. Roseberry, payroll gen­ eral roads ......................... 919.70 Thos. Roseberry. general road expense ..................... 168.34 J. 'D. Adams & Co., general road expense ................X ; Billings Car & Auto Works. s=aeBea—e a-'JL - i - ■ . . . ssea-ga———= WOOD SPECIAL We know another who lias learned the art of reading the advertisements liefore she starts out. She finds out wliat she wants and where to get i t Then she goes s t r a ig h t dow n to w n - and i right to the store that has IT. We can furnish good wood at $6.75 per cord; now while we can deliver cars and ean save you hauling expense. slab order from extra Also mill trim m ing a t $7.00 per load and mill blocks at $7.50 per load. Ashland Lumber Co. PHONE 20. COr. CAbrtitu Summer Fuel Brown Kid Oxford Chestnut Brown Color W ater In this way she saves time, money and effort and comes home fresh as a daisy and ready to get friend husband a good dinner instead of taking him to the cafeteria. Which one are you ?