Á 8H L Á N 0 B À i t ï T ìb b iÒ S . PAGE T U O T h urtda}, July IS, 1 M Í «SH Ashland -^3> Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday TH E ASHLA OFFICIAL PRINTER’S DEVIL By Charles Sughroe Boil ’Er Down, Boss! • w. Except PRINTING CITY AND PA PE R AffCKZE, THE CO. COUNTY TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price D elivered in City ' One m onth ......................................I .65 T hree m onths ................................. 1.95 Six months .................................. 3.75 One y e a r ........................... ' ......... 7.50 Mail «ml Hural R outes. One month ................................... I Three months .............................. Six months .................................. One y e a r .................. .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 ADVERTISING RATES: Display A dvertising Single insertion, each in c h . . . . . ,30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A d vertising One tim e a w e e k ...................... 27?4c f’wo tim es a w eek.................... 25c Every other d a y ......................... 20c Loral Readers. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for one ' month, each line, each t i m e . . . . 7c To in n every issue for one month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c Classified Column. One cent the word each tithe. To run every issue for one month or more, %c the word each time. hours and compare nbtes of happen­ ings oversea«. The constitution committee of the- W omen’s Auxiliary to the American ASHLAND, OREGON j Legion met at the* home of Mrs. Don | M. Spencer at 620 Iowa street, last G lenn E . Sim pson, P o st Com m ander. Thursday evening, where they com- ! H. G. W oloott, Vice-Com m ander. piled the constitution and bylaws un­ Ralph H adfield, H istorian. L egal R ate: W m. H olm es, T reasurer. der which they will operate. First Time, per $ point line . . . . 10c Donald Spencer, A djutant and L egion E ditor. Two hundred and fiftv members Each subsequent time, per S point of the American Legion, headed by l i n e .................. .........................5c Past N ational Commander Fraukjin Card of Thanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2% cents the line. Commander (¡lenn E. Simpson and do not w rite letters to the com m is-’ resolution approving the state bonus D’Olier, and representing every state F ra tefh a l Orders and Societies. A djutant Don M. Spencer have re- »ion or a n y . departm ent asking foi law commission and granting o u r i an<1 ever-v branch of service, will sail Advertising for fratern al orders . . „ u g en e, O r, r., w h e re they inform ation. It will only delay the heartiest support to make the opera-1 tor France August 3 on a pilgrim age, or societies charging a regular initi­ tu rn e d from E ; work, and lull publicity will be given tion of the law beneficial and e f-jto th e form er battle zone of the ' ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be have been in attendance at the state ( wfaen thfiy &re reftdy for operatlons. fective. Two resolutions concerning world war. charged the regular rate for all ad convention of the American Legion. We ,nust remember th a t there is a the K lam ath m arsh lands, urging i The pilgrimage is at thé instance I vertising when an admission or other departm ent of Oregon. great deal of work attached to such th eir developm ent by the U nited1 of President Millerand, who on be- charge is made. About 200 delegates from all parts a new undertaking. The county States and opening for entry to ex- half of the French government, In- Wiuit C on stitu tes A dvertising! boards m ust be appointed and or­ service men. . vited the American Legion to send of Oregon, were assembled in con­ In o rder,to allay a m isunderstand­ ganized and applications prepared, a representative delegation of former- ing among some as to what consti­ vention which started Friday m orn­ The election of departm ent offi- tutes news and what advertising, ing, July 1, and continued on until land to be appraised and titles to bei ! service men to attend the unveiling we print this very simple rule whicn Saturday afternoon and evening, examined. The American Legion will cers for the year was a point of ¡of the FUery monument and to par- considerable excitement and in ter­ is used by newspapers to differin- a tiate between them : “ ALL future July 2. July 3 there was an a u to jb e in close touch with every phase est. Comrade Lane (B lue) Goodell i tlcipate in a series of events planned events, where an admission charge trip up the McKenzie river for a l l 1 of the work and will endeavor to of Portland, was elected departm ent especially for the Americans. is made or a collection is taken delegates and friends. A bountlous keep its members nnd all other ex- The Fliery monument at Fliery. IS ADVERTISING." This applies to barbacue and banquet was s p re a d ! service men informed in order that commander. Commander W illiam j France, is a trib u te of the citizens organizations and societies of every under the trees near the fish hatch- ’ we may he of greatest ass stance to Gilbert of Astoria retiring as second j kind us well us to individuals. past departm ent commander. Com-, of th a t town and Lorraine, to the ery. More than 1200 persons w ire the state and to our comrades. Don’t All reports of such activities after rade George A. Codding of Medfordj valor of the American troops who w rite to the commission, bother us they have occurred is news. served at this banquet. When it was elected departm ent vice com-' delivered th eir soil from German oc- All coming social or organization comes to a feed. Lane County Dost instead, we won’t mind it a hit. m ander, having defeated Dr. R. F. cupation. Fliery is in the old Toul meetings of societies where no money The reports of the departm ent ad- Pound of Salem for the office. Ed sector, and was once the regim ental contribution is solicited, initiation No. 3, under the generalship of Cap- charged, or collection taken is NEWS. tain "P u g ” Huntley as chef, we will ju ta n t and the departm ent finance , J. Elvers was re-elected as depart- headquarters of several American d i-1 gladly take off our hats to. We officer show th a t the American Le- i m ent ad ju tan t, having defeated Oli- visions. W e m ak e ».’! q u o ta tio n s on This delegation will also visit the knew Captain Huntley was a good gion, departm ent of Oregon, is sound j ver B. Houston of P ortland by nine j o t : WORK battle-torn town of St. Die, well cook, but he surely outclassed him- as a dollar. votes. Comrade Houston is well from self in this venture. Mr. Cash Wood of the federal vo- known to many followers of state known to Americans who served on THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. The first part of the convention j cational training board and Roy Tay- athletics, and a high honor student the old Luneville front. In St. D ie , Same prices— Reasonable P ric e - was taken up with organization and lor of the bureau of w ar risk insur- of the University of Oregon and Yale alsoMived the Alsatian, W aldsee M ul-, to all. ler, whose suggestion it was th a t the the appointm ent of working com ance were both in attendance and university. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon mittees. A fter this was accomplished . gave us most interesting statistics western continent take the name of There was much entertainm ent Postoffice as Second Class Ma' the assembled legionaires were a d -, regarding the progress made by their during the entire convention, leav­ M atter. (Continued on Page Three) dressed by Mr. O. H. Foster, who is, respective departm ents. We are more ing the delegates no tim e for r e s t; FORTY-THREE MILLION LIVES the city attorney for Eugene. Mr. I than ever convinced th a t these two any place. Base ball, boxing, air-; Foster welcomed the legionaires to ! departm ents m ust' be under one plane displays, motorcycle races, pa-| ATTRACTIVE Lost to World Through the Great the city and informed the boys that head for proper functioning. Under rades, and best of all was the barba-1 War, According to Figures Given the police had been directed to turn the present system it takes entirely cue and fishing trip up the McKen­ by Statistician. their back when they saw the of­ too long to get proper relief for our zie river.* FA LL STYLES ficial cap appear. His address was disabled comrades, and our national A study of the different sta tistic s of Last Tuesday evening A djutant and much appreciated by all present. hospital facilities are so poor th at the actual ami potential loss of life Don M. Spencer entertained one of FA LL PR IC ES Following this address. Comman­ hundreds of our comrades do not get his old buddies to a sight-seeing ride due to the recent w ar reveals the fact H ave arrived a t tltut about forty-three million lives der Gilbert, departm ent of Oregon, proper care. over the valley. Sergeant H. S. Con- have been lost to the world eith er di­ responded as only Comrade G 'lbert The convention was unanim ous in Made b y Pos turn C ereal Co., Inc. rectly from tlie w ar or front causes is capable. It was, indeed, a most the expression urging im m ediate re­ at, w’ho is now a railway mail clerk Battle Creek, Michigan. running from Portland, was registry Tailors for men and women induced by it, R ichard P. Strong, M. stirring and pept'ul exposition of the lief by our national congress for the sergeant in A. P. O. 717 a t Tours, D„ w rites in the North A m erican R e­ You are invited for a look view. These losses a re m ade up of, innermost feelings of all ex-service disabled veterans and the construe- ! France. It is great sport for such men. tion of sufficient hospitalization t o | felk>W8 to get together {or a lew first, approxim ately 13.1(00,000 deaths Our national a d ju tan t major, Lem­ care for them . In many states it i s , - - - which occurred in the m ilitary serv­ ice ; secondly, n su rplus m ortality uel Bolles, was present and gave us reported by Mr. Taylor our com -' above th at which occurred in normal a most interesting account of the rades, who are tem porarily unsound tim es in the civilian populations workings of our national headquar- of mind, owing to shell shock and am ounting to approxim ately 10,000,000, ters at Indianapolis, and also a few j th e effects of gas, must be cared for due t o epidem ic and other diseases, privation, hardship, physical exhaus­ very personal touches of the life ol i in the state institutions for the fee- tion, uttd sim ilar c a u s e s ; and thirdly, our late national commander, F. W. | ble minded or insane asylums. This a poten tial loss of 20,000,000 lives Galbraith. Colonel G albraith’s la s t! Is deemed a very poor practice on ac- due to the decreased birth frequency message to the American Legion was count of th e fact th a t these men are below th at which occurred under nor­ “Carry on. and free our disabled ! perfectly rational more than half the mal conditions before th e w ar. The com rades.” i time. D uring th e ir rational periods adult m ule population In many E uro­ Rev. Inzer, of Tennessee, our m - it m ust be exceedingly depressing to pean countries has been reduced by trout 14 to 20 per cent. T he figures of tional chaplain, addressed the cor.- them to find themselves confined Alonzo T a j lor show us th a t there a re vention on the subject of American-1 with those who are perm anently un- betw een 50,000,000 and 60,000,000 peo­ ism. Chaplain Inzer is one of th e i sound of mind. ple in E urope who have lost their most torceful speakers it, has been a cable message from Past Depart- p rew ar occupations owing to the fact o u r p riv ile g e to h e a r, a n d every ,nPnt Commander William B. Fol- th a t the m arkets for th eir products word carried a real message show- lette who is traveling in Europe, was no longer exist, having been changed Comrade Fol- or taken aw ay from them by other ing the beauty of pure, unadulter- read ¡n convention. It is our h o p eijg tte was o u r first departm ent com- countries. Many of these people have a te d A m ericanism . or soon will become refugees In Eu­ that we may yet obta'n this address j m ander for Oregon. .» ... . . . rope. among which class of people not fo ^ m b lic atio n . ... , Many resolutions w ere-adopted by only poverty and hardship, but also (Toveinor Olcott gave ns a detail- ' the convention, included among them disease alw ays reigns, resulting in a ed account of the progress and work- ! ldgh increase in death ra te and de­ mgs of the new veterans state aid were those giving credit to the American Legion for their splendid crease In birth rate. act. The . state J commission ... hils been work In favor of thp state aid bill, Any Spring Coat one-half P ric:—Ladies Suits 25 per cent to 59 per cent discount. »ppolnted and will assemble for work . an<| show tl(e i Friday, July 9. This commission Every W aist or Blouse 10 per cent or more off. of Oregon our deepest appreciation will complete the organization of the for th eir support of said m easure. Silk Dresses reduced 10 to 50 per cent—Summer Underwear 10 per cent off. I working force necessary for success­ A resolution granting our comrade, ful operation of the enorm ous task . r., • siin and Silk Underwear Reduced. . „ Georges C arpentier of France, our before it. Governor Olcott says that i . . . . . . . „ '' , . sym pathetic support and best wishes Laces and Embroideries 10 per cent to 50 per cent discount—Wool Dress goods 20 to 50 per he feels th a t th s is bv far the b ig -1 ¡„ > • i „ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . in his boxing contenst with Jack gest task th a t he has had before , CHOCOLATE cent discount A J Deminsey, ot doubtful service. A him. He has not precedent to to1- ___ VANILLA V.’nite Goods and Figured Voiles all reduced. STRAW BER RY low and must pave the way for him-i AL.YPLE NUT self. However, he is very cheerful j Bleached Muslin, 12 1-2—19—22 1-2—25c—Curtain Goods and Draperies 10 per cent disc over the prospect as he believes the One Lot Dress Ginghams, 19c benefit vyill be more far reaching than was even hoped at first. Sport Silk Skirts, $9.75------Jersey Jackets, now $6.95 Governor Olcott requests th a t we Ashland Post, No. Í4. WOOD In order to m ake room we are offering Slab Wood at $2.75 per tier Cash with Order Ashland Lumber Co., Phone 20 P l a y t i m e s E ch o - “M other, I ’m H u n g ry II J 4 « o y The answer is ready instantly A . h e a p in g how l o f P ost T oastie with cream or m ilk — and childish appetite could ask nothing more delicious or satisfying P o st Toasties are the toasted perfection ol selected white corn Order by name to get the bestof all corn flakes A t Grocers Everywhere! Fall W oolens We sell Brick Ice Cream EK-KO CARBON REMOVER Ashland Creamery East Side Market UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We solicit your patronage. We handle only the best of Meats, kept in refrigerated glass eases, under absolutely sani­ tary conditions. You can see them for yourself. Also handle Fresh Fish on Thursday and Friday C. A. Pauley & Company Successors to .Jus. Barrett Phone 188 Ashland — for— GASOLINE ENGINES MOTOR CARS MOTORCYCLES, ETC. Absolutely harmless. Removes carbon from pistons and cylin­ der heads. Cleans spark plugs. Saves repair bills. One Lot Selling Fast—the DRESS GINGHAMS SILK HOSE 19c PERCALES at $1.50 Light or Dark 20c DEVONSHIRE JA P CREPE MORE POW ER G REA TER EFFICIEN CY CLOTH Special from its use Money w 11 he refunded if not found satisfactory after thorough trial. 35c special 35c Bridal Long Cloth 19 to 29c Bridal Cambric 22 to 33 l-3c Briday Nainsook 22 to 48c Bleached Muslin 12 1-2 to 25c GOODS